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Guys on the Bottom - Guys Book Three by Darien Cox (21)

Chapter Twenty-One



I could no more stop kissing Duncan Stengel than I could cut off my own arm. As soon as he captured my lips I was lost, my heart pounding, mouth opening to taste his tongue. I forgot where I was, who I was, and slid my arms around his back, bringing his warm body closer.

Duncan encouraged me, tightening his hold on my face and devouring my mouth with such passion my legs nearly gave out. Suddenly I got an image in my mind of Corey wrinkling his nose and shuddering, and I broke the kiss. “Shit,” I said. “I forgot where we are. Your nephew’s probably watching us. Everyone’s probably watching.”

“You’re right.” Duncan smiled. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”

“You confuse me,” I said, even though my hands were wandering over his chest and shoulders like they had a mind of their own. “This morning you couldn’t commit to dating just me, wouldn’t even commit to it being a possibility.”

“I panicked, Zach.” He blew out a breath and shook his head. “I’ve been panicking for a while now because of you.”

“Panic is not the response I was hoping to evoke when I asked you to take a chance on me. Doesn’t fill me with confidence, to be honest.”

“I know.” He rested his forehead against mine. “My head’s been a bit of a mess since the day I met you.”

I eased back so I could look in his eyes. “Don’t you think I’ve been conflicted over you this whole time? You were my boss, and Corey’s uncle. Well, I guess you’re still Corey’s uncle.”

“But you still took the risk and opened up to me.”

I nodded. “Yeah. You know why. I told you how I feel about you. Now I feel like you’re giving me what I want because I gave you an ultimatum.”

“That’s not why. I promise you, Zach.” His finger stroked my cheek. “I’m not confused anymore. And I’m glad you told me how you felt.”

“But you never tell me how you feel. That’s part of the problem.”

A smile played at his lips. “I’ll make a deal with you.”

“Uh oh.”

“I’ll agree to try and stop panicking. And I’ll open up more about my feelings. If you’ll agree to date me again.”

“Just you? And just me?”

He nodded. “I don’t want to date anyone else. I haven’t wanted to date anyone else for a long time.”

I couldn’t stop the grin spreading across my face. “I suppose I can agree to that.”

Duncan’s shoulders sagged. “Really? You’ll give me another chance?”

“If you’ll open up and give it a chance this time.”

“I will. I promise.” He held my shoulders and studied my eyes. “So you’re willing? I’m not too late?”

“This is the second time you’ve come chasing after me when I tried to cut you loose. I’m hoping you’ll realize it’s easier to just not let me go in the first place.”

He smiled. “Thank you. I really do need a drink now. My nerves have been jumping for hours.”

“You sure you want to go back up to that bar? With me, and all the eyes that will be on us?”

“I can handle it if you can.”

“I have to use the bathroom. Meet you over there?”

“Okay.” He kissed me soft and quick.

“See you in a minute.”

I watched Duncan approach the bar, Corey already chattering in his ear before he sat down. I caught Doug’s eye as I passed by on my way to the bathroom. He gave me a questioning look. I smiled and gave him a quick thumbs-up.

When I ducked into the restroom, there were three men in there, two peeing, one washing his hands. I kept my head down as I urinated, as I always did, but I was smiling. Couldn’t seem to stop smiling. But as I zipped up I felt eyes on me.

“Hey, look who it is,” a male voice said. “Is that smile for me?”

I turned toward the voice. Zipping up beside me was a man I recognized, but couldn’t quite place where I knew him from. He was thick and muscular, about thirty, dark hair slicked back off a high forehead, short beard. “Hi, good to see you,” I said, and moved to the sink to wash my hands, hoping the exchange was over so I wouldn’t have to reveal that I couldn’t remember his name or how I knew him.

The other men left the bathroom, and now I was alone with Mr. Friendly as he washed his hands beside me. “It’s good to see you. Must be your night off.”

I grabbed a paper towel and frowned at him. “Excuse me?”

His smile was close to a leer as he looked me over, shaking excess water off his hands. “You’re that smoking hot bartender with the sinful lips that works at Immunity.”

“Oh. Yeah. Hi.”

“It’s dark in that bar, Immunity. But it’s light in this bathroom,” he said. “Your lips are even better in the light. Bet the rest of you is too. You wanna show me? Bet your cock’s as pink as your lips.”

My stomach went cold and anger flashed through me. I recognized him now. He was the one who’d offered to pay to give me head on my second night back working.

I decided to ignore his gross comment. Duncan was waiting for me. It wasn’t worth getting into an argument with this sleazy meathead. “Excuse me,” I said. “Gotta get back to my friends.”

“I can be your friend,” he said, blocking my path as I started for the door. “Your name’s Zach, right?”

“Get out of my way.”

“Ooh!” He grinned. “A tough guy. I think you need to relax. Come on in the stall with me. I’ll relax you.”

My heart hammered. “Think you’ve had too much to drink.” I tried to push past him and he grabbed my wrist. “Hey! Get your fucking hands off me!” He reeked of liquor and sweat, like the booze was radiating out of his pores.

“Oh come on.” He tugged me toward the stall. “Don’t play that game. What guy doesn’t want a blowjob? I’ll get you off quick.”

I shoved him with all my strength. He stumbled and his back hit the wall. I darted for the door and he caught a handful of my hair and pulled me back. “That wasn’t nice, Zach.” He started dragging me toward the stall again. I elbowed him, but it had no effect. I managed to twist myself around, then kicked his kneecap, hard.

“Ouch, fuck!” He released me and I ran for the door.

I made it back out into the club, shaken. I pushed through the crowd, heading for the bar when my shirt was grabbed and I was tugged backwards. “Get the fuck off me!” I screamed as a meaty hand gripped my neck.

“Think you can kick me like that and get away with it?” he hissed in my ear. He shoved me against the wall and I held my arms up, trying to push him away as he closed in.

“Don’t you fucking touch me!” I shouted as I struggled to keep him off me. He tried to pin my neck with his arm but I blocked it. I kicked at him but couldn’t seem to make contact, and now his disgusting hand was on my face, covering my mouth.

Then suddenly he was gone, ripped away. My back slid down the wall as I watched Stewart grip the guy by the hair and slam his face down on his knee. Holy shit.

The beefy guy’s head bounced off Stewart’s knee, and he stumbled, holding his face as blood flowed from his nose. But he still tried to take a swing at Stewart, who caught him in a headlock, and then Doug was there, then Corey, then a bouncer.

I watched as my assailant was dragged toward the doors, then a shadow fell over me. Duncan crouched down, touching my face. “Zach! Are you all right?”

I stared at Duncan’s face, but adrenaline had me so shaky I couldn’t answer.

“Zachary. Talk to me. What happened?”

My breath hitched, and I bowed my head, covering my face with my hands. “I’m okay,” I said, but something like a sob hiccupped out of me.

“Are you hurt? Can you stand up?”

I trembled. “Just need a minute.”

“Look at me, Zach.”

I dropped my hands and looked up.

Duncan frowned, stroking my cheek. “What happened?”

“It was a guy that comes into the bar when I work. He tried to…” I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. “He’s propositioned me at the bar before. He wouldn’t let me out of the bathroom.”

Duncan’s jaw tightened. “Did he hurt you?”

My lip quivered. “He tried to…drag me into a stall,” I whispered. “He was saying all this shit to me and…” I rubbed my wrist. “I kicked him in the kneecap, so he came after me and attacked me. Duncan, please get me the fuck out of here. I’m shaking and I feel weird. I need fresh air.”

“Okay, come on.” Duncan’s arms wrapped around me and lifted. I stood on shaky legs. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Is he all right?” Jairo asked as Duncan led me to the door.

“He was attacked.”

“What? Zach, are you okay?”

“Just give us some space, Jairo,” Duncan said.

Outside, my legs started to give out again, so Duncan helped me to sit down on the curb. Stewart approached and crouched down, his tee shirt spattered with blood. “You all right?”

“Where is he?” I asked, still trembling. “Where’s that…that guy?”

“He took off. He ran. Bouncer wants to talk to you.”

I shook my head. “I can’t right now. Stewart…I can’t.”

“I’ll take care of it. You just relax,” Stewart said and walked away.

Corey sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me. I could hear Duncan speaking, Doug and Angelo’s voices, but they all seemed far away.

“You okay?” Corey asked, his arm tightening around my shoulders.

“I’ll be okay,” I said.

“Duncan said you knew the guy.”

I huffed, wringing my hands so they’d top trembling. “Not really. Just some scumbag that hit on me at Immunity.”

“You’re shaking. Here.” Corey eased back and began rubbing my shoulders.

I sighed and allowed him to work his magic. With Corey, massage was an art form, and I could feel that tingly energy that seemed to flow from him whenever he’d done this for me in the past. He kept at it, kneading my neck and shoulders, using his thumbs to apply pressure, and soon the trembling slowed, my breathing normalizing. “Thanks,” I said.


I nodded. “Yeah.”

Corey slid around and knelt in front of me, swiping my hair out of my eyes. “Did you hit your head or anything?”

“No. I’m fine, physically, I just…” I groaned and wiped my mouth with my shirt, feeling violated. “I feel like the universe is reminding me I can’t have anything good.”

“What the hell are you talking about? Of course you can.”

I met Corey’s eyes. “Duncan and I had this great talk. I was feeling all happy and…valued, you know? Then I run straight into someone who treats me like I’m nothing. Like I’m not even a person. It was like this…reminder not to get above my station.”

“That’s fucking crap, Zach. You’re not nothing. And I’m gonna find whoever that cock-stain is that attacked you and rip his fucking dick off. Rip it right the fuck off. I won’t even use a knife because that’s too clean. I’m gonna rip it off with my bare hands.”

A chuckle bubbled out of me. “Corey, stop.”

“I’m serious. Gonna rip his dick off, shove it down his throat. Then I’m gonna chop him up into little pieces until he bleeds out and then bury him in the back yard. But first I’m gonna cut his feet off and make him dance on the stumps.”

I smiled weakly. “On the stumps, huh?”

“Yeah. On the stumps. In fire.”

“I’m sorry, Corey. I guess you can’t take me out without getting involved in drama after all.”

“Zach, did you just meet me or something? You know I live for drama.”

Duncan sat down beside me. “You doing all right?”

“He’s better,” Corey said. “I rubbed his shoulders and talked about murder.”

“That man,” Duncan said, his eyes narrowing. “Is that the type of customer you deal with often at that…club?

I rubbed the back of my neck. “Yeah. Sometimes.”

“Jesus Christ, Zach, you gotta get out of that place,” Corey said.

“I know.”

Duncan sighed and wrapped an arm around me. “That’s my fault. That you felt like you had to run back to work at that club.”

“No it isn’t.”

“Yes, it is.”

“No, Duncan, it isn’t. Stop with that.”

“You’re quitting that awful job,” Duncan said. “As of right now.”

“Duncan, I’m not a kid, you can’t tell me what to do.”

“I know you’re not a kid. But I’m telling you you’re quitting.”

“I can handle myself. I’ve dealt with guys like that before.”

“Well you shouldn’t have to deal with guys like that! It’s enough, Zach.”

“Okay, okay, we’ll talk about it. Just not now.”

Corey chuckled and Duncan swatted his shoulder. “What are you laughing at?”

“Nothing.” He smiled. “Just watching you two argue. It’s so fucking weird.”

I laughed. “Corey thinks you and me together is weird.”

“I know he does.” Duncan said. “Just ignore him.”

“Like I’m that easy to ignore,” Corey said. “Hey, here’s an idea. Why don’t you bring Zach to the place with us tomorrow? He can chill out on the beach.”

“Zach’s not going to want to be involved in that,” Duncan said.

“He doesn’t care. Right Zach? We’re going to look at place Duncan found that we might have the wedding. It’s on a lake, and we’re gonna just chill out and swim after, then go for dinner.”

I glanced at Duncan, then back at Corey. “No, you guys have plans together. I’m fine. Really. Besides, I have to work tomorrow night.”

“You’re not going to work,” they said simultaneously.

I laughed, the last of the trembles easing away. “You guys are so alike.”

“Eww!” Corey’s nose wrinkled. “Don’t say that.”

“There are huge differences, Corey, believe me, relax.” I glanced behind me when I heard someone clear his throat, and saw Angelo.

“How are you doing, Zach?” he asked.

I wondered exactly how much he’d heard. How long he’d been standing there. “Hey, Angelo. I’ll be okay. Just shaking it off.”

“Corey’s right,” Angelo said. “You should come with us tomorrow.”

“I agree you should come,” Duncan said. “You can stay at my place tonight.”

“It’s okay, I’m fine. I can go home.”

“You’re staying at my place tonight,” Duncan said. “And you’ll come to the lake with us tomorrow. And you’re quitting your job, and that’s final.”

Corey snorted. “Look at Duncan, going all bossy-pants.”

“Shit,” I said. “Where’s Stewart? I didn’t get a chance to thank him. He didn’t get hurt, did he?”

“No,” Corey said. “It’s all the other guy’s blood on him, I checked. So you are quitting your job, right?”

“I can’t just quit my job, Corey, I have bills.”

“You can work for Duncan again. I saw you guys kissing. You made up, right?”

“Corey,” Duncan said. “Bring it down a notch. We’ll figure it out.” He looked at me. “Are you ready to go now?”

I sighed and nodded. “All right.” I stood up and Duncan helped me. I looked at Corey. “So collectively, how many scenes do you figure we’ve caused at The Horse and Carriage?”

Corey chuckled. “Over the years? Quite a few.”

I saw Stewart a few feet away, speaking with Jairo and Doug. “Give me one minute, Duncan. Just want to talk to Stewart a second.”

“Sure. Take your time.”

I approached and Stewart’s blue eyes flicked to me, then widened. “Hey, Zach. You all right?”

“I’m sorry you had to Hulk-out for me, Stewart,” I said. “But thank you.”

“Any time. Kind of nice to be able to defend you rather than defend myself against you for once.”

I winced. “Oh. Right. I kind of went at you one night here, didn’t I?”

He chuckled. “Once. Maybe twice.”

“Oh, God.” I winced, rubbing the bridge of my nose. “I’m sorry, Stewart. I was such a mess back then. I’m surprised you helped me out tonight. I mean…I know I’m not your favorite person. And look at you. You’ve got blood on your shirt because of me.”

Stewart frowned at me. He looked at Jairo, then Doug. “Give me and Zach a minute, okay?”

Doug and Jairo stepped away. I watched them go then looked up at Stewart.

Stewart rested his hands on my shoulders, looking into my eyes. “I was joking just now. You know that, right?”

I’d never been this close to Stewart. Never had him touch me. His blue eyes were set on mine, brows lowered. Corey was right, Stewart was hot with his fair skin and his windblown dark hair, those broad shoulders. But that was all secondary, because I was looking at a man I’d thought hated me, and seeing concern in his eyes. “It’s true, Stewart. I gave you such a hard time. I was a mess and I used to say awful things to you. I…did awful things back then.”

“Zach.” He squeezed my shoulders. “We were all a mess back then. What did you do that was so different? Everyone betrayed everyone. I betrayed Corey with Doug. Corey betrayed me with you. And Doug…” Stewart let me go and rubbed his chin. “Shit, what did Doug do?”

I laughed. “I think Doug’s only crime was falling in love with you.”

Stewart smiled. “Point is, stop taking every damn thing onto yourself. The past is gone, and everyone’s where they’re supposed to be. Doug’s your friend now. I’m your friend. You’re our mess. So yeah. I got a bit of blood on me for you. You’re welcome.”

I caught his husky body in a hug. “Thank you.”

Stewart stiffened, then hugged me back. “It’s all right. Stop being so hard on yourself, okay?”

“Okay.” I released Stewart then looked over my shoulder and saw Duncan watching me. I smiled and he walked over.

“You ready to go?”


I bid goodbye to the others, then Duncan took me home to his place. I stopped fighting his attempts to take care of me when he ran me a bath, because he was just being so sweet. After soaking in the tub and brushing my teeth, I climbed into bed with him. He didn’t try to have sex or even kiss me, just held me close and told me to sleep, that we’d talk in the morning.

And something odd happened. Despite the events of the evening, the big talk with Duncan, the horrible attack in the bathroom, reconnecting with Corey…I slept. Peacefully and deeply, like I was right where I belonged.