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Owned (Grave Diggers MC Book 1) by Michelle Woods (8)

Chapter Eight





“Here,” a gruff voice said as a black shirt with white letters landed in her lap. Tessa turned from the TV to glare at her nemesis. They’d been here for almost two hours and she’d watched reruns of Gilligan’s Island and Two Broke Girls while plotting the man’s demise. He didn’t seem to notice her dark glower as he stared down at her with a angry glare of his own.

“What’s this?” she asked, not bothering to look at the shirt, just holding it in a wad while lifting it.

“Put it on,” he gritted out.

“What?” she asked, finally looking at the shirt. She shook it out and read the words. In disbelief, she forced herself to read the words a second time. Looking up, she met his gaze with narrowed eyes and clenched fists.


“No fucking way,” she said, tossing it onto the floor. She damned sure wasn’t having those words emblazoned across her chest, at least not in this lifetime. She stood, glaring right back at him, her chin tilted in defiance.

“You will wear it. You will do it because I can promise you won’t like the punishment I have no choice but to mete out otherwise.” He moved, grabbing her by her upper arms, making Tessa try to jerk away.

I won’t.”

“The fuck you won’t.”

I WON’T,” she practically screamed in his face.

He didn’t answer her challenge with words. Instead he grabbed her shirt, his hand shoved down the neckline between her breasts. Reaching towards the hem, which was near her stomach, he gathered the material in his hand until he held her shirt away from her body. His large masculine hand was heated and rough against her tender skin and she realized he’d grabbed her bra along with her shirt. Even as Tessa let out a gasp of shock at his audacity, he was already using a knife to cut off her shirt and bra. The loud sound of the cotton ripping away from her when he jerked it the last few inches rang in her ears like an alarm. Her mouth hung open and she couldn’t seem to catch her breath as she stared at him in amazement. Buck’s eyes fell to her chest and stayed there.

Tessa realized she was standing with her shirt gaping open while Buck stared at her half-bared breasts. She grabbed for the ragged edges of her shirt trying to pull them back together, embarrassment and anger fighting for dominance inside her. Tessa knew she should kick the bastard in the balls but she was so dazed from his rough handling of her she couldn’t seem to find the ability to move.

“Wear nothing or put it on. Your choice,” Buck stated flatly. He held out the shirt she’d refused to put on and she stared at it blankly.

How dare he?

Tessa was about to give him exactly what he deserved when she heard the door open behind them and she turned her head to see a man standing there looking at the two of them. Tessa was grateful that she was facing Buck and not the door because it was bad enough that she’d been standing in front of Buck half naked. She wasn’t about to have another stranger stare at her.

“Am I interrupting something?” the man queried, a slightly sardonic smile on his face.

“Yes,” Buck said at the same time Tessa muttered “No,” making a grab for the only clothing handy and pulling it on over her shredded shirt and bra. She stepped away from Buck before she ended up slapping him hard enough to make his head spin. Violence wasn’t the answer to everything and she refused to look like a shrew.

The man at the door was tall, at least six three, with dark hair that fell to his wide shoulders and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. She turned to face him fully, taking in the vest he wore and the dusty state of his boots and the black leather pants that looked soft and worn. Her face turned bright red when she realized that his eyes had fallen to focus on her breasts and the words that were now covering them thanks to the asshole standing behind her. She still couldn’t quite believe that she was wearing a shirt that proclaimed her to be ‘Buck’s Bitch.’ It was too humiliating. It was however slightly less humiliating than standing before two strangers with her breasts bare. 

She really wished she could kill the son-of-a-bitch who’d cut her shirt off. Fuck, why had she even let him? Tessa could have used any number of the moves she knew to take down an assailant but she’d stood in dumbfounded shock and allowed him to cut off her clothes like a mindless bimbo. What the hell was wrong with her? she castigated herself.

“I see,” said the man, his amusement clear as his lips curled into a smile.

“Go away, Rage,” Buck growled, his body now close behind her as his arm wrapped around Tessa’s waist pulling her back into his chest. Tessa stiffened and resisted his pull but Buck ignored her and stepped forward. Damn the bastard. Wasn’t it enough that he’d forced her to wear this shirt by destroying her current one? Why did he think it was his right to touch her?

“This is my shop, isn’t it?” Rage asked, that grin still on his face making Tessa want to walk over and slap it off. Damn, Buck had turned her into a violent shrew.

“Might be your shop but this doesn’t concern you.” Buck’s arm tightened around her waist and his body stiffened. Tessa had a feeling that he didn’t like the other man much, at least not at the moment. Rage leered at her for another moment as he took a step into the room, his posture screaming defiance. She felt Buck’s hard body somehow stiffen even more behind her as his arm tightened again around her waist becoming a steel band she was sure she wouldn’t break away from easily.

“Seems to me if it’s happening in my shop it’s not as private as you’d like it to be. So little beauty, how’d you become Buck’s latest bitch?” Rage asked, his eyes turning to her.

Tessa felt her cheeks flame in embarrassment again and she wanted to sink into the floor and hide. This was all Buck’s fault, damn it.

“Enough. We’re leaving,” Buck growled before he began dragging her towards the exit. Tessa allowed it only because she didn’t want to stay with the smirking jerk who was still leering at her as if she were a juicy steak he’d like to take a bite of.

“Don’t leave on my account,” Rage called after them with a little laugh.

Once outside Tessa struggled to get Buck to release her. With a little growl, he let her go once they were at his bike and she turned to glare at him, her arms crossing over her chest. Feeling her ripped clothes shift beneath the shirt the stupid bastard had made her wear only ramped her anger up a notch.

“You do realize that I’m not going to wear this shirt again, right?” she demanded.

“You will, duchess. Or I will be forced to cut your clothes off you again. This is your punishment and you will wear it every night while you work at the bar so they can see you’ve been handled. And you won’t ever pull a stunt like that again or the punishment will have to be harsher.” Buck’s eyes were narrowed on her and his words were hard and clipped.

“I don’t think so, asshole,” Tessa growled.

Buck moved, startling her, and she automatically moved out of his way ending up a few feet from where she’d been but somehow he still gripped her arms. Surprised, she looked up at his face. The dark glare she gave him was wary because she had a feeling he could overpower her despite her training and that sent fear spiking through her.

“Two weeks should be long enough and you will wear it because if you don’t, the punishment for you will have to be much harsher and neither of us wants that, duchess.” He was looking down at her with a serious expression in his chocolaty brown eyes.

“You’re an asshole and I will do what I want to do,” Tessa said bravely, trying not to let the little bit of fear she was feeling show in her eyes. She felt his hands tighten and he leaned down until his face was only inches from hers and she could make out the light flecks of gold in his irises.

“You will wear it because you don’t want to find out how harsh the punishment will be if you don’t. Stop fucking with shit you don’t understand, little girl. You aren’t ready to deal with the consequences. This is exactly why I said you had no right working at the bar because if you’d pulled this shit on anyone else you’d already know exactly why you fucked up but I’m trying to keep your innocence intact while still teaching you to behave. Now be a good girl and get on the fucking bike.”

Tessa wanted to protest but something about his clenched jaw and the hard hands digging into her arms made her do what he said. As she climbed on the bike she told herself it was because she just wanted to get back to her car so she could go home for the night. But that didn’t explain the unsettled almost fearful feeling she couldn’t seem to shake because something about his warning frightened her.

Buck climbed on the bike in front of her and she was forced to grab his waist again as they roared away from the little strip mall. Tessa buried her face into his back trying to limit the wind that whipped her hair around and held on for dear life as they headed back to the bar.


Buck pulled up to Tessa’s little blue bungalow and reluctantly cut the engine. He felt a feral possessiveness for the woman whose arms were slowly unwrapping from his waist as she sat up to look at her surroundings. He felt her stiffen as she realized that they weren’t at the bar but instead they were at her house. He almost grunted with satisfaction when she hastily got off the bike, her eyes wide as she stared at him.

“How did you know I lived here?” she demanded, looking a little nervous.

Damn, it was about time she noticed she should be worried. He’d followed her home every night for the past three weeks if he was in town. He’d told himself that it was because he wanted her safe. However, Buck was beginning to think that was bullshit because tonight when he’d cut her shirt off and seen the sweetly rounded globes of her breasts he’d been seconds from taking one of them into his mouth and damn the consequences or what was right. Rage had put a stop to that, thank fuck, but it had been close. He needed to take a step back from this but with her punishment needing to be handled he’d have to wait because he knew her well enough by now to know that she wasn’t going to meekly wear the shirt in penance like most people would. Fuck no, she was going to need him to force the issue.

“I followed you home,” Buck said roughly, his voice hard

“You—you did what?” Tessa demanded. “How dare you!” She raised her arm to slap him but he caught it before it could land, a dark glower on his face.

“I dare, duchess, because you have no idea the type of men you’re dealing with. You’re so naive that you think you’re safe. You don’t look for anyone following you and you wouldn’t know how to handle it if someone was here waiting in the fucking dark to grab you and drag you into that house or hell, the bushes, to rape you. In other words, I’m saying you’re a little fool.”

“Th—that’s insane,” Tessa sputtered, looking at him defiantly, her chest rising and falling quickly, reminding him of her breasts.

His eyes narrowed as his cock throbbed and before he could stop himself, his lips were on hers. She attempted to resist him by turning her head but he grabbed the back of her neck, cupping her head and forcing her mouth to his. He let out a little growl as his tongue sought entrance to her mouth, running along lips that tasted nearly as sweet as he’d imagined. Her arm was still captured in his hard hold so he twisted it behind her back, using it to hold her close to him by pressing it into her back and forcing her closer to him and his invading mouth. Tessa let out a little gasp, which was all the advantage he needed to thrust inside her mouth. The feral possessiveness he’d felt earlier almost choked him with its savageness as he explored the cavern of her mouth.

At first, she didn’t kiss him back, just allowed him to conquer her mouth with his ferociously thrusting tongue but after a moment he felt her tongue tentatively thrust back, swirling with his own. Buck felt a rumble of satisfaction escape him as his other hand fell from her nape to cup her ass, jerking her into his hardened cock. He rubbed his cock into her stomach almost mindlessly seeking further contact with her. His hand released her arm, allowing her to curl her arms around his neck as he grabbed two handfuls of her ass and jerking her up so that he could press against her mound. His mouth was devouring her as he massaged her ass, needing to feel her body pressed into his like he needed air.

Tessa moved against him trying to seek firmer contact with his cock and he realized she needed to come. He wanted to rip her pants off and thrust his fingers inside her but he wasn’t able to release the firm grip he had on her ass long enough to do it. Instead he jerked his head up looking around for a second as she mewled and tried to rub against him. Seeing the porch railing he jerked her a few steps forward before pressing her back into it, his cock rubbing against her sweet little pussy as he fought to control his hunger. She was kissing his neck, her teeth nipping his flesh and sending hard shivers of need down his spine. He thrust his cock against her pussy grunting with pleasure as she moaned and wiggled against him.

“Fuck yes. Use my cock, duchess.” He found himself growling as she arched back, bouncing up and down on his clothed cock mindlessly trying to find her release. Buck had never felt so turned on while fully clothed in his life but something about the hot little brunette in his arms made him feel like if he didn’t fuck her he’d die.

He jerked the tight shirt he’d just bought her down and shoved the ripped material of her bra aside to take her hardened nipple into his mouth to suck it as she cried out and rubbed harder on his cock. His teeth scraped her tender flesh as his tongue swirled around the hard little bud, a growl rumbling from him as he sucked the perky tip and thrust his hips into hers seeking her orgasm. He needed her to come.

Buck’s hands dug into her ass as his mouth sucked hard on the little nipple he had revealed. Tessa seemed to go wild and her mewls became moans as she neared her orgasm. Fuck yes, this was what he needed. He kissed his way up her neck seeking her mouth, needing to have her cries of pleasure released into his mouth when she came. He wanted to have her taste while she found her release. He thrust his tongue into her mouth at the same time he adjusted her body so that he slammed hard against her clit with his cock. He felt the sudden heat from her pussy as she came with a sweet cry that had his cock trembling and as he continued to thrust into her he let out a savage grunt as he came in his pants for the first time since he was a teenager.

Buck stood pressing against her, his face buried in her honeysuckle-scented hair breathing hard, his mind roaring. He couldn’t believe that he’d just dry-humped Tessa and come harder than he could remember in a long fucking time, possibly ever. What would it be like to sink into her hot little pussy? Fuck no, he needed to get the hell away from her or he’d fuck her and that wasn’t something he should do. She was a good girl despite allowing him to almost fuck her in her front yard and he was a fucking animal who needed to keep his distance. Those thoughts clear in his mind, he released his hold on her allowing her feet to touch the ground and took several steps back from her. She stared at him with an expression that was almost disbelief as he moved away and headed back to his bike, needing to get the fuck out of here before he did something stupid like take her inside and fuck her senseless.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow night. Wear the fucking shirt,” he growled, not looking at her as he cranked the bike. Buck was backing the bike up and took one last glance at her which revealed her pulling the shirt that he’d jerked up back down over her breast, a confused look of defiance on her face that made him want to climb off his bike and show her exactly who she was messing with. Instead he just hit the pavement and roared away without another glance because he was already starting to get hard again and he had to keep her safe. Even from him.