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Rydak's Fall (A World Beyond Book 5) by Michelle Howard (22)

Chapter 22

Oozing blood had pooled beneath the body of the dead guard. Thin trails of vibrant red ran across the floor and rolled under the crack of the door. Lissi’s eyes and nose started to burn. The first tear trickled down her cheek then another. She allowed herself a few more then focused on what needed to be done.

Being patient and waiting to be rescued wasn’t an option. Di-Tel made it clear with his last words he expected both of them to die. Her family would be devastated at her lost. Her maman would be inconsolable and her papan would blame himself. Then there was her brother.

Thinking of Torkel and his fierce demeanor caused Lissi to struggle and rock the chair. The weight of the bomb pressed inward with each shift. She refused to give up and die. Her brother was a fighter and so was she. Lissi kept rocking, pushing her feet down hard on the forward momentum.

An ominous crack filled the silence and she suddenly tipped over, hitting the rough floor and scraping her cheek. The chair held despite the damage she’d caused. Cold tile pressed onto her face and her lower half felt bruised from the jarring impact. She took a deep breath to assess her new position when the restraints about her waist and chest slipped down her elbows to coil by her fingertips.

Stunned, Lissi could only snicker, then giggle as the reality of being free hit her. She awkwardly pushed up to a crouch. Muscles strained and quivered as she fought to wiggle all the way free. Her forearms collapsed and skidded out from under her. When she fell this time, her head hit the floor with a bounce. Lissi groaned and rolled over to her back despite the agony the move caused.

No time to rest. Had to get away from the bomb. Biting off pained moans, Lissi managed to slide off the weight of the device and its ominous glowing red display from the center strap. It was tricky but she eased away from the chair and fell on her butt with a sigh.

Her heart pounded and every breath came out a rough pant but she was free. Lissi’s gaze sought the device she’d removed. Making a snap decision, she crawled on her knees and studied it, waiting for a beep or some other warning sound. It didn’t seem destroyed but she had no idea what would set it off or cause the detonation.

It was best to leave it. With no way to determine how much time she had before it exploded, Lissi knew she had to find the Jutaks. Though moving hurt, Lissi climbed to her feet and pressed a hand to her side. She inched her way to the door, wincing every step. Her tumble from the chair had her sore and her head throbbed with a merciless beat.

As she reached the door, Lissi leaned her weight on the wall and rested her eyes for a brief moment.

Rydak. He was here and the other Jutaks were to. All she had to do was get out of this room and find them.

Lissi drew in a deep inhale, opened her eyes and twisted the knob to push the door open. The odd duo standing down the long hallway looked up from their wrists devices. Why had she expected them to be gone? Their gazes narrowed, taking in her bent over posture, the hand at her side and the grimace on her face.

“You have injured-”


Lissi huffed out a ragged breath, her heart pounding out a staccato beat of fear as she tried to figure out how to get around them. “The way you both talk is scary enough without you finishing each other’s sentences.”

In unison, they stalked toward her, matching smiles on their faces. Lissi jerked upright in panic at their approach.

They drew to a stop beside her. “Theron will aid you.”

As soon as the one on the left spoke, the one on the right picked her up and cradled her in his arms. He nuzzled the top of her hair and Lissi pulled away on a protest.

“You are taken?” His mouth followed the arch of her neck exposed by her action. Soft breaths warmed the skin.

Shivers of unease peppered Lissi. She wasn’t sure if this meant they were helping or returning her to Di-Tel. Not that it would change her adamant response. “Yes!”

“It is a pity. Talon and I would have fought a worthy match to claim you.”

What were they to each other? She couldn’t tell if it was a familial bond or a deep well of friendship connecting them.

Talon nodded in agreement. “We will leave you for the Jutaks to find. It would be in err to take you to them directly. Di-Tel is misguided if he thinks to defeat them at this point.”

Hip to hip they started to walk away when Lissi remembered something just as pressing. “The bomb. Di-Tel left a device and I’m not sure if or when its set to detonate.”

She preferred her escape not be marred by death. Talon looked to Theron. “You take her, I will see if there is reason for concern.”

“Agreed.” Theron tightened his grip about her hips and back. He murmured words she didn’t understand to Talon. The phrase was repeated from Talon to Theron. Lissi held quiet, sensing the importance of the exchange.

Talon reached out and grasped Theron’s shoulder. His hand took on a green glow. Theron jolted. It lasted only a moment then Talon stepped away. Theron said no more and trotted off at a brisk pace. Each pound of his boots against the floor jarred her side. Lissi did her best to remain still and hunched over as they raced down one hall and up another.

She wasn’t sure how long they traveled through the intricate layout of Lafett until Theron came to an abrupt halt with a grunt. Laser fire sounded followed by a hoarse shout but Lissi couldn’t make out the words. They stumbled back and hit one of the walls. She clutched at his shirt, her arms locked about his shoulders.

“What’s wrong? What’s going on?” She twisted about trying to see who chased behind them but they turned one corner after another. Maybe the Jutaks had found her. Lissi started to struggle. “Put me down.”

Theron firmed his hold and growled deep in his throat. “Have no worry.”

They took off at an increased pace, everything around her a blurred haze due to his speed. When he reached a set of doubled doors, he gently lowered Lissi to the floor. His arms trembled as he pulled back. “Your Jutaks will find you here.”

Huddled against the corner where he placed her, Lissi lifted her face to thank him directly. Yellow and green splatter covered the left side of his neck and the bottom of his jaw. He’d been hit. His chest rose and fell as he panted on each exhale. The black handle of a knife also protruded from a wound directly below the telling spray.

Hope leaped in her chest at the sight. She’d seen the intricate black matte design on the handle enough to recognize it. Kyele. Good manners had her blurting, “You’re hurt.”

His mouth curved in a half-smile. “You are pleased.” Lissi flushed but he continued. “They are closer than I expected.”

Theron stepped back and ripped the blade out. More of the yellow green fluid gushed out and seeped onto his shirt. He dropped the weapon and it clattered to the floor near her foot. “You should be safe to wait here for them. I must find Talon.”

He hit the release for the double doors and slid through the opening the moment it was wide enough and vanished. Lissi leaned back from her seated position and fervently prayed he was right. If so, she would be on her way home soon.

The horror of what she’d been through coalesced in her mind. There was no time to dwell though. Lissi pushed up to her feet and headed back the direction they’d come. If Kyele was this way, it meant the Jutaks were this way. Adrenaline gave her strength all the while she wondered how her brother and his men dealt with this on a daily bases.


After reviewing 3-D maps, Jahul sent Arak and Kyele to focus on one section of the resort while he and Rydak looked for Lissi in another area. Rydak trailed Jahul as they opened closed doors and unlocked secured areas. Each cavernous room catered to a fetish or featured a desirable local for those who paid for the privilege.

As caught up as he was in looking for Lissi, Rydak didn’t blink twice at some of the exotic displays. Occasionally Jahul blushed and would slam a door shut.

“The things people will pay for,” Jahul joked as they made their way down another endless corridor of doors. The last one opened into an island oasis. Enhanced trees swayed from an artificial breeze overhead, lounges with plump cushions were placed strategically in the opened space and at the center a large oval lagoon held prominence. The ceiling had been converted to appear as a blue lit sky, the holo images of flying creatures adding to the realism.

Jahul came to a stop and rubbed at his brow. “I keep thinking we’re wasting valuable time. If we had an idea of where Di-Tel set-up his base, it would narrow our hunt.”

Too bad they couldn’t ask him.

“I found a body.” Arak’s voice whispered across their comm.

Gorge rose in Rydak’s throat and his stomach dropped. A body? Jahul tapped his ear piece and gripped Rydak’s upper arm as he headed for the door. “Details, Arak. I don’t need Rydak to give out on me.”

“Apologies. Male, head shot. I’m on the second level, room A222. Kyele and I split for faster results. No signs of Lissi but I believe Di-Tel left an explosive present behind.”

Rydak signaled to Jahul he was fine and they both ran toward Arak’s location.

“Do you need help?”

“It’s been dismantled. Carefully. Completely intact but in a way it couldn’t start a small spark if reset.”

Arak’s tone conveyed his confusion. Rydak didn’t blame him. Why would Di-Tel set a bomb and then not blow this place to beyond? It didn’t make sense nor was it in character. He and Jahul took the lift to the next level up. A222 was immediately to their right. Jahul entered and Rydak covered their backs.

Inside they found Arak kneeling next to the device with its frozen timer display. He rose at their arrival and slid his laser into his thigh holster.

“Anything from Kyele?” Jahul asked after a cursory scan of the room.

A turned over chair caught Rydak’s attention. He walked over and kicked at the pieces. His eyes noticed a flash of gold. Rydak bent over and stirred it with the toe of his boot. Blonde hair. One single, long strand.

His skin prickled with awareness and sudden knowledge. Relief. Anticipation. Rydak drowned in both. “She was here.”

Arak and Jahul came closer and Rydak nodded toward the floor. He read the doubt in Arak’s blue eyes before he shoved his mask to his forehead and squinted. Arak ruffled his dark hair. “It could be anyone’s, Rydak. I don’t won’t you to get your hopes up.”

It could be, but it wasn’t. It was Lissi’s. He knew it deep down in his gut. “She was here. Maybe tied to the chair and escaped.”

Jahul cleared his throat. “If Lissi was here, why wouldn’t she wait in one place for us?”

A good question. Lissi wouldn’t have left of her own will if she knew they were here and bound to look for her. Tension among the three of them thickened.

The comm in Rydak’s ear clicked. Arak and Jahul touched theirs as well. Kyele spoke in a deep rumble. “I spotted Lissi. She was being taken away by a tall male in the hall toward deck C. I shot at him and wounded him with one of my knives, not wanting to risk hitting Lissi but he kept going.”

Rydak bolted for the door before Kyele finished talking, Arak and Jahul trailing close behind. Deck C wasn’t far from where they were. Rydak swallowed past the lump in his throat. There was no doubt in his mind, if this male got Lissi off Lafette they’d lose her. He had to reach her in time.

Urgency rode them all. Torkel’s rage at the loss of his sister during this mission would be unfathomable. Imagining his own devastation wasn’t something Rydak wanted to contemplate. Jahul put on a burst of speed and flew by him.

As soon as they whipped around the next corner, Jahul shot up the ramp to deck C and laser fire blasted over their heads. Arak snarled and had his weapon out and returned fire at the assailant. The slim figured rolled behind an abandoned storage rack.

More blasts came from the left. Two. Males more than likely who worked with Di-Tel. Jahul ducked to one side as he exploded into the deck C and dropped behind cover. Rydak burst full speed into the open behind him. It was his biggest mistake. Something he never would have done if not for his personal connection to Lissi. Alarm spiked in his chest. He was fully exposed.

“Get down!” Jahul ordered.

Rydak dropped but there was nowhere to go. Streams of laser hit the wall behind where his head had been. Arak fired and the roar of weapons filled Rydak’s ears. He started to stand and make a run back toward the hall.

“No!” Jahul rushed toward Rydak and dove onto him. They both slammed onto the floor, Jahul on top. Footsteps ran in the opposite direction. One of the assailants was getting away.

Rydak sensed Arak hesitate. “Go!”

His friend raced off. Rydak pushed up from the floor, noticing the scorch marks and patted Jahul’s shoulder in thanks. “I owe you again, I guess.”

He waited for Jahul’s patented chuckle but only received a gurgle in response. Rydak glanced down. The front of Jahul’s uniform glistened and his eyes gleamed with acceptance. Calm descended over Rydak. He immediately opened the pouch on his belt and pulled out absorb pads. He ripped Jahul’s black vest off and tore the shirt down the middle. His stomach dropped and sweat gathered on his temple.

The wound was bad. A direct laser hit to the mid-section and strong enough to blast through their specially made protective vests. No matter. Rydak pulled his mask off and then Jahul’s. His Team Leader’s face grew chalky, his lips parted to speak but nothing came out.

Rydak worked efficiently and placed the pads over the center of the injury with one hand and tapped his ear bud with the other. “Jahul’s down.”

“I found Lissi,” Kyele countered at the same time.

Rydak dropped his head and blinked back the sting of tears. Fate and its fickle ways. Through numb lips, he forced the question out. “Is...she fine?”

Rydak continued to administer aid to his Team Leader as he waited, breath lodged in his chest for Kyele’s answer. “Yes.”

“I’m heading back,” Arak said.

“No,” Jahul protested. “Find them, Arak.”

“Too late. Two males boarded a speeder and are clearing for take-off from the loading dock. A battle cruiser is also within sight.”

A battle cruiser. Torkel hadn’t wasted time calling favors. At least this meant a full medic and the necessary equipment to help Jahul. Rydak wiped his sweaty face on his forearm to clear his vision. The cloths pressed to Jahul’s abdomen ran red. “Why, Jahul?”

His Team Leader could have easily avoided the laser fire. Jahul grimaced. “You were in the way.” A weak cough. “Always slow.”

Rydak tried to smile at the familiar joke but his heart felt torn down the middle. His Team Leader and the only Enotian in the Unit who could understand how Rydak suffered from his empathic gift was dying. But Jahul was so much more than that. He was a friend. A good one and the best to work with.

Jahul grasped Rydak’s leather covered hand. “Do you sense her when you touch?”

His brows drew close. “Lissi?”

Jahul’s lips twitched. “Who else, Rydak?”

“No.” When he touched Lissi Alonson, she was a blank slate. “I can’t read her. Not her thoughts, not her emotions.”

“Good,” Jahul choked and a thin line of blood ran from his mouth.

More sweat popped on Rydak’s forehead and dripped down his nose. This was the part of being a Jutak he didn’t like. Waiting for help and worrying.

“I couldn’t sense my Chosen throughout our time together,” Jahul continued. “It’s a good thing for a man not to know his female’s every thought.”

Rydak bowed his head. To still be affected by your Chosen years later. Rydak hoped to be so blessed. “Hold on, Jahul.”

“Listen to me carefully, Rydak.”

Jahul’s grip on his hand became solid. Unbreakable. Blue eyes lit with a fierce inner light. “Don’t waste my sacrifice. Live and love. A Chosen is a gift.”

He and Lissi weren’t at that point yet. He had every intention of tying her to him every way possible.

“Promise me, Ry—”

Rydak would have done anything for him. “I promise, Jahul.”

“Jutak warriors!”

The shouts came from behind him. Relief slammed into Rydak. “Over here. Medic needed stat.”

Torkel slid to his knees beside him and cursed. Khane reached for his neutralizer but Torkel stopped him.

Rydak glanced down and his heart shattered. Jahul’s sightless blue eyes stared at the ceiling.




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