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My Mobster by J.L. Drake, Lylah James, Kat Shehata, Lisa Cardiff, Ginger Ring, J.G. Sumner (15)













“Are you even listening to me?” Her mother’s voice jarred her from her thoughts.

Roman had left on Wednesday and it was hard to concentrate on anything else. He was all she could think about and usually that would anger her, but lately she’d become more contented with the idea of having him around. It was becoming second nature.

When they first met last year at the ball, she knew he was Mr. Right. Finding out he dabbled on the wrong side of the law dashed her hopes but it was the heart, not the head that began to rule her. Try as she might to fight it, she cared for him a lot. How much she cared was yet to be seen. Her mother and Stephanie were not fans, but in time he would win them both over or they would have to learn to live with it.

Despite their opposite upbringing, they had a lot of things in common. Roman’s reasons for coming to Genoa being a very important one. He admitted at their dinner that he’d come to the small town to get away from it all and settle down. They both wanted to have a family and raise their children where they knew all their neighbors and could be very involved in the community. His plans for Firenza were just a small part of what he had planned for diversifying his families dealings into more legitimate businesses.

Roman had asked her thoughts on many of his ideas. One that she was particularly excited about was a winery. After her suggestion, he looked into it and found one that he was interested in purchasing. With over one hundred wineries in Wisconsin, the state was becoming a major player in the wine world. Roman had family in Italy that ran a vineyard and they’d be an important asset to that venture.

She had fallen under his spell. Just the sound of his voice triggered her heart to beat faster. Thinking of his eyes staring into hers caused her to swoon. Dreaming about waking up with him in the morning affected her like no man ever had. Thoughts that he’d killed men sent a chill down her spine and created a pit of nausea in her stomach. He may be a dangerous man, but she knew in her soul that he would die to protect her. Her heart may say yes, but her head still wasn’t sure that getting involved with the Caponellis was the right thing to do.

“Madison?” Connie had put down her fork and raised her eyebrows. “Are you listening to me?”

“I’m sorry. What were you saying?” Madison chased a strawberry around her plate with her fork at one of the finest historic homes in Genoa that also happened to be a restaurant. Sunday champagne brunch was her favorite but this morning she had no appetite and it was due to the fact that she missed Roman.

The whole town was on edge after the incident at her shop and worse yet, the arts center. It was by chance that Dominic had stopped by the place. He’d just parked his truck and was about to go in when he spied the bad guy running out of the building. It was just seconds later that the glass was blown out of the windows.

Nothing about him being a witness was in the news, but when Roman had phoned earlier he mentioned that Dom had been there. It was the same man who’d been at Bells and Bows. Dominic had described him in great detail. With both the police and Roman on the lookout for the creep, chances were good he’d be brought to justice, but for the town’s sake, it wasn’t soon enough.

“I was talking about the music for the show.” Connie took a sip of her champagne, her pinky finger straight out.

“Oh yes, I tend to try to stick with classical, but seeing that it will be at Firenza maybe we should add in some Italian love songs as well.”

Her mother eyed her suspiciously. “What is it, Maddy? I know something is wrong.”

“I’m worried,” she blurted out.

“The show will be fine. It always is.”

How would she know? Connie was rarely there. “It’s not that.” Madison sighed and set her fork on the table. “I’m worried about Roman and what’s going on in town. He thinks the threats might be a warning to him. Someone could have been killed at the arts center.” She took a sip of water. “Can you image if it’d been Stephanie’s day to volunteer there after what happened at the shop? She’d probably never leave her house again.”

“If you want my opinion…” Connie leaned in closer. “I think you should put Roman right out of your mind.” Her mother tapped her temple. “He’s probably the one behind all this, or some other awful mafia trash trying to move in.”

“That’s not fair. You don’t even know him.” Madison picked up her utensils and began cutting her French toast into pieces with a vengeance.

“I know more than you think of his kind.” Her mother sipped from her champagne glass again and eyed Madison.

“Oh, really, Mother, and what exactly is his kind?”

Again, Connie took another healthy swig of her champagne and set the crystal flute on the table. “He’s very handsome and experienced.” She paused, choosing her words. “He sees a small town girl as an easy mark. I’ve heard all about his reputation with the ladies.” Connie seemed to be waiting for a response, but instead interjected. “Romeo, I believe they call him in the papers.” Her mother widened her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. “Why can’t you find a nice local boy to settle down with? What about that nice police officer, Ryan something or other?”

“Roman is nothing like he’s portrayed in the papers.” Madison stared her mother straight in the eye. “I grew up with all the local boys, remember? Not one of them is Roman.” Madison popped a large piece of toast in her mouth and chewed, annoyed beyond belief. “You’re not even giving him a chance.”

She reached out and placed her hand on top of Madison’s. “I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I, uh…that others have made.”

As much as she wanted to ask more, Madison kept her mouth shut. She didn’t have the tolerance today to have a deep, heavy discussion with her mother. There was enough on her mind.

Her phone buzzed and the sound made her leap, yanking her from her thoughts.


Roman: On my way back.


Madison exhaled and relaxed in her chair.


Roman: Can I see you today?


“Speak of the devil,” her mother huffed, and Madison frowned. Connie didn’t need to see the screen on her phone to know who was texting her.

“I don’t understand you. Roman and Valentina are nice. Look at all they did to help with the shop.”


Madison: Yes. Call me when you get back.


“She seemed like a smart young woman but…” Connie trailed off while Madison laid her phone back on the crowded table.

“No more buts.” She finished her drink in one gulp. “I have feelings for this man. Please respect that my life is my life, not yours.” Madison held a finger up to her mother.

Her mother took the napkin from her lap and tossed it on the table. “All right, but know this. If he ever hurts you, don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you need me, I will always be here.”

Madison was speechless. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask what made this any different than any other situation that might arise in which she might need her mother, but she remained quiet.

“Okay, fine.”

The waiter arrived with some coffee and Madison stirred in two teaspoons of sugar. Her spoon rattled on the side of the China cup as she stirred.

“So, why don’t we go over the lineup for the fashion show again?” Madison was eager to change the subject.

A busboy arrived to clear their plates and Madison got out her pen and paper. She’d left her tablet at home, not knowing if they would really be working on the show or not.

“I’m sorry,” her mother whispered, but she heard her clear as day.

“For what?”

“I have…” Connie choked up. “I only wanted to do the right thing.”

“Of course, Mother. I love you.” This had turned into the strangest brunch.

Her mother just smiled. “Just remember what I said.”

Madison was pleased the conversation transitioned to the show. She and her mother ended up enjoying a steaming cup of tea in the salon later, and working on the show for another couple of hours.

Her mother appeared to relax and even enjoy collaborating, something that she usually left all on Madison’s lap.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“For what?” Connie lifted her shoulders.

“I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed working on this together with you.”

“It’s time for me to step up to the plate. You’ve worked so hard all these years and that’s one of the reasons that I’ve returned for good.”

Madison almost choked on her tea. “For good?”

“Yes, it’s been selfish of me to be traveling all over the world while you shouldered the burdens of running Bells and Bows. It’s time that you follow your dreams.”

Madison was stunned. This was so out of left field.

“What do you mean?” She’d been waiting to hear this for years, but it was the last thing she expected to happen.

“You’re so talented. You could be a designer like you always dreamed about.”

Madison crossed her legs, intrigued.

“Well, I had considered putting one of the dresses I created in the show, but with everything going on, it’s been the last thing on my mind.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m back and it’s time for you to focus on your career.”

“Career?” Madison swallowed.

“Yes. I just returned from New York.” Connie leaned over and snatched a petit four from the plate of goodies on the tray in front of them. “I ran into Fran, an old college friend of mine. You’ll never believe this, but she runs a design house there. They specialize in bridal and formal couture.”

Madison’s pulse raced, both hoping and dreading what her mother would say next.

“I showed her some pictures of the designs you’ve done and she’s offered you an internship with her company. Isn’t it exciting? You can finally follow your dream.” Connie hugged her tight before letting go and popping the treat in her mouth.

“I don’t know what to say.” She was in shock. It was everything Madison had ever dreamed about since she could remember. Well, until recently that was. Her head spun. “Why didn’t you mention this before?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise and with everything going on, it just didn’t seem like the right time.” Her mother reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. “So when should I let Fran know you’ll be coming?”

Madison’s phone buzzed. It was Roman. “I…” She stared down at her phone.


Roman: I’m back. Can you come over? Or I could meet you at your place? I have a meeting but I’ll be done soon.


“Don’t worry about the show. I will handle everything,” Connie said.

“I don’t know. It’s all so sudden.” A mismatch of thoughts bounced in her head. It was the chance of a lifetime. It had been her dream since she was a little girl.

“It’s about time. You’re not getting any younger. Life is short, don’t let what you want pass you by.” Her mother’s finger slid across her phone’s screen. Madison took a deep breath and reached for her mother’s hand. “Umm…Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate this opportunity.”




Madison closed her eyes and enjoyed the luxury of heated seats as Arlo drove her to Roman’s home. He had a business meeting to finish up in town before they met so Arlo picked her up from her home. A girl could get used to being driven around. She hated driving when the roads were slippery and today the roads were a little slick with the remnants of a short snowfall last night.

The whole day, she’d felt like she was skating on thin ice. So many things had happened in such a short time. Their time apart had been tough, but it’d given her time to think. Her goal ever since she’d been a little girl had been to design dresses. Her mother’s offer of the internship with her friend’s design company was impossible to resist. Her designs could be in the shop windows next to the likes of Vera Wang, Marchesa, and Carolina Herrera.

Numbly, she waved to the guard who stood at the gatehouse. Madison bit her lip and entwined her fingers on her lap.

“Are you warm enough?” Arlo asked.

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“You’ve been quiet today.” He never missed anything.

“I spent the day with my mother planning the fashion show. I think I’m talked out.”

“How’s that going?” Arlo pulled the car up in front of the house and put it in park.

“Good. I think we are all set, but you know how things go. Just when you think you have everything figured out, someone throws a wrench into the picture.”

He chuckled. “Isn’t that the truth?”

They’d barely parked and she was out of the car and in the door. Her heart was in her throat. She had to tell him before she lost her nerve.

“Madison,” he called from above.

Roman was just coming down the stairs, a dazzling smile on his face. Gone was the suit and tie, this time replaced by blue jeans, an ivory sweater, and heavy plaid shirt. He looked every bit the local guy.

As soon as his feet touched the bottom stair, she rushed over and Roman engulfed her in his arms. His familiar scent was both welcoming and intoxicating. The internship offer was like a pit in her stomach as she soaked up Roman’s warmth.

“So to what do I owe this wonderful greeting?” His smile made her knees weak.

“We need to talk.” Her eyes watered.