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The Hand That Holds Me ((The Forever Mine Series) Book 1) by H.J. Marshall (10)


Today was my first day at MSJ and I was scheduled to meet with Lucas after I finish getting my ID picture taken. To say I was nervous about today would be putting it mildly.

I woke up at five this morning, unable to sleep another minute. Nerves had taken over every time I thought about those touches we shared at lunch, the text and phone conversations we had this last week, and my excitement to see him again.

He asked me to dinner over the weekend, but I needed to finish my shifts at the bar to avoid Caroline having to take up my slack. I hated that we didn’t work together anymore, but she’s happy, so I won’t push her…yet.

I know she stayed with me instead of going back to Columbus like she really wanted to. Atlanta isn’t for everyone and she’s more of a small-town girl than I am. I loved the hustle and bustle of the city, but she preferred the quiet of our smaller hometown.

The laid-back town we grew up in was not the typical one stoplight Georgia town. We lived in an area that had a large military base, so we lived in what the locals called the “international south”. People, restaurants, and culture from around the world, all with the small-town charm you’d expect from Georgia.

I was lost in thought about our childhood, my mother and, strangely, Jason. I’d been thinking about him more and more lately, all the while wondering if he ever looked for me.

Did he regret the way he sent us away? Was he aware that momma died? Did he know Aunt Lisa and Uncle Joe took me in when there was no place else for me to go?

I knew very little about Jason Merrick, my father. I knew he came from money but was unsure how his family earned it all. Not that money matters to me. I grew up taken care of but not well-off and he lived in a huge house in Buckhead, the one from my only memory of him.

A few years ago, we were on our way home from visiting friends in North Georgia when we got detoured around an accident. Typical Atlanta! We ended up in Buckhead and Caroline asked if I wanted her to Google him.

How sad is it you need to Google your own father to find out anything about him?

I told Caroline if he’d wanted me at his house, he would have opened the door all those years ago. That was the last time she asked if I wanted to find him. The look she gave me that day is still vivid in my memory. Sadness mixed with anger. I never asked her why she was mad, and she never offered to find Jason again.

I must have been deeper in thought than I realized when Caroline dropped down in the chair opposite me, drinking deeply from her coffee. Her content sigh let me know she enjoyed the new coffee I ordered for us, a splurge.

I raise my eyebrows at her, smirking behind my cup. “Good coffee?”

“God, yes!” she moaned around another swallow of the magical elixir of life we somehow survived on. “What kind is it again? I know you said it is expensive but hot damn this is amazing coffee!”

“I ordered it from Hawaii. Remember we saw that TV show about the guy who goes around doing the nasty jobs? He worked at their farm and for some reason, it made it to the life list. After my first cup this morning, I think it was $55 well spent.”

“I guess I can understand how the other half desires the finer things in life with coffee this good.” Eyes closed, she took another sip of the heavenly java.

“Yeah, we may splurge on some things but I refuse to allow this money to go to my head. You and I went to school with those rich kids. They were just as unhappy as we were, only in better clothes.” I grinned.

Caroline and I went to the best high school in our town and we both excelled in academics. We were lucky enough to be in the right part of the district to garner us an education that parents now fought for.

I still don’t understand why she hasn’t sent out a single resume since graduation. She was smarter than me and her degree would open whatever doors she wanted but she’s happy slinging drinks.

She made killer tips with her blonde hair and emerald green eyes and could take anyone home she wanted to. She almost never does. I’ve asked her since we left home for college about what happened to her long-term ex-boyfriend Andrew, only to be met with sad eyes and silence.

We’ve always told each other everything, from our first periods to losing our virginity. For her to have kept his departure so closely guarded worried me.

I know they had a disagreement and some harsh words were said by both, but I’d always hoped they would work things out. They were perfect for each other, having met when we were all in sixth grade. His father was in the military and Andrew and his family had been a regular part of our lives growing up.

I tried to find him last year to figure out what happen between them but when I stopped by his old house, it was vacant. No social media , no chatter from old classmates. It was almost like he disappeared. When he left, he took part of her heart with him.

“Are you excited about your first day?”

“Nervous and excited. This is an amazing opportunity for me and I don’t want to blow this. I feel like I can make a real difference in areas of the city that are under-funded and where kids fall through the cracks. And to be able to bring seniors who may never have company and these kids together… seems like a dream come true. I feel like I should pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming”

“Oww! Damn it! Why did you pinch me?” I screeched at her as I rubbed my arm. It didn’t really hurt but I wasn’t going to let her know that. Brat!

“To let you know you are not dreaming! You are going to be amazing at this. It will take some time for you to get everything the way you want it but, please, give yourself that time to adapt. Don’t let yourself get anxious and allow self-doubt to creep in. I know you Maddie. You can achieve anything you want.”

She was right. I did allow my anxiety to weigh me down. Lately, speaking with Lucas has begun to make me think about the past and how I wanted my future to proceed. I needed to call my Aunt Lisa and see if she may be able to fill in some of the gaps about my father.

Maybe it was time to think about looking into Jason Merrick.

“I guess I should get showered while you wake up. I don’t want to be late for my first day!”

“Make sure you shave your legs! Lucas may not enjoy the situation happening down there” she laughed, as I walked into the bathroom.

Little did she know I shaved already! Ha!

I went through my routine of getting ready, glancing at the clock I see I had an hour before I needed to be at the Corporate office in North Atlanta. I am glad the office is off the north train line and will only take me twenty minutes to arrive. Traffic in this town sucks!

I wouldn’t have to be there all the time but Lucas felt I might be more comfortable if we were in the same location until I started making headway on the program. I quickly took him up on his offer. Just being near him gave me comfort.

The idea of being around Lucas all day made my heart race and my panties wet. He and I shared so much over the last week that I feel like I’ve known him for years. For once, I allowed myself to be open with my heart and not just my body.

Not that I wasn’t attracted to him. My body lit up every time I talked with or texted him but the fact that I was still working at the bar meant we couldn’t see each other. For the first time, I felt like I was getting to really know someone and their character before I share myself sexually. I did give my BOB a workout over this past week. Thinking about his brown hair, sexy beard, and luscious full lips… lips I wanted to kiss and a body that I was eager to explore.

I wasn’t sure what the company policy about dating was, but I planned to find out!

I arrived at MSJ Media shortly before 9 o’clock and made my way across the lobby to security. I wore my newest pencil skirt and blouse specifically purchased with Lucas in mind. He had mentioned how much he liked me in the outfit I wore the night at the bar so I got a few new outfits and a new pair of heels. I could use the four-inch boost only hitting the charts at 5’2” and they make my ass and legs look fantastic.

After checking in, I was directed to the back office to have my idea picture made and all my access passes issued.

Once they went over all the information for checking in and out of the building, I was on the elevator, headed toward the twelfth floor to meet with Lucas.

As I stepped off the elevator, I was greeted by an older woman with kind eyes and a perfect chignon.

“May I help you?” a perfect Southern accent swept across me and I was immediately comforted by her. She appeared sweet, like a what you would expect a grandmother to look like.

“Maddie Johnson for Lucas Walters.” I gave her my best smile.

She immediately stood up and offered me a handshake. “It is so nice to meet you Miss Johnson. I’m Carol, Mr. Walters personal secretary. Please allow me to show you to his office. He is expecting you.”

We walked down the hallway and I tried to take in all the features of the office. Industrial workings, exposed brick, and pipes running along the ceilings gave the old feel that I love so much. The large windows allowed the sun to shine in and filter into the air, casting rays of light along the walls and floors

Walking into his office, I willed my heart rate to slow down. I did not need him to see me flustered on my first day.

Rising from his chair and coming around the desk to greet me, I was again caught off guard by his sheer sexiness. I preferred his casual look and leather jacket but seeing him a suit everyday would not be a hardship.

“Maddie, it’s so good to see you. I trust the train ride wasn’t too bad this morning? Would you like anything to drink?” His eyes looked me over from top to bottom and back again, lingering in certain areas. I hope he likes what he sees.

“It’s good to see you, too. The trip in was fine. At least I didn’t have to drive up here,” I laughed as I sat down and he went back to his side of the desk.

Thank God. His cologne was making me weak and I’m afraid I may just end up on my knees in front of him.

“Before we get you settled in your office, I wanted to speak with you about a few things first. The board of directors is very pleased that you agreed to join the company and, to be honest, so am I. I…we …want you to be comfortable here, and with this new program we have outlined. However, we are fine with you going off script, if it isn’t going to negatively impact the company or the participants in the program. If there is something you encounter that gives you pause, please get in contact with me immediately. I’d like to be able to guide you through this as much as I can. This is your baby, though, and I will never step on your toes. Now, let me give you your credit cards.”

“Credit cards? Why would I need credit cards? I assumed I would get quotes and estimates for supplies and then I would receive the decision from the Board.” I looked down and saw him holding out an AmEx Black card with my name on it.

No limit.

I could feel my eyes widen and I had to force my mouth closed. I looked at Lucas for guidance on how to proceed, suddenly feeling completely out of my element.

“The card is for you to handle what needs to be handled. The company has a large budget for this project and wanted to ensure you could buy what and when you needed, without restraint. This program needs to be successful and we don’t want red tape muddying up the waters. If you look at the information I just gave you, it outlines all the expenses we will cover on the card. Just keep your receipts and turn them in at the end of the month to compare with charges. Simple.”

As I began to look over the approved list, I got more and more anxious. Clothes, shoes, all work meals, and transportation were only some of the approved expenses. “Clothes and shoes make no sense. I can afford those on my own. Transportation can be covered by train and Uber and meals should only be if it is a work meeting. There are too many vague areas that will allow for theft, not that I would, but I think we need to rethink this credit card situation until we can narrow the list down to absolute necessities.” I expressed, as I slid the card back to him.

“Whatever you think is best, but all senior staff have the same perks in their contracts.” Lucas pronounces as he walked around the desk toward me.

“I never want to take money for myself that can go toward those unrepresented in society” I breathed, trying to keep my eyes on his face and not his amazing body, currently stalking toward me.

He reached me and held one hand out toward mine. I took hold of his hand and stood from my chair, mere inches separating our bodies.

He reached up, tucked a brown curl behind my ear, and slowly cupped my face. I leaned into the comfort and warmth I could feel flowing from him into me and let a small sigh escape.

He was giving me the strength to face challenges and a promise to be there for me through it all. How did I get so lucky to have someone like him interested in someone like me? I was so comfortable with him that I was starting to rethink the whole “fate and chance” thing.

“l don’t want you to stress about this. You will find a way to make this program your own and I want you to know something.” He moved in so there is no space separating us. “I will be here every step of the way. Right beside you, giving you whatever you need. I am enthralled by you Maddie. I hope you know that”

“I know but…” was all I got out before the softest lips I have ever felt gently brushed mine. Fireworks exploded inside of me. My heart soared as I reached out and ran my hands up his sculpted chest, linking them around his neck, deepening the kiss. His hard body felt right pressed up against mine.

We were lost in the soft embrace when his office phone rang, snapping us out of the haze of lust we were currently swimming in.

He gently released me from his embrace and I immediately felt the cold seep in. He took one step back, then another, until he was behind his desk and I was forced to drop into the chair I had been in. That man had just completely knocked me off my axis and I hadn’t been here an hour.

The look on his face told me he was just as affected by the kiss as I was. I just hope I didn’t just cost myself this job.

The doubts began to creep in and I tried to keep my face neutral as he spoke on the phone. He must think I am cheap and easy for allowing him to kiss me on my first day of work. Stupid!

Is this something he did with all new ladies within the company? Was I just another notch on his belt?

I guess I didn’t hide my worry as well as I’d hoped. Lucas hung as up in the middle of speaking and rounded the desk as soon as he saw my face fall. Crouching down in front of me, he took my wringing hands into his own and placed a chaste kiss on both.

“I don’t know what happened in that brilliant brain of yours, but I need you to talk to me, Maddie. I’d hoped that we were on the same page where we were concerned, but something tells me you are having doubts.”

“Am I just another notch to you?” I blurted out. Realizing I said it aloud, I buried my face in my hands, willing myself not to cry.