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Sweet Redemption: Sweet Duet, Part 2. by Ellie Jean (7)


Braced for an explosive morning, riding the elevator up to the top floor of my resort to discuss proceedings, I keep my thoughts on track. We are all in this to help Isla. For me… My family is here for me.

Cleaning myself up after days of feeling sorry for myself, the fire inside me has returned. Sokolov is meeting his end sooner rather than later.

At the end of the corridor, I see my uncle’s trusted bodyguards at the door way. No one can get to this floor without a key, but he doesn’t travel anywhere without them and for good reason. The threats to his life may be minimal in Sydney, Australia, but around the world our family is still feared by many other mob families. Keeping a low profile and only acting when it’s completely necessary, keeps mine, Seth’s, Jared’s, and Liam’s family connection hidden.

Marco, six-foot-five and nearly as wide, fitted out in his standard black suit, grey shirt, and black tie, sees me approaching. I’m five minutes early. A smirk crosses his normally serious face, “Good luck in there.” He opens the door for me to enter.

Deep and gruff, my uncle demands, “Fuck! What were you thinking, Alessandro!” Cold black eyes bore directly into me as smoke wafts around the room from his cigar. Benito, his most loyal friend and trusted confidant stands to the right of his shoulder. Nearly as old as my uncle, he is a physical hulk. Someone you don’t mess with…ever.

Not missing a beat, I continue to walk toward the square table where Liam and Jared are already sitting. Leaning back as casual as sitting on a beach verandah, they take in the show that’s about to start. I sit down on the black leather chair holding my uncle’s stare. I know he won’t ask me twice. It’s bad enough he’s had to ask me once.

“Uncle…Stefano,” I straighten my back as tall as it will go and lean forward in the chair. “This girl is mine. I had no choice, I had to see her.”

Fists slam onto the wooden desk, shaking the crystal glasses sitting on it. “I gave you a direct order! You ignored it.”

Calmly speaking I say, “She needed me.”

Scoffing in my face, “Does she need you dead, Alessandro, because that could happen. No protection, no car, no weapon. Fuck!”

“Have you forgotten, Uncle, I’m a trained weapon. After Catherine, and how her connection to me and our family killed her, I won’t be taking any chances again. Let me make that clear. I will be protecting what’s mine. I can’t leave it all to everyone else.” Standing and walking over to the cupboard to get myself a scotch, I pour three fingers and return to my seat. I need to move this along to figure out why we are here.

“Your stunt has put you directly in danger. And your woman’s.” His stern face doesn’t change. He’s pissed. “Men will be put on you twenty-four-seven. We can’t take any chances.”

Expecting more of a blasting for last night’s actions, I lower my head and eyes as a sign of respect, “I apologize to you.” I know he could sanction me further, so I won’t push him.

The fury still evident in his eyes, he sucks on his cigar and nods.

Seth enters through the door as Benito moves from my uncle’s side and takes a seat next to him. Seth takes a seat next to me. Tension filters through the room.

“Did I miss anything?” Seth asks as we all wait for uncle to address us.

I calmly take a drink, letting the heat of the whiskey burn through my throat. There’s nothing as good as a stiff hard drink at ten in the morning to get the blood pumping.

“We’ve found some info on Sokolov. His main living is at Bennelong Apartments and he has other apartments as offices scattered around Sydney and Melbourne. They are all heavily guarded.” Benito pauses as he takes a suck of his cigar, sending more smoke throughout the room. “He has two bodyguards with him when he leaves his premises. He won’t be easy to take out.”

Leaning back in my chair, I sigh silently. It will only take one bullet and it will all be over with, but I know the retaliation will be the problem.

“What’s Kolton found out about the hold on Isla?” Liam asks, crossing his arms.

Benito recaps what we already know. “The only tie we can confirm comes from Alex’s conversation with Isla. She was his main escort income, and she thinks she killed her father. Sokolov is holding this over her to keep her with him.”

“Which is fucking crap. She’s no killer.” Frustrated with lack of information is making me crazy. “We need him gone now.” Slamming my glass on the table, I’m out of patience.

Clasping his hand on my shoulder, Seth reassures me they all want the same outcome.

Benito takes over. “We have to be smart about it. One chance is all we’ll have. Assuming you were able to get a phone into Isla, we will be tracking her. We have men on her and Kolton has been able to hack into Sokolov’s computer so we have his schedule. There are opportunities, Alex. Patience, my friend.” What I would call a slight smile creeps upon Benito’s face. With only a fraction of his experience, I have to accept what he says.

“Alex, no more stunts.” I nod toward uncle, understanding what another one would mean. “Seth, find out what you can from her friends. Liam and Jared, stay connected with our men and get our undercover guy in to their confines fast. We need eyes and ears inside now.” Benito stands, effectively dismissing us.

Taking the last of my scotch, I stand and walk out of the room. My cousins follow. Jared has his phone out, looking at the screen.

“So, man, what did you find out last night during your break and enter?” Liam smugly asks me as he puts his hands in his pockets.

Growling like a protective lion, “The motherfucker has told her she is to marry him in three months.”

“What the hell! She’s practically half his age.” Liam responds loudly as we stand outside the doorway, waiting for Jared to finish looking at his phone.

“She didn’t have time to elaborate. We had other business to finish.” For the first time today, a smile crosses my lips. “Seth, ask Kameron, she may know, and Jules will for sure. We need to understand how my girl thinks cause I…”

Jared, holding his phone to his side now, interrupts me. “Why would Isla be packing boxes today? Is she moving somewhere?”

What the fuck is happening now? “Moving? Fuck!” The pounding that has been resident in my head now for the past week is getting stronger. The pressure inside of me is starting to boil and it’s going to burst rapidly if this situation gets any worse. I’m not going to be responsible for my actions. Rubbing my hands through my hair, I shut my eyes briefly to gain an ounce of control.

“Jared, what are you talking about?” Seth asks directly.

“One of the men tailing Isla is watching her pack a few boxes and suitcase into a black SUV as we speak.”

Breathing like I can’t get air into my lungs, my chest heaves. There’s nothing I can do but wait for Benito and Stefano to decide our plan. Sokolov is working fast and we are still playing catch-up.

We need the plan now…!



Packing up my most treasured belongings, which actually only fit in two large cardboard boxes, I finish stuffing my red suitcase full with my clothes, placing the small framed photo of my family at the beach, when I was only ten years old, on top of my socks. Sitting down on my bed, my head drops forward thinking about the warm sunny day and how daddy and mummy played with the beach ball with Benjamin and me. The laughing and squealing, rolling around in the sand, only to have to wash the sand from our bodies heaps of times before we were able to get in the car. Not a care in the world. Raising my chin, I look at the white walls and my empty dresser. My own private space is gone now. There’s only a shell left. Much like myself.

Standing up, I decide there’s no use feeling sorry for myself. It’s what it is, and I need to keep moving, telling myself it will all work out. Hope is such a powerful presence. And I hope with every molecule in my body that Alex finds me a way out of the Russian prison.

Zipping up my case, I walk out of the room slowly then to the bathroom, staring at my chandelier one last time. There’s no sparkle reflecting from it, just a crystal light now. My future has slammed head-on into me. This slow pace I have adopted is only torturing me more. Shoulders back, with dignity, I leave the front door behind me.

Spotting the guy leaning on his car, smoking a cigarette, I motion to him. “My suitcase and boxes are ready for you to load.” Striding to the side door of the SUV that has taken up residence, following me everywhere this morning, I pull the door open, ready to get in and have my personal belongings taken to my new palatial dungeon.

My new henchman grabs me by the elbow, kindly informing me with a huge grin on his pale face, “You’re riding with the boss.” He points to the dark green Jaguar a few cars down the block.

Of course I am…

Needing to show strength, I straighten my back, hoping to gain a few inches, holding on to my handbag to hide my quivering hands.

Dimitri’s personal bodyguard, at least I think he is because he’s always around only Dimitri, opens the back door for me. Thankful for wearing my casual flat shoes today I am able to get in the car without falling in the gutter in a jittery mess. His cologne fills the car. The aura of strength and power slaps me in the face. I am fully his now. No one else’s. No escape for the foreseeable future.

“Isla, my love. I thought I would come and see how your move was progressing. How pleased I am to see that you’re finished.” His pits of darkness search my eyes as he grabs for my cold hand.

“I’m finished here but I was going to get the driver to take me to my mother’s so I can stay there the night.” I quietly let him know my plans as I know all too well if they don’t fit with his, then bad luck for me.

“What a great idea!” His loud voice energetically ruptures my head. “I’ll take you there and we can announce the great news together!” Clasping my hand, my fingers are already numb, so if they crack I won’t feel it anyway. Much like my mind at the moment.

“Oh…umm…Dimitri, I think this is something I need to tell her myself.” Biting the inside of my cheeks with my teeth, releasing some of my pain without him noticing I hope, I try for the sweet smile.

“Nonsense…my love. Petya, take us to Mrs. Winters house.”



Sweat beads down my back. My hands were like ice ten minutes ago but my increasing anxiety and the broad-shouldered, potent male force encapsulating my senses is making me feverish.

Sitting side by side, hand still in his grasp, I look out the window at the passing cars and buildings. Lunch time in Sydney is a bustling, energetic experience. Travelling by car is a slow and logistical nightmare. Silence extends the complete journey. My pulse thumping in my neck is the only sound I hear. Closing my eyes for a brief second, I pray to the higher powers that my mother isn’t home. Today is normally her day out with her sketching group but being extra cold outside today, they may have postponed their day out.

Rounding the corner of the suburban neighborhood, the trees display their bare branches proudly, while the beautiful red and yellow leaves dance over the short grass, blowing in the wind. The street narrows and the small houses are all relatively the same. Made for an average family with two children and a dog. Normal everyday people worried about how they will pay their next electricity bill and put food on the table.

Pulling up in front of my childhood home opens the flood gates for good and bad memories. But I can’t go there now. My mind’s got enough to deal with trying to figure out how my mother is going to cope with having Dimitri Sokolov in her house. A name she hasn’t heard since my father died. Would she remember the brutal abuse at the hands of his employees, causing her to have amnesia? I was about to find out…

Mother’s car is in the driveway. She’s home.

Paralyzing fear overrides my body. My legs tense into cramps and my arms feel like a dead weight. My ears fill with a whooshing sound. A burning sensation runs up my arm that is still being held by my captor. His dead, dark orbs drill into me. I can’t move.

His firm voice orders me, “It’s time, Isla. Out.” Breaking his hold of my fingers, the side door opens. My legs are still frozen in place. I concentrate on wiggling my fingers to get the blood flow back to my fingertips. It’s not until a fierce-faced Dimitri is standing directly outside my door, dressed in a navy pinstripe suit, looking like he is ready to take over the world by eradicating every last subordinate, that my brain starts to work. I have no choice. This is going to be my life for the present, harrowing moment.

“Now!” booms through to my ears. His hand is held out for me to take as I quickly fumble to get my legs out of the luxurious leather seats. No sooner has my hand landed on his than he removes it, grasping my neck behind my hair so I am looking at him squarely.

“This is a happy occasion. Your mother will understand how momentous this relationship is going to be.” His hand tightens around my neck as he steers me up the pathway to the pale brown worn out front door. Plastering a smile to my lips, I understand that I have to make my mother believe this is a dream come true or he will. One way or another, we all must be on the same page for us both to survive.

Banging on the door with his firm fist, I’m surprised the old door doesn’t buckle when he hits it with such force. He brings his hand back to my waist, possessing me. My mouth is as dry as sandpaper and I can only gasp in small short breaths as I move my weight from foot to foot.

Slowly the door creaks open. The hinge has needed to be oiled now for over four years, but no one has remembered to do it. Mother’s slight frame and dark brown hair appear first as she extends open the door.

“Hello… How can I he…?” Taking in the smart dressed, powerful man on her door step and her daughter, mother’s voice catches. Her small hand holding open the door drifts down the wood to her side. Her hazel eyes are wide with fear. Backing up slowly, her stare doesn’t leave Sokolov.

Taking charge, pulling me along, Dimitri steps inside the foyer, closing the front door behind him, leaving his bodyguard outside. The enormity of his frame dwarfs the small living area we have just entered. Mother retreats to the wall opposite us, still in some sort of shock.

His intense voice startles me. “Adeline. How lovely it is to see you again after so many years.” A sickly smile erupts on his face as he pulls me closer still to him, sitting us down on the small, pale yellow sofa.

“Come and take a seat.” It’s not a request, it’s a demand. “We have some wonderful news.” Confusion replaces the fear on mother’s face. Her eyes switch to mine quickly. I try to reassure her with a smile. It’s time for my acting skills to come out again.

“Come and have a seat, Mother. There is some news we must tell you but first I can make us some tea.” Using the hushed voice I so often used when my father was hurting her, something sparks alive in my mother.

“No…no, Isla. Oh dear, where are my manners? It’s so lovely to see you, Isla and Mr. Ss…Sokolov. Let me go and make some tea and I will be right back.” Her lips waiver, replicating a smile but deep down I know mother remembers all too well who and what this man is, even without her memory fully returning from that fateful night. There would have been many opportunities for mother to have met him with my father and his problems. She hastily moves to the kitchen out of sight but the plates banging around suggest she is bringing out my favorite chocolate chip cookies she always has on hand whenever I visit.

Perched on the end of the cushion, like I am ready for a fast getaway, Dimitri draws my body closer to his so my back is against the rear of the lounge. Leaning his face in next to my ear, he whispers against my ear, “Your father never did properly take care of his women. But I certainly will.” His lips meet my skin under my ear, kissing it, sending icy cold shivers down my complete body before spreading his other arm across the back of the lounge, demonstrating he doesn’t have a problem in the world.

Stumbling back in with a tray holding three cups, a tea pot, milk, sugar, and my favorite childhood biscuits, mother proceeds to pour us tea. Her hands shaking that much, half of the hot liquid splashes onto the tray. Reaching forward, I cover her hand with mine, giving her what’s left of my strength.

“I’ll do that for you.”

Retreating her hand, she keeps her eyes low and her voice lower, “Thank you, Isla.”

“No problem, Mother.” I can’t bring myself to say the words I know I have to say. Stalling, I take a bite of the cookie, “These are as delicious as ever.” Her chin lifts, revealing a warm smile.

“So, Adeline,” mother’s face moves to his, “our news… Isla has agreed to marry me. She’s going to make an honest man out of me.” His brown eyes penetrate my mother’s, daring her to say anything bad. “Isn’t that the most incredible news you have ever heard?”

Like a stalagmite, my body is cold and rigid. I need my act to be flawless. Pulling myself together rapidly, I grab Dimitri’s hand around my waist and snuggle in closer to his giant, hard body resting my head on his shoulder. Churning in my insides is the cookie I just ate, threatening to come back up.

“Oh…mmyy…oh…that’s ll…ovely news, Isla.” Taking her tea in her hands, she’s takes a drink, looking into the cup for clues to this ridiculous scenario.

Reaching into his pocket, he produces a red velvet box and looks directly at me. “I thought I would give you your ring here with your mother present, my love.” He opens the box showcasing a stunning square set enormous diamond, surrounded by smaller diamonds, platinum ring. This is so insane, I really think crazy is starting to be my middle name.

My mother inhales noisily, choking on her own breath. Dimitri doesn’t miss a beat, lifting my left hand so he can put the dazzling diamond ring on my finger, securing it in place before he leans across my befuddled body, planting a forceful kiss on my lips. “Mine, Isla Winters. Forever.” My finger is heavy from the sheer size of this elaborate ring. My eyes won’t leave it. I have no voice.

How I wish Alex was the man sitting here with me…

A hesitant, hushed voice filters through to my ears, “That’s a five-carat August Vintage Cushion,” before a shattering of glass is heard. Snapping my mind back to the excruciating moment, mother has dropped her tea cup over the tiled floor. Abrupt and strained, she leaps up, headed toward the kitchen, Sokolov smiles… “My work is done here. Let’s go, my love.” Standing full height, I slowly place weight on my feet and stand.

“Can I go and say goodbye to my mother?” My hands fidget together, rubbing now over the smooth diamond. “Please, Dimitri?” I need to make her understand what’s happening.

“Two minutes, Isla. I will meet you in the car.” Turning his back to me, he strides out, leaving the front door open. Rushing in to the kitchen, I find mother bracing herself with both arms over the old kitchen sink. Her eyes filled with tears. Rubbing her back, I try to comfort her.

“It’s going to be all right. I will do as I’m told until I work out how to break free from his hold.” Turning around she envelops me a bear hug, squashing my ribs, holding on for dear life.

“You know what an evil man he is, Isla. Be careful,” she whispers “Your father was never able to be free from his claws, but you are stronger. You need to be smart, Isla. I can’t help you. I’m weak as was your father.” Wiping her eyes, she stands taller, looking me squarely in the eyes. “There are things you don’t know, Isla… There’s no time now. But know that you have the inner strength of my family-The Somerset family.” My grandparents from England whom I have never met? Why is she bringing this up now?

“Okay, Mother.” Confused by her statement, I hug her once more. The stress of the day is obviously taking a toll on her. “I will phone you soon to check in on you. Maybe a bath will help calm you? I love you.” Kissing her on her forehead, I turn to leave her to the mess in the living room. Taking longer than two minutes already, I’m surprised he hasn’t come back to pull me out by my hair.

As I pull the front door closed, her voice clearly can be heard saying, “That ring was your grandmother’s.”




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