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Too Good (Good Intentions Book 3) by Kayla Carson (3)

Chapter 2

Telling Harper about the cash was one of the hardest things I'd ever done. I could see the disappointment in her eyes, as soon as the words came out. She said she understood wanting to have a cushion, to live an easier life, but that using drug money wasn't the answer, especially when it came from her sister. She was currently sitting out in the sand, reading a book, while I racked my brain. My hope was that Vanessa needed the cash to get out of town, start a new life somewhere, and leave Harper, and I the hell alone. I knew my hope wasn't the reality.

Sighing, I made my way towards the beach, and sat down beside my girl. “Hey.”

“Hey back.” She said, closing her book and setting it down on her blanket. “I'm not mad. I mean, I don't like that you lied to me, but I get it.”

“It was only a secret because it compromised my freedom. It had nothing to do with trusting you.”

“And the gun? That compromises your freedom as well.”

“When we found out about Vanessa's escape, I wanted to be able to protect you.”

“Do you really think she'd hurt me?”

“I don't know Sweetheart. People do the damnedest things when they're backed into a corner. It wasn't a chance I was willing to take.”

She smiled slightly, reaching for my hand. “I wish you didn't think of me as someone so broken.”

“You know that's not how I see you Harper. You're one of the strongest people I know.”

She laughed, removing her hand from mine. “I don't feel strong Cole. I feel.. angry. I feel like Vanessa's “protection” has robbed me of my life. I was talking to Zoe yesterday about the prom she's throwing at Harper's House. I've never even been to a school dance, let alone a prom.”

Standing up, I searched the beach for a long stick. “Hold that thought.” I said, holding my finger up, before disappearing down the beach. When I found what I needed, I started to write the words in the sand. After a few minutes, her curiosity was peaked, and she stood. “One more minute!” I called down to her, making her cock her head in confusion. She looked adorable, with her hand on her hip, and confusion in her eyes. “Ready!”

I stood back, admiring my handy work as she approached me. When she was close enough to read the words, I dropped down to my knee, and smiled up at her bright, and wide.

“Cole..?” She started with apprehension, before she realized what the words written in the sand actually said.

“Sorry Sweetheart. I didn't think before I dropped.” I laughed, as I stood again, taking her hands in mine. “What do you say? Will you go to prom with me?”

She laughed, bringing her hands to her lips. “What is this?”

“A prom-posal!”

“A what now?” She asked, her laughter increasing.

“All the kids are doing it.” I said slyly, reaching for her hands once more. “Come on, we'll rent a limo, and you can pick out a dress. Be my date?”

“You're serious.”

“Why do you sound so surprised?”

“You aren't really the romantic type Cole.”

“I'll show you romantic.” I said, scooping her up into a princess hold. She squealed, trying to squirm away, but my hold was too strong. “Not romantic!” I scoffed, as I carried her into the house, using my foot to shut the already open french doors behind us. Her arms laced around my neck, as her laughter finally ceased. She was about to speak when I set her down gently in a chair at the dining room table.

“What's all this?” She asked, her eyes growing wide in surprise.

“This is my I'm sorry I fucked up, let me make it up to you, I'm an ass, dinner.” I said, lighting the candles that sat in the center of the table.

“You cooked?” She asked, with a bit of fear in her voice.

It was warranted, I was a terrible cook, but I still pretended to be wounded. “I ordered take out.” I winked at her, sending her into a fit of giggles once again. “I love that sound.” I smiled, leaning down to press my lips to hers. “Now for the first course, mashed potatoes a la gravy, cole a la slaw, and chicken a la bucket!”

“You are such an Idiot!” She laughed out between breaths. Then, as seriously as she could muster. “Please tell me you got potatoes a la wedges?”

“But of course.” I said in my best French accent, kissing my fingers for good measure.

“I love you.” She said with laughter still in her voice.

“Does that mean you'll go to prom with me?”


After dinner, we made our way to the back porch. The large swing in the corner was often where we spent our evenings when I stayed over. There was something relaxing in just watching the waves roll up to the shoreline, and crash back into the water.  “I could get used to doing this every night.” I said, as Harper snuggled against my side, and I kissed her temple.

“Me too. I'm glad you agreed to move in.”

“There's no where else I'd rather be.”

“I've been thinking.” She started, taking a deep breath before continuing. “About what you said about the account Vanessa set up for me.”

“OK.” I said, encouraging her to go on.

“I want to donate it to Wes, and Zoe, to Harper's House. But... I also want to do something else.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“It may seem silly, but I'd like to open my own flower shop. I love working at Lily's... but I want something that's mine, just for me. Is that crazy?”

“Not at all. I think you should do it! Wes, and Zoe know a great Realtor, and I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help you find a property. Hell, you could even buy some land, and start from scratch!”

“You sound more confidant than me.” She laughed.

“Don't sell yourself short Harper, you practically run Lily's place, and she knows it. She'd be lost without you.”

“When you put it like that, I feel bad for wanting to leave her.”

“You know she'd support you one hundred percent, just like the rest of us will.”

“I don't know what I would have done without you all this past year. It's been hard getting used to the idea of having actual friends in my life, and not just doctors and nurses. Don't get me wrong, I made a few friends from my stay at Polaris, but nothing lasting. It was hard to know who to trust there. It wasn't until Vanessa was in prison, that I finally began to feel normal. The doctors seemed to treat me differently, and then you came along. I don't know if I'd even be doing out patient therapy if it weren't for you.”

“I had nothing to do with your recovery. Once Vanessa couldn't control you any more you were able to come out of your shell, and find yourself. That was all you Sweetheart.”

“I'm grateful either way.”

“I'm proud of you Harper.”

“You know what? I'm proud of me too.”