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My Mobster by J.L. Drake, Lylah James, Kat Shehata, Lisa Cardiff, Ginger Ring, J.G. Sumner (107)











House Rules


We skipped the beach and flew back home in case Dad tried to reach me. Once we landed in Cincinnati, instead of taking me straight home, Vladimir pulled into the church by my house and parked the car. He took off his seat belt, unfastened mine, and leaned over and kissed me. “Come with me. The house is empty without you. Boris misses you, too.”

“I need to check in with Dad.” I finger-combed his hair.

“Let me go back with you. We’ll tell your papa right now.”

I shook my head.

“We’re in love. Why hide our affection?”

“Let’s take our time and do this right—and I’m sure Boris doesn’t miss me.” I laughed.

“You’re wrong about that. He said you remind him of his daughter.”

“Wait. Boris has a daughter? Does she live here or in Russia?”

“Sadly, Katia died when she was a young girl. He’s left with two sons.”

Why are so many of their family members dead? “That’s so sad.”

“Life is precious. We must cherish every moment we have together.”

Vladimir let me go, but made me promise I would call when I got to Dad’s to make plans for the rest of the weekend. When I walked in the door, I was surprised to find a house full of guests. Karen’s family had stopped by to visit, and Ryan and his dad were there to watch a bowl game with Dad and a bunch of his Ohio State buddies.

I was so distracted by all the guests, especially my aunt’s six-month-old baby boy, I didn’t immediately call Vladimir back like I said I would. As I held the blue-eyed cutie in my arms, someone knocked on the front door. My hands were full, so Ryan answered it.

“Good to see you, sir,” Ryan said. “Here to join us for the game?”

I turned to see who he was talking to: Vladimir. He had on his sexy glasses and held a computer bag in his hand. He stepped inside and shook Ryan’s hand. “No, no just a quick question for my star employee.” I thought he would be pissed to find Ryan at the house, but he was delighted to see my cooing cousin perched on my hip.

Ryan noticed Vladimir’s quizzical expression. “Carter didn’t tell you she had a baby?”


He laughed and jogged downstairs to watch the game. Things were back to normal between us as if our flash romance had never happened. He was hurt when I told him I only wanted to be friends, but after a few days he started texting me his lame jokes again—and Kiki said he’d gotten back together with his ex-girlfriend Jessica.

The baby clung to me with a big smile on his angelic face. Vladimir’s complexion shone with adoration. The little guy bounced with joy, clutched a fistful of my hair in his tiny hand, and babbled in baby talk.

“Who is your friend, Carter?”

“This is my cousin, Christopher.”

Dad walked in from the kitchen, in head to toe Ohio State garb, with a beer in his hand. “Vladimir, what a surprise. Want to join us for the game? It’s about to start.”

“No, I don’t want to intrude, but I have a question about the claims billing system.”

I jumped in for the save. “Sorry, Mr. Ivanov. There’s no working during OSU games, right Dad?”

Dad shrugged apologetically. “House rules. Can I talk you into a beer instead?”

Vladimir’s gaze flashed to mine, then to the baby’s, then back to Dad. “I would hate to break a house rule.”

Dad patted him on the back, told him to make himself at home, and then went downstairs to join the guys in the middle-aged-frat-boy cave. Karen and her sister were in the kitchen whirling up margaritas and yowling like hyenas, and while we were alone, Vladimir kissed me.

The baby fussed.

“It’s time to feed him.” I motioned for Vladimir to sit in the recliner. He took off his coat, and I draped a burp cloth over his shoulder, placed Christopher in his arms, and handed him the bottle. Vladimir’s complexion glowed as the hungry baby sucked down the milk.

I sat beside him on the arm of the chair. “You’re a natural,” I whispered.

“He’s beautiful.” When Vladimir spoke, Christopher smiled.

We laughed at the unexpected joy the baby brought us. “Wish you had one?” I teased.

“Carter, my dear, you have no idea.”

The second the words came out of my mouth, the answer registered on his face. It was the same reason Boris wasn’t concerned over my Birth Control Crisis: it wasn’t by choice he’d never fathered a child. I felt horrible. Had I just rubbed it in?

He read my tortured face.

The baby coughed.

I readjusted his position in Vladimir’s arms.

“It wasn’t meant to be, angel.”