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My Mobster by J.L. Drake, Lylah James, Kat Shehata, Lisa Cardiff, Ginger Ring, J.G. Sumner (12)













Her skin still tingled on the spot his lips touched. The man could melt ice in the Arctic he was so hot. She trailed behind like a lovesick puppy. It was happening again. There was something about him that pulled to her, urged her to be closer like when they’d first met.

Ahead, a woman’s voice could be heard in a heated exchange. This was a busy place today. Madison couldn’t see who it was yet, but whoever it was, she certainly didn’t seem happy.

The door burst open and in walked the intruder. It was her mother.

“Mom?” Madison stopped, just barely missing colliding into Roman’s back. “What are you doing here?” Complete shock filled her.

Her mother barged passed Arlo. A powerless expression was on his face. The man dealt with bad guys every day, but he’d never come face to face with an anxious mother looking for her child.

“Maddy? Darling,” Connie cried out. Madison was swept into her mother’s arms. The hug almost cut off her breath. “What are you doing here? I’ve been looking everywhere. I finally called the police. Officer Donavan kindly informed me you were here.” Her fists were firmly planted on her hips. “What’s going on? I want to know everything.”

“I’m all right, Mom,” Madison said.

Her mother narrowed her eyes at Roman. “What are you doing in this place?” Connie whispered in her ear.

Staring her straight in the eye, Madison held her mother at arm’s length. “I think the question should be, what are you doing here?”

Her mother shot Roman another dark look. “When I heard what happened at the shop, I caught the first plane to Genoa.”

“Ms. Miller,” Roman said. “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” He held out his hand and took one of hers in both of his. “I’ve been looking forward to it. It’s too bad that it had to happen because of such tragic circumstances.” Her mother said nothing and Roman released her hand and stepped back.

Madison paused and inhaled a breath. “I’m so grateful for Roman and his family coming to my rescue. Stephanie said the shop is almost back to normal,” she assured her.

“I know all I need to know about Roman and his family. My concern right now is for my daughter, not the shop.”

Madison’s mouth dropped open.

Eerie silence swept through the hallway. Madison was stunned by her mother’s appearance at Roman’s doorstep and her attitude. What she needed now was her mother’s support, not her condemnation.

Connie exhaled loudly. “My apologies, Mr. Caponelli. I’ve been wracked with worry ever since I heard about the attack on the shop. You can imagine my distress when I couldn’t get hold of Maddy.”

Thankfully, her mother had said she was sorry, but for some reason, Madison got the feeling that it was anything but sincere. Something was not right and as soon as they were alone she was damn well going to find out what that was.

“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” The wrath at finding her at Roman’s morphed into chastising her daughter.

Madison felt ten years old again, her mother chastising her for spending time with friends instead of getting her homework done. “I’m sorry. My phone has been sitting in rice drying out since it got wet.”

Connie folded her arms across her chest and gave her the matriarchal stare, the one that said, “That’s no excuse.” Yes, she could have borrowed someone else’s phone, but Madison had other things on her mind. The confident man who stood beside her being the main one. Well, that and trying to get things replenished for the shop. Her mother should be thanking her, not scolding her like she was a child. “Be that as it may, it’s time to go. Thanks for your hospitality, Mr. Caponelli, but I can look after my daughter from here on out.”

“Please call me Roman, Ms. Miller.” From the tone of his voice, she could tell he was tiring of the ungrateful exchange with her mother.

“Roman,” she said between gritted teeth. Connie trapped Madison’s hand in hers and hauled her toward the door.

“Mother. Stop.” Madison tugged her palm free.

“It’s time to go, Maddy. You shouldn’t impose.” Now her mother was telling her she was the one intruding? This was nuts.

Roman sidestepped and blocked their path. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”

Her mother gaped at him, but Madison had mixed emotions. She wasn’t ready to leave, but she wouldn’t stand for him, her mother, or anyone else telling her what to do.

“What do you mean by that?” Madison was almost afraid to hear the answer. They’d been getting along so well. She saw a side of Roman that hadn’t elicited controlling barbarian, but was more considerate and sincere.

“We haven’t finished with all the security updates that I had installed at Madison’s home and the shop. There still needs to be some tests done. Not to mention Valentina is here and you two would have a chance to finish the details for your event.”

“What?” Her mother stepped in front of her, her arms folded across her chest.

“The fashion show.” Madison lowered her gaze, remembering the fiasco that started everything. “There were some issues with the venue we always use. Valentina offered her place, Firenza.”

“Isn’t that the old Costenaro place?” Connie placed her hands on her hips. “Figures.” Disgust was evident in her voice.

“Mother, you are being rude.” She’d never seen her mom be so nasty to anyone before, let alone someone she was beginning to care about and one who’d offered to keep her safe.

“Yes, the old Costenaro place.” Roman wasn’t giving an inch and clearly didn’t like her mother’s insinuations regarding the past reputation of the building that once belonged to the Costenaro family, and now the Caponellis, and even if she wanted to leave with her mother, there were doubts that he would let her go. Right now, the way her mother was acting, she wouldn’t go with her anyway. Something was definitely off.

Roman leaned his back against the entryway. It was warm for January, but they were letting a lot of cool air in, having this discussion with the door open.

“I love a place with some history. During prohibition, people gathered there to drink and gamble. Rumor has it that the feds raided it and while the cops were headed in the front, the booze and gambling tables were taken out the back and thrown in the lake.” Roman’s eyes sparkled devilishly as he told the story. Had he heard the stories from some of his relatives?

“I’m hoping to start an annual event based on that legend. Guests can relive the twenties. Zoot suits and flappers’ dresses, pearls, and fedoras. We’ll have jazz music and gambling.” Valentina must have heard the conversation as she appeared out of nowhere.

“You can’t have gambling,” her mother argued. “It’s illegal here unless on tribal land.”

“It’s no problem. I know a guy.” He brushed it off in a teasing way. The way Roman maintained control and emanated power usually put Madison off, but right now she admired the way he stood up to her overbearing mother.

“I’m sure you do,” her mother retorted.

“We might even put up a still in the back and start making our own bootlegged whiskey.”

Her mother’s mouth dropped open.

“Oh, Roman, you’re such a jokester.” Luckily, Valentina’s presence seemed to calm everyone, including Madison’s mother. “Hello, I’m Valentina, Roman’s sister,” she said to Connie. “I’m so excited to be working with Madison to make this year’s fashion show the best one yet. We were just about to start on some of the details. Would you like to join us?”

Connie relaxed. “No, I’m still tired from traveling all this way. I trust Madison to do what’s best for herself and the business.”

“I welcome your input, Mother,” Madison said. Actually, she needed her mother’s support. She’d shouldered the weight of having to make all the business decisions for so long. For years it had left little time for socializing and dating. She’d resented all the responsibility at times. And with all that had taken place over the past few days, it’s no wonder Madison was wound so tight.

“You’ve been doing just fine in my absence.”

Her heart sank and Madison entwined her fingers behind her back.

“Won’t you please join us for some coffee?” Valentina offered.

“No, I must be going.” Connie pulled her gloves out of her pockets.

“Well, I hope we will meet up again. If you will excuse me, I’m going to start making some notes. It was very nice meeting you.” With that, Valentina left, and the tension returned.

“Are you coming with me, dear? We really need to talk.”

Bitterness for all the times Madison wanted to have a heart-to-heart but was ignored bubbled to the surface. “No. I’ll call you later.”

There was no mistaking the displeasure on her mother’s face.

“All right then.” Connie slipped her hands into her gloves with gusto.

“Are you certain you don’t want to stay and have some coffee?” Roman played the perfect host.

“No, I’ve seen that Maddy is in one piece. I’m going home to rest up.” Connie kissed her daughter on the cheek and ignored Roman. “I will be waiting for your call.”

“Yes, Mother,” she replied meekly.

“It was a pleasure, Ms. Miller. I’m sure I will be seeing you again soon,” Roman said.

Madison’s respect for Roman lifted a notch. Her mother was being a complete beast, but he never took the bait to engage.

“Mr. Caponelli.” She nodded, choosing to ignore his request to use his first name.

“Arlo, please see Ms. Miller to her car.” His comforting hand pressed against Madison’s lower back to guide her back into the house. The touch sent an exhilarating chill through her along with a deep comfort.

“Sure thing, boss.” Arlo closed the door behind him.

“I don’t think she likes me.” Roman chuckled.

“If it makes you feel any better, I wonder the same thing too.” Madison fought back the tears.

Roman stopped her in her tracks on the marble entryway floor. He took her arm and without force turned her to look at him.

Madison knew her eyes were red-rimmed and glossy. The strained relationship with her mother always left a dull ache in her throat. She trapped a tear beneath her finger and tried to make light of the situation.

“You really know how to rile her. Illegal gambling…” Madison sniffled a laugh.

Roman grasped her chin in his hand and their eyes locked. Madison felt her heart flutter. He leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips. The pressure was light and protective but sent a slice of white lightning through her.

He pulled away, leaving only an inch between them. “I wasn’t joking. I do and get what I want…But I think you already know that.” Madison’s breath hitched and he was right, she knew it. Roman Caponelli did and got whatever he wanted.




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