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Room Service by Chance Carter (19)

Chapter 19


Talk about getting swept off my feet. I remembered thinking that as Oliver spoke to the woman behind the counter of the coffee shop we’d stopped in to.

This was no ordinary coffee shop. It was beautiful, set on the ground floor of an old-school shopping mall. It delivered creamy, rich coffee I could have sipped all day, especially if that had meant I got to spend time with Oliver.

We only had a few hours left in London, but the last couple of days had been beyond incredible. After we’d hooked up in the honeymoon suite of the hotel, any time he wasn't working on the Masterson deal was spent making sure I knew just how much he wanted me.

He took me out to dinner, for drinks, even dancing. He bought me a dress for the occasion and put his hands on my hips and pulled me close so that I could feel his breath on my skin. I loved every second of it.

He was putting so much time and effort into what was happening between us, and I couldn’t help but fall a little harder with every gesture he made. I had never dated like this before, never had someone pour this much time, energy, and effort into making sure I felt wanted, needed, and romanced. I had no idea how I would ever go back to dating like a normal person again.

But, as I watched him paying at the cafe, I couldn’t fight the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Maybe it was because he had been avoiding the subject of what was going to happen when we got back to the US.

This was amazing. It really was. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Being treated like this was like a dream, and knowing after all this time that Oliver felt the same attraction and adoration as I had been feeling all this time was one of the most validating things that had ever happened to me. The thought of all this being over and behaving like it never happened the minute we stepped off the jet, made my stomach crumple up and my heart sink.

But there was no way this level of romance could keep going back at the office, right? This was special, over-the-top, and removed from reality.

It was easy for him to be with me now in London. He could take me out and show me off with out worrying about the wrong people spotting us. There was no way it could get back to Neil or anyone else in the company. But once we got back to America, at the very least, things would have to be kept on the down-low. We couldn’t keep up this level of public dating and affection. Someone would figure it out eventually, and given Oliver’s past, it may not go over well.

So what options did that leave us, realistically? We would have to keep things strictly under the radar when we returned to the office, at least until we were ready to come out and admit we were seeing each other. Goodness knew how long it would be before the both of us were actually confident enough to do that. Or we would call things off before going home and chalk this whole experience up to a good time.

That option made my heart sink. I was falling for Oliver as hard as it was possible to fall for anyone, and the thought of him bringing an end to things before they even had a chance to get started was eating me up inside.

He returned from the counter, sat down opposite me, and drained the last of his delicious coffee from his mug.

“Mmm, that’s so good,” he sighed. “Think we can convince them to open a branch down the street from the office?”

“I don’t see why not.” I shrugged. “I mean, if you can get the Masterson account, I’d say you can do anything.”

“Hey, don’t jinx it.”

He held up his hand, stopping me from going g on. “I haven’t signed the contracts yet, and I don’t want to count our chickens before they’re hatched.”

“Okay, I take it back.” I held my hands up. “I’m sure it’s all going to go terribly wrong. Is that better? Are you un-jinxed now?”

“I hope so.”

He flashed me one of his famously charming smiles. “I guess we’ll have to see how things go tonight.”

“I can’t believe you actually got this far with them.” I shook my head. “I mean, only six weeks ago, they seemed like an impossible dream.”

“Yeah, well, that’s what hard work will bring you,” he replied proudly. “And an amazing secretary to play the part of your fiancée, of course.”

“Yeah, you really couldn’t have done any of this without me,” I teased with faux-smugness. “What’s my cut of the deal?”

“Uh, why don’t we head back to the hotel, and I’ll show you?” he suggested, leaning forward, lowering his voice, and making it very clear exactly what he was talking about.

“Do we have time?”

My heart fluttered at the thought of another encounter with him before we left. There was no doubt the sex had been the best of my life, and I found myself craving it if we went too long between sessions.

“We’ve got to pick up our bags, anyway.” He glanced at his watch. “If we leave now?”

“Yes, I think it’s important we do.”

I tried to keep up a veneer of professionalism, but there was a grin playing at the corner of my lips that I couldn’t suppress.

He offered me a hand, pulled me to my feet, and before I knew it, the two of us were power-walking back to the hotel, shooting each other those playful, knowing looks every now and then to confirm what we were about to do.

Maybe it was the caffeine we’d just consumed, or maybe it was the knowledge we’d have to return to our real lives soon enough, but my heart was pounding in my chest with anticipation.

Before we even got to the room, as soon as the door of the elevator closed, he was on me. He lifted me up off my feet and I threw my legs around his waist, gripping him tightly. He pressed me against the back wall of the elevator and kissed me passionately, madly, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth.

I felt him reach down and start opening the zipper on his pants and I was afraid someone might join us in the elevator.

“Oliver! What if someone comes in?”

“I can’t wait another second, Mona. I’m desperate for you, baby.”

Thankfully, the elevator dinged and came to a halt on our floor before anyone else could join us, and he put me on the ground. We practically ran to our door, making out passionately as he tried to unlock our room. There was an older couple at the far end of the corridor but they quickly looked away when they saw how naughty we were being.

Eventually, after what felt like forever, he managed to get the door unlocked, and still kissing me furiously, he pushed open the door.

We stumbled into the room and knocked over a lamp on our way to the bed.

“They’ll have to add that to the bill,” Oliver laughed.

I barely even noticed it fall. I tore off my clothes and hopped on the bed, laying on my back, looking up at him.

He pulled off his own clothes and climbed down over me. Having his huge, muscular body hang so powerfully over mine, just a few inches above me, took my breath away. It was heaven to be there beneath him, waiting to see what he’d do with me.

I was his for the taking. Completely and utterly his. Whatever he wanted to do with me, he could.

He started by leaning down and kissing my mouth. Then he broke off our kiss as his lips moved down over my neck and over each of my rock hard nipples. The sensation as he kissed my breasts and sucked on my nipples, taking no care not to be rough, was overwhelming. I squirmed under his power and he ran his tongue from my nipples, down over my navel, and then to the very top of my clit. He paused there and looked up at me mischievously.

“Do it,” I whispered.

He began passionately making out with my clit, and then with the mouth of my pussy, stretching his tongue deep inside me and swallowing my juices like I was the most delicious thing he’d ever put his mouth on.

He continued to tease and pleasure my pussy with his mouth until I couldn’t take it another second. As I felt the orgasm building up inside me, he reached up and slid two fingers into my pussy as he continued to suck on my clit powerfully. The sensation was too much and a wave of orgasms rushed through my body like a hurricane. It was heaven! It was ecstasy!

No sooner had I recovered from the orgasm than he flipped me over.

I wondered what he had in store for me next when he spoke.

“Up on your hands and knees,” he commanded.

I did as I was told and shuddered with pleasure and excitement as he reached for my hair and wrapped it tightly around his fist.

Pulling back my hair, he forced me to arch my back and give him the best possible position for fucking me as hard and as deeply as he wanted.

I was powerless.

I was completely his.

He pulled back my hair, gently but firmly, and at the same time, slid his long, thick, powerful cock deep into my soaking wet pussy.

The sensation was paradise.

He felt so big and thick inside me, stretching me to his desire, and as he fucked me, harder and harder with every thrust of his powerful thighs, he pulled my hair and kept his complete control over my body.

He was completely dominating me. Pleasure and pain coursed through my scalp in a glorious mesh that left me practically crying out for more.

It felt so good that when the orgasms began to explode inside me, I screamed his name.

Then I felt his cock grow, one final time, throb powerfully, and then begin shooting thick, powerful jets of cum deep into my pussy.

“Mona,” he cried out.

I shuddered from wave after wave of orgasm as his cock kept pouring itself so deep inside me.

“Oh, god,” I sighed as I collapsed under his weight.

I couldn’t believe what had just happened.

My body was still tingling from pleasure.

We grabbed our bags when we were done, dressed fast, and hurried out the door to meet the cab driver who’d already been waiting ten minutes by the time we got downstairs.

“Sorry we’re late,” Oliver said and flashed him a smile.

I noticed his hair was standing up at the back. I reached over to pat it down without thinking, and then drew my hand back. I would have to get used to being more discreet when we got back to the US.

Oliver opened the car door for me, and we made our way to the airport, where the jet was waiting for us. It was raining lightly, just as it had been for the last few days, and part of me was looking forward to getting home to warmth of the city.

We took our seats on the plane, both of us trying to keep straight faces as the air hostess greeted us and offered us something to drink. Oliver had dropped hints about us hooking up on the plane, and while I was pretty sure he was kidding, it was clear now that he seriously was not.

As soon as she left us alone, he switched seats to be next to me, draped an arm around my shoulder, and smiled wickedly.

“So,” he began, running his fingers up the side of my neck and causing me to shiver. “Come here often?”

“Intercontinental plane travel on a private jet?” I cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah, all the time. You’ll never find me out of the air.”

“Sounds fascinating.”

He shifted closer to me, his hand slipping down my front a little so that his fingers rested just above the hemline of my t-shirt. “I’d love to hear about it.”

“I might need it bribed out of me,” I murmured in response, my gaze moving down to his lips.

God, that mouth. He had proven beyond doubt there was a reason why every woman he’d been with seemed so hung up on him. It was all to do with that incredible mouth and the way he used it when he got me naked.

“I’ll see what I can do,” he replied, and the last word blurred into a kiss as the plane began to move beneath us.

Our tongues met, and he slipped a hand around the back of my neck and pulled me close so he could kiss me more passionately. I felt something melt inside me, all the paranoia and over thinking of the last few hours leaking out of my brain as his hand traveled up my thigh and beneath my skirt.

I shifted in my seat as his fingers found my panties, and he began to massage my pussy lightly through the fabric. His touch was electric, enough to make the bottom of my feet tingle and my body crumple. He pulled his fingers from between my legs and pushed them into my mouth.

“Suck on them,” he murmured, and I didn’t need to be told twice.

I flicked my tongue out over his fingers, tasting my own musk on his skin, and grazed my teeth along the pads to let him know I wasn’t messing around. A smile slowly formed on his face, and he suddenly pulled his hand away, picked me up, and lay me down on the bar that sat a few feet from us.

I pushed myself up so I was perched on the edge, crossing my legs chastely, and he immediately took them and uncrossed them again, spreading them lewdly apart and cocking an eyebrow at me.

“Any closer to telling me your secrets?” he asked, leaning in to brush his lips up my neck.

I shivered but kept my hands planted firmly on the bar next to me. He pulled back, and I shrugged, feigning nonchalance.

“You’ll have to do better than that,” I replied, looking up at him, my breath coming quicker.

His eyes flashed at my insolence, and he pulled me off the bar, spun me around, and pushed on the small of my back so I was bent over a little.

“You asked for it,” he growled in my ear, one hand on my belly and the other shoving up my skirt, as though he couldn’t wait any longer.

I gasped as I felt him kneel and pull my panties down and then I felt his mouth on my pussy. He couldn’t seem to get enough of me, and I loved it so much when he ate me out. He always went at it like he had been starved for days. It was like no pleasure I had ever felt before.

I closed my eyes, losing myself in the moment, and then I felt him moving back. My eyes flashed open again as I felt his tongue probing my ass, and my legs began to buckle underneath me at the striking, new sensation.

“Fuck,” I gasped, gripping the bar for support, as he slid a finger inside my pussy and continued to tease my asshole with his tongue.

I never had anyone do anything like that to me before, and it felt… fuck, it felt amazing. But I didn’t know how long it would be until the hostess returned, and I didn’t want to waste any time.

“Fuck me,” I demanded, as forcefully as I could.

He continued on his task, as though he hadn’t heard me.

“Fuck me,” I repeated again, louder, and he pulled back for a moment.

“You’re going to come like this first,” he replied, his voice a growl, and I bit my lip.

I wanted his cock inside me, but at the same time, what he was doing felt so damned good.

“Please,” I begged as he licked slowly across my ass again, his thumb stretching up to find my clit. I groaned loudly, and he gripped my ass with his free hand to keep me upright.

“Come for me,” he replied, and I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin as he spoke. I squeezed my eyes shut, every inch of my skin prickling as he went to town on me, but I needed him inside me, needed him now.

“Please, fuck me,” I begged, but it was with less conviction this time as he massaged my clit harder, his tongue dipping inside me ever-so-slightly.

God, that felt good. My body was tensing, my pussy tightening around his fingers.

Suddenly, he stopped dead. My mouth dropped open, and I half-turned to look at him, panting slightly as I waited for him to continue.

“You’re right,” he explained as he got to his feet, pushing me back down on the bar. “I want to feel you come around my cock. Put your ass in the air.”

“Jesus, Oliver,” I groaned. It was all I could manage given the circumstances.

He sheathed himself quickly, wrapped one arm around my neck to hold me in place, and thrust into me without another second’s wait. I bit my lip, hard.

“So, you want to come?” he muttered in my ear, biting the lobe.

I nodded.

“You know, I think I’m going to institute a new rule,” he growled. “You can only come when I’m inside you. How does that sound?”

“Depends if you’re going to make that hard for me,” I replied.

He slowed his thrusts, teasing me, wanting this to last.

“I will,” he promised. “I’ll make you beg for my dick, and maybe sometimes, I’ll just leave you hanging.”

He moved faster again, leaning back and landing a couple of hard slaps to my ass as he slammed me bent over the bar like that. I could only mew with pleasure, my body shuddering with every thrust as he buried himself deep and hard inside me, again and again.

“Come for me,” he ordered. “I want to feel you come, Mona.”

The sound of my name coming out of his mouth was enough to tip me over the edge, and just like that, I felt my pussy tighten sharply as the orgasm hit in full force. I let out a gritted-teeth groan, the sensation sweeping across my body like someone had lit a match to me.

“Ah!” I cried out, uninhibited.

With Oliver, I never seemed to give a damn about how I looked or how I sounded because the pleasure he lavished on me was always so intense. It was impossible not to get lost in it..

He held me up, thrusting into me a few more times before he came himself, holding me up as he reached his own climax before he slowly pulled out of me. I was still trying to catch my breath as he swiftly knelt down to pull my panties back up and roll my skirt down for me, ever the gentleman.

Once my breathing had returned to normal, I turned around and looked at him. He grinned and ran his tongue across his teeth, looking at me like a shark might look at his prey just before he ate it.

“Good?” he asked.

I nodded, staggering over to the seat closest to us and slumping into it in relief.

“Good,” I murmured, my voice almost comically hoarse.

He laughed. “That good, huh? Maybe you’ll tell me your secrets now,” he teased, and I waved my hand, dismissing him, as I strapped in. The plane was almost ready for take-off.

“There is… uh, there’s one thing I actually do want to talk about,” I began awkwardly, deciding that now was as good a time as any.

His brow furrowed and he placed his elbows on his knees, leaning forward and gesturing for me to go on.

“I… I’ve had a really good time the last couple of days,” I began hesitantly, “and I don’t want them to end.”

“Me neither,” he replied, cocking his head at me like he couldn’t figure out what I was getting at.

“So… are we going to keep this going when we get back to work?” I asked, glad the question was out, but at once seized by panic that I might not get the answer I truly wanted to hear.

“I thought we were, yeah.”

He shrugged, playing it cool, but I could see the flash of panic in his eyes.

“Do you want to?”

“Yeah, I do,” I agreed, a wave of relief moving over me. “I really, really do.”

“We’re going to have to keep it quiet for a while,” he warned. “Like, a long time. If Neil or any of the others get wind of this…”

He trailed off, and I realized he had never addressed the subject of what had happened with his last secretary. Did he think I didn’t know? I sure as hell wasn’t going to bring her up, now that I had him to myself, but that had to be what he was thinking about.

I knew the other the partners at the company were not particularly impressed when he’d hooked up with Jeannie. Now that I thought of it, I didn’t know the details exactly, but from what I could gather, it hadn’t been good for either party.

“We’re just going to have to be careful,” he finished up. “Very careful. You can’t talk about this to anyone, and neither can I. Can you live with that?”

“Of course.” I furrowed my brow as though it should have been obvious. “How long do we have to keep it quiet?”

He threw his hands in the air as we began to take off. “I honestly have no idea,” he admitted carefully. “It could be a while. I don’t want anyone to think that this is just a fling, that’s all.”

“Which it is right now,” I pointed out, and he nodded.

“I’m aware,” he assured me. “We’ll just have to play it safe for a while. Until we’re both… sure.”

“I get that,” I agreed, trying to keep my face neutral but knowing I was doing a terrible job of it.

“For now, I want this to keep going,” he grinned. “There’s so much we haven’t done yet.”

“Is there?” I cocked my head at him. “Because I was pretty sure we’d done it all.”

“Not even close.”

He flashed me that shark-like grin again and let his eyes drift down over my body.

“Not even close.”

I shifted in my seat excitedly, but before he could say anymore, the hostess appeared with champagne for us. She was doing her best to ignore the obvious tension in the room as she walked in.

I took my glass, savored a sip, and watched as she made her way out again. Oliver leaned over to me, lifting his glass to mine, and touched them gently together.

“This has been an amazing few days,” he said warmly. “I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.”

“Me neither,” I replied, sipping as though to seal the toast and grinning to myself as I looked out the window to the ground below.

At that moment, everything felt blissfully perfect, but little did I know, it wasn’t going to stay that way for long.





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