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From Ashes (Heathens Ink Book 3) by K.M. Neuhold (23)

Chapter 23


Gage is at the front desk settling with a cute guy whose lipstick is totally on point. The poor guy is flirting his little heart out and receiving no reaction from Gage. I’ve been trying to work up my courage all morning and I’ve decided as soon as this guy is gone I’m going for it.

“I hope I’ll see you around,” the guy says, lingering, clearly hoping Gage will ask for his number or show any sign of interest. Poor guy.

“Uh, sure, if you want more ink you know where to find me,” Gage responds in a detached way.

Lipstick man’s face falls but he recovers quickly enough and sashay’s out the door with a swing in his hips, sure to let Gage know what he just turned down.

“Hey, can we talk?” I ask once it’s the two of us.

Gage looks at me, eyes weary.

“Sure,” he sighs after a minute.

“How about we go grab a drink after work and talk? I’ll meet you over at O’Malley’s?”

Gage nods and I turn to head back down the hallway.


My skin prickles with that being watched feeling that’s become a constant in my life recently.

I shift on my feet and lean back against the side of the bar, just next to the dark mouth of the alley. I hope it wasn’t a mistake to ask Gage here to talk. What if I’m overstepping a boundary in his and Adam’s friendship?

The click of a lighter coming from the alley sends a shiver down my spine. I could almost swear for a second I can smell Harrison’s cologne and I gag a little.

Without warning a pair of arms wrap around me. One going around my middle, the other around my neck.

I immediately start to buck and kick but I’m no match for whoever the man is dragging me into the secluded alley. I refuse to believe what my panicked brain is telling me as I struggle for air against the arm tightening around my windpipe. It can’t be Harrison. It can’t be Harrison.

My head swims as I gasp fruitlessly. For the second time in less than two years I’m positive I’m about to die. The difference is this time I desperately want to live. 

As my mind gets fuzzy and foggy I picture Adam the way he looked yesterday morning, all sleepy and happy with his arms holding me close in bed. If one more year was all the time I could have, I’m glad I at least got Adam. If nothing else I’ll die knowing what it feels like to be loved.




No matter which way I come at it I can’t wrap my mind around Adam being into guys. I thought we shared everything.

How many hours did I spend gutting myself open in front of him as I’ve mourned for Johnny? How many times when we were teenagers did we talk about people at school who we thought were hot? He could’ve told me. It would’ve been a simple statement to make.

I came out to him when we were sixteen for fuck sake. He couldn’t have told me then? Or literally any day in the twelve years since?

And then to find out he’s been secretly dating our roommate for months? What the fuck is that?

I can’t decide which pain is gnawing harder in my gut; the betrayal or the crippling loneliness that comes with the realization that my best friend is in love with someone and I’m going to lose him.

Then guilt rears up and joins the mix. There’s no reason Adam shouldn’t get to find someone to make him happy just because I’m too broken to ever love again.

I don’t know why I agreed to talk to Nox before smoothing things out with Adam. I guess part of me wants to vet him like a best friend should. Is he good enough for Adam? It’s a moot point now, seeing that they’re already in love. But it feels like the right thing to do in the situation.

I stride down the street toward the bar, trying to decide what I’m going to say to Nox. Maybe I should call Adam and tell him to meet us.

I need to apologize to him. I need to pull my head out of my ass. I need to congratulate my best friend.

Now I’m thinking about it Adam has been noticeably happier lately. I didn’t entertain the idea he could be seeing someone because he never dated. Not serious dating anyway. He fucked around with girls like Kira, but he never showed any real interest.

As I near the bar there’s a weird shift in the air. I pause and glance around, trying to place the eerie feeling that has my hair standing on end.

The sound of scuffling comes from the alley beside the bar so I creep closer to check if it’s just a couple getting frisky or something more heinous.

What I see freezes my blood in my veins and kickstarts my heart.

Nox is limp with a strange man’s arm around his throat. Nox’s face is purplish red as the man squeezes the life out of him.

I don’t have time to stop and consider a course of action. I can’t remember how long the brain can be deprived of oxygen before brain damage occurs, but I don’t think it’s long.

Without a second thought I grab a large rock off the ground and lunge at the man.

He’s too distracted to notice me so my blow lands hard and precise right to the back of his head.

The first impact is enough to get him to release his grip on Nox, whose body crumples to the ground.

I raise my arm and bring the rock down a second time just as the man spins around to face me, and I get him in the side of the head.

He goes down beside Nox.

I drop to my knees and check for a pulse on Nox before whipping out my phone.

9-1-1, what is your emergency?”

“I need help. My friend was attacked outside of the bar, O’Malley’s. Please hurry.”





A loud pounding on the door startles me awake. I rub my eyes, trying to get my bearings. I must’ve fallen asleep on the couch when I got home from work. I slept for shit last night, worried about how I would fix things with Gage.

“Coming,” I mutter loudly as I run my hands through my hair quickly and then head for the door.

My stomach plummets when I see Cas standing there in his police uniform looking concerned.

“Is Nox here?” Cas asks.

“No, why?” I choke out, terrified of what could possibly bring a police officer to my doorstep asking about Nox.

“I got a hit off the fingerprints on the lighter you found in your mailbox. It matched to three unsolved murders of prostitutes in Chicago. Two females and one male.”

“Holy shit,” I gasp. “It’s his fucking ex, it has to be.”

Cas nods in agreement and before I can even turn to slip my shoes on so we can go in search of Nox to make sure he’s safe, my phone starts to ring in my pocket. An inexplicable feeling of dread washes over me when I see Gage calling.


“Adam,” Gage’s voice sounds broken. “You need to come to the hospital.”

“What?” I gasp, my heart thundering in my chest. “Are you okay?”

“It’s not me, it’s Nox.”

“I’ll be right there.”

I fumble my phone as I try to shove it in my pocket. My hands are shaking too badly. Cas stoops down and picks it up and hands it back to me.

“It’s Nox…”

Cas’ face hardens.

“Let’s go, I’ll drive.”

Even with Cas putting on his siren and hauling ass to the hospital it’s not fast enough to calm my anxiety. Gage would’ve said if Nox was…

Why the fuck didn’t I ask him?

It may be nothing more than a sprained ankle. But my gut is telling me it’s much more serious. It’s too much of a coincidence that Nox would end up in the hospital just as Cas is telling me Nox may be in real danger.

Please let him be okay.

Cas pulls his car right up to the entrance and lets me out.

“I’ll meet you in there,” he assures me.

I don’t bother to acknowledge him I just jump out and run for the door.

“I’m here for Lennox Dalton,” I say as soon as I reach the triage desk.

“And you are?” the nurse asks in a bored voice.

“I’m his boyfriend.”

“I’m sorry, family only.”

“He doesn’t have any family,” I snap “I’m his family.”

“Adam.” Gage’s voice breaks through my angry haze.

“Is he okay? What happened?” I ask, hoping Gage can at least give me some idea what the fuck is going on before I lose my mind.

I take in my best friend, looking pale in the florescent lights of the hospital waiting room, and clearly shaken. This does little to calm my concerns.

“Some guy attacked him. He was choking Nox and Nox was unconscious. I knocked the guy out and called an ambulance. No one would tell me if Nox is okay. What if I was too late?”

I put my arms around my best friend and pull him close.

“He’s going to be fine. He has to be.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince myself or Gage. Maybe both of us.

“You and I both know life doesn’t work that way, as much as we wish it did,” Gage says against my shoulder as he hugs me tighter.

Over Gage’s shoulder I see Cas walk in with an authoritative posture and approach the front desk.

“I need some information on Lennox Dalton.”

I hold my breath, praying for some insight into Nox’s condition.

“I’ll let the doctor know,” the nurse offers.

Before she can return with information two men in suits walk in and my eye catches on the police shields they have on their belts.

“Bratton,” one of the men greets Cas with a smile. “What are you doing here? Thought you were off for the night.”

“Yeah, my friend here needs to find out about his injured boyfriend so I thought I’d help out. You aren’t by chance here about Lennox Dalton?”

“As a matter of fact, we are. Just got a call that his attacker is awake and cleared to be brought in for questioning. Last we were told the, Lennox, was still unconscious but stable.”

A small amount of tension leeches from my shoulders. The detectives are here to question the man I can only assume is Nox’s scumbag ex. Hopefully Nox will get justice this time.

“There’s an open harassment case for Nox that came back with fingerprints tied to a few unsolved murders in Chicago. Just a heads up I’m guessing the perp is our guy.”

The detectives nod with determination and then head down the hall toward the patient rooms.

“Is it bad that he’s still unconscious?” I ask no one in particular.

“Adam Truman,” a nurse calls out.

“That’s me. Is it Nox? Is he awake?”

“He’s awake and asking for you.”

“Oh thank fuck.” My knees nearly give way from the relief flooding my body.

As soon as I’m let into Nox’s room the first place my eyes land is his neck where purple bruises are forming.

“Holy shit,” I gasp. “Are you okay, Bird?” I rush to his side and gently take his hand.

Aside from his neck I’m not seeing any other outward signs of injury.

“Been worse,” he rasps and then gives what I’m sure is meant to be a reassuring smile.

“I was so scared, Bird.” I whisper in a strained voice.

Nox lets out a quiet, hoarse laugh.

“Oh please, I’m a phoenix baby, destruction only makes me stronger. You should know that by now.”

“God, I fucking love you.”

“Love you,” Nox’s voice becomes more strained with each word and his eyelids droop. I’m guessing they gave him something for the pain that’s making him tired.

“You look tired, Bird. Why don’t you rest. I’m going to let Gage know you’re doing alright. He’s pretty worried, too.”

Nox nods and falls back into the pillow. I lean over and brush a kiss against his forehead. I breath in deeply filling my lungs with Nox. I’m not a religious man but I send up a silent thanks to any deity that might want to take the credit for saving Nox’s life for a second time since I’ve known him, and no doubt countless times before that.

When I step back out into the hall Cas and Gage are waiting.

Now that I’m clear-headed I’m able to appreciate what Gage did for Nox tonight.

I grab my best friend in a fierce hug and crush him against me.

“You saved his life. I’ll never be able to thank you enough. I don’t know what I would’ve done…”

“Of course I helped him. I don’t need you to thank me.”

“I’m sorry for lying to you. I’ve been carrying around guilt over this for so many years. It spiraled. Every day I didn’t tell you the truth it got harder. I never meant to hurt you.”

“I know,” Gage pats my back. “Let’s forget about it. I love you man, I want you to be happy and I’m glad you found a guy who’s right for you.”

“Thank you.”

“I guess I better start looking for a new place to live, huh?” Gage says sadly, pulling back from the hug.

“What? Why?”

“You and Nox are all couple-y now. You don’t need me cramping your style. It’s past time anyway. I’ve been leaning on you way too long. You deserve to have a life that doesn’t revolve around your mopey best friend.”

“My life will always revolve around my mopey best friend” I counter.

“Nah, you’ve got your man now. Go be happy. I’ll still be here, I’ll just be trying to prop myself up for a change.”




I shift in the stiff hospital bed, trying in vain to get comfortable. I’ve only been here one day but I’m ready to go home.

There’s a tap on the door and then it opens. Cas steps in, looking me over with concern.

“How’re you feeling?”

“Awesome,” I rasp quietly.

“Oh, shit, save your voice,” Cas insists, pulling a chair up beside my bed.

“Did you get him?” I have to know. Harrison needs to go to prison for what he did. He needs to be locked away so he can’t do it to anyone else. 

“He’s in custody,” Cas confirms. “We’re looking at him for more than his attack on you. His fingerprints tie him to three murders of prostitutes in Chicago.”


“Amanda Viecelli, Jenna Thompson, and Josh Vasquez.”

“Amanda?” I bolt up in bed, the motion causing me to become immediately light headed. I can’t have heard him right.

“Yes, did you know her?”

“She was my best friend.” I feel a tear rolling down my cheek.

“I’m so sorry. Did you know…?”

“I knew she died,” I confirm.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know why he targeted you, or her. But, I promise you’ll have justice.”

“Thank you.” I reach out and squeeze Cas’ hand in thanks.

“Don’t mention it.” 


Madden is the next one to visit, looking pale and stricken.

“God, Nox, I am so fucking sorry. You have no idea. I will never be able to forgive myself,” he says as he eases into the chair beside my bed.

I cock my head in question, trying to save my voice and avoid the pain of talking if I can.

“I convinced you that you weren’t being followed. I told you it was all in your head. I projected my PTSD onto you and because of that you didn’t trust your gut about your ex stalking you.”

I wave him off and then open my arms for a hug. It’s not Madden’s fault. I’m sure I do have PTSD, but it also feels good to be validated that I was being stalked.

Over the next two days all my friends visit me in the hospital. Friends. I have friends. I’m alive, and I have a boyfriend, a job, and friends.

Life couldn’t get any better than this.




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