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The Road Without You by H.M. Sholander (9)


I slide into my desk, dropping my backpack on the floor at my feet. Before I can unzip it, knuckles rap against my desk. I jerk my head up and see Nathan standing across from me, his smile wide.

“Mind if I sit here?” he asks, pointing to the vacant desk next to me.

I shake my head, apparently unable to speak.

He drops down into the chair, placing his books on his desk with a loud thump.

I can feel his eyes watching me as I pull my binder and a pencil from my bag.

I hate it when you can feel someone’s eyes on you.

Why are you staring at me? I’m not sitting onstage, putting on a performance. That’s how I feel anyway.

I toss my things on my desk and fidget with my pencil, tapping it on my binder.

My eyes shift to him. His short blond hair is gelled, a few pieces standing straight up.

I’m pretty sure that hairstyle died a long time ago.

“Any more trouble with the guy?” he asks, craning his head toward me.

My brows knit together. “What?”

“The guy with the red hair?”

“Oh. No more trouble.” I smile, hearing Arya’s voice in the back of my head.

“Date a guy or two.”

“Good.” He bobs his head, reminding me of a pigeon. “Plans this weekend?” he asks, his dark brown eyes searching my face.

I have zero plans this weekend, except for Jax coming over on Sunday, and it’s kind of sad that I’m a senior in college with nothing to do on a weekend. But that’s what my weekends turned into when I was with Travis.

I cringe. I need to have a life, not be stuck in the same routine I’ve been in for years.

Before I can answer Nathan, someone clears their throat in front of me. I whip my head in the direction of the sound, thinking the professor is looming over me.

No such luck.

“Raegan,” Jax says, a confident smile on his face. “Nathan.” He jerks his head in Nathan’s direction, never breaking eye contact with me, and I hate him for it. It’s like he knows what his damn eyes do to me—making me lose all sense of reasoning.

“Hey,” Nathan grunts.

“Jax,” I say, wondering why he’s standing over me, looking at me like I’m doing something wrong.

“There’s an empty seat next to me.”

I glance over my shoulder at the desk he usually occupies and see the desk next to his is vacant. Most of the time, it’s occupied by a slutty bimbo.

My eyes briefly land on Nathan before I look at Jax. “I’ll see you after class,” I tell him.

Jax has been blowing me off since we found out about our project, so why is he suddenly interested in me?

Usually, our professor spends the whole hour droning on and on about whatever we’re supposed to be learning, meaning we never have time to work on our papers.

“Come sit by me now, and you can see me during the entire lecture,” he says, giving me a wink.

What is he doing?

My eyes shift between Jax and Nathan, and I feel like I’m being jerked back and forth, like a rope in a game of tug-of-war.

My life is turning into one giant sitcom. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. If it could be more like Friends, then I would be happy, but this just seems like an enormous fiasco.

“Why won’t you come sit next to me?” Jax asks, a smirk plastered on his face, when I don’t say anything.

I should sit with him. He’s my partner on this project, but the fact that Nathan sat down next to me has me stalling.

“I won’t bite.” Jax grins, and if I were any other girl, I would swoon and follow him, gazing at him the entire class.

I blow out a breath, my mouth turning down as I peek at Nathan, who’s waiting for my decision as much as Jax is.

“Date a guy or two.” Arya’s voice echoes in my head again.

I rip a piece of paper out of my binder and scribble on it before I slide it over to Nathan. He gives me a small smile after he reads it.

I gather my belongings and stomp up the stairs to the empty desk next to Jax’s belongings—a notebook and pen. No books. No laptop. No backpack.

How has he made it this far in school?

I slouch in my new seat, pouting. Jax wanted nothing to do with me until a guy showed interest in me.


“I knew I could convince you to sit next to me.” He slides into his seat with a cocky grin.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

He pauses, seeming lost in his thoughts, before he says, “You’re my partner. You should sit next to me.”

I turn my body toward him. “You didn’t care that I was your partner before.”

He shifts closer to me, and the smell of mint hits my face, pulling me in without my permission.

I stare into his gray eyes. I wonder, If I look close enough, will I see what he’s hiding, see what haunts him?

But, instead of his demons, I see twinkling, a spark of something that wasn’t there before. Compassion? Concern? Curiosity?

Whatever it is, it’s masked just as quickly as I saw it.

“I do now.” He shrugs.

He faces the front of the room, avoiding eye contact with me. I’m about to say something, but our professor walks in, starting the lecture before I have a chance to.

The way Jax switches gears so fast is like nothing I’ve ever seen. But one thing I do see is that he’s hiding something, and I don’t want to get caught in the cross fire, no matter how bad that sounds.

Parking my car in front of work, I pull the sun visor down, revealing the mirror on the other side. I use it to apply a layer of red lipstick and a coat of mascara before flipping it back up.

As soon as I place my hand on the door handle, my phone vibrates in my purse. I dig it out and see a text message from an unknown number. I swipe the screen, and a smile tugs at my mouth.

Dinner Saturday? —Nathan

I decided to be bold before I slipped out of my chair in class earlier today, sliding Nathan my number. I’m moving forward, giving an unexpected guy a chance.

I type a quick response before getting out of my car.

Me: I’m working then. How about Friday?

My phone vibrates in my hand as I slam the door shut, heading inside for five hours.

Nathan: I’ll pick you up at seven.

It will be my first real date since things ended with Travis. A swarm of emotions runs through me, but the one I can’t deny is bliss, something I never anticipated. It’s been two weeks since our fallout, and for someone who was part of my life for so long, I would have thought I would be more upset, but I’m not.

When I didn’t unpack for three weeks when Travis and I moved in together, I should have known something didn’t feel right.

I haven’t been in love with Travis for a long time, and it’s my own fault for letting our relationship drag on for as long as it did.

I pull open the heavy glass door to the restaurant, walking through the vacant dining area until I reach the kitchen.

The cook, Rodney, is hard at work, unhooking pots and pans hanging from the ceiling, and the bartender, Will, is fussing with his hair, using a metal spatula as his mirror.

I chuckle to myself as I toss my purse in my locker on the back wall before slamming it shut. I throw my apron around my waist and wait to be assigned a seating section.

“Man, it’s days like this I wish we could bring our homework,” Tess whines, wrinkling her nose as she leans against the counter next to me.

I usually end up working the same days as Tess. She’s another waitress at the restaurant. Her light-brown hair is styled perfectly for her pixie haircut. She reminds me of Tinker Bell, the way she floats around this place. I can almost see the pixie dust dancing around her.

She attends a community college not too far from here. She told me when we first met she barely graduated high school because she ditched so many classes. She could have fooled me because she looks like a rule follower, someone too scared to step outside the lines of a crosswalk.


I could be getting so much schoolwork done, but our boss has strict rules. While we’re here, we aren’t allowed to do anything else. No homework. No nothing. I understand though. This is a high-end restaurant, and the customers who are shelling out their hard-earned money deserve our undivided attention, but nights like this are pure torture.

“Raegan, you’ve got a table,” our boss, Ron, announces, sticking his head through the swinging door that separates the kitchen from the dining area. “You were requested. He’s one of our best customers, so don’t screw up.”

Great. No pressure or anything.

Collecting my notepad and pen from the counter, I step away from Tess. “Wish me luck.”

“Don’t trip.”

I salute her before slipping through the door.

“Table eight,” Ron whispers as he turns in the direction of his office, leaving me to the anonymous guest.

I walk around the corner and down a row of booths before I spot table eight, and I halt mid step when I see him.

You have got to be kidding me. How is Travis one of the best customers?

I march over to the table, gripping my notepad and pen. My nostrils flare as I breathe in and out, making me wonder if I resemble an angry bull.

I inhale a deep breath, standing across from Travis and Blondie with as much professionalism as I can muster. “Welcome to The Modern Spoon. What can I get you to drink?”

Travis has the nerve to smile at me, and all I want to do is knock that smug look off his face. I imagine stabbing my pen straight through his eye and shoving my small notebook down his throat.

“Rae, I didn’t know you were working today,” he says.

Liar. I always work Wednesdays, and he knows it.

He wraps an arm around Blondie’s shoulders. She nestles into his side and sneers at me.

She can have him.

Obviously, he’s no longer trying to win me back.

Thank God.

I don’t bother responding to him. I simply ask again, “What can I get you to drink?”

“Bring us the most expensive bottle of wine you have. Nothing but the best for my girl here.” He nuzzles her face, making me want to puke.

I turn away from them, heading back to the kitchen, and push through the swinging door. I let out a groan, hoping it wasn’t loud enough for my boss to hear, as I slam my notepad down on the counter.

“That bad?” Tess asks.

“My ex.” I head toward the wine cellar where we keep the overpriced wine but stop at the refrigerator next to the wine cellar first.

Ron is paranoid. He thinks a bottle of wine might mysteriously walk away, so he keeps them locked up, only telling a few of us where the key is. Reaching behind the giant silver refrigerator, I yank the key free from where it’s taped on the wall.

“And the girl I caught him screwing before I broke up with him,” I add.

“Ouch,” she says from behind me.

Yeah, it does sting that he brought her here, and I hate him a little more for shoving it in my face.

“I have an idea,” I say, twirling the key in my hand.

“I don’t like the sound of that.”

I hear the discomfort in her voice, and I picture her backing away from me, like she might get reprimanded for being a witness to my madness.

I unlock the cellar, and I pick the bottle I know runs for $950. People should find better ways to invest their money.

I lock the door and stick the key behind the refrigerator. I grab two wine glasses from the shelf above the counter Tess is leaning against along with a bucket for ice.

“It’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” I pop the cork out of the bottle, placing the cork on the counter and pouring out some of the wine in the sink. Taking the clear glass bottle of vinegar, I pour seven tablespoons in it, chuckling to myself the entire time.

Tess slaps a hand over her mouth as her eyes go wide. “Raegan!” she yelps.

“They won’t know the difference.” I shove the cork back in the bottle and swirl the liquid around, making sure it’s mixed up before scooping ice into the bucket. “He deserves it anyway.”

“You’d better hope Ron doesn’t find out,” she says nervously, glancing over her shoulder at the kitchen door.

“He won’t.” I grab the glasses and place the bottle of wine in the bucket of ice.

Then, I saunter out to Travis and Blondie’s table. I place everything in front of them with a straight face. I pop the cork once more and pour them each a glass of wine, setting the glasses in front of them.

Blondie takes a sip, making the most ridiculous face I’ve ever seen. “This tastes funny.”

“Just drink it.” Travis downs the whole glass with a wince.

I guess he’s never had this wine before, so he doesn’t notice the difference.

I feel ten times better about having to wait on them tonight.

“Have you decided on what you would like to eat, or do you need another minute?” I ask sweetly, attempting to conceal my laugh.

Travis orders for both of them, and I jot it down without a word.

Before I can walk away, he says, “Don’t you want to know how Stella is doing, Rae?”

I grit my teeth.

“She doesn’t miss you at all.” He smirks as he pours himself another glass of wine. “In fact, I think she’s forgotten all about you.”

My body turns to stone, unmoving and hard. “She wouldn’t forget me, and I am getting her back. She’s not yours.”

“I don’t think you are. Not unless you move your ass back in the house.”

“Hey,” Blondie protests.

But Travis ignores her.

“You can go fuck yourself,” I hiss, heat rising to my face.

“I’d rather have you do that for me,” he jabs.

I’m about to say something that will get me fired when an arm wraps around my waist.

“Hey, babe. This guy giving you a hard time?” Jax’s voice falls over me, and my head whips around to him. I’m too stunned to say anything. “Sorry I couldn’t drop by earlier.”

“Who’s this?” Travis sneers.

“I’m Raegan’s boyfriend, Jax,” he responds without hesitation.

Boyfriend? What is he doing?

“Boyfriend? Really?”

“Yeah, really.” Jax grabs my hand and yanks me away from the table before Travis can say another word. He heads back toward the restrooms, out of sight from Travis and Blondie. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I say, my mind reeling, trying to catch up with what happened.

“Did you really date that guy?” he asks, staring back at the table where Travis is sucking face with Blondie.

“Unfortunately.” I sigh, wishing Travis were a memory I could erase.

But the thing is, I was with him for a reason. I used to love him. He used to be somebody completely different—affectionate, kind, sweet. Not anymore. Now, he’s vindictive and cruel.

“You can do way better than him.” Jax runs a hand through his short brown hair, scratching the back of his head.

“Like you?” I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

“No, definitely not me,” he mutters as he stares down at his shoes.

My lips part in surprise. I can’t believe he said no. Maybe I’ve had Jax pegged all wrong. Maybe he is a good guy after all.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, wondering how he even knew where to find me.

He shies away, something I’m not accustomed to seeing. “I saw you walking home today, and when I went to your house, your roommate told me where you worked.” He pulls on the back of his neck, seeming uncomfortable. “I wanted to say I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. You didn’t deserve me ignoring you for so long. I’m going to make it up to you.”

“Okay?” I say as more of a question because I have no idea how to react to his apology.

“You gonna be able to handle that guy?” He gestures back out to the dining area where I hope Travis is choking on his wine.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I wave him off.

“All right. I’ll see you later, Red.”


He points to my lips before walking away, leaving me standing next to the restrooms in a fog.

I don’t understand this guy. Not one bit.




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