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So Good (Good Intentions Book 2) by Kayla Carson (24)

Chapter 24 Then

Knowing that I had Zoe's support meant the world to me. It made leaving her alone with Wes, a little more bearable. But, only a little bit. I could tell by the way that he looked at her, he was interested. I just hoped my leaving wouldn't push them together. I had already lost Evie, and if something happened between Wes, and Zoe, I'd lose him too. I would have to choose sides, and obviously I'd choose my sister.

Normally, I'd be back on base, but thanks to General Wyatt I was a few hours away from landing in Georgia. There was a training facility there, and he thought I was the man for the job. Honestly, after fucking up so bad on my last mission, I was feeling a little relieved. I'd be in charge of a platoon, but only in a training aspect. If I did a good job, there was a chance for a promotion, and that was what I decided I was really after.

If I had to live my life without Evie, and move on, then this was the only way I knew how. Only this time, I was going to do it right. No more hot shot moves, just by the book military training. It was time to the be the kind of man who deserved respect, and I realized that these past few months I'd lost all sight of him. If my father were still here his disappointment would be staggering.

When I entered the army two and half years ago, it was because I wanted to find myself, to find what I was good at. Now, I was staying because it became all that I knew. I felt like myself among my men. I wasn't judged, or looked down upon, even when I messed up. There was a kind of brotherhood that only they, and I understood, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me love it even more.

I was finally on the right path, and I owed it to my sister. She let me lose it, and then she was there to help me pick up the pieces. I may have been the one who was looking after her, but she was always the glue that held us together. Even when our parents were alive, it was Zoe who kept us all sane. She had this way about her, an honesty that no one ever questioned. I'd never admit it, but I wished I had some of that. My fear was almost non existent when I was out on a mission, but when it came to my feelings, I was a coward. And it was my cowardice, that lost Evie.

The flight attendant announced that we'd be landing soon, and everyone fastened their seatbelts. I closed my eyes, as the plane made it's decent, secretly hoping for a little turbulence. Life wasn't anything but consistent, and it only seemed fitting that my landing wouldn't be a smooth one. Why change things now?

I walked into the airport with my bag slung over my shoulder. I was heading towards the baggage claim, when a woman holding a sign caught my eye. It said “Jake Cruz.” With confusion, I made my way towards her abandoning my bags for the moment. When I stopped in front of her, I pointed to the sign. “I'm Jake Cruz.” I said.

“Yes you are.” She winked. “Grab your bags soldier, you're coming with me.”

“And you are?” I asked, skeptically.

“A friend sent me.” She smiled sweetly. “Now go grab your bags.”

“Yes, maa'm.” I smiled back, before doing as she instructed. When I returned, she'd abandoned the sign, and stood waiting, her arms crossed over her chest, and her hip cocked to the side. She was cute, but I still had no idea who the hell she was. “You gonna tell me your name Sweetheart?” I asked, as I followed her out of the airport, and into a waiting limousine.

“Candace, but everyone usually just calls me Candy.”

“Ok Candy. What's with the limo?”

“Do you always ask so many questions?” She asked, placing her hand on the door handle.

“Only when I'm being picked up by a beautiful woman from the airport in a limo.” I said.

“I like you Cruz.” She smiled. “I think we're going to be good friends. Now, are you getting in first, or should I?”

“Ladies first.” I said, placing my hand over hers so I could be the one to open the door. Friend of a friend or not, I was a gentleman.

We slipped into the limo, and the partition screen was already up, so I had no idea who the driver was. I watched as Candy poured herself a glass of wine, and then she offered me one. I declined, I was on my way to the training facility after all. Showing up hammered probably wouldn't make the best first impression. “Suite yourself.” She said, bringing her glass to her lips. “We have an hours drive, what do you want to do?” She asked, crossing her legs strategically, allowing her dress to rise higher up her thighs.

“Which one of my friends arranged this?” I asked, suddenly getting the feeling that Candy was more of a stage name than an actual name.

“Luke Mendez.” She said, taking another sip of her wine. “His way of saying thank you.”

I let out a breath that sounded like a quiet howl. “I don't want to offend you here Sweetheart, but what exactly did he hire you to do?”

She laughed, polishing off her glass, and placing it back in the cup holder. “I'm an escort.” She said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, before sliding over to sit beside me. She placed her hand on my thigh, and gave it a little squeeze. “Luke said you had a lot of tension, and I'm here to help you iron it all out.” Her hand rose higher, brushing against the side of my cock. “Just tell me what you need.” She whispered, leaning towards me, her intentions more than clear.

“Listen.” I said, placing my hand over hers, and removing it from my thigh. “You're a beautiful woman, really, but this isn't my kind of thing. Do you understand?”

“What are you saying?” She asked, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout that was probably supposed to be alluring, but instead made her seem spoiled, and childish.

“I'm saying, the limo will drop you off wherever you need to go, but that's all that we're doing together. Just enjoying a car ride.”

“But, I'm already paid for.” She pouted again, crossing her arms.

“Consider this an easy days work then.” I smiled. This seemed to infuriate her, and she quickly went to the other side of the limo and tapped on the glass. The partition went down, and she gave the driver the address to a hotel. She remained quiet until the car finally stopped ten minutes later. When I offered to get the door for her, she flipped me off, and climbed over me instead. I had a few choice words for Mendez when I seen him again.

“How much longer until we arrive at Fort Benning?” I asked the driver, before he had the chance to put the partition up again.

“Ten minutes sir.” The driver replied.

“Thank you.” I said, closing my eyes, and rubbing my temples with my hands. I was suddenly struck with the biggest headache, and it was called Luke Mendez.

When we pulled up to the base the men at the front gate, looked less than impressed. Instead of arguing with the driver, and the other soldiers I just grabbed my bags, and walked around to the front of the limo. “Sergeant Jake Cruz.” I said, “General Wyatt sent me from Fort Hunter Liggett.”

The men looked from me, then to the limo, the question in their eyes evident. “It was my platoons idea of a joke.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “I assure you, I normally drive a beat up chevy pickup.” I joked, trying to clear the air. The last thing I wanted was for my train-ees to think I was some spoiled rich kid who got the job because of his connections.

After radioing their supervisor, I was finally allowed in, and I walked. I didn't care if I had to walk a mile, that limo was staying on the other side of the Fort. Luckily it was more like the length of a country driveway, and when I made it to the front office, I seen a few familiar faces. Butler, and Mendez, were sitting in the waiting room type area with shit eating grins on their faces.

“Have a good ride Sarge?” Mendez asked, raising his eyebrows up and down, causing Butler to fall into a fit of laughter.

“Real slick guys. You forgetting who's in charge here?” I asked.

“I am.” General Wyatt said loud, and stern, seemingly appearing out of no where. “If you boys are done playing with each other now, I'll tell you why you're all here.”