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Jion (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (6)

Chapter Six

Ambassador Jion Lek


My anger was beginning to overtake my senses. I had no control over my emotions any longer. This was not like me. I was an ambassador for a reason. It was because I was able to remain calm and cool while dealing with intergalactic relations between various species and different planets. But for some reason, I was not able to use that logic when it came to the human female Lauren.


The crew, including Captain Alicron Qinov, wanted me to abandon Lauren and continue on the mission to find the rest of the human females and go find Elonu Fiul. But I couldn't do that; my heart was not allowing me to do that. I wanted to find Lauren, and I found myself finding Captain Alicron Qinov inside the ship after I made a complete recovery from my wounds. It had only taken twenty-four hours, but that was not unusual for us Kynon.


“Captain, there you are. May I speak with you,” I said as I walked onto the bridge of the ship. Alicron was at command.


“I am listening,” he said.


“May I speak with you in private?” I said.


He turned and looked at me. Then he gave some commands to the pilot and turned and walked down the hallway. I followed him as we walked into a side conference room.


“I am on a mission, Ambassador; I hope this will not take too long,” he said.


“No, it won't take long. I want to bring up the human female Lauren. I really think you should allow me to take a team to go recover her. Our mission was to go to Earth to get human females to save our race. She is valuable. We know where she is, unlike the other human females you search for,” I said.


“I have already made my decision on that matter, Ambassador. My decision stands firm. It is too dangerous to retrieve that female. Not to mention the fact that she will not want to come with us and will cause a scene and possibly betray us again. What is to stop her from shouting to the cyborgs to rescue her? No, she cannot be trusted. The other humans we rescued from the cyborgs wanted to come with us. This human has betrayed the Kynon, and I do not think it is wise that we go find her. As I have said before. Now if you will let me get back to the bridge, that is all that I have to say on the matter,” he said.


“If your father were here, I believe that he would want to—”


“But my father is not here!” Alicron shouted.


He did not like when I mentioned his father, the king. I usually agreed with the King, but not this particular son. We had always been at odds, and I knew that mentioning his father would get a reaction out of him.


“If your father were here, he would go after the human female,” I completed my sentence.


“My father is not here, and he put me in charge of this mission. I am in charge, not you, Ambassador, and you will do as I say. You will follow orders. If you do not wish to be here to help us recover Elonu Fiul and the other missing human females, then I can have a transport take you to Cantu Spaceport in the trading village and we can hire a ship to take you back to Xeion. You are only getting in the way now. It is up to you; you can stay, or you can be exiled home,” he said with a stern look on his face. I knew that look. He was not going to give in. I had bruised his ego and made an enemy of him.


“There is no need to take me to the trading village. I will stay and work on your mission,” I said sternly.


“Good, that is what I like to hear. Now I need to get back to work,” Captain Alicron Qinov said and then walked out of the room.


I knew there was a slight chance he would agree with me and that I would have to do this on my own. At least I was able to get some information out of him that would help. I now knew that there was a trading village by the name of Cantu on this planet that had to be nearby for him to know about it. I also knew that there was a spaceport and that you could hire intergalactic travel spaceships. This was important information to know because I was going to need all the resources I could get if I was to go out on my own and find Lauren. It was all that I could think about. I had made a decision; I was going to go get her. She did not know that the cyborg had tricked her. She would eventually find out when she never met with the human females he promised her. I was going to have to do this alone since Alicron would not give me a team. I would have to steal one of the speeder ships in the cargo area of the ship. They were meant for short distances and scouting, but this would have to do. But before I went, I needed to gather as much information as possible. I left the small conference room and went to go find Lieutenant Vnor Gin.


“Lieutenant Vnor Gin, how is everything going along? Smoothly?” I asked as I found him in the communications room of the ship.


“Everything is going along, but we are having trouble finding Elonu Fiul. Our engineers are trying to put together a path of where the ship could have broken apart based on where the wreckage I was in was found, compared to where you were found, and compared to where the captain was found. We think we have a path to follow, but it needs more work,” he said. That meant my time was limited. It meant that they would soon have a good idea of where to search for Elonu Fiul and the other human females and the mission would be over, and they would be returning back to Xeion.


“That is good news. The captain told me of a trading village called Cantu; has it been checked for human females and for Elonu Fiul?” I asked.


“We do have a team there searching for just that, and we also have an ally in the Lana race, as we have some friends there that know our mission and have agreed to help us,” he said as he continued to work.


“It sounds like a very large trading village. The captain mentioned it had a spaceport even. Exactly where is this village?”


“It is just north of where we are now, about two hundred miles in this region,” he said pointing at a map on the screen.


“We have a map of the planet?”


“Yes, we do. This would have helped me when I was out there, but of course, we didn't get it until we went to the trading village. It is most helpful. You are able to access it as well,” he said.


“I will look it over later. What about the Vindon? What do we know about them? How dangerous are they? They look very strong, as though they would be completely invisible in battle,” I said.


“Yes, they are hard to take down. We know of a leader called K8L and his brother that is a leader called K6R, but he recently died, and we are not sure who has taken over his band of cyborgs,” he said.


“Died? I didn't think it was possible for them. How?”


“They do have a weakness. If you penetrate the side of the neck with a metal knife, it short-circuits them, and they die. Something I also learned the hard way,” he said.


“That is good information for our soldiers to know,” I said.


“Yes, it is,” he said.


Then I stood there soaking in as much information as I could. I listened to what the mission plans were and where the ship was headed. I did my part to seem interested in the rest of the mission when really, I was just gathering information to help me find Lauren. I downloaded the map to my armband to access it. I studied it. I found the Cyborg city called C2, which was where Vicki and Nancy were held. That would be where the cyborg that took Lauren would eventually take her if he hadn't already. Whatever the case, he would be in that vicinity, and that was the direction that I needed to go.


I left the communications room and started to gather supplies and hide them in my small bunk room. I gathered food, water, and most importantly weapons and tools. I made sure that the weapons were at full charge.


I was making quite a statement here. I was going against my captain, who was also my prince. Going against him was practically going against the king and all of the Kynon kingdom. This was a very dangerous thing for me to do, all to free a human female.


I could not help myself. All I could think about was how her lips felt when I kissed her. I could feel her small body against mine when I tried to keep her warm. It was driving me crazy; she had complete control over me, and she wasn't even mine. But I was going to make sure that she was.


I left my room and walked the halls. I went into the cargo bay of the ship and looked at the various speeders. I had access to them. But there was a problem: they all had locators on them. This was important whenever we sent out a scout, or soldiers into battle. We always needed to know where they were and where they were heading; how else could a captain order the squadron around? Or if one crashed, we needed to be able to get to our soldier fast. So I would need to be able to disable the tracking mechanism. There were a few soldiers in the cargo bay talking to each other. I wouldn't be able to do it now; it would be too suspicious. But I found the speeder that I would be taking; it was the one that was closest to the cargo door.


I would have to do this all in one go in order to get away with this. I would need to take my supplies to the speeder, disable it, manually open the cargo door, and be on my way. It all had to go smoothly, or I would be caught, and Captain Alicron Qinov would put me in the prison holding cell for defying him and putting the entire ship in danger. I had to do it right, and I only had one shot at it.


I went back to my bunk room and grabbed a small bag and loaded everything that I could not wear on my body into the bag: mostly food and water and emergency supplies. The weapons held nicely on my belt and on my boots. Especially the long dagger that I had taken from the armory. Lieutenant Vnor Gin has said that was how to take down a cyborg. I did not know if he had done this himself or if he had just seen it happen or if it was just hearsay. But I didn't have time to find out for sure because time was of the essence. The longer I stayed on the ship, the longer that Lauren was in danger. I needed to get to her now.


I threw the bag over my shoulder. I opened the door slightly and looked into the hallway. There were a few soldiers passing by. I waited until they turned the corner and we're out of sight. Then I walked out and made my way quietly to the cargo bay. I walked in, and there were two soldiers by the door. This wasn't good. I wouldn't be able to do what I needed to do. I had to get rid of them.


“Soldiers, Lieutenant Vnor Gin has asked to see you. I believe he is in the conference room and if he is not there, then he is on the bridge. But he wants to see the both of you now,” I said.


“Yes, Ambassador, right away,” they said giving me a salute. Then they walked out. That gave me about five minutes.


I quickly went to the speeder and opened it. I threw the bag inside and pulled out a tool from my boot. I went to the panel, opened it, and then begin to disable the tracking device. I pulled it right out of the console. Then I took the tracking device and planted it on a shelf in the cargo bay. I walked back into the speeder and turned it on to charge it. Then I went to the cargo bay door and set it to open for approximately sixty seconds. That would give me plenty of time to fly out and for the door to close behind me.


I ran back to the speeder and jumped in. I put on the belt and set the coordinates for the direction of C2. The cargo bay door opened and finally was open enough for the speeder to fit through. I hit the lever, pushing it up into the air, and then zoomed out of the door. I had done it. I looked back to see the door closing to the ship. They would know soon what I had done.


I hit the lever, pushing the speeder to the fastest limit that it went. It zoomed so fast that everything became blurry around me. I pushed the speeder up into the air to be higher than the mountains, and out of sight of the cyborgs. I am coming for you Lauren; I hope that you can appreciate what I am doing for you I find you. I hope that you are safe.


“Speeder, what is your mission? Come in, speeder; identify your soldier number,” I heard mission control on the ship say over the radio. A part of me wanted to be snarky and say something back. But it wouldn't be good; it would only piss off Captain Alicron Qinov even more. I turned the radio off and said nothing. Now it was just silent as I headed in the direction where there would be hundreds, possibly millions of cyborgs. It was a suicide mission simply because I could not stop the desire for a human female. It was crazy.