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Jion (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (70)

Chapter 4

Hannah Maven


I didn't understand what was happening when the boiler of motion landed beside me while the cyborg pulled me through the woods. I was halfway out of it. But then I felt the sensation that I was flying. I couldn't believe it. I tried asking what the hell was happening, but there was no answer. I could only think that I was dreaming.


But then I started to wake up more. I found myself being put on my feet. The surroundings were all white; it was the cleanest place I had seen in a long time. But what was more shocking were the creatures standing around me. I knew I must be dreaming, but I didn't think that my brain could come up with something so extraordinary as what I was saying in front of me.


There were very tall creatures all around me. But one, in particular, stood directly in front of me. He looked somewhat like a human man with long brown hair and stark brown eyes that seemed to pierce through me. He was extremely tall, almost to nine feet. But the rest of him was not human at all. His skin glittered in the sunlight like it was reflective. He had large emerald wings that folded behind his back. The skin on his chest and six pack looked like hard scales, but it couldn't be. Could it? His physique was that of a Greek God, very muscular and toned. He did not wear a shirt but wore very tight trousers with very thick boots and a belt. There were lots of weapons hanging on his body.


But then he said something that took my breath away. He said that they were aliens. I felt myself starting to drift into unconsciousness. I didn't know why. Maybe it was the shock of this information, or maybe I really was dreaming. I just remember everything going dark.


But when I woke up, I realized it wasn't a dream. I stared down at the stark white floor. It was so shiny, I could see my reflection in it. I was staring at my face. It looked like I was lying on my belly. I shook myself awake.


I slowly got up. I was lying on a table face down. I felt something on my back. I looked over my shoulder to see bandages on my back. Suddenly I felt very sore. I must have gotten all cut up from being dragged along the forest floor.


“Oh my god!” I gasped as I looked down and realized that I was topless. “What the hell?”


I looked around and saw some medical bandages in the corner of the room. I jumped off the table. Pain shot through my ankles. I remembered being dragged by them. I slowly walked to the corner and grabbed the role of bandages and began to wrap it around my breasts like a tube top.


“Ow, ow,” I whispered as I rolled it around the bandages on my back. I was in some pain. I cut the bandage and then found a bandage clip and fastened the makeshift shirt. Then I got a good look around. I was in a room that looked like a treatment center. I had been on the examination table. But I didn't recognize the writing on anything. It was some sort of foreign language I had never seen before. There were flashing buttons and lights on a panel, against a wall. I ran my fingers over it. It was very advanced. Was I still with the winged man that I saw? Or was that all a dream and I was with the cyborgs?


Suddenly the wall slid open. It was a door. The creature that had rescued me from the cyborgs stepped inside. But he looked a little different.


“Hannah, are you feeling better? Maybe you shouldn't be standing just yet,” he said as he walked in holding a cup.


I backed away from him as far as I could. My back hit a wall. “Ow!” I said forgetting about my sensitive back until the wall was against it.


“Yes, indeed. You have quite a lot of cuts on your back. My team disinfected them and dressed them. With our medicine, you should have a fast healing time,” he said handing me that cup.


“Here, you might like this. It is equivalent to what you call wine here on Earth. It will help with the pain,” he said.


I took the cup and smelled it. It smelled like sweet fermented fruit, just the way our wine smelled. I took a small drink. It was strong.


“Why am I naked? Who are you? What do you want? Why am I here?” I asked.


“Slow down. I want you to know that you are not in danger with us. We are friends to the humans. I will answer your questions,” he said.


“What the hell are you?”


“As I told you before, before you fainted, the humans of Earth call us aliens, because we are from a different planet far away. We have come to Earth to help the humans fight against the machines. My name is General Rai Razook. We came looking for a human colony to spread the news that was given to us at another human colony called Haven Brook. I came across you being dragged by the machines. I rescued you and brought you here to my ship,” he said.


“Your ship! Do you mean we are in space?” I asked getting frantic.


“No, we are not in space. We are still on Earth. But our ships are very high in the sky out of range of the machine weapons. We are not trying to take you back to our planet. I only rescued you because it is my responsibility. My king wants us to help the humans, and that is what I did with you,” he said. “We are moving north in search of another human colony. The one that you belong to was very hostile and did not want our help, or to even converse. Maybe in time when you are healed, we can take you back there, and you can speak for us and let them know that we come in peace,” he said.


“I will do no such thing. I don't know you. I don't know if you come in peace or if this is all a trick. Look at you. I have never seen anything like you. I swore that you had wings before, and scales. I am just very unsure of my mind right now,” I said. I took another drink. I needed a drink.


“You are right to think that you saw wings. We are weredragons. We are shifters. This is my normal form that you see before you. But we are able to shift into weredragon form with wings and scales, like dragons. It is what we are,” he said.


“Weredragons? You have to be fucking kidding me,” I said trying to understand what he was saying.


“I tell the truth, human. Now enough of this. I have been kind to you. I have answered your questions. Now I want you to sit again. We must talk about how you are going to help me,” he said. He took on a very dominant tone. What a frustrating, arrogant creature. He was pissing me off, but why did his change in demeanor make me feel attracted to him? Yes, he was attractive with his brown hair, brown eyes, and extremely fit figure, but he was a damn alien. I could not be attracted to an alien.


“I will not. You will take me home now,” I said.


“We will not. Your human colony shot at us. We are going to try to go to a different team in colony north of here. We will see if they are more receptive to us and you are going to help us. You will be the one to talk to them for us,” he said.


“No. I won't. I want to go home. I have family there. My sister is there. I am sorry that they grew hostile, but can you blame them? Look at you,” I said.


He was silent. He looked at me up and down. I suddenly felt like I was very naked as his brown eyes moved over my body. Once again, I found myself growing aroused by his presence. What the hell was wrong with me?


“I will make a contract with you, human,” he said.




“I will take you home to your sister. But only after you do two things for me,” he said.


I narrowed my eyes at him. How dare he think I would enter into a contract with him. There was nothing that would make me think he would keep his word. He wasn't even human. I crossed my arms, waiting for him to finish.


“You will introduce us to the human colony that we stop at next as well as the one that you live in. You will let the humans know that we are not hostile and that we have come to help them,” he said.


“You already said that. What is the second thing?” I asked.


“You will mate with me,” he said.


“What? Do you mean have sex with you?” I shouted.


“Yes, sex. You will have sex with me. Only when you fulfill these two items of the contract will I take you home to your sister,” he said.


“You are fucking crazy, you lunatic alien!” I shouted at him pointing my finger in his face as I angrily stomped to him. Now I was only inches in front of him, and I had to tilt my head back in order to look up at him. He was very tall—very foreboding. I suddenly became scared as I felt more petite than I ever had in my life standing next to this giant alien.


He laughed at me. “I like that. You have a fire inside of you, human female. You are feisty.”


“I don't care if you like it. I will not agree to your stupid contract,” I said.


“I understand. But ask yourself, what choice do you have? You are stuck here with us hundreds of feet in the air. I promised my king to rescue and help humans. But I did not make a promise that I had to return them home. In fact, my king would probably find it very good of me that I kept you as a resource. We need a human on the ship. So if you do not agree to my contract, then you could potentially spend the rest of your life with us, the Veruka,” he said.


I narrowed my eyes at him in anger. He was really pissing me off. He was right. Everything he said was right. I didn't have a choice. But I couldn't do it. I didn't know this creature. I couldn't sleep with him. I had to do something in order to buy me some time and to get me back on the ground.


“Fine! I will agree to speak to humans for you. In exchange for taking me home to my sister. But only after you have reunited me with my colony will I fulfill the second half of your agreement. It is the only way I can be sure that you will hold your end of the contract,” I said.


“Done. Now if you will follow me, I will show you to a more comfortable room. Unless you want to stay in the infirmary?” he said.


“Where is my shirt?” I said.


“I had to cut it off you. It was the only way to not injure you more,” he said.


“You cut it off for me. So you were the one that…”


He smiled. “Yes. And may I say that you are absolutely beautiful, and so are they,” he said as he looked directly at my breasts. My face turned a bright red. He had already seen me naked. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know how all of this was happening to me, but I had a feeling it was just the beginning.