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Room Service by Chance Carter (80)

Chapter 19

The Ombrea liquor store was harder to find than Jenny remembered. She drove twice down the street she thought it was on, but there was no sign of it. She couldn't ask one of the locals for directions. It would be all over town that she was a drunk if she seemed desperate to find the liquor store on a weekday afternoon.

She laughed to herself. This place was so predictable.

Frustrated, she turned at the end of the block. She would have to do another drive around to see if she could spot it this time. The store had a small, red sign tucked away on the window, and she was finding it hard to drive and spot it among the other shop windows at the same time.

She pulled ahead into an open parking space. Maybe the search would go better on foot. She stuffed her notepad and pen into her bag and set out, locking the car securely behind her.

Jenny kept her eyes on the store windows as she walked down the block. She ignored the stares of the people as she passed, her mind on the task at hand. She thought she could see the red sign up ahead between the florist shop and a lawyer’s office.

A hand suddenly touched her arm, and Jenny spun around, her guard up. Her mood softened when she found Norma standing before her with arms full of shopping bags.

“Oh, I’m so sorry to have startled you, dear.” Norma's smile was faint. “I just wanted to say hello and check in on how things are going. How is little Isabelle doing?”

“Well, thank you. She's been coping with everything just fine.”

“Good, good. You'll say hello for me?”

Norma waited until Jenny nodded.

“Thank you. So where are the two of you staying now? At the Best Western?'

“No, we’re staying with a friend.”

Even though Jenny trusted Norma, she thought it best to stick to the basics. “Someone was nice enough to put us up for a few nights while we figure this whole thing out.”

“Yes. It has been a really nasty business, hasn't it?” Norma nodded thoughtfully. “I’m so glad you are both safe.”

“Me too,” Jenny said honestly. “But if you don't mind, I’d best be getting on. I have a few errands to run before I head back.”

“Of course, dear, I understand you are busy, busy, busy right now.”

Norma paused for a moment. She looked a little unsure of herself.

“You know, you and Isabelle are always welcome to come by for something to eat or a cup of tea. You both are always welcome. I'm always at home.”

Jenny was touched. Since arriving back in Ombrea, Norma had been the only person who had extended the hand of friendship to her. It was a very sweet gesture.

“Of course. I'll make sure we come by in the next day or so, okay?”

Norma nodded, her smile wider.

“That would be grand. I’d best be on my way”

“Absolutely. See you later, dear.”

Norma continued on down the street with a spring in her step. Jenny made a mental note to go over to take Norma up on her invitation. She was sure Isabelle would consider it a real treat to see her old friend again.

Jenny was about to hurry on to the liquor store when she caught sight of someone ahead. She was a ways down the block, but she quickly tucked in close to the awning of a nearby store to keep herself out of sight.

Chief Cartright stood in the liquor store doorway, a brown, paper bag in his hand. He looked up and down the street as if he were trying to find someone. She moved in closer to the shelter of the awning, her heart racing a mile a minute. It appeared that he hadn't seen her because he started walking up the street away from her, the bag swinging in his hand.

Jenny remained for a couple more minutes in her hiding spot before stepping out onto the sidewalk. She hadn't expected to see Chief Cartright again so soon, especially not at the very store where she was heading to get some answers about the case. If he had been as busy as his desk clerk had insisted he was, he wouldn't have had the time to make a stop at the liquor store. She knew he was unmarried. Someone had mentioned it in passing at the wake.

Could Chief Cartright be Chloe’s mystery man? He was older than she was, but that didn’t mean much these days. He was handsome in his own way. A little too serious for Jenny's taste. She didn't think he would be Chloe's cup of tea either, but there’s no accounting for taste as they say. Maybe Chloe had taken a liking to the Chief.

She wished she had seen what he had in that bag.

When Jenny entered the liquor store, she found it to be quite dim and dusty. It looked exactly the same as it had the last time she was there. That was a lifetime ago.

There were only three or four small shelves and an old cooler on the side wall stocked with chilled beverages. It was a big step down from the large liquor stores she had encountered in New York. There, you could find one open at any hour and only a couple of minutes away no matter where you were. In Ombrea, if you missed opening hours, you had no choice but to do without until the next day.

The old bell above the door chimed when she entered the store. The tacky, blue, plastic curtain behind the counter shook as an older man stepped through carrying the newspaper. He set the paper down on the counter and cleaned his glasses before pushing them onto his face to get a better look at her. It was clear he knew who she was, but he gave her a curt nod and left her to shop in peace.

Jenny started to hunt for the blue wine bottle. She scoured each and every shelf in the store just in case it had been misplaced, but no matter how hard she looked, she found that the matching bottle was nowhere to be seen. She even checked the cooler, pulling forward a few bottles to check in the back, was so sure she would find it there. Her only other choice was to talk to the shop owner and see what he knew about it.

He looked up curiously when she approached, his eyes looking over her hands for any sign of a purchase. When it was clear they had to speak, he set his newspaper aside and placed his hands on the counter.

“Yes, Miss Dale, how may I help you today?”

He had caught her by surprise.

“You know who I am.”

“Everyone in this town knows who you are. Your brother is Joey Dale.”

“He is.”

Jenny felt uneasy being in the shop. She wanted nothing more than to step outside for some fresh air. She took a deep breath and willed herself to stay calm. She had a job to do

“You know him, then?”

“He is a good man, your brother. He did some odd jobs for me back in the day when he was saving up for that quickie wedding of his.”

The old man smiled.

“Young love throws the odd curveball now and again.”

“Indeed, it does.”

Jenny suddenly felt more at ease. He wasn’t like the others who gossiped and stared at her like she was an animal in the zoo. Maybe this would be an easier task than she had thought.

“I wonder if you can help me. I'm looking for a very specific bottle of wine.”

“Are you looking for a particular brand or variety?’he asked.

“A particular brand. Chloe had a bottle of wine in her fridge, and it tasted so sweet and crisp.”

She knew exactly how she had to play this out.

“I figured she must have picked it up in town while she was shopping. I was hoping to get another one for tonight.”

“Okay.” The old man stepped out from behind the counter and led the way to his wine selection. “White or red?”

“It was a white wine.”

“Do you remember the name?”

Jenny cursed herself for not having written it down.

She shrugged.

“No, unfortunately. I put it out in the recycling box without even thinking about it. Sorry. But there is one thing very distinctive about it.”

“Go on then. What is it? I bet I have it in here someplace.”

“It came in a light-blue bottle.”

She kept her eyes fixed on the old man. And she was glad she had, because made a noticeable jump in surprise. His eyes widened for a brief moment before he began to pull himself together. He shook his head quickly.

“I know the wine you mean, but I don't sell it here. I don't think I have ever stocked it.”

He forced a smile for her benefit.

“She must have picked it up somewhere else or perhaps a friend gave it to her.”

Jenny was sensing that something was up. Two of those blue bottles had shown up in the past five days. It seemed unlikely that someone would be making the drive to the city just to pick up some wine.

“Are you sure you don't have any in the back?”

Jenny followed him as he scurried back to the counter, clearly uneasy with her line of questioning.

“Or could I possibly order some from another store to be delivered here?”

“This isn't New York, Miss. Dale,” he barked, his good mood evaporating before her eyes. “You’re better off gathering up your things and leaving this place far behind you. You won’t find your wine here.”

He disappeared behind the plastic curtain and she stood disheartened for a moment. Something wasn't right about this, and she would bet money that it had something to do with Chief Cartright.