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Jion (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (142)


"You do? You love me?” Saramina asked me with eyes full of tears. My heart was hurting that just moments ago I had to hold her at knifepoint. But it was the only way to get her out of there and make it believable. I did not want to put her through such a terrible and a scary experience by my hand because she was already expecting me to kill her. That was my order from the day that I left to hunt her down, and up until a few days ago, I had planned on doing it.


"Yes, I love you. I hope that I have proved that to you now,” I said to her as I pulled her tightly to me.


"I love you too, Viqer. This has been so crazy and strange, but I know in my heart that I love you even when I felt in danger from you,” she said to me.


"The moment that I saw Titeq on top of you, I went into a different place in my mind. I had no control over it. All I wanted to do was kill him and get him away from you. Seeing him naked ready to take you by force was something that I could not handle. I opened the door, and I walked straight over to him and pushed my dagger through the back of his head without thinking twice about it. That is how I know I love you. I betrayed my leader and my entire tribe and planet just to save you from him. I feel this strong need to protect you at all costs. I am bonded to you; I want no one else but you.”


With those last words, she pulled away from me and looked at me strangely.


"That reminds me, you already have a wife. You have a human female wife?” she said to me in anger.


"I did have one. I set her free. I put her on a ship and sent her to Earth today. She has never been with offspring. I have never loved her, and she never loved me. It was her choice to go back to Earth, and I sent her even though I knew it would be putting myself in danger. It was wrong for me to take her in the first place, but I had nothing to compare it to until I met you,” I said to her.



"Yes. I only want you. I have given up everything for you. When the tribe finds out that I did not go through with the second part of my mission to kill you and take you to Earth, they will hunt us. We can never go back there. We can never be inside the Corillion galaxy again. I have given up my home and my life to be with you, and yet I am happy to do so because I love you so much, Saramina.”


"I am so happy to hear you say that Viqer. I love you so much. I want to be with you. I don't care where we go as long as we are together. I don't care what we do except that you were there to protect me and love me,” she said to me.


I pulled her to me and covered her trembling mouth with mine. I kissed her deeply. I kissed her passionately, remembering that only moments before, it was possible that I would never kiss her again. I wanted to devour her. She pushed her hands against my chest and ran them over my scales. I rubbed my hands down her back. It felt good, and I felt a sense of satisfaction that I had her with me and that we were far from danger. Then she stopped kissing me and looked up at me with her brown eyes. Her soft freckles across her face made her look delicate and small. I couldn't believe that I was supposed to think of her as a danger and an assassin when she was so beautiful. I had let my loyalty to the Corillion blind me to what was right.


"So where is this that we are going? Where can we go to be safe?” she asked me.


"It is not a question of being safe. There will always be danger in the far reaches of the galaxy. It is more a question of about blending in. Where can we go where a human female with a Corillion warrior is not something that is unusual? I think you know the answer because you have already been there," I said to her.


Her eyes opened wide, and she said, “Do you mean the outlaw planet? The planet where there is so much trouble and chaos, Etora?” she said to me.


"Yes, that is exactly what I mean. It is the only place that we can get lost amongst the millions of different alien races living there. Don't worry, we do not have to live in the city of Ceta. There are plenty of places for us to go on the planet. You will see. We will travel the planet and find the perfect spot, whereever you want. You may pick our home,” I said to her.



"Why do you cry? Does that not make you happy?” I said as I wiped the tear away from her cheek with my thumb.


"These are tears of happiness. I am crying because I am happy. I am crying because you said our home. I am glad that you think of it in that way. Because soon there will be more than just the two of us," she said.




I had no words. I picked her up and spun her around and planted a kiss on her.


"This is true? I cannot believe it. Why did you not tell me before?” I asked her.


"Because it is hard to tell someone that you are pregnant with their offspring when they are ordered to kill you,” she said as she arched an eyebrow at me.


"Yes, I understand. That is all behind us now. Let us start new. Let us start fresh. We, the three of us, will be happy in our new home.”





I smiled at her I knew exactly what she meant. I kissed her and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I wanted to ravage every part of her. I pressed her against the wall and then pulled away.


“I do not want to hurt you, or our child,” I said as I put my hand on her belly.



I groaned and carried her to a room and laid her on the bed. One item after another, I took off her boots, her jacket, and dress. Now she lay before me naked.




I pulled off my boots, belt, and trousers and stood naked in front of her. She sighed and said, “Now take me, my Corillion warrior. We have cheated death, and we must celebrate.”


I smiled and said, “Spoken like a true warrior.” I moved over her naked body and touched every inch of her with my hands. I cupped her breasts and kissed her neck and her cheek. “I will never let you go. I will always protect you. I will protect you with my life, my Saramina.”



I kissed her mouth and pressed the tip of my cock into her opening. I pushed inside her warm center. I groaned and growled with delight. I never thought I would feel her again. She wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me to her forcing me to moved deeper in her and faster.


“Patience, my Saramina, we have all the time in the world now,” I whispered to her.


She smiled and kissed my chest, placing soft kisses against my scales. I moved in and out of her, enjoying the sensation of being inside of her as her hands roamed over my body. We were finally together, with no secrets and no orders between us. We were free to be who we were, and it was a great feeling.


For the rest of the journey to Etora, we hardly left that bed. I checked on the flight path and did ship checks when I could, but then I would return to her in the bed and indulge in the fact that we were together and no one could stop us from doing that.



“We will be arriving in three hours. Maybe it is time to get dressed,” I said to her as I moved from the bed.



“Yes, but just until I put us in a suitable home and then we will be able to lay in bed as much as we want.”



“I will show you,” I said as I held her hand and led her out of the room.