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MasterMind: (An Anna Monroe and Never Far crossover) (The Anna Monroe Chronicles Book 2) by A. A. Dark, Alaska Angelini, Word Nerd Editing (7)


Chapter 7



The mind was capable of amazing things. Things most couldn’t fathom unless put in a situation that pushed them over their limits. It was a scientific fact that under extreme stress people could defy odds and do things well beyond belief. As I pushed Lucy, I was curious to see exactly how strong she really was.

The sun would be up soon. Sleep had been nonexistent. Pain kept her conscious, but she was hanging on by a thread. Blonde hair swayed as her head bobbed. With her now restrained nude from the thick metal canopy, she knew the worst was still to come. Fear and stimulation were the only things allowing her moments of alertness. She was in pure survival-mode, as she should have been.

From just below her neck, all the way to the backs of her knees, welts lay amongst dark purple bruising. They were littered with numerous gashes. Some stretched straight across her skin. Others were at a forty-five-degree angle from where I’d gated my punishment at the time. Her pale complexion was completely gone. I took the damp towel, wiping away the blood that continued to bead and stream from the beautiful markings.

“Too bad you won’t live long enough to see how this will scar. The character they would have given your flawless form would have looked gorgeous on you.”


One lid slowly blinked before the other. She was trying so damn hard to stay awake.

“He will not. The next time he sees you, it’ll be when he identifies your body in the morgue. This isn’t personal, Lucy. Well…maybe a little. But you see, you’re ruining a perfectly crafted killer. One I created. I can’t allow this to continue. Sure, he’s going to take your death hard, but imagine how much anger he’s going to have? He’ll have to kill again, and when he does, who will he come to? Me.”

Her head shook, but her eyes were closing. I leaned forward from where I was sitting at the bottom of the bed. The plastic mattress covering crinkled under my weight. As I traced the tip of my finger over her slit, Lucy’s eyes jerked open. She tried to press her legs together, but they barely moved with how tight the strap running over the backs of her calves was.


“Still haven’t learned, I see.”

My digit eased between her folds, moving back and forth over the smooth surface as I teased her clit with the pad of my finger.

“There’s nothing to learn. Stop! You make me sick!”

A scream exploded from the last word as I slid back and shoved my finger into her channel with brutal force. It wasn’t the first time I had violated her throughout the night. It was far from the last.

“You haven’t seen sick yet, bitch. Before I’m finished with you, you’ll be reassessing your definition.”

I forced another in, squeezing into her breast so hard, she threw herself around wildly to try to break free. The thick chains clinked together, but it only had me digging into her flesh. The sounds of the entire scene were like music calling me home—calling me back to a past I wished I could live in forever. There were times where these sweet noises were as familiar as breathing. A female voice. Chains. Pleas. Screams.

I collected her wetness, easing to her side as my other arm wrapped around her waist. Forcefully, I pushed my index finger into her ass.

“Tell me how appalling I am. Tell me.”

Muscle tore as I forced another digit into her back entrance. Lucy’s body tried to bow forward to get away from me, but it was impossible for her to change position. Hoarse screams got choked off as she began coughing. The violent fit caused her to gag through my slow movements.

“Oh, Lucy—”

 Vibrations buzzed from the bedside table, cutting me off. I ignored them, shoving a third finger in.

“You hear that? He calls. Again. I don’t even have to look to know who it is. How many times do you think that is tonight? Twenty? Thirty? More? Obsession. Such a debilitating condition. He truly can’t help but reach out to someone. Anyone, when it comes to the compulsion he has to find you. I wonder how long it will take for him to find someone new? He will, you know. With you dead, he won’t be able to help himself. Even if he hates every second of the hunt, he’ll move on. But don’t worry,” I said, thrusting deep, “I’ll hold him off as best as I can. I’ll transition his needs to commit new murders. How would you like that?”

“You’re g-going to rot in h-hell!” She could barely catch her breath as I began to practically punch my fingers into her ass. My actions weren’t about her pleasure. They were about pain. I didn’t want her to like what I was doing. She had to hate it as much as I did. Even though there was lust for Lucy, rage took the prominent role. It always did when I got to this point.

The buzzing stopped, only to return.


And again.

With each hour, my need was building. I wanted to hear how devastated he was. There had been enough time now that I didn’t have to fear him being suspicious. I was here for another client anyway. He’d believe it.

My fingers withdrew, and I stood, heading to the adjoining restroom. I took my time, washing my hands while I stared at my reflection. For being in my early fifties, my hair had long been white. It was something I had tried to cover over a decade ago when it began at such an early age, but that didn’t matter anymore. There was a certain appeal about it that had grown on me. With my large arms, wide chest, and thin waist, I was more fit than most people my age. And it was all for good reason.

More ringing continued, and Lucy screamed as they did. I dried my hands, heading back to the bedside table. Grabbing the phone, I glared at her while she sobbed.

“Don’t get too comfortable. I’ll be back.”

I left the room and closed the barrier behind me. I made my way through the front door, shutting it as the screams returned. It had me clenching my jaw and walking away from the house to my car. The moment I was in, he was already calling again. I took a deep breath, then answered in a groggy tone.

“Hello? Boston?”

“Oh God. I didn’t think I’d ever get ahold of you. Where have you been? Why haven’t you answered? I’ve been calling all night!”

“Slow down. I had a meeting with a client. I turned in early. What’s wrong?”

A deep-rooted groan sounded. One of heartbreak. Of a torment I had never personally felt.

“It’s Lucy. Someone’s taken her.”

“Taken her? Where? Back to Massachusetts?”

“What? No. Taken her! Kidnapped her! They fucking—”

“Calm. You have to ground yourself like I taught you. If you want my help, I have to know what’s going on. For that, I must understand what you’re saying. Now, slow down and start from the beginning.”

“We were in Rockford. I took her to the gardens.”

“Rockford? I thought you were taking her to Chicago.”

“I did. I mean, we were there, but Rockford is where Lucy said she wanted to go. It had the gardens she liked. And it wasn’t a far drive from the city. Didn’t I already tell you this?”

I purposely paused. “That’s right. Boston, you told everyone in the meeting.”

“Everyone…Did I? …I did. I wasn’t thinking.”

“You never do. I tell you all the time not to mention Lucy in the meetings. Not to be too personal, but you never listen. When it comes to her, you don’t think. Now, ground yourself so you can focus.” Was that a cry? “Are you crying?” I could barely hide my disgust as I asked. “I mean. I’ve never known you to be so upset. Don’t cry. That’s not going to help. You have to clear your mind.”

“I’m not fucking crying. I’m trying not to break into and search every house in this goddamn city. Or maybe I should start a search for the people in that fucking stupid room you have us all in to speak about our feelings. One of them might have taken her. They could have followed us. They—”

The stress in his tone was one I’d heard before. It had me biting into my lip as I focused on the smile forming. “Boston. Control. No one from the meeting has her. That I can guarantee. But take it as a lesson. You keep what you love private, and most of all, your mouth shut. Now, think. Think of the times before you had Lucy. Do you remember how I taught you to maintain your anger then?”

“Amnesia, remember? Fuck, I can’t breathe. I keep walking in circles. I stare at my phone. I can’t sleep. I can’t keep still. The heat inside…it’s so bad. I’m constantly on the verge of unleashing this. Or getting sick. I feel like if I don’t do something, I’m going to throw up. This isn’t right.”

My eyes closed as I accessed his condition.

“Do you remember the men? Don’t say anything. Just yes or no.”

“Yes. But…I can’t do that. Not now. Not while I’m being watched like a hawk. Besides, there’s only one person I care to set my sights on, and that’s the one who took Lucy. I’m going to find him, Dr. Patron. I’m going to find him and I’m going to—”

“No more. Listen to me. Tell me what you know about the kidnapping. Are you sure that’s what it was?”

“Do you think I’m making this up? The cops found evidence she was taken. Evidence. Someone came into the gardens and took her right after they distracted me. Fucking…motherfucker.”

“You say distracted you. How? And what evidence?”

A loud exhale sounded. “They called me over the speaker. Said I had a phone call. I went to answer it, and it was bullshit. Someone repeating the word hello. It was full of static. Next thing I know, I turn around and Lucy is gone. Are you sure it’s no one from the meetings? Nothing else makes sense.”

“Positive. They’re accounted for. You said evidence.”

“I’m not sure what it is. They didn’t tell me.”

The call—Bill. I really did need to thank him for that. “All right. This is serious. I know you’re afraid for Lucy, but try to stay calm. I’m in Chicago. I can try to help you.”

He paused. “Wait. You’re in Chicago?”

“It was an unexpected trip. My client lives nearby. Tell me where you’re staying and I’ll come see you first thing in the morning.”

A shuttering breath. “I need you now. You have to come to Rockford where I’m at. If you don’t, I don’t know what’s going to happen. I can’t do this a minute longer. I can’t be without her.”

“If you want my help, you have to try to get some sleep. You will be of no use to me or Lucy if you can’t function. And I need you to, Boston. I need you sharp. You know this. Think. Push away the obsession as best as you can and listen to me. You can’t change that she’s been taken. What you can do is be at your best to get her back. Do you understand me?”

“You’ve never been kind.”

My face was blank as I soothed my tone. “Sugarcoating is as useful as a knife in a gunfight. The bullet will strike before the blade. That only leaves you dead. Poor Lucy may be in that fight right now. Do you want her to have a knife or a gun? You can be that gun, Boston.”

Deep breaths.

“There we go. Now I’m making sense. Sleep,” I continued. “I need you at your best. I have to wrap up a few things with my client, but once I do, I’ll be on my way. We’ll figure this out. We’ll get her back.”

“I’ll text you the address. You better be here by the time I wake up.”

The line went dead, and I glared at the front door while easing from the car. The evil in me thrummed, growing as I headed back to the room. The house was quiet. When I opened the bedroom door, Lucy was limp, dangling in the cuffs. Blonde hair cascaded toward the bed, drawn up in slight curls from sweat. Her face was hidden from view because of her bowed head, but I knew from the light snores, she was sleeping.

She wouldn’t be for long.

Walking to the end table, I place down my cell. The silent connection to the oak did nothing to prepare her as I pushed my fingers through her hair and jerked her head back. A raspy cry exploded from her mouth, only to grow louder as my index finger traced around her back entrance. Wild jerks started, but she didn’t budge.

“You weren’t sleeping, were you? Did you not care that I was on the phone with Boston? Could you not last the mere minutes it took to put him at ease?”

“I hope he knows. I hope—”

I shoved into her tight ass, igniting a scream. A sob didn’t come, surprising me once again. She was all anger, spiked with fear. Lucy was stronger than I gave her credit for. She was numbing out and getting used to my abuse. But only because the degree was maintained.

“You said I was sick. Are you ready to see just how much?”

“You plan to rape me? What’s the difference between your cock and finger? The v-violation is the same.”

I laughed, stretching her with another digit. Chains clinked as she trembled. Tears streaked down her face, but the silence remained. “You’re wrong. This is nothing compared to the damage you’ll undergo from my cock. When my dick tears its way into your ass, you’re going to bleed in more ways than you can imagine. Not just physically,” I said, tugging against her hair. “I’m going to rip that innocence of yours to pieces. We’ll see just how similar you think it is then.”

I withdrew, walking over to the adjoining door. High pitched squeaking filled the room as I began rolling out a mirror the length of the king-sized bed. Lucy’s eyes widened, and she sucked in a deep breath as she came face to face with her reflection.

“Do you have any idea what is happening in that fragile mind of yours right now? I bet you don’t have a clue. Let me enlighten you. Those cuts on your face from where I hit you…they hurt worse now, don’t they? Can you feel the extent of your injuries? How your cheek bone is more than likely crushed from the impact? The pain is getting worse. You’re realizing how much trouble you’re truly in. How about your back? You can’t see what I’ve done, but you’re starting to feel each layer of broken skin…each nerve damaged and now numb from the vicious blows. The cuts are deep, Lucy. So deep, your body is getting weak from the sheer agony. You’re wondering how you’re ever going to survive what I have planned for you next.”

I jerked at my belt and let my pants fall to the floor. Boston’s fear for Lucy, the terror she held as her eyes stayed glued to her battered face…I longed to know what she must have been thinking and feeling. The questions and lust collided inside me, hardening me so much, my cock ached more than it had in years.

Removing my shoes, I stepped out of my pants, letting my tie and shirt follow. Lucy was beginning to thrash. The sobs were coming now, whether she wanted them to or not. I pulled the drawer open and withdrew a plastic bag and a condom. The impact of the wood closing had her head jerking to the side.

“What’s that? W-What are you doing?”

My shin sunk into the mattress, and it shifted under my weight as I climbed on and traced down the thick, black strap restraining her legs. From where she was position on her knees, it rested just at the tops of her calves, holding her down. The upper part of her body swayed forward in the hanging cuffs as she tried to move away from me. 

Opening the package, I slid on the condom, not giving her time to decipher my next move. I surged forward, slipping the bag over her head and squeezing tight as I jerked her back against my chest. Muffled screams drew the plastic tight against her open mouth. The fight was all too real and all too invigorating as I let her arms thrash vehemently.

“Look, Lucy,” I said, shaking her head and tightening my grip to emphasize my control. “Do you see yourself dying? Do you see your life slipping away with every breath you can’t take?”

Faster the suction came—a cadence of panicked, stifled breaths. In and out, the bag sunk into her mouth, only to be blown back to her lips. Eyes rolled as she tried to buck. And I let her, until I was sure she couldn’t wait a single second longer. Quickly, I jerked the bag up over her head, letting her gulp and cough in air. Her body went weak and she fell forward the smallest amount.

“That’s it. Now search out your emotions. Do you feel that relief? Gratitude even? You’re thankful for the oxygen, even if it was me who allowed it. Do you see what your mind is doing?” At her reflected stare of horror, my head shook. “Perhaps not yet. Let’s try again and see if it comes to you.”

“No! N—”

I had her trapped in the bag again before she could prepare. My biceps flexed, and my fists drew in even tighter around her throat while I held her aggressive form against me. She was fighting so hard. Doing everything she could to try to break my hold. Time passed while I stared at us in the mirror.

Me: muscled, tanned, good-looking…expressionless.

Lucy: bulging eyes, open mouth with the bag suctioned in, dark red face…petrified.

We were night and day. Killer and victim. Life and death.

My cock twitched, and I pulled up the bag, letting her scrape the air for every ounce of oxygen her lungs could handle.

No words—no warning.

Hooking my arm around her waist, I grabbed my cock and breached the tight entrance of her ass. I didn’t slam forward. I didn’t bury myself in one swift, agonizing sting. I made her feel each inch as I kept a steady pace of ripping through already torn muscle.

Rattling from the chains filled the room as she let out hoarse screams. The sounds only fed the monster within me. My eyes stayed on the reflection of her face. On every micro expression as I brought her ass even farther down with my forearm.

“Please! God, please!”

The red was long gone from her cheeks. A paleness was taking over as she stumbled through her words. Blood drained even more from her skin as her mind began to shut down from the trauma.

“You won’t pass out,” I said, withdrawing, only to inch in deeper. “You won’t pass out, because if you do, the next thing that’s going to be fucking your ass is my knife. Watch us in the mirror, Lucy. See what I can do to you. Watch what you end up doing to yourself. You said I was sick. You acted so brave. But it’s coming to an end, isn’t it? Already you plead. Your mind is betraying you, and you’re breaking under my power.”

“Stop. I—”

Lucy gagged, and only then did I slam my length into her. The shock of pain had her body locking and the sickness vanishing as her brain scrambled from all the different signals. When she seemed to adjust to one, I hugged my arms around her with enough force to screw up her thought process even more.

“There we go,” I said, beginning to thrust. “You will not be sick. You will not miss a single moment of what I want to put you through. You’ll take it. Every inch.” My nose rubbed along the side of her neck, and she whimpered through the cries. Slickness had me sliding into her easier. Blood. There was so much.

I moaned, rotating my hips and losing myself at what I saw and felt. I had Boston’s Lucy. She was here, and I was fucking what he’d spent his entire life wanting—killing for.

My muscles tightened through my movements. My ass clenched as I plunged in, and I squeezed around her so tight, she was beginning to scream again. Maybe I was cracking her ribs. Maybe that’s exactly what I wanted. My own mind was spinning with more. More. I wanted to destroy everything that had destroyed him. Destroyed me. I lived through my patients. Killed through them by persuasion.

Faster, I thrust, seeing him. Seeing us together. We were talking about his latest victim at the time. The details of the men he’d butchered came through so clearly. I watched his expressions. His perfect, handsome smile. His happiness at releasing what I longed to live in.

“You should have seen him without his lower lip, Dr. Patron. That’s where he hit her,” Boston added. “Her lip. So, I took my time sawing off his. The blood in his exposed teeth as he begged me to spare his life…I’ve never felt such peace. It was almost beautiful, if that makes sense.”

A moan rumbled through my throat. It had made sense to me. I’d seen it. Not with Boston, but from a woman I had taken a decade before. There wasn’t nothing I hadn’t done in the form of torture or dismemberment. The memories molded together, becoming one, becoming something so grand, my cock swelled. I became Boston, and he was standing over the girl’s nude body as I had done so long before. Her lip jiggled in my finger while I squeezed the plump flesh. But I wasn’t me—I was him. My brain soaked in the pressure I had added. Memorized the exact texture, and how it indented under the compression of my fingers.

“Fuck. Fuck.” My hand squeezed into Lucy’s breast, and I pulled out, stroking down the bloody condom as my cum filled the latex around me. It was heaven…but not enough. Lucy didn’t have much time, and neither did I if I wanted my plan to work. Boston. He was the key to me getting away with this. And he’d help me without even knowing it.