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Satan's Fury MC Boxed Set: Books 5-8 by L. Wilder (58)

Chapter 12



My entire body was weighted down with dread, making it almost impossible to walk as I headed into the clubhouse to find Slider. As much as I hated to do it, I was headed to tell him that I would be his ol’ lady. I could only imagine how my father would’ve felt about me walking in there to hand my life over to someone like Slider. He’d made it clear when I was young that he wanted the very best for me, and I had no doubt that he never would’ve considered him the best. All heads turned towards me as I walked through the front door. I glanced around the dilapidated bar and the filthy mess on the tables and floors, and quickly remembered why it had been so long since I’d been there. Like everything else, they took what my father had built and turned it into ruins.

I spotted Slider at one of the back tables, and after a deep breath, I started walking over to him. “You got a minute?”

“For you, I’ve got all the time in the world, baby,” he replied with a coy smile.

“I’ve been thinking about things, and I’ve decided to…” I swallowed hard and had to force the words out of my mouth. “I’ve decided that I’ll be your ol’ lady, if that’s what you want.”

His face grew pale with shock as my words soaked into his thick skull. “Seriously?”

“Yes. I just have one condition.”

His demeanor quickly changed when he barked, “You’re not in any position to make demands, sweetheart.”

I wanted to punch him right in his smug face, but I ignored his statement and said, “I don’t want to rush into anything. We need to take things slow and get to know one another.”

“You’re fucking with me, right?” He stood up and stepped towards me. The brothers were all watching as he put on his little show. “We know each other just fine, and tonight… I’m going to make you mine.”

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I knew he’d have that very reaction, but I’d hoped he might be more compassionate. “But…”

“Enough!” He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me over to him as he lowered his mouth to my ear. “I’ve been waiting for years to get in that tight, little pussy of yours, and tonight, I’m going to take what’s mine.”

I’d never actually wanted to kill anyone, but at that moment when I heard those words come out of his mouth, I wanted to jab a knife right into his cold, dead heart. I tried to take a step back, but he held me tightly as he placed his mouth on my neck, kissing and sucking beneath my ear. My voice cracked as I pleaded, “Slider.”

“That’s right, baby. Get used to saying my name. You’ll be screaming it all night long.”

“I’ve got to get to work,” I told him as I leaned away from him.

“I’ll see you there.”

As soon as he released me, I turned and rushed for the door. I spent the next few minutes crying in my car, praying for some kind of miracle. I finally pulled myself together and was just about to pull out of the gate when Dodger, one of the more unsavory brothers, whipped past me in his pickup truck. I was surprised to see a young girl sitting in the passenger seat. I’d only gotten a glimpse of her, but she didn’t look very old, maybe nine or ten. She was wearing a little white top and had long blonde hair. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen Dodger with a child, and seeing the fearful look in her eyes made me wonder what the hell he was up to. I had a bad feeling, but I was pulled from my thoughts when I noticed some of the guys coming out of the clubhouse. Fearing one of them might be Slider, I quickly started my car and headed to work.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t been there long when Slider and the others started filing in. You would’ve thought he’d just won the Grand Prix the way he was strutting around, and he made sure everyone knew why he was so happy. After our little chat, I figured he would be all over me like a wet sheet, but thankfully, he was too busy bragging and gloating to the brothers to pay me much attention. Sure, there was the occasionally inappropriate grope or he’d pull me onto his lap when I walked by, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Unfortunately, I knew more was coming.

It was getting late, and it was only a matter of time before he wanted to take things to the next stage and consummate our new relationship. While I could only assume he was thrilled about it, the thought horrified me. I took a couple of pills Kat had given me and shoved them in my back pocket, hoping I’d get the chance to put them in his drink. I prayed that they would actually work, and he’d pass out before anything really happened. Just thinking about it was making me a nervous wreck, and I was terrified that I’d screw it up. Kat must’ve sensed my worry, because she came up behind me and gave my arm a light squeeze.

“You’re doing great.”

I sighed. “I just want to go back in my office and hide.”

“I know, but it’s better if you stick around. The guys need to see you two together.”

“He’s expecting me to stay with him tonight.” I’d been dreading leaving with him since he declared that I would be staying at his place. “You know what he will expect.”

“I know you’re freaked out, but it will work out. Besides, he’s drinking like a fish. It won’t be long before he starts to get stupid.”

“He’s already stupid, Kat. He doesn’t like liquor for that,” I groaned.

“You know what I mean. Do you have the pills with you?”

“Yeah.” I patted my back pocket. “You really think this will work?”

“Absolutely. Hand over a couple, and I’ll make him a fresh drink.”

I gave her two pills and watched as she crumbled them and dropped them into his mixed drink. “I’ll be right back.”

My heart thumped against my chest as I watched her carry the drink over to his table. Without skipping a beat, he took the drink from her hand and took a large gulp. I waited anxiously for him to have some kind of negative reaction, but nothing came. He just kept drinking and yammering with the guys. Kat walked back over to me and smiled. “I can’t believe he actually drank it.”

“He’s not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.” Kat laughed as she looked up at the clock. “We’ll be closing soon. Maybe I should give him one more, just to be sure.”

“I don’t want to kill the guy.”

“You don’t want to screw him either.”

“Good point. We’ll give him one more just to make sure it does the trick.”

After giving him one last drink, we both sat behind the bar and watched apprehensively as the brothers started to file out the front door. Several of them heckled and hollered profanities at Slider as he swayed over in my direction. “You ready to roll, baby?”

“Ready whenever you are,” I lied. The thought of leaving with him made my stomach twist into knots, but I knew I didn’t have a choice. The brothers had to believe I was going to follow through with being Slider’s ol’ lady. Thankfully, he had a place of his own, so I didn’t have to worry about putting on a show at the clubhouse—at least not yet. “Just let me grab my keys.”

By the time I made it back, Slider was barely able to stand. He had his entire weight leaning on the bar, and he looked a little green. He was hardly able to form the words, “Let’s go, baby.”

Knowing Hawk and Tank were watching, I walked over to him and put my arm around his waist. He threw his arm over my shoulder, and I helped drag him out to the car. I cringed when I felt the heat of his breath against my neck, but tried my best to hide it. He dropped into the seat, and after I buckled him in, I walked over to the driver’s side of the car. Before I got inside, I said a silent prayer that things would go like Kat assured me they would, but when I opened the door and found him staring right back at me, I started to have my doubts. “Are you okay?”

“You’re really beautiful, Zo. Unbelievably beautiful. I know I haven’t done right by you. I know I’ve been an asshole, but I promise I will be good to you. Just give me a chance. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

For a split second I actually believed him, but that didn’t mean I was just going to forgive and forget everything he’d done over the past year. Trying to sound sincere, I replied, “I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Only because you have no other choice.”

As I started the engine and put it into drive, I mumbled under my breath, “Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you forced me into all this.”

We rode in silence all the way to his house. His eyelids were almost completely closed by the time I pulled into his driveway. I grabbed my things, then went over and helped him out of the car. By some crazy miracle, I managed to get him into the house. I dropped my bags on the floor, then started towards the sofa. I was about to lower him down when he mumbled, “No… my room.”

“Okay.” We stumbled from the left to the right, but we finally made it into the bedroom, and he collapsed onto the bed. I took a quick look around and was surprised to find that his place was actually really nice. Everything was clean and in its place, and his furniture looked brand new. There were black and white photos hanging on the wall along with a widescreen TV. I was looking at one of the pictures on his dresser when I heard him say, “Come here, baby.”

Dread washed over me as I walked over and sat down next to him. He reached for my arm, pulling me down next to him, and then rolled towards me, placing his head on my chest. I held my breath and waited in agony for his next move, but it never came. I lay there listening to the sound of his breathing for several minutes, trying to see if he’d fallen asleep. Finally, I whispered, “Hey… you asleep?”

When he didn’t answer, I knew the pills had finally kicked in. I eased out of the bed and stood up, staring down at him as I considered my next move. He looked almost sweet lying there sleeping, totally unaware of what was about to happen. For a brief second, I almost felt guilty for what I was about to do, but in order for him to believe that we’d actually had sex, I would have to remove his clothes. I started with his boots and worked my way up to his jeans, leaving his boxers for last. Once I’d removed his cut, I hung it on the chair next to his bed, then started on his shirt. By the time I’d finished, I’d broken into a sweat and was completely exhausted. I shuffled around the covers on my side of the bed, then glanced back over at him. I sighed with revulsion as I glared at his boxers. They were taunting me like a neon sign, and as much as I hated the thought of doing it, I knew I had to take them off. Finally, I bit the bullet and quickly tugged them down his hips, tossing them to the floor with his other clothes. There was no surprise that the guy was packing, but I could care less. The last thing I wanted was that one-eyed snake anywhere near me. I’d done what I needed to do, so I headed into the living room.

By the time I got settled on the sofa, it was after one in the morning. I lay down, tossing an old blanket over my feet, and stared up at the ceiling. I thought back to everything that had happened and couldn’t figure out how I’d ended up in such a screwed-up situation. I tried to fight it, but I couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down my face. I’d done what I was supposed to do. I’d followed the rules and done everything that was expected, but there I was, pretending to have sex with someone I detested. I was at my lowest and wasn’t sure I’d ever find my way out.

After sobbing for almost an hour, I looked over at my bag and thought about the phone hidden inside. Thoughts of Seth came crashing through my mind, and suddenly the tears stopped and the clouds of doubt started to dissipate. Just thinking about talking to him for a minute made staying the night at Slider’s seem a little more bearable. I knew it was late, but I couldn’t fight the urge to text him. I reached into the side compartment and pulled out the phone he’d given me. Once I’d powered it up, I sent him a message.



Hey. You up?



Hey, doll.



I’m sorry it’s so late. It was a crazy night at work.




Not a problem. I’m still awake. I couldn’t sleep.



I’m struggling with that myself.



Must be one of those nights.



Must be. How was your day?



Good. Would’ve been better if I’d been able to spend more time with you.



Maybe we can work something out for tomorrow. You up for that?



Absolutely. Just tell me when and where.



Great. I have some time after my class. I can text when I’m done.



Sounds good. Get some rest and I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow.



Night, Seth.



Night, beautiful.


As I stared at the screen, I realized I had a huge smile on my face. I’d spent the entire day on pins and needles, completely terrified and on edge, and yet there I was feeling happy. Without even knowing it, he’d completely turned my day around. I looked around the room, hating the fact that I was even there, and I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming guilt. Seth was such a great guy, and it wasn’t fair of me to drag him into my mess. But I needed one tiny piece of good in my life—just something to hang on to when everything went to hell. I was lost in my thoughts when I thought I heard a noise coming from Slider’s room. Trying to keep up with my charade, I quickly removed my jeans, leaving only my t-shirt and panties on, and rushed to his door. I walked in to find his face buried in a pillow and his ass in the air. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. Everything about my new-found situation simply sucked.

I went back to the living room. After I set my alarm, I curled back up on the sofa. I needed to make sure I was up well before him and put the rest of our plan into action. It took some time, but I finally managed to fall asleep—if you could call it sleep. I spent the entire night tossing and turning, praying that he wouldn’t wake up and find me sleeping on the sofa. When I got up, he was still sleeping soundly, so I rushed to the bathroom for a shower. Again, I was surprised by how tidy it was. It was almost too clean, especially for a biker who spent all his time running with a bunch of thugs. Ignoring my reservations, I took my shower and got dressed for school. When I was done, I walked over to his side of the bed and sat down next to him.

As I placed my hand on his shoulder, I whispered, “Slider?”

He stretched and groaned as he rolled over to face me. With a sleepy smile, he said, “Hey. Where you runnin’ off to?”

“I’ve got to get to class. I just wanted to thank you for last night. It was definitely a night to remember,” I snickered, trying not to sound too sarcastic.

“Really?” Confusion crossed his face as he looked down at his naked body and the disheveled bed. “Damn, baby. I’m sorry. I was hammered last night.”

“I couldn’t tell,” I lied. I placed my hand on his chest and smiled. “I better get going. Can I get you anything?”

“Just you, baby.”

Before I could react, he reached for my hand and pulled me towards him. I tried not to gag as he pressed his lips against mine. His breath was foul, and he still reeked of cigarettes and alcohol. I gently pulled back and fought the urge to wipe away the remanence of the kiss. I gave him a quick pat on his chest as I stood up to leave. “I really need to go.”

“You working tonight?”

“Yes, but I will be coming in later. I have class, and then I’m going to the library to work on my paper.”

“I’ve gotta make a run with the boys. We’re heading upstate, so I won’t be home for a couple of days.”

Trying not to sound too excited, I replied, “Oh. Okay. Be careful.”

“Call me if you need anything, Zo. I meant what I said last night. I want to make this thing work with us.”

“I know, and so far, so good.”

“That’s good to hear. I’ll leave you a key under the mat. Just make yourself at home.”

I had no intention of staying at his house, but I nodded and hurried out of the room. When I got to my car, I felt like I’d dodged a bullet as I leaned back in my seat. While I’d made it through the first night, I had no idea how I was going to keep it up. It was only a matter of time before the tricks no longer worked.

Knowing time wasn’t on my side, I decided it was time to get with Kat and put the second phase of our plan into motion.

With my mind a muddled mess, I headed to my class and tried to block Slider from my mind. I glanced to my side and found Josh staring at me. I gave him a friendly wave and smiled. “Hey, Josh.”

“Hey, Zoe.”

“Did you finish your paper?” I asked.

He shrugged and groaned. “No, but I’m getting close.”

“I’m sure you’ll get it.”

“Yeah. Maybe.” An odd expression crossed his face before he asked, “Was that your boyfriend at the coffeeshop?”

“Umm… No. He was just a friend.”

“He looked like a pretty good friend.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” I didn’t like where the conversation was headed, so I reached for my textbook and said, “I guess I better catch up on my reading before class starts.”

He gave me a quick chin-lift, then turned his focus back to his laptop. Something was up with him, but I didn’t have it in me to care. The professor started the lecture, and everything else was forgotten. As soon as class was over, I felt a tingle of excitement wash over me. Seth was waiting for my message, and I was eager to see him. If the brothers hadn’t gone off on a run, I would’ve been more apprehensive about meeting him. There’d only be a few prospects and maybe Hawk to contend with. I knew Scotty, one of the last guys my father brought in, would have my back if anything came up. Even after a year or more of prospecting, he still hadn’t earned his patch. His loyalty to my father and I made the brothers wary of him. He had to work harder than the others. I often wondered why he hadn’t just walked away. I always assumed it was because he had nowhere else to go.

When he was down on his luck, my father gave him an opportunity for a better life, not knowing how things would turn out. Regardless, I liked having him around. He’d always had a soft spot for me, mainly because he loved my dad, and I felt safer having him close. Like me, Scotty missed having my father around and always tried to do what he could to help me. I hoped he’d be there for me if anything went wrong while I was with Seth.

As I walked out into the hall, I sent Seth a text, letting him know I was free. I was pleasantly surprised when he replied and suggested that we meet at the little park out by the bay.

I wasted no time getting to my car. I was practically giddy as I headed out onto the highway. It was a beautiful day with the sun reflecting off the water. When I pulled up, he was sitting on a bench next to the water.  My heart took a leap the minute I saw him. I got out of the car, and a bright smile spread across his face when he spotted me walking in his direction. I’d never felt such a strong pull to anyone, and I found it difficult not to run over to him and throw my arms around him. With each step, the anticipation became stronger, more profound, making me fight to keep control of myself. I was beginning to realize that my plan to keep things simple was going to be harder than I thought.





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