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Frost: Hot and Cold Book 2 by Märit Nilsson (12)



After taking a deep breath as if to center himself, Joel entered the building of Lucas’ office. On his walk over there, he had been going over and over what he was going to say. After being so fed up with living in New York, he could hardly believe he was actually going to ask Lucas if they could stay longer. As in over a year to allow Mason to graduate high school here and not have to move to San Diego. Most of their problems seemed to be tied to that infernal case, but Joel had to admit he had no idea what a normal workload for Lucas would be. Didn’t lawyers usually work all night? What if he convinced Lucas to do this and then ended up hating every second of it and just wanted to go home? Then again both Lucas and his mom seemed to think this was extreme. Since he had started coaching, he wasn’t as lonely as before either. Perhaps there was a way to make this work. They only had to remember to talk to each other. 

Still, were they as a couple even ready for a thing like this? Taking care of Mason was perhaps not as time-consuming as caring for a younger child, but they would take on the role of his primary caretakers for quite some time. Sure, Mason was a good kid, but he was still a kid. Taking Mason in wasn’t like taking in a cat or a dog. He couldn’t simply change his mind if things didn’t go as planned. Right now, he didn’t even have a plan, just a wild idea. He also needed Lucas to be on board for this as well.

When he came to the reception, one of the usual efficient-looking women smiled at him and waved him past her, indicating with her hand she was on the phone. Joel nodded in recognition and went inside, heading for Lucas’ office. As he approached the room, he could hear Pierce’s voice. Sighing internally, he steeled himself and knocked once before entering. Pierce was standing by Lucas’ desk, hovering over his shoulder, and they appeared to be reading some documents spread out over his desk.

“Oh, Joel! I wasn’t expecting you today!” Lucas’ obvious joy and beaming smile made Joel feel better about seeing Pierce so close to his boyfriend. “Don’t tell me I forgot another lunch..?” He looked at his watch and frowned.

“No, I just needed to talk to you about something. If you’re busy, I can wait.”

“We were just going over a transcript of a deposition, preparing questions for the witness. Nothing important.” Lucas waved him forward.

Pierce snorted. 

“No, only a million-dollar lawsuit riding on our work. No biggie…”

“We can take five minutes…” Lucas rolled his eyes slightly at Pierce.

“Yes, yes.” Pierce waved dismissively at Lucas. Then his eyes lit up and he grinned at them. “Besides, we need to plan our night out! Good thing we can be a bit late to work on Thursday…” Pierce turned towards Joel, giving him a once over. Suddenly, Joel wished he had worn something other than his worn jeans and a flannel shirt. Compared to Pierce, he looked decidedly scruffy. “So, Joel. I hope you’re prepared for some serious dancing? I’m afraid it might be a bit different from what you’re used to. I can’t promise you any beer on tap and Bon Jovi.” He smiled sweetly. “And some advice from me to you, a flannel shirt will be a bit underdressed for what we have in mind.”

Lucas snorted and shook his head.

“Pierce, don’t be mean! Joel is perfectly fine as he is. He would drive any guy or girl nuts. You’re just jealous.” The protest was given with a smile, though, making Joel’s anger flare ever so slightly. He managed to keep his mouth shut and suddenly an idea formed in his head. Janet’s words about him showing Lucas what he stood to lose crossed his mind and he knew just what to do. Revenge would be sweet. He would show them; mostly Pierce but also Lucas seemed to deserve it.

“Ok, I’ll get some coffee and leave you two lovebirds alone. Only for a moment though, so behave!” Pierce waltzed out of the office. Lucas left his desk and came up to Joel, standing so close Joel could feel the heat from his body.

“Hi, babe. What did you want to talk to me about?”

Deciding now wasn’t the best time to have the full conversation about Mason, Joel opted to only discuss the most pressing matter.

“I talked to Mason’s stepdad. He’s OK with Mason staying at our place for the week and that we talk things over this weekend. Is that OK with you?” He tried to read Lucas’ reaction and was relieved when he smiled and nodded.

“Of course, if you think it’s for the best. You know that kid, I don’t.”

“Maybe you’ll get to know him…?” He couldn’t help giving Lucas at least a hint, even if it was hard to understand.

“With my workload right now, I don’t even have time to see you.” Sighing, Lucas pulled him into a hug.

“You said it yourself, it’s temporary. Besides, don’t you have a break over Christmas?” Being close to Lucas and breathing in his scent made Joel wish they could go home right now.

“Yes, but he’ll be gone by then. Luckily, since I’m planning things that will be loud…” The wicked smile on Lucas’ lips gave Joel a good idea what he was thinking about.

Joel blushed at the thought of himself moaning and screaming as Lucas had his way with him. He hadn’t thought about his own noise level when in action. Perhaps having a kid in the guest room for over a year was a very bad idea…?

At that moment, Pierce showed up and after discussing when and where they would meet for their night out, Joel said goodbye. When he saw Pierce wave somewhat teasingly at him as he stood next to Lucas at the desk, Joel was even more determined to show that moron he wasn’t some country rube unfit for the bars of New York. He had the perfect plan.

When he got home, he only had time to change and then head for the rink. As he came in, he saw Mason was already on the ice. He waved him over.

“Derek says you can stay with us during the week and then we’ll discuss things properly this weekend if that’s OK with you?”

Mason’s eyes lit up and he broke into a huge smile. He threw his arms around Joel, a bit awkwardly reaching over the boards.

“Thank you…” The murmured words gave Joel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside and he squeezed back. Then he patted Mason on the back.

“Ok, back to your warm-up!”

After a couple of sweaty hours, they were walking home together. It felt right somehow and Joel found himself thinking this could be a regular thing. He and Mason discussing things from practice, with Joel giving him a few extra pointers and Mason telling him about school. He liked the idea of being able to be there for this kid. Provided of course both Mason and Lucas thought it was a good idea. He realized he shouldn’t let his imagination run away with him. This wasn’t a done deal yet.

That evening, the mood between Joel and Lucas was more relaxed than it had been in weeks, perhaps even months. Joel was on the verge of bringing up Mason and his possible future living arrangements, but then he remembered what had happened in the office earlier that the day. He wanted to see Lucas’ reaction to his plan before he set those wheels in motion. Tomorrow would prove to be interesting. Instead, they all collapsed in front of the TV, all three tired from the night before. When first Mason and then Lucas had fallen asleep, Joel decided it was time to go to bed. He managed to maneuver both of them to their respective beds before crashing himself.

He spent the next day feeling nervous. Would he be able to pull off his planned revenge? Or would he chicken out as he did all too often when faced with conflict? No, he had to be tough and just do it. Choosing his outfit with far more care than usual, he opted for black jeans and a dark blue dress shirt. Standing in front of the mirror in his underwear, he for once took the time to look at himself thoroughly. He had to admit he looked pretty good. Getting back out on the ice, even as an assistant coach, had meant his muscles were no longer the gym variety only for show. Flexing his abs, he started laughing at his own reflection. Was he turning vain? Perhaps, but he needed to feel he looked good for tonight. Otherwise, his plan would fall flat. Then Pierce’s scorn would seem true and maybe Lucas would end up seeing him as that hick cop after all. He shook his head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. No time for that now. Not tonight. He finished putting his outfit together. All of it.

At the appointed time, he went by Lucas’ and Pierce’s office and encountered them down in the lobby, waiting for him. The deep kiss he got from Lucas almost made him rethink his plan for the evening, but one glance at Pierce made him harden in his resolve once more.

During the evening, they went to a string of bars and also had dinner. To his surprise, Joel had to admit that once they had talked for a while at dinner, Pierce really wasn’t that bad. Or rather he was equally bad towards Lucas or anyone who happened to cross his path. And he was funny. Wicked funny, making them laugh so hard they had trouble breathing at times. Joel began to realize Lucas had been telling the truth. Pierce could be catty and mean, but he didn’t mean anything by it and he did it to everyone. During their meal, he suddenly turned almost serious and started asking interested questions about Kiruna and Joel’s career as a cop. As it turned out, he actually had quite a bit of respect for “the boys in blue” as he put it. Also outside of the bedroom.

“I could never do what you do. Besides being scrawny and bad at anything physical, I never could handle guns.” Pierce gave him a lopsided smile. “You can guess what my father thought of that… No duck hunting together. Not that he expected that of me. Not when I’m… You know…” Pierce fell silent, almost as if he regretted broaching the subject at all. He took a sip of his wine. Joel thought he saw a hint of a darker emotion flicker across the man’s face, but only for a second. Then Pierce shrugged his shoulders and his grin was back. “I do other forms of target practice these days!” He and Lucas laughed, but Joel suddenly remembered Lucas’ words from earlier. Sharks and vipers. For some reason, Joel felt there was more to Pierce’s story.

By midnight, Pierce and Lucas were both itching to go dancing. Joel faked reluctance but was secretly pleased the two lawyers didn’t suddenly have a change of heart. The way the evening had progressed, he figured his little revenge would be just right.

Pierce insisted that they go to a certain club that was next to impossible to get in. Unless of course, you were famous or rich or if you were Pierce and happened to be BFF with the bouncers. Apparently, they enjoyed his snarky company after work, and Pierce made sure Joel and Lucas knew just who was in charge. Joel couldn’t imagine himself being in any kind of sexual situation with Pierce, but he wasn’t blind. Anyone could see Pierce was attractive and now he knew he was funny and intelligent, too. Somehow, though, seeing him and Lucas together this evening made his jealousy abate. It was as if it finally became clear that if Lucas had wanted Pierce, he would have stayed with him. This realization made it possible for him to relax, which he would need for later.

After getting rid of their coats, they slowly made their way through the club. Joel had to concentrate hard on not staring at all the beautiful, fashionable people inside. As they slowly made their way to the bar, he took in the flashing lights and the dancing bodies on the dance floor. The music was loud and they had to shout to communicate. It didn’t matter, though, as Lucas and Pierce after one quick drink decisively herded Joel towards the dance floor.

As they came closer, Joel saw that the mass of bodies was all in a varying state of dress. Or undress more often than not. The beat of the music was almost hypnotic. The sight of all that naked flesh rubbing up against each other and moving under the different colored lights made Joel momentarily lose himself in admiration of the male form.

Pierce put his lips close to Joel’s ear.

“Just follow my lead when dancing, Joel, and you’ll be fine…” With a wicked grin, Pierce pulled on Joel’s arm as if to get him to follow him.

Joel looked down at him and decided it was time. He smiled at Pierce and started unbuttoning his shirt. The look of Pierce’s face as he continued to undress made him bite his lip to not laugh out loud. As he shrugged off his shirt and handed it to Pierce, he noticed Lucas was staring at him too. Giving them each a glance he walked towards the dance floor, now only wearing his jeans and the harness Lucas had given him.

As he approached the dance floor, he saw several men look up at him and then make room. The appreciative looks he got from the dancing men around him did not go unnoticed, not by him, nor by Lucas and Pierce. On the outside, he acted as calm as possible, but inside he was nervous. He closed his eyes to get a handle on his nerves and started to move to the music. As he felt someone come in a little too close, he opened his eyes again. Lucas had danced in front of him looking slightly pissed and as Joel glanced over his shoulder, he could see Pierce with a weird combination of admiration and annoyance on his face.

Lucas reached out and grabbed his harness, pulling him closer.

“What the hell is this?” It was clear Lucas didn’t think going dressed like this was a good idea.

“Pierce told me to think of how I dressed tonight. So I did.” Joel met his eyes with determination.

“Put your shirt on.” Lucas yanked the shirt from Pierce and demandingly held it out to Joel.

“No.” Joel turned away and moved further into the crowd, making an effort to move as enticingly as he could. Judging by the looks he got from the men he passed, he was doing a good job. He also knew Lucas was following him closely across the dance floor.

He stopped in the middle of the dance floor and began to sway to the pulsing beat. The people around him, mostly men, formed a tiny circle around him, perhaps due to his size but also perhaps to get a better look. As ridiculous and petty as it was, he was actually enjoying the attention he was getting. It felt so good to be admired, even if he would never admit that aloud. He tried to let go of his nerves and simply move to the music. Then he felt a hand graze his back up towards the harness. He assumed it was Lucas and wondered what his miffed boyfriend would say now. When he was pulled roughly backward, he turned to look. The man pulling him was not Lucas, but a visibly intoxicated guy, bleary-eyed and sweaty.

“You looking for some fun, hot stuff?” He slurred his words, not exactly increasing his attractiveness. Joel shook his head and moved away, only to bump into another guy who could have doubled as an octopus if his hand action was anything to go by. Despite trying to keep a straight face, Joel was starting to regret his decision. If this went any further, he’d have to leave the dance floor. So when Lucas danced in front of him again and very clearly staked his claim by pushing the other men away, he was secretly relieved.

“So, you’re trying to make me jealous, is that it? I thought we didn’t play games, Joel.”

“Just taking your mother’s advice.” Joel’s deadpan answer caught Lucas off guard.

“My mother told you to dance around half naked in a harness in the presence of a hundred drunken, horny men?” They looked at each other and started laughing at the same time. The statement was just so ridiculous, but Joel knew it was sort of true which made it even funnier. When Lucas grabbed his hips and pulled them together, he stopped laughing. Instead, all of his pent-up horniness made an appearance. Having Lucas grind against him with everyone watching made him hard almost instantly.

“Maybe I should put my shirt on?” While he spoke loudly in Lucas’ ear, he could smell his hair and his skin. The scent that was Lucas. It made him throb, images of sex with Lucas flashing through his mind.

“No.” Lucas moved one hand up to hold the harness, making him move in sync with him. Sliding his other hand over Joel’s ass, he squeezed him through the jeans. “I want you like this. On display, knowing only I am allowed to touch.”

Joel felt himself relax. He had missed this so much, more than he had realized. Lucas taking control, taking charge was something he wanted and needed.

They danced fused together for a long time, neither actually caring to see what Pierce was doing. He was a big boy and could take care of himself. When they noticed it was after 2 am, Lucas made it clear they should go. Joel followed him obediently, earning quite a few stares as they passed through the bar area. He had asked for his shirt back, but only gotten a look and a slightly crooked smile from Lucas. 

At the far end of the room, they spotted Pierce talking to a guy. As they approached, the guy first noticed Lucas and seemed prepared to fight him off for a chance at Pierce. Then he saw Joel and the fight left him. Pierce gave the guy a kiss on the cheek and sent him on his way.

“Nice enough, but I’m not in the mood for nice. Ready to leave?” He eyed Joel. “Maybe you should give handsome here his shirt back. You don’t want him to catch pneumonia.”

“Yes, mother.” They all laughed and Lucas tossed the shirt back, crumpled from being tied around his waist.              

They made their way out into the street and decided to walk for a bit before they said goodbye to go their separate ways. Pierce was telling them how much fun it was to watch everyone’s jealous stares on the dance floor and tried to get them to agree to another outing soon. Without either of them noticing, two guys appeared out of nowhere blocking their way. The trio stopped and the mood changed from frivolous to serious within seconds.

“What do we have here? Some fags out on the town, huh? Having fun sucking cock in some bathroom? Fucking freaks! We’d better teach you a lesson.” One of the guys cracked his knuckles and grinned maliciously at them. “Hand over your wallets first. Might as well collect from these pretty boys…”

He and his companion seemed to prepare for a fight. Looking at the two men, or rather teenagers, Joel assessed the situation. They didn’t appear armed but seemed to count on their strength and power of intimidation to prevent any serious opposition. He placed himself in front of Lucas and Pierce, who were completely still as if frozen to the ground while staring silently at the scene before them.

“I suggest you leave.” Joel’s calm seemed to surprise the two punks and they exchanged a look which told Joel all he needed to know. These were just kids up to no good, taking a chance to get some cash. “Otherwise, I’ll call the police and have you taken into custody for attempted robbery.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, man? Hand them over. Now!” The slightly taller of the two guys took a couple of steps closer and pushed out his chest, perhaps to appear bigger and scarier. Joel looked down at him and automatically widened his stance for better balance should the guy actually attack.

“Joel, maybe we should do what they say…” Lucas sounded scared and hearing that made Joel even more determined to not let these punks hurt them or get away with any of their possessions.

“It’s no problem, they’re just kids.” He spoke over his shoulder but not taking his eyes off the guy nearest to him.

“But you could get hurt!” It was evident Lucas thought confrontation was a bad idea.

“Yeah, I think we should do…” Pierce started to speak, but Joel shut him up by raising his hand.

“No, they will walk away and this will go no further. If not, they know the alternative.”

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t we…” Again, Lucas tried to change his mind.

“This is what I’m trained for.” Joel kept his eyes trained on the punks and he noticed they were starting to question their decision to stop the three of them. Apparently, their easy targets weren’t so easy after all. He took a deep breath to center himself.

When one of the guys launched at him, he had seen the attack coming and easily stepped aside, letting the guy stumble past him as he only hit the air. Joel made a sweeping motion with his leg causing the guy to lose his footing and end up hitting the pavement.

“Hold him.” The order issued was clear and Lucas dove down on the guy’s back, Pierce following him closely. Joel was thankful he could trust Lucas to handle the man on the ground so he could keep his focus on the other attacker, who after a brief moment of hesitation turned and ran. He debated whether he should follow but decided not to since he didn’t want to leave Lucas and Pierce alone with the guy they were holding. Or rather sitting on. Lucas had placed himself over the man’s torso while Pierce held his legs down by kneeling on them. Joel almost chuckled at the serious faces they wore, obviously not willing to give their captive any chance of escape. He knelt down beside them and placed a hand on the guy’s lower back. He looked at Pierce.

“Pierce, would you call the police?”

With newfound purpose, Pierce got up and started searching for his phone. Joel noted his hands were shaking slightly and made a mental note to talk to him specifically about tonight’s event. A debriefing was probably needed and Pierce would never admit to that on his own.

When the guy heard Pierce asking for the police, he started moving around in an attempt to get free.

“No, please, don’t call the cops. We were just playing. Didn’t mean nothing. Honest!” The difference in attitude couldn’t have been greater. Now, he sounded like a remorseful teenager, caught stealing from his mother’s purse. 

“Well, you had your chance and you didn’t take it. I’m not really upset about the robbery attempt, but you said some nasty things about me, my boyfriend and my friend. So now you get to talk to the police.”

Pierce put his phone away and informed them the police were on their way. The young man seemed to resign himself to his fate and stopped struggling. It felt awkward to carry on a conversation over the guy’s back, so they waited in silence. Joel couldn’t help noticing the looks of quiet admiration he got from Pierce. The man was positively beaming at him. Apparently, doing his super cop routine had swayed Pierce firmly in his favor once and for all. The thought had him smiling slightly.

After telling the police about what happened and agreeing to come in to give formal statements the following day, the trio was standing on the sidewalk and waiting for a cab. When not even Pierce was talking, Joel knew the other two were a bit shocked. Then Pierce turned to face him.

“I can’t believe you did that. You saved me. Us.”

Joel shook his head, but before he could say anything, Pierce put his hand on Joel’s forearm.

“No, I mean it. We were ready to just let those punks get away with our money and Lord knows what else. But you stood up for us. For me.” As if to lighten the mood, Pierce then reached up and ran his fingers through Joel’s short hair. “If that bastard tries to harm even a hair on your head and sues for some reason, you can count on me. Out here, I’m not much good. In a courtroom, you better watch out.”

The determination on Pierce’s face was plain to see, and there was no doubt he was a formidable enemy on his turf. They looked at each other, and Joel realized this was the friend Lucas had been talking about. The man behind all the cruel jokes and sexual innuendo. Maybe Lucas was right about him, after all.  

Pierce spotted a cab and hailed it. They quickly said goodbye and Pierce left. Joel and Lucas stood in silence on the sidewalk, waiting for another cab to come by. Lucas grabbed Joel’s hand in his, still looking a bit dazed.

“You could have been hurt again…” Lucas squeezed his hand, but kept his eyes down, looking at the ground.

Joel didn’t like the sadness in his voice and drew him in for a hug.

“I didn’t. I know how to handle things like this. It’s my job.” He murmured the words in the hair on top of Lucas’ head, ending his statement with a kiss.

“Still… I almost panicked and you were so calm.” As he was speaking into Joel’s chest, it was difficult to hear what he was saying.

“You did fine. Pierce did too. I’ll talk more to him tomorrow.”

“You will? That’s good.” Lucas sighed. “I was afraid you would never see who he really is.”

“What? Mean and bitchy with an acerbic personality?” Joel hoped he didn’t go too far with his joke.

“No! Well, yes, but he’s not only that.” Lucas smiled at him and Joel was glad for the change in mood.

“I know that now.”

“I’m glad you do. He’s a friend and despite his attitude sometimes, he really is a good person.” Lucas turned his face up and kissed him. “I would hate to have to stop being friends with him because you two can’t get along.”

“You’re sure you would choose me?” Joel couldn’t stop insecurity from creeping into his voice.

“Why do you say that? Of course, you’d win! Ten times out of ten. A thousand times out of a thousand.” More kisses underscored the truth to Lucas’ words.

“I was afraid you would compare me to him and see how much better he would be for you…”

“Better? Why would he be better? He’s got nothing on you. We had our thing. If I wanted him, I would still be with him. Besides, Mom likes him well enough, but she hated me dating him. So that was kind of it…” He started giggling when Joel frowned. “Just kidding!”

They finally came home and started to get ready for bed. Joel was brushing his teeth in his underwear and the harness, planning to take it off and wipe it down before putting it away. Lucas came into the bathroom and, without looking Joel could sense his boyfriend was watching him intently. Their eyes met through the reflection of the mirror and Joel could see the determination in Lucas. He began to unbuckle the harness, but Lucas grabbed it from behind and yanked him backward, holding him against his chest. The feel of Lucas’ naked skin against his sent shivers through him.

“No. You keep that on. Clean up. Then I want you on the bed on your knees, with your hands behind your back.” Without further instruction, he left the bathroom.

Joel could feel his heart pick up speed. Deciding a full shower was out since he didn’t want to get the harness all wet, he used the shower head to wash all essential parts thoroughly. As he was drying off, he stroked himself a few times. Even though he was already mentally preparing to accept obediently anything Lucas had planned, he knew he wouldn’t let the evening end before Lucas had fucked him hard. Judging from the look in Lucas’ eyes, that shouldn’t be a problem though. Perhaps his main concern should be how to keep quiet enough not to wake Mason.

When he came into their bedroom, Lucas wasn’t there. He climbed up on the bed and assumed the specified position. Clasping his right hand around his left wrist, he glanced down at his cock. It was so hard and red, he was afraid he would come far too soon tonight. If that was the case, he wouldn’t beat himself up. They hadn’t played for so long. Of course, he would be itching to go. Lucas probably would too.

He heard Lucas come into the room but he didn’t turn around. He focused on a spot on the wall in front of him. The bed dipped as Lucas came up behind him.

“Looks like you’re ready for me.” Lucas reached around and cupped his balls, causing him to buck just a fraction and spread his legs a little further. As he moved backward, he could feel Lucas’ equally hard cock sliding into the crack of his ass.

Lucas pushed on his back and made him tumble forward. He braced on his hands, but Lucas kept pushing him down until he ended up with his face down on the bed between his arms.

“Stay down. I want your ass out for me.” Pressing his legs to the sides, Lucas made him spread out more. “That’s it. Show me your hole.”

The soft caressing of his ass cheeks felt nice, but Joel was starting to get frustrated. He moved his ass slightly towards Lucas, in an attempt to get him to speed up. He was starting to hurt from his excitement.

Without warning, Lucas slapped his ass. Joel groaned but smiled into the bed. Inside his head, he was screaming ‘Yes’ at the top of his lungs.

“No, don’t get pushy. I decide how we do this. Greedy boys get punished, don’t you know that?”

Then another slap. Or not a slap. Another feeling altogether. Sharper and more intense. He turned his head and risked a look over his shoulder. Lucas was holding up some sort of whip. Joel blinked a few times while he tried to make a decision if this was OK or not. Seeing Lucas naked and hard with the leather item in his hand made his cock throb and he spilled precum below him on the bed. Lucas noticed and caressed his balls from behind while letting the soft strands of leather glide over his ass.

“I was going to ask if this is OK, but I guess your cock just told me yes. Good boy.” He squeezed, not too hard but not too gently. “This is called a flogger. It will make your ass nice and red.”

Joel nodded and turned his head back down into the mattress below. Breathing deeply, he focused himself on being here, stilling his thoughts and braced for the pain. He still couldn’t quite understand what it was about pain that made him lose control and lose himself in pleasure. To some extent, he could see that pain would enhance other sensations, but that was only part of the explanation. More than the mere pain, it was experiencing his acceptance of receiving pain. Growing up, society had told him how to be a real man. Taking pain in a fist fight was masculine. Letting yourself get beaten without resisting was not. The best he could come up with by way of an explanation was that giving himself over to someone like this was freeing. He didn’t have to pretend or put on a façade. He could simply be Joel.

He shivered in anticipation, eager for what was to come. The first strike made him flinch, in part from surprise and in part from the pain. The bite of the flogger was sharper than Lucas’ hand. He bit into the bedding to avoid making noise. That was going to be a challenge tonight.

Lucas let the blows rain down over him, over his ass and shoulders. Gently and slowly at first, as if gauging Joel’s reaction, but gradually the blows got harder, sharper. When the strands hit the back of his legs, he cried out from real pain. He hadn’t counted on certain areas being more sensitive than others. The feel of Lucas’ hand on his back helped him relax again. By now, Joel was breathing hard but he was still pushing his ass up, wanting more. Needing the feeling.

“That’s it. Good boy. Just take it.” Two fast strikes across his shoulder blades emphasized Lucas’ words. “Relax and don’t fight it. Stay still.”

Alternating between strikes and caresses, stinging blows and strokes of his cock, Lucas soon had him on edge. Just when he was about to ask Lucas to stop, he felt fingers at his entrance. Slippery fingers insisting on being let inside. He willed his muscles to relax and the familiar feeling of Lucas inside him rolled over him, threatening to overwhelm him. He pushed back against the fingers, trying to get more. When Lucas pulled out, he groaned and tilted his hips to show he wanted more. And he got more.

Something slipped inside and before he could figure out what it was, it started vibrating. Oh, god. A plug. It put pressure on all his sensitive spots and Joel clenched his ass around it to get more sensation. He was hovering so close now. Just a little more and he would come. Just a little more…

Just then Lucas started crisscrossing his body with the flogger again. The pain kept him from tumbling over the edge but at the same time, each blow made his ass contract, pushing the plug more firmly against his prostate. His mind was spinning now and he couldn’t decide if he wanted it to be over or if he wanted it never to stop. He was only vaguely aware of the noises he was making, but Lucas drew a pillow in front of him and he grabbed on to it. Grateful to have something to hold on to and bite into. 

Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Lucas, please! You have to fuck me. I can’t take anymore. Please…” His moans were met by a smack on his ass. By a hand this time. He felt Lucas remove the plug and wanted to shout from joy. Finally! As Lucas’ cock started to slip inside, Joel impaled himself in one swift move. It hurt but the slight sting was soon overshadowed by pleasure as Lucas began to move in and out. In and out. Faster and faster. Lucas’ hands held him steady, which was good since he probably would have collapsed on the bed otherwise.

The fucking quickly turned frantic, furious. So much repressed emotion, so many unresolved issues between them led to a fast-paced pounding. Joel couldn’t hold back any longer and came with a cry muffled by the pillow. As Lucas continued to fuck him through his orgasm, it seemed to go on and on. His head was spinning. He couldn’t think. There was only pleasure.

Then they both collapsed on the bed, Lucas plastered to Joel’s back. Joel felt such relief at finally being as close to Lucas as he wanted and needed. It was as if he was floating above the bed as a lightness coupled with giddiness spread throughout his body. Without being able to stop himself, he started laughing. Lucas glanced at him and began to chuckle too, but seeming uncertain what about.

“What are you laughing about?” Lucas rolled off Joel’s back and raised himself up on his elbow, studying his lover dissolve in fits of laughter.

“I love you.” His words were almost unintelligible, but Joel hoped Lucas heard him.

“I love you too, doofus. But why are you laughing?”

Joel took a deep breath and regained at least some control of himself. He reached up and traced Lucas’ cheek with his fingers. The air thickened with emotion and they both had to swallow hard.

“I don’t ever want us to get like that again. So far from each other, not together.” Joel shook his head. “I don’t know if that even makes sense.”

“It makes perfect sense.” Lucas let his hand caress the side of Joel’s body, causing him to shudder involuntarily since it both tickled and felt good. “I have been acting like an idiot, so caught up in this case it’s ridiculous.”

Joel couldn’t dispute that, so he kept silent. Lucas sighed and continued.

“I didn’t realize how it was affecting you and us. I just wanted to do the job as well as I could and it was so much fun to be working again.” Hearing Lucas’ words, Joel knew he had to say something but Lucas kept talking. “Not that I don’t want to go back home when it’s over!”

“Lucas, about that…” Joel wondered how he would say what he had to say. Now was the time, even if it was the middle of the night and his ass still ached pleasantly from their earlier activity. “I spoke to Mason’s stepdad and we sort of agreed Mason could stay with us for his remaining high school years. That way he wouldn’t have to quit the team or change schools.”

Lucas stared at him with an indecipherable expression on his face.

“Provided you and Mason are OK with it, of course! What do you say?” Nervously, he tried to read Lucas as the man thought the proposition through.

“You mean we should be his parents?” Joel couldn’t decide if Lucas sounded skeptical or simply taken by surprise.

“Well, stand-in ones I guess. I know it’s a lot to ask, but it just kills me to see Mason so unhappy. He’s a good kid, you’ll see once you get to know him.”

“But I know nothing about kids…” Lucas frowned. “I wouldn’t know what to do.”

“Don’t say that. I’ve seen you with Lilly and Zoe. You’re a natural. Besides, Mason is hardly a kid. He’s 16.”

“Do you really think we are ready for that? I mean just look where we’ve been the past few months…”

“Yes, I do. I’ve thought about it and I think we could do it. He’s a quiet kid, not really into anything other than school and hockey. He’ll still have Derek as his dad, even if it’s from a distance. It’s not like he’ll need constant supervision. Besides, I’ll be his coach, so I’ll be part of his life anyway. We still have to talk to Mason and work things out with Derek, but as I see it we could pull this off.”

Lucas regarded him with a serious expression for a long time until finally, a smile lit up his face from inside.

“If you think we can do this, I can’t say no. You know him much better than I do. You know this is part of the reason why I love you so much. You are the sweetest, kindest man I’ve ever met.” As if to underline his words, Lucas kissed him deeply.  Turning serious again, Lucas took hold of his hand. “I’m so grateful you didn’t give up on us, on me and leave. I never want to be without you, Joel.” Lucas hesitated for a moment as if searching for words. Then he took a deep breath and looked Joel in the eyes. “I can’t stand the thought of being without you. Will you marry me?”

Joel blinked and then he started laughing again, that almost unbearable lightness coming over him again. He couldn’t get the words out but managed to get his answer across by frantically nodding his head. That’s when Lucas started laughing too.   




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