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The Compounders: Sedition (The Compounder Series Book 3) by Julie Trettel (24)

Chapter 24: The Compound

JARED SLOWLY began to improve. His strength was increasing daily, and his balance was getting better, too, with the assistance of the peg Doc had created for him. It still irritated his leg some, but they were working on it. He was now able to walk without the crutches, with only minimal issues. His arm was still on the weak side, but he was dealing with that and finding what worked for him.

He had friends, a family of sorts even, for the first time, and he had given up over-analyzing it and just accepted it. It felt good, and he was tired of living in a dark, empty place all alone. He was also tired of being cooped up in the bunker.

He knew from talking to Karen that Charlie would be visiting soon. Jared was on the watch for him, ready to beg, if need be, to get out of the tin can. He felt like the walls were starting to close in around him. He had gained quite a bit of weight back thanks to Jeanette’s excellent cooking. He felt strong and adequate enough to leave the sanctity of the bunker and go home. Maybe even start looking for a job, anything he could do to help out.

So much had changed in Wythel. He had seen some of it with his own eyes when they brought him up to the bunker originally. He had been very weak and in a great deal of pain, but a man would have to be blind and deaf not to notice the changes that had occurred.

Much like the bunker, the town was clean, not run down with holes in roofs, and siding falling off buildings. It looked cared for. Talking with his squad, he knew now much of what had occurred and how Charlie Jenkins had played such a huge factor in it all.

The town was just that, a town again, some place a person could be proud to call home. No one had had that for a very long time. Charlie had given people jobs and made them feel a part of something big and important. Jared knew he had once played a part in that, too. He and Holly and their squad. He knew the stories well by now, but to him they were just stories. It was okay, though. He liked the stories. They made him feel good about himself. Now it was time for him to live up to the hype that others attributed to him.

Jared knew with his handicap he’d be limited in options in life, but that didn’t mean he was worthless or that he couldn’t help in some way. More determined than ever, after workouts and a quick shower, he walked to the living room and sat on a couch waiting for Charlie.

It wasn’t long before Charlie wandered in with Sam on his arm, laughing. Some of the others had confessed that the two of them weirded the squad out. They seemed happy that Sam was happy, they had just told him it was weird because he was Charlie, Holly’s brother and everything, and she was Sam. He didn’t really get what they meant. In that regard, Jared was glad he didn’t remember, because to him, they seemed like the perfect couple.

“Hey man,” Charlie said when he noticed Jared. “Good to see you up and around.”

They shook hands, something Jared didn’t mind. At first it was difficult on him, the personal connection, the close proximity, all of it went against every ounce of his being, yet for some reason, pushing that aside, it made him feel stronger, like a man. It gave him pride, and he noticed he wasn’t the only one. When Charlie walked in a room, you knew he was going to shake your hand, and everyone he was in contact with stood a little taller because of it.

“I’m good, Charlie. Wanted to discuss a few things with you if you have a chance,” Jared asked, determined not to break eye contact. This was too important to him.

“Yeah, sure. We’re having lunch with Mom in a few minutes. Care to join us? Afterwards, I should be able to make some time.” He squeezed Sam around the waist, pulling her closer to him and she laughed. “That okay with you?”

“I suppose I’ll make do without you for a few hours,” she teased.

“Oh, I don’t need that long,” Jared assured her.

Sam winked at him. “Then I suppose you’ll be the one entertaining yourself instead,” she said to Charlie.

They headed into the dining room. Jeanette already had lunch set out and waiting.

“Hey sweetie. How are you feeling today?” Karen asked Jared, obviously happy to see him. He hadn’t been coming out of his room or the gym much, determined to rebuild his strength and leave the bunker. He hadn’t been able to voice that decision to Karen Jenkins, though. She truly was the mother he’d never really had.

She hugged him affectionately.

“I’m great,” he admitted, surprised at how true it felt. “Mind if I join you for lunch? Charlie’s idea,” he added, not wanting her to think he was being rude and intruding.

“Lunch with my two favorite guys and one of my favorite ladies? I just may have died and gone to heaven.”

Jeanette smiled encouragingly at him. “I’ll just grab another plate.”

As she left, they all sat down.

“You’re walking well, Jared,” Sam acknowledged.

He nodded. He knew Sam was aware of all he’d been through to get to that point. Doc had worked diligently to find a compatible match. The right height, the right weight, the right stability, the right cushioning so he wouldn’t continue to get blisters around the stump of his remaining leg. It was all so much more difficult than he had thought it’d be, but he was happy with the results of the current one. It was still peg shaped, which didn’t provide great balance, but enough to walk confidently without a cane or crutches. He could live with that.

Jeanette returned with a plate and then excused herself claiming she had things to do. They all knew it was just an excuse to give them some alone time.

Lunch passed quickly with light conversation. The last time Jared ate with them, he’d felt like an intruder, but now he was more comfortable with each of them and able to relax and truly enjoy the meal. Karen continued to dote on him. Charlie had warned him that neither he nor his sister had ever put up with it, so it was new to her and she overcompensated for it. Knowing Jared’s rough past with his own parents didn’t help the situation.

What he knew with certainty about Karen Jenkins was that she loved deeply and protected those she loved fiercely. Sam had told him it reminded her of Holly. “That apple ain’t fall far from the tree, if ya get me,” Sam had once told him.

When lunch was over, Karen shooed the men off, claiming she and Sam had plans. Jared laughed at the look on Charlie’s face. It was clear his friend hadn’t known of their plans.

“Guess I was getting ditched anyway,” Charlie grumbled as they headed into his office.

The office had once been his father’s. Charlie took it over after his father’s untimely death and it never fully felt like his space. That was why he set up his main office down in town. It was new and didn’t haunt him or hold expectations he wasn’t sure he could live up to. Only Sam knew his true reasoning. He had come up with plenty of excuses and valid reasons to justify the change.

“Take a seat, make yourself comfortable, and all that stuff,” Charlie said, curious what his brother-in-law wanted to discuss so seriously. “Now, what’s up?”

Jared had rehearsed what he was going to say a thousand times in his head but in the end, he went for straight and direct. He had planned to ask Charlie for permission to leave, but sometime during their lunch together, it dawned on him that he was a fully grown man who didn’t need permission, though he did need his help finding a new job.

“I’m busting out of this tin can. I’m going stir crazy, and I need something to do. I wanted to discuss job opportunities with you.”

Of all the things Charlie thought Jared wanted to ask, that certainly wasn’t one of them.

“Jared, it’s only been a couple months, you’re still in recovery. Your memories haven’t returned and,” he looked down at the place Jared’s leg had once been.

“Don’t,” Jared said sternly. “I’m going to have to deal with enough of that from others. I don’t need it from you, too. I’ve been working my ass off to get enough strength and mobility to get out of here and back to some semblance of a life. I’m telling you, I’m ready. Will you help me?”

Charlie sighed. “Have you talked to Mom about this yet?”

“No. Why should I?”

Charlie rolled her eyes. “For one, she’s going to be devastated if you leave. And two, she already worries herself sick about you. She’s lost a lot. I know you don’t really grasp that, but I was here to pick up the pieces after Dad died and Holly left. She was so upset. She tried to be strong and she supported my sister’s decision to leave even before I knew it had been her decision.”

“What do you mean?” Jared asked trying to redirect him, not liking the direction he was headed.

Charlie grinned sheepishly. “The first time Holly left was to go after Griffon after he left for the AMAN. You were supposed to go on that mission alone. You promised not to tell Holly, and I learned much later that you hadn’t. Chris told her and she insisted on going with you. All I knew, man, was you were gone; she was gone, video footage showed the two of you running off together, and it was the day of my dad’s funeral. Mom told me once that Holly needed to be set free to live her own life. I didn’t agree at the time. Y’all were gone a long time. I blamed you every day of it. Needless to say, Jared, you were not my favorite person for a very long time.”

Jared laughed. “You really thought I, what? Kidnapped her? Convinced her to run away with me? You know me. That’s not even remotely possible.”

“You’re not an idiot. You know how your squad responds to you. You’ve seen yourself how tight and protective they are of you. Yes, of each other, but especially of you. Why do you think that is?”

“Because I was injured, and they thought I was going to die,” he responded matter-of-factly.

“Then you’d be very wrong,” Charlie said just as frankly. “You don’t know the impact you had on their lives. I know you’ve heard the stories, but I don’t really think your part in it all has sunk in. I think you still feel a disconnect there. Those people aren’t just your friends, they’re your family. There is nothing in this world they wouldn’t do for you.”

“I’ve heard that before. That doesn’t mean I understand why.”

“Why? Simple. You’re a strong, fair, and loyal leader. Someone who leads by example. They’ve entrusted their lives to you, just as you have to them, even if you don’t remember it. When you were shot, it was awful. They wouldn’t let anyone outside that group near you. Sam and Ash worked on you day and night, letting only Doc in to see you, and only because they knew he had more experience than they did. I’d seen how close you all were before the attack, but I don’t think I really felt the full impact of that until after you were injured.”

“What does that have to do with Mom?” Jared asked, cringing as he realized he hadn’t said “your mom”.

Charlie smiled though, either not noticing or not caring. “Mom mourned Holly’s loss as well as Dad’s death after you two took off. It was really hard on her. When Holly was taken, I thought she’d go back to the dark, sad place she’d lived in for months, but that didn’t happen, because she turned all her attention, all her fear and worry, on you. Sure, she’s worried about Holly still, but she’s been lighter, happier to have you to dote over. So thanks for taking one for the team there.”

“I’ll only be down the mountain. It’s not like she doesn’t go into town a few days a week anyway. I promise I’ll still be in touch and even come back up on breaks, but I’m going to crazy locked up in here, Charlie. I need something to do. I need something of value,” Jared said, ready to flat-out beg if he had to.

“I know,” Charlie sighed. “I just thought I had a few more months at least before we hit this conversation. You’re a grown man; no one’s keeping you hostage here. You’ll always have a place to stay, but you also have to do what you feel is best for you.”

“I know that, but will you help me find something to do in the Compound? That’s what I’m really asking.”

Charlie nodded. “Did you have something in mind?”

“All I knew how to do was logging. I can’t climb trees anymore, so that’s out. I don’t even know what else I’m good at.” He was being completely honest with Charlie. It scared him to think that there may not be anything of value he could do for the town, but he had to at least try. “I’m a hard worker. I know I have some limitations, but I’m willing to try most anything. I just need something to do.”

“There’s plenty of things you’re great at, Jared. Leadership, security, I don’t know, what sounds good to you? I mean if I had to decide, I’d put you on security. How about the Sheriff’s office? They could use an extra hand over there. Chris mostly handles the perimeter watches, but with the twins, he’s had his hands full. I could see if he needs the help. There’s lots of things that need doing. We’ll find what’s best for you.”

Jared was flooded with relief. For a moment there, he really thought Charlie was going to tell him no. “I’ll do anything.”

“Okay, how about we start you with Chris. It’ll still be inside this tin can for the most part though, but,” Charlie continued already seeing the disappointment on Jared’s face, “it’ll be a great way to learn about the town, what we’ve got going on, what the people’s needs might be, and so on. We have video cameras monitoring a lot of it, perimeter surveillance scheduling, and a bunch of other stuff only Chris really understands.”

“Okay. It’s a start,” Jared conceded. He wasn’t thrilled with the idea of staying in the bunker, but he also knew that Chris had daily tasks outside of the bunker. If he could take on some of that, then living there wouldn’t be quite so bad. He really didn’t want to be ungrateful. The bunker was amazing, and there were many luxuries he’d found there that he didn’t even have before the world fell apart.

When Charlie Jenkins made a decision, he acted on it. There wasn’t a delay or hesitation, the decision was made so it was time to act on it. Jared hadn’t really seen that side of him before, but he experienced it first hand when he stood and headed for the door.

“Well, come on. Let’s go talk to Chris and see if we can work out a schedule that works with your therapy,” Charlie said.

“Right now?” Jared asked.

“Unless you have more important things to do.”

Jared got up quickly and followed after him. He didn’t complain when Charlie walked at his normal fast pace. In fact, Jared appreciated it. He had noticed the man usually slowed down to his pace, but with a mission before him, he moved at full speed as Jared walked quickly to keep up. His leg muscles burned, and it felt wonderful and purposeful.

Chris was sitting in the control room of the bunker. There were multiple monitors surrounding him, and he looked bored and distracted, occasionally jotting down notes on a piece of paper.

“Hey,” he said, looking up and Jared noted it was exhaustion and not boredom he was sensing. “What are you two doing here?”

Charlie sat down and motioned for Jared to do the same.

“You look like shit,” Charlie said candidly.

Chris laughed. “Yeah, I know, but it’s wonderful. You’ll never hear me complain. The boys aren’t sleeping through the night yet. It’s exhausting, and I feel like a zombie, but I’m the luckiest man alive.”

“I’m glad everyone’s doing well. I hear the sleep deprivation wears off in about eighteen years or so,” Charlie teased.

“Judging by your mom, it’ll be longer than that,” Jared said affectionately. They all laughed in agreement.

“So, you just dropped by to catch up or what? I feel like I’m being tag-teamed here,” said Chris.

“Doesn’t paranoia go alongside exhaustion for new parents?” Charlie asked. “Kidding, kidding. In all seriousness, I know you’ve been worn down, and I’d like to give you a little bit of a break, and a little more work, too.”

Chris groaned. “How is it possible to add more work and give me a break at the same time?”

“Simple. I want you to train Jared on your job. Show him the ropes, show him around town. Teach him the ins and outs of the Compound. Then use him as you see fit. I know he’d prefer to move back to town, but knowing Mom will drive me nuts if I encourage that so soon, I’m kind of hoping you’ll convince him to stay put for a few more months at least.”

Jared snorted. “He’s not even trying to hide his real intentions here.”

“Not the kind of man I am,” Charlie joked, but the others knew it was the truth. “Long term, I’m not sure where he’ll end up, but learning the ways of the Compound is a great start, and yes, it mostly keeps him up here, with enough time away to hopefully cure some of that stir craziness. He actually told me he was busting out of this tin can. Now who does that remind you of?”

Chris laughed. “Wow, you two really are more alike than I ever thought.” Seeing the confusion written all over Jared’s face, he continued. “See, we were always on lockdown through the worst of the fall and for years Holly literally tried to bust out of this place. She always complained that she hated living inside a tin can.”

Noting the affection in his voice and his use of ‘tin can’ made Jared wonder where he had heard the term or why he had used that particular statement. He considered the possibility that Holly had maybe told him that before and that somehow, somewhere deep inside, those memories remained.

* * * * *




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