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Too Good (Good Intentions Book 3) by Kayla Carson (18)

Chapter 17

The band had a huge array of music, and I was surprised when the singer started rapping to an Eminem song. The kids really seemed to enjoy it, and so did Zoe. She was hilariously rapping every single word, and Wes was laughing so hard it looked like he was about to die. Happy looked good on him, and for the first time in my life I was beginning to understand what the love of a good woman could really do for a man.

“Are you going to watch the pregnant lady rap all night, or are you going to dance with your fiance?” Harper asked, interrupting my thoughts.

“Is somebody missing all of my attention?” I asked reaching for her wrist, and pulling her flush against me.

“Maybe just a little bit.” She admitted, resting her head on my shoulder. “This night has been really wonderful, but I'm more than ready to go home now.”

“They haven't announced the king, and queen yet.”

“What? They're actually doing that? I thought this was just a mock prom for the kids who couldn't afford to go?”

“This is Zoe we're talking about. She probably nominated herself.”

“Cole!” She laughed, swatting at me. “Can you ever be nice?”

“I thought you liked it better when I was naughty.”

Rolling her eyes, she turned away from me, dragging me towards the others. When we reached our friends, Harper whispered something to Zoe, who smiled brightly. The next thing I knew, she was dragging Wes towards the band. This time when the song ended, it was Zoe grabbing the mic. “Can I have everyone's attention please? We are about to announce the king, and queen, of tonight's mock prom!”

Cheers erupted from all around the room, and Wes raised his hands high, signaling silence, allowing his wife to continue. “I hope everyone's had a chance to vote, because the ballots have been counted by our very own Dr. Evie Cruz, and the winners will be announced by this handsome man standing to my right.” Evie handed two ballots to Wes, and Zoe passed him the mic.

“Your prom king, and queen are...” He paused for dramatic effect, before turning the ballots over in his hands. A look of confusion crossed his face momentarily, but he seemed to shake it off. “Vanessa, and Weston!”

Harper's eyes caught mine, and I instinctively squeezed her hand, letting her know that I was here. What were the odds that there was another Vanessa, and Weston here tonight? The same thought must have crossed Zoe's mind, because she clung to Wes' shoulder as if her life depended on it. Before any of us could contemplate any further, I seen her. Vanessa Blue, in a long navy dress walking through the crowd of kids like she was parting the red sea. Her head was held high, and she strutted confidently towards Wes like she hadn't a worry in the world.

When she finally reached him, she smirked. “It seems as if you owe me a dance, my king.”

Zoe reached for her purse, probably intending to call the police, but Vanessa held her hand up stopping her. “I wouldn't do that princess. I'm not here alone. I suspect you'd like to keep your precious children safe, yes?” When no one responded, she nodded. “Just as I thought. Now, about that dance?”

Harper's hand was trembling in mine, and I tucked her into my side, needing to be strong for her. I felt her relax against me, and knowing that I was able to make her feel safe, was all the courage I needed. “How about you dance with me?” I asked, drawing Vanessa's attention to me. “After all, I was California's king once. It only seems right that I dance with it's former queen.”

“Cole-” Harper started.

“Shh. It's alright Sweetheart.” I whispered in her ear, kissing her softly there.

In an instant, Jake was at my side, taking my place beside Harper, as I walked towards the woman who tried to have me killed. Her smirk changed to a grimace, clearly upset that she'd be settling for me. She still had an ax to grind with Wes, but I didn't want to give her what she wanted. I owed Wes that much.

I reached my hand out to her, and surprisingly she took it. The band started playing a slow ballad, as I pulled her body against mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and laid her head on my shoulder. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to get a reaction out of Harper. “What are you doing here Vanessa?” I asked, as we swayed to the music.

“I seen your wedding announcement this morning. Awfully fast isn't it?”

“What's it matter to you?”

She laughed then, lifting her head from my shoulder. She locked her ice blue eyes on mine, and all that I could see behind that gaze was pure menace. “I'm leaving the country tonight, and Harper is coming with me.”

“Over my dead body.” I gritted out.

“I was hoping you'd say that. I so enjoyed almost killing you the first time. If you want something done, you should do it yourself, isn't that what they say?”

Just then, the lights went out. Screams radiated throughout the large room, echoing off the walls. I kept a tight grip on Vanessa's wrist, not wanting to lose her in the chaos, but she twisted, using her leg to break my hold. “Fuck!” I yelled, searching my pants pockets for my cellphone and turning on the flashlight app. “Harper!” I yelled out, scanning the room frantically.

“Cole!” I heard her call back.

“Stay with Jake! Get the fuck out of here, do you hear me?”

“I got her!” Jake shouted back.

As much as I wanted to run outside and be with my girl, I had to find Vanessa. I headed in the direction where I left Wes, and Zoe, hoping like hell that they were alright. It didn't take long before Wes, and I found each other. He said Jake left out the back door with the girls, he instructed him to go straight to the police station. We weren't taking any chances this time. We needed to get these kids out of here, and fast.

The emergency generator kicked on just as a crowd of kids were trying to push each other out of the building. Everyone looked confused, but they had no idea what was really going on. Wes cleared his throat as loud as he could. “I'm sorry everyone, but due to some wiring issues, we're going to cut the prom short. I promise we'll make it up to you all, but right now, I need you all to get home.”

The kids were clearly disappointed, but what choice did he have? I watched carefully, as everyone filed out of the building, hoping to catch a glimpse of Vanessa, but she never passed me. Leaving Wes to manage the exits, I ran upstairs to the library area. I checked every nook, and cranny in the place, but she wasn't here. She was gone. It didn't make any fucking sense. She came here for Harper, she wouldn't just leave without her.

Making my way back downstairs, I found that Wes was preforming the same kind of search on this level. “Anything?”

“It was a distraction.” Wes said, scratching his head in thought. “Fuck!”

“Distraction from what? She wanted Harper, she didn't get her.”

“We should check in with Jake, just to be sure.”

“I'll call him.” I scrolled through my contacts, pressing send when I found his number. His phone went straight to voicemail, so I tried it again with the same result. “Wes.” I said, with worry. “Call your wife.”

“It's going straight to fucking voicemail!”

I tried Harper's phone then, and Wes tried Evie's. Every single one of them were heading directly to voicemail. “Don't you have a tracker on her fucking phone?” I asked.

“That's Jake's shit, I don't know how to do any of that. We can't just fucking sit here, let's go.”

“I'm checking the parking lot, and the limo. Call the fucking police!” I said, taking off on a run towards the exit. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest, as I approached the limo. I reached for the back door, but it was locked, so I ran around to the driver's side instead. I knocked loudly on the tinted window, trying to get the driver's attention. When he didn't respond, I tried the handle. It opened freely, but when it did, the driver's limp body fell to the ground. “Shit!” I yelled, jumping back in shock.

I found the keys still in the ignition, and turned it over so I could lower the partition window. Zoe, and Evie were laying on the backseats, and appeared to be unconscious. Hitting the unlock button, I ran around to the back door. I pulled Zoe out first, being as gentle as I could. “Zoe? Can you hear me?” I asked, as I laid her down in the grass. She mumbled something incoherent, but at leas she was alive. I went back for Evie, laying her beside Zoe before calling out for Wes.

The instant he seen his pregnant wife laying on the ground, he lost it. I had never seen that man shed a tear in his life, but just now, he was crying a river. “She's alright.” I said, I don't know what happened, but they're both alive.

“The police are on their way.” Wes said, pulling Zoe into his lap, and cradling her there.

“I'll call an ambulance.” I said, walking away momentarily. That's when I spotted Jake. He was slumped up against a tree, with a nasty head wound, and there was blood pouring from his left leg. “Fuck!” I yelled, rushing toward him. I pulled my tie off, and tied it tightly above the wound on his leg to control the bleeding. “Jake?” I asked, tapping his cheek lightly. “Jake?” I said louder, checking for a pulse. It was there, but it was weak.

It didn't take long for the authorities to arrive, with the ambulance directly on their heels. Jake was loaded up first, due to the nature of his injuries. His knuckles were cut and bruised all to hell. He put up a hell of a fight. Whoever the other guy was had to be in rough shape. Jake was a trained soldier, and he wasn't one to give up easily. I followed his gurney to the ambulance, and his eyes fluttered open slowly. He tried to reach for me, but I shook my head. “Don't move Jake.”

“Vanessa.” He breathed out. “I tried to stop her. I'm s-sorry brother.”

“This isn't your fault Jake. Just hold on alright, you got a wife, and kid who need you.”

“Evie?” He rasped.

“She's fine. I got her. She's fine.” I said again to reassure him, before the ambulance doors closed him in.

Wes rode with Evie, and Zoe in the other ambulance, and I stayed behind to talk to the police. They searched the building, and the surrounding area for Harper, but I wasn't surprised that they didn't find her. Vanessa made good on her promise. She was killing me, just not in the way that I'd imagined. My heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest. I had never felt anything like this before, and there wasn't a damn thing that I could do about it. Harper was strong, but Vanessa was her one weak spot, and I wasn't sure if she could tell her no. Even if it meant losing me.