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Owned (Grave Diggers MC Book 1) by Michelle Woods (10)

Chapter Ten





“You know he follows you home every night, don’t you?” Patty said, a smirk curling her lips as she watched Tessa from her perch on the crates in the stock room.

“What?” Tessa asked, shock running through her because she’d had no idea that was happening. How had she missed that? And wouldn’t her father and uncles be pissed if they knew their lessons on evading a tail had failed. She’d been bitching to Amber and Patty that he’d hung around when he’d dropped her at home four nights ago after the movie. His bike had still been on her front lawn when she’d headed to bed at three am. It wasn’t because it had just been dropped off either because she’d heard them arrive before she’d hopped into the shower—which she knew had been thirty minutes long.

“You know that man’s going to end up patching you. That’s how it starts, sugar. He becomes obsessed with your safety, then he can’t keep his hands to himself and after that he’s a goner,” Amber said with a little chuckle.

Nope, no, that wasn’t Buck. He was just a little bit horny and as soon as he got into her pants the man would forget she even existed. She wasn’t deluded enough to believe that having sex with the hotter than hell asswipe would be a happily ever after for her—fuck no. She’d be lucky if it was ten minutes before he forgot her name.

“I can’t believe he is following me,” Tessa muttered, her fists tightly clenched.

“Well believe it,” Patty said, glancing at her watch. “Shit, it’s already seven. We need to get going so we can get a few winks in before our shifts start. Tessa, are you sure you want to do the inventory? I can still call one of the prospects in to do it.”

“No, it’s fine, you two head home. It gets me a few extra hours and I’m off tonight. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t take long for me to finish.” Tessa waved them off as she began to count the bottles again.

“Well if you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“All right. Amber, get your ass in the car because I am not waiting on you to keep sexting Topper,” Patty grumbled with a little grin. Amber blushed and stuttered out a denial that nobody believed before she clammed up and followed Patty from the back room with a little wave and an eye roll.

It took Tessa about an hour to get the inventory finished. Wiping dust from her hands and stretching a little to ease the tension in her back, she headed upstairs. She entered the kitchen area deciding to make a sandwich for lunch before she went home. She walked over to the industrial size fridge where they stored the food. Grabbing a cup, she filled it with some ice, noticing the fries and deciding that maybe she wanted a burger and fries instead. Grinning, she took out a premade patty and a small bowl of fries, walking over to set them on the counter. She turned on the fryer and started the grill before she walked across the kitchen to fill her glass with the drink fountain dispenser.

Taking a big gulp, she turned around and was shocked to see that there was a fire where the grill used to be. Panicked, she slammed the glass down on the counter. Turning, she rushed over to the wall to grab the extinguisher, jerking out the pin and spinning around to spray towards the fire wildly, only to find the fire out and a very angry man standing there instead covered in white foam from the fire extinguisher she’d just blasted him with.

Tessa gasped and stopped spraying him. She stared at the goopy mess that had been sprayed all over Buck and the counter. It made him look like a snowman with deep brown eyes that accused her even as she felt the laughter bubble up inside her. Before she could stop herself, she was giggling as she held the extinguisher in one hand, her other one covering her mouth as she attempted to contain the amusement she knew Buck wouldn’t appreciate. Try as she might, she couldn’t seem to stop laughing. It was so bad that she had to set the extinguisher down before she dropped it as she shook with laughter.

“You think this is funny, do you?” Buck asked gruffly, using his hand to wipe away some of the foam.

“Y—yes,” Tessa panted out between giggles.

“I see.” Buck let out a large sigh as he stepped towards her. Tessa tried to avoid him but she was laughing too hard to accomplish it and only ended up in his hard arms as he proceeded to rub himself all over her.

“Let’s see how funny it is when it’s you covered in this thick shit,” Buck said, rubbing his head along her face as she shrieked and laughingly tried to escape. He let out a little snort when she tried to wiggle away from him and trapped her against the wall, his hard hands landing on her hips.

“Oh my God, stop. Stop,” she shrieked, still unable to contain her laughter. Her body wiggled against his trying to get away. Buck let out a little growling moan and pressed harder against her. That was when her laughter became something else because the hard ridge against her stomach and the way he rubbed against her awakened her desire. She felt her nipples harden and she was suddenly very focused on his darkly entrancing eyes as he stared down at her with need burning in his gaze.

Tessa knew allowing this embrace to go any further was a mistake. Buck wasn’t a man someone went to if they wanted a relationship. She knew if she allowed him to touch her it would likely be a one-night stand and she had never really been the type of woman to handle that kind of relationship. She wasn’t innocent or saintly and she had needs. She had allowed her libido to convince her to have one-night stands in the past and afterwards she’d felt used and little like a whore. Only the heat pooling between her legs urged her to take what he was offering because she most likely wouldn’t get the chance to feel this way again in her lifetime. She knew the blistering hot passion that had sparked between them in her yard the other night was rare.

She could feel that same passion consuming her good sense as she stared up at him and made a choice she’d likely regret. She was going to grasp this opportunity to grab life with both hands and damn the consequences.

“Take me home,” she whispered, her arms going around his neck as she gave her consent for him to do more than follow her home.

Buck tensed, his eyes hotly enflamed as they stared down at her. “You sure you can handle that?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, earning a clipped nod from him before she was released.

“Leave your keys. I’ll have a prospect bring your car over later. You’re off tonight, right?”

“Yeah,” she murmured, already sure this was a terrible idea but her girly bits were telling her to mind her own business. After Buck removed her car keys from her key ring and put them on a hook under the bar, she followed him to his bike, her heart pumping fast and hard in her chest. When he was a few steps away from the bike, he grabbed her around the waist turning her quickly, his mouth crashing down on hers.

Her body went liquid with desire as she allowed his hard embrace and his passionate kiss to take her over. When he released her a few minutes later she was breathless and panting with all her insides quivering.

“Just so you’re sure because once we leave here I won’t stop. So be sure before you climb on this bike that it’s what you want, duchess.” With those words still ringing in her ears, she watched him climb on the bike and wait. She knew she should run. She should turn around and walk away but somehow she knew she’d always regret not at least tasting the passion that had sparked between them. Taking a deep breath, she climbed on his bike behind him.


Buck felt the knot in his stomach relax when Tessa’s hands landed on his shoulders as she climbed on the bike. He released a breath he hadn’t even realized he had been holding when he felt her settle behind him, holding on tightly. Even though he’d told her he would allow her to walk away, he knew he wouldn’t have let it happen. He would have chased after her and kissed her until she could no longer think because the idea of her changing her mind was unthinkable. He needed her beneath him like he needed to breathe and nothing in heaven or hell would have stopped him from getting it. 

He didn’t know if it was the other night when he’d come in his pants like a school boy with a crush or if it was when he felt her surrender in his arms, but at some point he’d stopped caring that she wasn’t his type or that he’d sworn off good girls years ago. Nothing mattered except tasting her, touching her—feeling her body wrapped around his cock. Buck didn’t evaluate the feeling too much because it wasn’t his style. Instead he cranked the bike, taking off fast and hard headed towards her house.

When they pulled up five minutes later he was feeling a bit feral and unhinged. His cock was so swollen it felt like it would burst at any moment if he didn’t get it inside her. It seemed to take forever for her to open the door and he had little doubt that the reason was because he was crowding her into the frame, unable to allow much space between their bodies. He couldn’t seem to help this need to be near her even if it would have sped up their entry because his body was on fire, burning hotter than he ever had before, and it scared him shitless. He almost wanted to slam right back out the door and run. Only her glancing over her shoulder as she set her bag down kept him there.

“Um—that’s the way to the bedroom,” she said, motioning to a hallway, a slight blush staining her cheeks. Buck didn’t need another hint; he growled and scooped her up, stomping down the hall.

“Which room?” he grunted, his words barely more than an animalistic growl.

“Last door,” she replied breathlessly.

Buck carried her into the bedroom, tossing her down on the bed before he followed her down, his lips already seeking hers. His hands running over her skin, he growled when he met her clothing, which barred him from touching her the way he wished too.

“Strip,” he commanded, standing to shuck his own clothing while watching her shakily take off her shirt and jeans. He was in his boxers when he noted she’d left on her bra and panties. He didn’t argue with her choice as he placed his knee on the bed and crawled back towards her staring hungrily at her bared skin. He felt like a man possessed. All he could think or feel was focused on her and fucking.

He ran his hands from her creamy thighs up her waist to cup her lace-covered breasts. He felt a jolt as he encountered her bare flesh. If his cock wasn’t so hard he thought he’d die if he didn’t get inside her soon, he might have been more frightened by the roaring beast unleashed inside him from touching her. Buck watched her eyes widen and a hissing moan escaped her lips as she stared up at him with desires as hot as his own.

“We won’t be needing this, duchess,” Buck growled, his hand flicking open the clasp on her bra before removing it and tossing it over his shoulder, his eyes taking in the delicious-looking peaks of her taut breasts. Taking one into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around it, his hand cupping its twin.

Tessa let out a little cry and gripped his hair pulling him into her chest, making that feral feeling he’d had since she’d agreed to allow him in her bed shudder in satisfaction. He pulled back to look up at her eyes now glazed with passion before he latched onto her other nipple sucking the tip hard. His tongue swirled around the tip before raking it with his teeth and kissing down each globe, alternating his caresses. He couldn’t help the aggressive way he sucked on the mounds he cupped in his hands, feeling the need to mark every inch in a savagely possessive display.

Buck knew he was leaving marks on her delicate skin with his beard but couldn’t seem to care because he wanted to mark her. He wanted to own her and that scared the shit out of him. If he wasn’t already in her bed he might have ripped himself away from her and run like hell because he didn’t know how he would resist taking her again with the savage need he still felt. Buck pulled back, looking down at her as his hand slipped down her body sliding towards the hot haven he wanted more than he wanted to survive.

Deciding then and there that this would be the one and only time he ever allowed himself to touch her because otherwise his cock was going to get ideas about her belonging to him, he pushed his hand down to cup her, feeling the heat of her through the white cotton panties she wore. Those simple white panties on Tessa were somehow sexier than lingerie on any other woman he’d ever fucked. He was almost drunk on the sight and feel of her.

Determining he’d waited long enough, he ripped the panties along the seams tearing them away from her body roughly, tossing the pieces over his shoulder uncaring of where they landed. His eyes devoured the sight of her sweet pussy. The tight curls were trimmed into a neat little triangle that hid the sweetness from his view. Grunting, he pushed her legs apart kissing down her stomach, his intent clear. Tessa shuddered beneath him and tried to stop his descent.

“I don’t think—” she began, but his mouth pressing against her pussy stopped her as she gasped. His tongue speared through the slick opening stabbing into her hotness with dark promise. Her hand grasped his hair tugging hard but he ignored it and continued to pleasure her with his hard tongue. Sucking on her little bud earned a harsh cry and her hand stopped attempting to pull his mouth free from her flesh and instead held him closer.

Buck growled against her sleek flesh, his tongue lashing at her seeking out those little moans she was making. Needing to hear her cry out in pleasure as she came, he thrust two fingers inside her, feeling her hips buck against his mouth.

“That’s it, duchess, come for me,” he rumbled, requiring her pleasure as much as his own. He’d always given a woman what she needed in bed but he’d never felt like he’d die if he couldn’t make her scream his name like he did with Tessa. That was another reason this had to be a one-and-done because there was no way he would be able to keep his head if he allowed these feelings to build between them. He couldn’t allow it, not with her being a good girl. His world wasn’t made for good girls. Ignoring the sharp ache that speared through him at the thought, he continued to thrust his fingers into her while he gently raked his teeth over her clit, causing her to bow off the bed towards him. He could tell she was close by the keening moans and the shudders that shook her body.

“Buck,” she cried out, gasping in a tight breath as she stuttered out, “More.”

Buck gave her what she needed, thrusting into her harder as he sucked on her clit, earning mindless cries as she wiggled beneath him. He sucked harder, feeling her body tighten on his fingers as she tensed in orgasmic bliss and came. Buck felt an untamed sense of fulfillment overtake him as he continued to suck gently on her clit while slowing the thrust of his fingers. He looked up her body at her flushed face seeing that her emerald eyes were glazed with a gratified glow that made a fierce ache pierce his heart. This was how she should always look—hotly satisfied and glowing with released passions.

Fuck, what the hell was wrong with him? He was fucked up about a girl he wasn’t going to be fucking again. Done with his pussy-whipped internal dialog, he decided it was time to shove his aching cock into her and get this shit over with. With that thought ringing in his head, he crawled up her body, unable to prevent his lips from trailing over her soft skin, leaving kisses in his wake until he reached her lips, nipping at them gently.

He had shucked his boxers and was poised at her entrance feeling the slick wetness against the head of his thick member and preparing to thrust when she pushed against him hard. He almost didn’t stop because the thought of being denied what he wanted most in the world at that moment was almost too much to bear.

“What?” he rasped, trying to keep his almost animalistic response to her rejection out of his voice. He glared down at her, his eyes narrowed to slits as he waited for her to tell him why she’d forced him away from the heaven he needed to feel wrapped around him like he needed air.

“Condom. You need a condom,” she said, her eyes wild as she stared up at him.

“Fuck,” he growled, unable to believe that he’d forgotten. That had never happened to him. He always remembered a condom because he wasn’t one to chance getting something one couldn’t wash off, so to speak. Nor did he want any fucking kids tying him to a woman for eighteen years like a dog on a leash. Jerking back from her he moved to his pants, grabbing the condom out of his wallet and ripping it open. It didn’t take more than a moment for him to roll the thing over his dick and be back on the bed between her legs.

He didn’t wait, he just pressed against her tight pussy and thrust into the hot haven, ignoring the disquieting feeling of dissatisfaction at the barrier between them. He focused on his need to fuck her and began sliding back and forth into her at a hard, steady pace. He felt her hands clutching his shoulders as she moaned and moved her hips, canting towards him as he hammered into her. He felt like the top of his head was going to come off as he kissed her neck, nipping at her tender skin. His mouth took hers in a kiss that mimicked the movements of his hips pounding into hers and he felt her tighten around his cock. His eyes almost rolled back into his head at the rippling feel of her second orgasm. Her mouth pulled away from his and she screamed her pleasure, making him thrust harder as he sought his own release.

Changing positions to get a better angle into her tight wet hollow, he pushed her legs up towards her chest allowing him to stroke into her harder and shove what felt like an inch further into her pussy. He knew his orgasm would be a hard one from the tingling in his balls as they thrust against her hot little ass. Fuck, he’d needed this woman beneath him badly. It was heaven slamming into her tight pussy and hearing her scream out her orgasms. He could tell by the little whimpers she was releasing that she was building towards another one but he didn’t know if he would last because he was already on the edge.

“You need to come now, duchess,” he muttered into her lips as his caressed hers.

Growling, he moved his hips in a slightly rounded motion allowing his dick to caress her g-spot. He watched her eyes roll back and her moans became louder than before. He thrust hard trying to grit his teeth. She needed to come or she was going to be left dissatisfied because he couldn’t hold on for more than a thrust or two before he came. It was already making his balls ache and he knew it was seconds, not minutes, till he came.

One more hard thrust in that rounded motion that he knew made the head of his cock hit her g-spot and she began coming apart beneath him. He was glad because that same thrust sent him over the edge into the hardest orgasm he’d ever had, an orgasm that hit him so hard he couldn’t breathe for a moment as he thrust into her again and again as his cock spurted and shuddered in blissful relief. His balls tightened and he couldn’t seem to calm his racing heart. Finally, after what seemed like hours but was only about a minute, he came to a stop inside her hot body feeling the twitching of his cock as he panted, trying to catch his breath as he collapsed on top of her.

“Fuck me, that was good,” Buck muttered as he pulled free of her and rolled beside her on the bed. Tessa didn’t say anything but she nodded, her body shifting sensually beside him. He ran a hand over her stomach, his cock stirring already, but he knew it wouldn’t harden for at least ten minutes after an orgasm like that. He rubbed her hip, looking at her softly glowing eyes. He wanted to stay and fuck her again and again, all night in fact, and that was why after a few caresses that left him debating his sanity he got off the bed.

He ditched the condom in a trash can he found near the small dilapidated nightstand that he finally noticed looked like it was going to fall apart and grabbed his pants off the floor, putting them on without bothering with his boxers. He grabbed the boxers, shoving them down into his pocket, and sat on the edge of the bed to put on his boots, steeling his spine to deal with her tears. Fuck, this was the part he hated about fucking a woman.

He heard her shifting around behind him, likely shocked that he wasn’t going to stay. Would she be a crier or would she try seduction? He hoped it was the former rather than the latter because he wasn’t a hundred percent sure she wouldn’t be able to get his cock involved in fucking her again. It wouldn’t take much to tempt it to fuck her again, that was for damned sure. He was already sporting a semi just thinking about getting back into her tight pussy.


He needed to get the hell out of here before he lost his head. Finishing with his boots, he grabbed his shirt and his cut, turning to look at her. He was surprised to find that she was sitting up on the bed with the sheet around her waist, her tits bare and covered in whisker burns and hickeys that made his inner beast growl. His cock twitched again letting him know it wouldn’t mind revisiting the slick wetness it had left only moments ago. He reached down, squeezing the fickle bastard as he adjusted it, mentally telling it to behave.

Tessa had the remote in her hand as she glanced his way, looking bored and a little dismissive. She flicked the TV on, her eyes moving to it as she began to flip through channels.

“I’m going to go,” Buck said, trying to steel his spine as he waited for her to react. She glanced at him again—shit, here it came, she’d likely start bawling any second—then back to the TV. 

“Okay,” Tessa said, her attention already on the show she had found on the TV.

What the fuck?

Maybe she didn’t understand that he was leaving? She must think he meant he was leaving the room, not that he was leaving only minutes after fucking her. Damn, he would have to say it again and make her understand this time so he could deal with the fallout. Fuck, he didn’t want to deal with it.

“No, I’m leaving to go back to the clubhouse,” he muttered. She looked at him with that almost bored look, a slight frown between her eyes. Yep, here came the waterworks. Fuck, he hated when women cried.

“You already told me that. Have a good night.”

Buck stood there beside the bed holding his shirt with his cut slung over his shoulder, staring at Tessa in astonishment. Had she just dismissed him? What the fuck was that about? He grunted and after a moment of her ignoring him for her TV show, he stomped out of the room headed to his bike—still unsure why this wasn’t better than her crying or trying to seduce him. Had it been any other night, with any other woman, he would have been ecstatic but something about the way she’d just dismissed him after the best fuck he’d ever had made him feel like a hooker—and that shit was fucked up.

Slamming out of the house, making sure the door locked behind him, he hopped on his bike. He took one last look at her place before he roared away, feeling a little savage over her not caring that he was leaving.