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Too Good (Good Intentions Book 3) by Kayla Carson (9)

Chapter 8

I woke the next morning to the sun shining brightly through the window. I squinted, the light causing my head to instantly throb. “Fuck.” I seethed out between clenched teeth. Harper must have been close by, because she seemingly came out of no where, shutting the blinds.

“I'm sorry.” She said, climbing into the bed beside me. “I got up to put the coffee on, and I wasn't thinking about the sun.”

“You look sexy in my shirt.” I teased, playing with the ends of the button down.

Rolling her eyes, she turned away from me, intending to slip back out of the bed. I caught her by the wrist instead, pulling her against me. She squealed, when my arm snaked around her waist. “Did I say you could leave the bed?” I asked, kissing the top of her head playfully.

“I have to go help Zoe with preparations for the prom today, remember?”

“That's right. It's in what, ten more days?”

“Yeah.” She hesitated. “About that... I know you did the whole “prom-posal” thing, but we don't have to go. I mean, you need to take it easy.”

“Oh no. You're not getting off that easily Sweetheart. We're going, even if I have to go in that damn contraption.” I said, pointing to the wheelchair in the corner of the room.

“Will you be OK here by yourself today? I can call Wes-”

“I'm a grown as man Sweetheart, I don't need a fucking babysitter.”

She rolled her eyes, giving me a swift kiss on the lips. “I'm going to take a shower, do you want some coffee before I hop in?”

“Just bring the chair over. I'll handle it.”

“Are you sure?”

“I've got to piss Harper, you going to hold my dick for me too?”

With a gleam in her eye, she climbed onto my lap, straddling me. “Do you want me to?” She asked, raising a brow suggestively.

I couldn't help but laugh. I wasn't trying to be a dick, but she knew that. She was used to my attitude by now, and I knew I was damn lucky that she put up with my ungrateful ass. “I'm sorry.” I mumbled.

“What was that?” She asked, placing her hand over her ear. “Did Cole Stephens just apologize for being an ass?”

“Keep it up Sweetheart, and I'll show you how much of an ass I can be.”

This time it was her who laughed. “Your bark is far worse than your bite Sweetheart.” She teased, dipping down to kiss me. It was a soft kiss, but soon turned deeper, when my hands gripped her hips. She moaned into my mouth, and I knew she could feel my erection growing beneath her. She broke the kiss then, a smile still plastered on her beautiful face. “I'll be back before dinner.” And just as quickly as she'd come, she'd gone, pushing the wheel chair next to the bed before running out of the room.

“Harper!” I yelled, as her giggling form disappeared around the corner, and into the bathroom. “You're lucky I can't get up and chase you!” She'd left me with the biggest case of blue balls known to man kind, and all I could think about was joining her in the shower. I sat up slowly, and the room didn't spin quite as much as it did yesterday. Taking a deep breath, I swung my legs around so that they were dangling over the bed. I stood, but I was still a bit dizzy, so I eased down into the wheelchair.

I'd managed to use the facilities, and pour myself a cup of coffee, without Harper's help, and to be honest, I was feeling better for it. I hated to have to rely on people, especially Harper. I should be the one taking care of her, not the other way around. When she came out of the bathroom dressed in a pair short denim shorts, and a white tank top revealing her stomach, I wanted to stand up, toss her over my shoulder, and drag her ass back to the closet.

“Are you trying to piss me off?” I asked, taking a slow sip of my coffee.

“What now?” She asked, annoyed as she breezed past me to pour another cup of coffee for herself.

“You're going to help make decorations, and paint. Shouldn't you wear a pair of overalls or something?”

“It's ninety damn degrees out Cole!” She laughed, pulling her long hair up into a messy bun on the top of her head. “Do you want me to have a stroke?”

“I want you to put some damn clothes on Harper. If you bend over the wrong way, the whole place is going to get a glimpse.”

“They aren't that short.” She sighed, turning to purposely bend over directly in front of me. “See?”

“Are you not wearing underwear?” I could feel the mixture of anger, and arousal filling me, and if I could have walked a straight damn line, she would have felt it too.

“It's a thong Cole.” She said reasonably, as she turned to face me.

“Those shorts look like a fucking thong Harper.” I said just as coolly.

“If you really want me to change that bad, then I will OK?”

This was too easy. Yeah she enjoyed my dominant behavior, but she also stood her ground when she knew I was being unreasonable. Not that I thought I was however. I glanced at her questioningly, rubbing my thumb under my chin in thought. “You're changing?” I asked with skepticism.

“Yep.” She answered sweetly.

“What's the catch?”

“No catch. You're right.”

“Come again? Can I get that in writing?”

“Asshole.” She muttered under her breath, as I watched her ass sway all the way up the stairs to our bedroom. The shorts really were too short, I could see her amazing ass cheeks barely peeking out of the bottom, every time she lifted one of her legs. It was something to be admired, but it wasn't meant for any one else.

When she came back down a few minutes later, she had indeed changed her clothes. The shorts were longer, but the top was much shorter, as in barely there. I opened my mouth to say something, but she held her hand up stopping me. “It's a bathing suit top. I'm putting my tank top over it dad.”

I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Fine.” I said, draining the rest of my cup, and using my legs to pull myself over to the sink.

“Fine?” She asked, warily.

“I just worry about you. With everything you've been through, you're just starting to feel confident in yourself, in your body. I don't want some jackass ogling you, and making you feel uncomfortable.”

Her expression softened, and she grabbed the tee shirt I'd set out on the table for myself. Instead of bringing it over, as I thought she would, she slipped it over her own head instead. “You don't fool me with that cocky attitude Cole Stephens, but don't worry, I won't let it slip that you're a big softy.” She came to stand beside me then, bending down to kiss me. “I love you.”

“I love you too Sweetheart.”

I really was turning into a fucking pussy. The realization reminded me that I needed to call my boss. Harper filled him in on the accident, but I wanted to let him know I'd be back to work as soon as I was able. I wasn't worried about losing my job, but I needed him to know that I had every intention of returning. After seeing Harper off, I grabbed my phone from the kitchen table, and gave him a call. He answered on the first ring, happy to hear from me. He told me to take all the time I needed, and that's when I made my next call.