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Too Good (Good Intentions Book 3) by Kayla Carson (14)

Chapter 13

In order to put the wedding announcement in the paper, we had to actually apply for a license. Harper assured me, that it was only to keep up pretenses, but it still felt real. We needed Vanessa to see the announcement to draw her out, I only hoped she wouldn't be gunning for Harper when she showed up. The wedding was set for a few weeks time, and with any luck, Vanessa would show up to crash it.

I hadn't heard from her since our talk on the beach, but I knew she wasn't going anywhere. We were only two days away from the prom at Harper's House, and I agreed to go with Jake to pick out suits. Normally, I would have done this sort of thing with Wes, but after what happened at his place, I wasn't ready to walk back into the lion's den. Harper had already left to go dress shopping with Zoe, and Evie, at least they were all getting along. It took a long time for Harper to feel comfortable around them, and actually call them friends.

I waited impatiently for Jake to arrive, taking comfort in the fact that I'd be cleared to drive soon. I hated relying on every one else to get me where I needed to go, that and the asshole was never on time. Twenty minutes later, I heard him honk the horn as he pulled into the driveway.

“Took you long enough.” I said, slipping into the passenger seat of his truck.

“The baby sitter fell through for Gabriel.” He said, hiking his thumb towards the toddler in the back seat. “We've got to make a pit stop at Wes' to drop him off.”

“Fuck this shit!” I said, reaching for the door handle. Before I could open it however, Jake hit the lock button.

“First of all, watch your fu- your mouth around my son. Second, you and Wes need to stop acting like little pu- girls, and figure your sh- stuff out.”

I couldn't help but laugh at Jake's failed attempts to watch his own mouth. “Well if Wes would get his hot dog, out of his bun, and admit that he's wrong, we'd be fine.”

“I admit, he was wrong, but he was only looking out for you, just like he always has. What did you expect when you showed up with a fu- fiance!”

“I expected him to say congratulations. Not insult me, and ask about my darn text life!”

“Darn hot dog!” Gabriel yelled from the back seat.

“We're dropping him off, now, before he starts telling his mother to duck off.” Jake said, putting the car into drive. “You don't have to come in, just sit outside like a little bish.”

“Bish, bish!” Gabriel laughed.

“Yeah, because that doesn't sound like bitch.” I said.

“Fuck, Cole!”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Gabriel yelled.

I held it in as long as I could, but inevitably the laughter had to come out. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jake fighting just as hard, only he was succeeding. I guess it was some kind of parental super power, because I was rolling. When I finally composed myself, Jake cleared his throat quietly.

“Gabriel.” He said, sternly. “That's a grown up word. Please don't say that word again, okay buddy?”

“What word?”

“Yea daddy, what word?” I asked, blinking my eyes innocently.

It was clear that Jake had given up, because instead of answering either one of us, he turned the volume up on the radio, and focused on the road. The rest of our drive was quiet, and when we pulled into Wes' place, I sat in the car. I was being a little bish, but I didn't give a stick. I watched as Wes took Gabriel from Jake, and ruffled the top of his curly head. It reminded me of when we were younger, when Wes would look after me. He was going to be a great father, even if he was an asshole.

Jake returned a few minutes later, and we headed to the local mall. Harper sent me a text, telling me to pick out a gray suit, because it would go with her dress. I asked her to send me pics, but she said no. Maybe I should have asked to see the dress, instead of nudes? She did tell me it was rose gold, but when I asked her if she was talking about her dress, or her pussy, she sent me the middle finger emoji.

There were two suit shops in the mall, and luckily Jake, and I were able to find what we needed at the first. The tailor assumed one of us was getting married, but when I mentioned we were going to the prom, he gave us both a questioning look. Jake quickly explained the situation so that we didn't look like a pair of creepy old guys, while I scoped out the corsages.

“You have any of these in rose gold?” I interjected.

“Flowers don't grow rose gold in the wild dumb ass.” Jake said, paying for his tux.

“They dye flowers all the damn time. Isn't that right, Lenny?” I asked, squinting at the tailor's name tag.

“Yes sir.” He said, nodding enthusiastically. “You can choose any of the white, or light pink flower selections. For an additional fee, we can have them colored to match. Do you have a swatch or sample you'd like to match?”

“How many rose golds can their possibly be?” I asked. “Rose gold. What ever happened to pink?”

“Rose gold has actually become a very popular color. Women are even using it to dye their hair.” Lenny informed us.

“Just, add the fee Lenny.” I said, pulling my wallet from my  back pocket.

With our purchases complete, Jake and I made our way back to his truck. Neither of us wanting to shop any longer than absolutely necessary. I would do a lot of things for my fake fiance, but spending an entire day in a shopping mall with Jake, wasn't one of them.

“So, you're really getting married huh?” Jake asked, as we pulled out of the parking lot.

“We are.”

“I'm happy for you man.”

“What's the catch?”

“You know how messed up I was over Evie. I regret so much about the way I handled things. I was too fucking stubborn to let myself be happy. I'm glad you aren't doing the same.”

“You should look into writing hallmark cards Jakey.”

“Fuck off.”

I laughed, turning to look out the window. I realized we were heading to my place first, and I was grateful. I knew I couldn't avoid Wes forever, but for now it seemed like the smartest thing to do. My feelings were still too raw, and if I were forced to be in the same room with him, I'm not sure that I could control my temper. Normally, he was the one who could talk me down, but not this time.

When I walked through the front door, I was expecting to find Harper there. Instead, I found a note. Cole, I went to dinner with the girls, don't wait up. Xoxo – Harper. Tossing the note into the trash can, I noticed a sticky note on the oven door. Open me. Pulling the note off, I slowly opened the door, revealing a large casserole dish covered in foil. I smiled to myself, removing the dish, and placing it on the counter. It was chicken tetrazzini, one of my favorites, and it was still warm.

Only Harper would cook me dinner, before going out. It was just the type of woman she was, the type of woman a guy like me didn't deserve. I happily ate my meal, and after cleaning up the kitchen, I decided to head out onto the back porch. It was just starting to get dark, and the breeze coming off the water felt amazing. I put my feet up on the swing, and closed my eyes, listening to the crashing waves as they hit the shore. I could feel myself relaxing, and before long I fell asleep. It wasn't until I heard Zoe's voice coming from inside some time later, that I realized Harper was home.

I opened my eyes, adjusting them to the darkness that had fallen, before inevitably going inside. “What time is it?” I asked.

Zoe looked from me, to the clock on the wall. “Two AM.”

“You're just now getting in? Where's Harper?” I yawned.

“Passed out in my car.”


“Don't be mad at her Cole.”

“I'm not mad at her.” I said, giving Zoe my best side eye. “You know she's never really gotten drunk before. Why weren't you looking out for her? You're pregnant for fucks sake! Why are you even out at this hour?”

“First off, I am not your wife, so fuck off! Secondly, Harper is a grown ass woman, who by the way needed to unwind. I tried taking her back to my place to sleep it off, but she insisted on coming home to you. So if you wouldn't mind grabbing your “fiance” from my car, we'll be on our way.”

“What's with the air quotes? And who's we?”

“Alcohol tends to bring the truth out Cole. I won't tell Wes, who is also in the car, but I don't agree with this plan of yours either.”

Before I could respond, Wes entered through the back door, cradling Harper in his arms. I was over to him in three strides, lifting her from him, and carrying her into the downstairs bedroom. When I was sure she was alright, I left the room. Wes, and Zoe were standing by the back door, ready to leave.

“Thanks.” I said, nodding my head in Wes' direction.

And without another word, they left.