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Satan's Fury MC Boxed Set: Books 5-8 by L. Wilder (11)

Chapter 11



The final shipment had been delivered to Louisiana without a hitch. We’d taken a huge risk, but in the end, it paid off big. We’d have several months before we were scheduled for the next installment, so it was time for the brothers to celebrate our success and let off some steam. By the time MJ and I made it to the clubhouse, the party was already rolling. The guys were gathered at the bar with drinks in their hands and their women by their side, just the way they liked it. The prospects and club girls were busy making sure everyone had what they needed, and we’d barely made it through the door when Clutch yelled my name and motioned us over to the bar where he was sitting with Olivia and Henley.

MJ’s lips curled into a playful grin as she looked over to me and asked, “Clutch?”

I reached for her hand and as I led her over to them, I asked, “Yeah. How’d you know?”

She laughed and answered, “Just a good guess.”

We walked over and I pulled out a stool for MJ next to Olivia, and as expected, after a quick introduction, they immediately hit it off. They started talking like old friends, and it wasn’t long before Cass and Henley had joined in. Cass grabbed her a beer and asked about her shoulder. Once MJ had told them all about following me up into the loft and how she fell, they started hammering her with questions about how we’d met. Seeing that she was well occupied, I turned to Clutch, “How’s the move?”

“Just finished up,” he replied proudly.

“What are you doing with your old place?”

“Scooter’s already moved in. His place was a piece of shit, so I told him I’d give him a good deal on it,” Clutch explained. “What about you? You gonna sell your place?”

“I think I’ll hold onto it for a little longer… just not ready to give it up.”

“Don’t figure there’s any rush, but what about MJ? What does she think?”

Knowing what he was getting at, I said, “I think she likes it there. I think she likes it a lot, and I like it, too. But, there are still a lot of hard feelings, lots of bad memories. Not sure I want to take that on.”

“Just takes a few good memories to start erasing all the bad ones, and something tells me… with a girl like MJ, you’ll have plenty of good.”      

“Yeah, you’re right about that,” I laughed. “Already got a few.”

Maverick came over, and the three of us had been talking for almost an hour when Henley stepped between us and said, “Hey, Smokey. She’s a keeper.”

“Glad you approve, Henley.” Henley was Maverick’s Old Lady, and they were expecting their first child any day. Henley had struggled during the first few months of her pregnancy with morning sickness and just generally being grumpy as shit, so it was good to see her back to her old self. She’d always been such a goof, easy to talk to and just plain fun, not to mention one hell of a Pac Man player. Maverick definitely met his match with her.

“No, seriously. She’s a lawyer, and she’s really cool! You don’t usually find that combination. It’s awesome. You gotta hold on to this one.”

I nodded as I told her, “Duly noted.”

Cass brought us another round, and as she set them down on the counter, she smiled and announced, “She has my vote, too. You did good.”

Maverick stood up from his stool and motioned over to the pool table as he asked, “How about a game?”

“Yeah, that’d be great,” I told him as I stood up. I leaned over and placed my lips close to MJ’s ear. “You good?”

“More than good.”

I gave her a quick kiss on her temple and said, “Gonna play a quick game of pool. I’ll be close.”

“I’m fine. Go have fun,” she assured me.

We hadn’t been playing long when Tristen and one of her friends wandered over and pretended to watch us play. Tristen was one of the club girls. She worked at the club doing odd jobs in the kitchen and sometimes helped with the bar, and while some of the brothers had gone a round or two with her, I’d always steered clear. I never had trouble finding snatch and sure as hell wasn’t into sharing with my brothers. But that didn’t mean she didn’t keep trying, and damn, the woman was persistent.

She stepped up behind me, placing her hand on the back of my neck and purred, “Looking good, Smokey.”

Without looking at her, I replied, “Uh huh.” I slipped out of her hands and moved to the table so I could make my next play. Being typical Tristen, she followed close behind, making sure to put her hands on me any chance she got.

I was about to lean into the table when she stepped in front of me, snaking her hands around my neck, and offered, “My friend Ginger and I were thinking about taking this little party back to my room. I thought you might like to join us.”

“Well, you thought wrong there, sunshine,” MJ’s voice growled from behind me. “Smokey’s got other plans, so just mosey on.”

Tristen’s back stiffened as she looked over to MJ and asked, “Who the hell are you?”

MJ slowly and deliberately strolled over to me and placed the palm of her hand on my chest as she stepped into the crook of my arm and announced, “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m his plan for later tonight, doll.”

Tristen’s eyebrows furrowed in anger as she barked, “Who the fuck are you to decide that?”

Before she had a chance to answer, I glared at Tristen and said, “Time to move on, Tristen. Done playing games with you.” I knew she was pissed, but she was smart enough to know to keep her damn mouth closed as she and her little buddy walked away from us. A proud smile curled across MJ’s face as she saw them sit down with Scooter and Q’. I put my arm around her waist and pulled her close as I laughed, “You feel better now?”

“Yep!” She lifted up on her tiptoes and gave me a quick kiss, then told me, “Gonna have to buy you a new t-shirt before the next party.”

Curious, I asked, “What kind of t-shirt?”

“Still thinking on it, but definitely going to need one. I’m going to go back and finish my drink.”

“Okay, beautiful. I’ll be over in a minute.”

She started walking away, but stopped and added, “And just so you know, I’m totally wearing my hooker boots next time.”

It was almost midnight by the time we left the party, but I wasn’t ready to call it a night. It had just started to rain when we pulled out of the gate, and by the time we made it back to the farm, a full blown storm had set in. Just as I started down the driveway, a huge bolt of lightning lit up the orchard in an evanescent glow. I parked close to the porch, hoping MJ wouldn’t get too wet, and killed the engine.

She looked at the slick steps and then turned to me with a half-smile and said, “This has disaster written all over it.”

“Stay put. I’ll come around and get you.”

“I was just teasing, Smokey. I can make it up a few steps without breaking my neck.”

I cocked my head and said, “Yeah… I’m not taking any chances. Stay put.”

With the rain pouring down around me, I opened my door and rushed over to her side to help her out of the car. By the time we actually made it onto the porch, we were both soaked to the bone. I unlocked the door and told her, “Let’s get you inside.”

Lightning struck once again as she rushed through the door. I reached for the lights, but the power was out. I was about to go to the kitchen for a flashlight when MJ walked over to me. She quickly took hold of my t-shirt and started tugging the wet fabric over my head. Once it was off, she tossed it to the floor and then did the same to her own. She reached for the button of my jeans and said, “You should know, I’ve never been the jealous type, but when I saw that girl put her hands on you...”

“MJ, you have nothing—”

She placed the tip of her finger on my mouth, stopping me mid-sentence, and told me, “I’m falling for you. Actually, I’ve already fallen for you. I want this. I want you, and I’d hate to have to cut a ho, but I will.” Then she giggled. “Okay… I wouldn’t actually cut her. Maybe I’d just lightly scratch her or call her a horrible name.”


“Or I could steal her goldfish, or…”


“Yeah. A girl like her wouldn’t have the time or patience for a real animal. But then again, I could just put gum in her hair, or…”

“MJ.” When she finally stopped babbling, I told her, “You’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve only got eyes for you.” I placed the palms of my hands on her jaw and said, “I’ve fallen for you, too.”

She slipped her arms around my neck, drawing me closer, as she pressed her mouth against mine. She had no idea just how much she’d come to mean to me over the past few weeks. She wasn’t just beautiful. She was smart, funny, and goofy as hell. I don’t know how I’d gotten so lucky, but there was no way I was ever letting her go. I lowered my hands below her bottom, and her legs instinctively made their way around my waist as I lifted her. The heat of her body set me on fire, making the climb upstairs seem like the world’s tallest fucking mountain. I had to fight the urge to stop and just take her right there. I needed to extinguish the burn, and every second I had to wait was pure agony.

As soon as we stepped through the door to my old room, I lowered her feet to the floor and my mouth dropped to hers. A soft whimper escaped her lips as I pulled her close, loving the feel of her breasts pressing against my chest as I continued to claim her with my mouth.

My hand reached for the nape of her neck as I took ahold of her hair, and I gave it a gentle tug as I growled, “I’ll never get enough of you. I’ll always want more, and I’m going to take it. Over and over again.”

She smiled as she whispered, “I’m yours to take.”

Her hands reached behind her back and removed her pink lace bra, exposing her perfect, firm breasts. Damn. She didn’t shy away from me as I watched her start unbuttoning her jeans, slowly inching them down her long, slender legs. She just stood there wearing only a pair of soft pink panties and a smile. My little temptress. 

She cocked her head and, with a sexy smirk, said, “Your turn, handsome.”

Fuck. She never stopped surprising me. The woman showed no signs of intimidation. She didn’t look away. She didn’t cower or try to hide her nakedness. Her eyes didn’t skirt around the room with anxiousness. Nothing of the sort. She stood there looking at me with need filled eyes, waiting for me to reveal her prize. 

I could hardly restrain myself with her standing there, looking so unbelievably beautiful. The only thing that got me through was seeing that spark of eagerness as she watched me lower my zipper. Her eyes widened, and the tips of her fingers ground into her thighs as I gradually lowered my pants down my hips and tossed them to the side. With her eyes locked on mine, I took my aching cock in my hand and gave it a hard squeeze, trying to relieve some of the throbbing pressure. I felt the raging pulse against my fingers as I slowly stroked it, groaning out a curse as I felt it continue to harden in my grip. MJ took a step closer, her eyes focused totally on the motion of my hand as she made her way over to me. She lowered herself to her knees, replacing my hands with her own as she took hold of my cock. I felt the warmth of her tongue rake against me right before she took all of me into her mouth. Her caresses were long and firm as she took me deeper, making it damn near impossible not to come right then and there. I wouldn’t let that happen.

“Fuck,” I groaned.

After just a few more strokes, I reached for her and lifted her to her feet, tossing her sexy little body onto my bed. Her hands quickly dropped to her hips as she slowly lowered her panties, inch by inch, down her long legs. Her eyes never left mine as she kicked them off of the bed. She lay there, her naked body sprawled across my bed as she waited for me to come to her.

I looked down at her and asked, “Are you wet for me, beautiful?”

I didn’t wait for her to answer as I lowered myself between her legs. I needed to taste her, to see for myself just how turned on she really was. She started to squirm beneath me as I tormented her with my mouth. The warmth of her naked body enveloped me and I could feel my need for her building, burning deep inside my gut. Fuck. My hands slid under her ass, pulling her closer to my mouth as the taste of her drove me wild. Her fingers dug into the sheets and her back arched off of the bed as I pressed the flat of my tongue against her sensitive flesh. I loved seeing her come apart, knowing that I was in complete control of her as I watched her body respond to my touch. I wanted to make her come undone, again and again, and listen to all of her little gasps and whimpers as I teased her with my mouth. Her fingers dove into my hair, guiding me as her knees opened wider. She was close to the edge, and I couldn’t wait a minute longer. I had to be inside her, so I lifted my body up between her legs and watched as a small smile of relief spread across her face.

“Finally,” she moaned as I centered myself at her entrance. She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me to her, and coiled her arms around my neck. I felt her tremble beneath me as I slid deep inside her and paused for several breaths as I relished the warmth of her—the wholeness I felt being with her. She was the missing piece of my soul, and just being near her made me feel complete.

I started to move, rocking against her until I found the steady, hard pace that I knew she wanted. I wanted to see her orgasm take hold, to hear the little gasp she made just before she held her breath, and watch her body grow rigid as she found her release.

I began to drive deeper, harder, and her head reared back as she moaned, “Yes! Don’t stop!”

Her nails dug into my lower back as her hips bucked against mine, meeting my every thrust with more force and more intensity. I could feel the pressure building, forcing a growl from my chest.

“Fuck,” I groaned as she tightened around me. She panted wildly, and her thighs clamped down around my hips when I tried to increase my pace. I knew she was close to the edge, unable to stop the inevitable torment of her building orgasm. The muscles in her body grew taut, her chest stilled as she held her breath, and finally I heard the sound of air gushing from her lungs as her body fell limp in my arms. I continued to drive into her, the sounds of my body pounding against hers echoing throughout the room until I finally came inside her.

I lowered myself down on her chest, resting for a brief moment, before I rolled to my side and pulled her over to me. She rested her head on my shoulder with the palm of her hand on my chest and a satisfied smile on her face. She looked up at me and said, “Yeah… there’s no way I’ll ever get enough of that.”

Laughter exploded around us as I hugged her tightly and replied, “Good, because I plan on doing it for the next fifty or sixty years.”

She looked around the small room and laughed as she said, “You planning on staying in this room for the next fifty or sixty years? I mean it’s a great room. I think your football trophies are really cool, and your AC/DC poster is one of my favorites, but the bed is a little on the small side.”

“Hint taken,” I laughed. “I guess it’s time to stop sleeping on the sofa and actually make this place mine.”


“We can start on it next week.”


“Yes, beautiful. We. This place will be our future. We gotta make it the way we want it.”

Worry washed over her as she asked, “You sure about all this? The farm? The house? …Me?”

“When it comes to you, I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I want you wearing my name on your back and my ring on your finger. I want to fill this house with our kids. Three… maybe four of them.”


“Absolutely. Three boys and a girl,” I told her with no reservations. “And I want to name our daughter Grace, after my mother.”

Tears began to fill her eyes as she told me, “I love you, Evan Abrams.”

I kissed her on the temple and said, “I love you, too, Marley Jo Thompson. Now and forever.”