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Jion (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (45)

Chapter 16



My entire body was shaking as Evlon drove his speeder to the sandy white beach. He opened the door, and I got out and inhaled the sea salt air. I had just watched my crew be murdered in front of me. I had watched them put their lifeless bodies in a ship with Brad to return to Earth. When he got to Earth, he would tell them that I was a huge traitor and that this was entirely my fault. It was a lot to take in, and I thought that I was going to faint as I walked across the sand.


“Why did he do that? I don't understand why Leader Rangellis is so ruthless. He is evil! I could never do something like that. How could he?” I rambled on and on. I was in shock and not sure if I was making sense. I was just saying things out loud to myself. I felt strong arms wrap around me. I looked up into the red face of a Zenkian. It was the father of my child, Evlon. He was my alien enemy, and I should hate him. But I could not. He was the only thing I had at the moment.


“Shhh...I know it was a horrible thing. I apologize for the ruthless behaviors that we have as Zenkians. But we are Zenkians, and that is what we do. We are not like the humans. We are different. But I am sorry that you had to see that. I did not know that was going to happen. I did not know that was why Leader Rangellis wanted you to be there. He made an example out of you. I am not happy about it, but he is my leader there is nothing I can do. But I am here for you, Miranda. We will get through this together. You have a right to grieve your friends as long as you need to. I am here at your side, always,” he said gently.


I rested my cheek against his strong chest. I could feel the stiff material of his black uniform against my skin. I cried. All I could do was cry for the loss of my friends. It was as much my fault as it was Leader Rangellis’ and I was having a hard time admitting it to myself.


“Nothing will ever be the same again. I will be known on Earth as a hypocrite and a traitor. I have betrayed my own race and my own planet,” I said.


“No, you did not. This is not your fault. Besides, you will never return to Earth, and you will never have to face that scorn. I know it will be hard, but you will see that this will be a different life for you. We will start a new life, you, me, and our child,” Evlon said as he put his hand on my belly.


I became calm. At that momen,t I remembered that I had something more to go on for. I couldn't give up. I couldn't let this struggle take me down. This child was going to need me, both of us. Evlon was right: I was about to start a new chapter on an alien planet, and I couldn't be a fragile human trying to get through it. I stopped crying and stood up straight.


“You are right. I need to be stronger.”


“Now you are speaking like a Zenkian. Be strong, my human,” he said.


He kissed me. As he kissed me, I could hear a sound. It reminded me of the whirling sound of the wind from the sandstorm. I pulled away from him looking confused.


“What is that sound?”


Evlon was smiling, but as soon as he focused on the sound his face dropped. “Missile fire!” he shouted. “Run, Miranda! It’s the rebels!”


I ran hard and fast as he ran at my side toward the speeder. There was no cover to be had on the flat sandy beach.


Boom! I felt my body flying through the air. Everything went black, and I felt a mild sting. It was the last thing that I remembered.


When I woke up, I had no idea what happened. I was lying on a table in the examination room. The very same room where I had discovered that I was pregnant. I allowed my eyes to focus, not sure about what had happened.




“She is awake! I am here, Miranda,” Evlon came to my side. He had a large bandage across his forehead. There was black smudge all over his red skin.


“What happened? Are you alright?” I said trying to sit up.


“No, do not get up. Lay back down,” said put table.


I felt pain in my body as soon as I moved. I groaned from the pain.


“Can we give her something for the pain?” Evlon asked the soldier at his side.


“We can give her some Taq,” he said.


“Yes, but only a little; I do not want her to pass out,” Evlon said.


“No, I do not want it. It cannot be good for the baby. It is a drug,” I said.


Evlon looked at the soldier, and the soldier looked at him. For the first time since I met him, I saw tears form in Evlon’s eyes. I felt extremely sick to my stomach as I saw his face change to complete sadness. I did not want to know what he was that about, but I already knew. I could feel it.


“Evlon? What happened? The baby?”


“We lost it. I am so sorry, Miranda. I failed to protect you and our child.”


“What? No!”


“Yes. I am sorry. We were caught in a blast. It threw you several yards and the force of the blast and the impact of the fall…you are no longer pregnant.”


“No! No!” I shouted over and over until I could not speak anymore. Evlon threw his arms around me and cried with me. We lay there a pile of mourning parents that never even had a chance with their child. I could not handle it anymore. I had been through too much. The emotional pain was so great that I passed out.