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Room Service by Chance Carter (62)


6 Months Later ...

The azure sky stretched endlessly above me, pale sunlight warming my upturned face. I breathed in the damp air of early spring, smiling to myself like an idiot. But hell, I had a lot to smile about.

First, it was Friday. I had a whole weekend to work on assignments and relax with my doting husband.

Second, I’d just gotten back my marks on a project for my pop culture painting class, and I’d improved markedly from my first assignment of the year.

I discovered a third reason when I opened my eyes and saw a handsome, well-dressed man standing at the bottom of the building steps. Max grinned up at me, one hand shoved casually in his pocket like he’d just walked off the cover of GQ.

“Hey!” I bounded down and threw my arms around him. “What are you doing here?”

He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me in his arms. “I’m taking you away for the weekend. Surprise!”

I chuckled. “The surprises just don’t end with you, do they?”

“Gotta keep you on your toes somehow.” He patted my rear and pulled back from the hug, winking down at me. “Who knows what a woman like you will do if she gets bored.”

He was just teasing, but I set my jaw in righteous indignation anyway.

“A woman like me? Why I oughta...”

His car was waiting just out front, a sleek black Mercedes that we often took around on the weekends if we felt like getting out of the city for a drive. I tossed my bag in the back and slid in, noting that he’d packed a bag for me and everything.

“Where are we going?” I asked. “Or is that a surprise too?”

“I think picking you up from school is enough surprise for one day.” He lowered himself into the driver’s seat and buckled up. “We’re going out to the Hamptons. Mother just bought a property out there and she says it’s the most divine escape this side of Aruba.”

“This side of Aruba, huh? With a qualifier like that, I’ve got high expectations.”

Max pulled out onto the road, his lips quirked in amusement. “If it’s a shit hole I’m sure we can just keg up in the bedroom all weekend.”

It wouldn’t be a shit hole, but the offer was tempting nonetheless.

“I just have to get gas on the way,” he said. “But after that, it’s just us and the open road.”

He made it sound like we were going on a great All-American road trip, rather than a quick jaunt up Long Island to stay in a swanky home in the Hamptons. I laughed.

By the time we stopped at the gas station, I was feeling thirsty and decided to pop inside for a drink while Max fuelled up. After grabbing a couple bottles of water and some pepperoni sticks, which I just couldn’t kick the craving for, I brought my purchases up to the till and nearly shit my pants.

“Emma?” Lance said, pulling on the collar of his Sip N’ Go uniform. “You look different.”

He looked different too, though I didn’t comment on his overgrown hair or the fact that all the life had drained from his eyes. It didn’t seem polite.

“Uh, yeah. Well, I guess it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other.”

The bell on the door chimed and I looked back to see Max enter. I knew the moment he realized that Lance was the cashier, because his eyes hardened and narrowed into angry slits. He strode over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I thrust my cash at Max, wanting to end this interaction as quickly as possible.

“You look good though,” Lance offered, which was quite bold considering Max looked like he was about to blow a gasket. Though I’d gotten over everything I’d gone through when I was with Lance, Max still hadn’t. He looked about ready to throw another punch.

“Thanks,” I said. “Uh, you too.”

I took my change and my snacks and made a hasty exit. Max was silent until we were back in the car.

“I didn’t get my chips,” he muttered angrily, driving back onto the road.

I laughed. “Did you want chips?”

“Yeah, that was why I came inside. And then I saw that dingus and completely fucking forgot.”

This time I laughed harder. It seemed ridiculous that Max was jealous of Lance. Or maybe he just hated the guy’s guts and couldn’t stand to be around him. Either way, I figured now would be a good time to announce a surprise of my own. It might not calm him down, but it would at least change the tone of the car ride.

“Hey Max,” I said, unwrapping my pepperoni stick and nibbling off a bite.

“Hey what?”

“Hey, I’m pregnant.”

The car swerved to the side of the road and lurched to a sudden stop. I let out a squawk of confusion, thinking a rabbit had just run onto the road or something. The second we stopped, however, Max reached across the car, unclipped me, and pulled me over onto his lap.

I was about to chastise him for the abrupt stop when his mouth crashed over mine. I could feel the smile on his lips. How could I help but melt into that?

“Thank you, thank you,” he murmured, squeezing me in his arms. “Fuck, this is the best news I’ve ever had.”

My heart skipped with happiness.

I kissed him back, holding his face in my hands as pure joy surged through me.

“Mmm, you taste like pepperoni.”

I pulled back and scowled at him. “Ya had to ruin the moment, didn’t you?”

He pulled me back, chest rumbling with laughter. “I like pepperoni.”

“Well, get used to it, because it’s the only thing I seem to want to eat.”

He thumbed my cheek, staring deep into my eyes. “I’ll make you a palace of pepperoni.”

“I think that would be overkill.”

“Not at all,” he said, more serious now. “You make me the happiest man on earth every single day. A palace of pepperoni seems like a small price to pay for that.”

I tapped the end of his nose, grinning from ear to ear. “Let’s start with letting me finish the stick I already have, and we can go from there.”

He nodded, placed another chaste kiss on my lips, and returned me to my seat, dutifully buckling me back in, even though I had hands and everything.

“To the Hamptons!” I said cheerily.

Max gave me a sidelong grin as he revved up the engine. “Anywhere you want to go, babe. Anywhere.”