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Too Good (Good Intentions Book 3) by Kayla Carson (2)

Chapter 1

It had been an entire month since Harper had received the news about her sister's escape. For thirty days she'd been staying at my place, too afraid to be alone in her own empty house. It was enormous, and way too big for one person alone, but Vanessa had purchased it years ago, and placed it in Harper's name. Initially, she wanted to sell it, but it was right on the ocean, and the sound often lulled her to sleep at night. It was fully furnished, and within walking distance to the flower shop she worked at. I had been driving her to, and from work for the past month, but today when I arrived to pick her up she surprised me.

She climbed into my car, and smiled brightly. “I'm ready to go home.” She said on a contemplative sigh, before turning to face me. “I miss the ocean, and my bed, and even the sound of the seagulls in the morning. I can't keep running from my past Cole.”

“What's wrong with my bed?” I teased, reaching for her hand.

She rolled her eyes. “Cole, I'm being serious.”

“I'd feel a lot better if someone was staying with you.”

“What? Like a body guard?” She laughed nervously.

“Yes, exactly like a body guard. Sweetheart, I know you don't want to use any of the money in the account Vanessa set up for you, but you need to feel safe.”

“You make me feel safe.” She whispered, shyly.

“We both know I'm an incredibly strong, handsome guy who can handle crazy sisters any day of the week, but I'm not a professional. And, if you haven't forgotten I live half an hour away.”

“About that.” She said, with a hint of mischief in her eyes. “What would you say if I asked you to move in with me?”

“I know I'm irresistible, but damn girl we've only been together for nine months.” I teased, trying to make light of the situation. Giving her an out if she needed one.

“You're making fun of me.” She said, casting her eyes downward, the light disappearing from them. “Do you know how hard it was for me to even say the words? I was practicing all morning. The customers probably thought I was crazy, asking a bunch of roses to move in with me.” She sniffed, as a tear escaped her eye. “I'm scared Cole.”

“Fuck.” I said, just loud enough for her to hear me. “You know me, serious conversations aren't my forte. But, I promise that you have nothing to be scared of. I would never let anything happen to you.”

“It isn't just Vanessa.”

“Look at me.” I said, placing my finger under her chin. “You know you can tell me anything right?”

Letting out a deep breath, she closed her eyes, before taking another breath in. “I'm scared, because I love you.” She said softly, opening her eyes to gauge my reaction. Before I could answer, she held her small hand up. Her long blonde hair covered either side of her face, as she looked down at her feet. “Everyone who I have ever loved has left me, and I've been afraid to tell you how I feel for so long.”

“Stop doing that.” I said, lifting her chin with my finger once again. “I could stare into those baby blues all day long.” She smiled, and I couldn't help but return her smile with one of my own. “I knew I loved you six months after I met you.” I confessed, taking her hands in mine. “But, I don't want you to feel pressured because of Vanessa. If you aren't ready to live together, that's fine. Please be honest with me, and yourself Sweetheart, because all I want is for you to be safe, and happy.”

“You're my boyfriend right?”

“I am.” I laughed.

“Good. Then moving in together is the next logical step.”


“I know what you're going to say, and I'm sorry. I know our relationship isn't what you're used to. But, I want you to know that I trust you.”

I'd be lying if I said not sleeping with my girlfriend didn't bother me. We shared the same bed, cuddled, made out, groped like a couple of horny teenagers, and had done everything except have sex. Normally, it would have been a deal breaker. But the connection I felt with Harper was more than that. Her past was something I had no idea how to relate to, and so when it came to intimacy, I let her pave the way. Everything was at her pace, and because I loved her, it was worth waiting.

Harper was seven years old when she wound up in the same foster home as my brother Wes. Her sister Vanessa protected her for as long as she could, but eventually Harper was dragged into the sick underground world of child prostitution. Her foster father was a real piece of work. He would raffle off nights with his “daughters” to his friends, and to keep his hands clean he forced Wes to drive the girls to the locations.

After the first time Harper was abused, Vanessa took a tire iron to the car used to transport them. When their foster father found out, he beat Vanessa within an inch of her life, it was during recovery that she heard Wes was leaving. She wrote him a note, asking him to take Harper with him, but she never got the chance to give it to him. It was the reason she went after him, and one of the reasons she was locked up. Harper didn't remember a lot from that time, but sex was something she hadn't allowed herself to enjoy.

The first time she felt turned on during one of our make out sessions, she cried herself to sleep. She was ashamed at how her body was reacting to mine, like it wasn't right. At twenty two years old, her only sexual experiences were horrible flashbacks. She used to have nightmares, and wake up screaming. The first time I'd slept over on her couch, I thought she was being attacked. I knew then, that I wanted to be the one to help her heal.

When she aged out of Polaris teen center, she moved into the house on the beach. Vanessa was scarce, only coming around to drop off groceries, or clothes. Harper became a shut in, until I started coming around. It took me a while, but eventually I got her to go outside, and then down the street. Without Vanessa around to tell her she couldn't do things, Harper began to realize that she could. I understood Vanessa's instinct to protect her sister, but she was shutting her out of her own life.

“Cole?” Harper asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

“Looks like I've got some packing to do.” I said, with a grin.

“Really!?” She asked excitedly, practically climbing into my lap, and wrapping her arms around my neck. “I love you.” She said, with a smile so bright it could have out shined the sun.

“I love you too Sweetheart.” I said, giving her lips a quick kiss. “But, I can't drive when you're sitting on my lap.

“Sorry.” She said returning my kiss, before getting back into her own seat, and fastening her seat belt. “I'll help you pack.”

I knew she was right. Moving in together was the next logical step, I just wasn't sure that Wes would feel the same way. He had been apprehensive about my relationship with Harper from the start. Not that I could blame him. Hell, even Harper questioned my coming around in the beginning. It took us a long time to get to a good place. She felt like I was using her to assuage some guilt, and maybe in the beginning I was, but it turned into so much more. I never imagined that I'd fall in love with her.

I was always the problem that Wes had to fix, and it felt damn good to be needed. I glanced over at the woman sitting beside me, and I couldn't help but smile. I was finally happy, and it was all because of her. I don't think she would ever know how much her friendship has meant to me, how she helped me stay sober. I'd tell her one day. When Vanessa was back in prison, and we were laying on the beach watching the sunset. I already knew how I would propose to her. The mere thought alone had me grinning when I put the car into park.

“What's got you so happy?” She asked, noticing my sudden smile.

“You.” I said simply, exiting the car, and walking around to open her door. “I'm only grabbing the essentials. I'll call one of those moving companies to handle the rest.”

“Isn't that a bit pricey?” She asked, biting on her nails.

“Sweetheart.” I said softly, pulling her hand from her face, and placing it in mine. “Let me worry about that.”

I led her up the stairs, and when we reached the door, it was unlocked. I stopped us dead in our tracks, shoving her behind me. I pulled my gun from the back of my pants, and held it steady as I slowly pushed the door open with my free hand.

“Where did you get a gun?” She asked with shock.

“Shh.” I said, motioning for her to go back to the car. She shook her head no, but the look I gave her told her I meant business. I handed her the keys and whispered to her to lock the doors. When I was sure she was safely locked in the car I called out. “I have a gun, and the police are on their way!” I couldn't hear a sound, no shuffling, no voices, so I entered the living room, my gun still drawn.

The place was trashed. The cushions were off the couches, and papers were flung around the room. Even my silverware drawers were dumped onto the floor. It looked as if the police had flipped the entire place upside down. I immediately ran to the bedroom, and searched my closet. I stashed a substantial amount of cash away from my time as California's king. I handed over most of it, but there was no way the police could have known the exact amount I'd made.

“Fuck!” I yelled, when I removed the piece of drywall and found an empty box. The only person that would have known about the missing money was Vanessa, which meant she was in my house. Tucking the gun back into my waist band, I ran outside to check on Harper. The police were pulling in, just as I was coming out, and I swore under my breath. If they searched me, I was fucked. I wasn't allowed to have a firearm, but when Vanessa escaped, I bought it to protect Harper. I just had to keep my cool.

“We got a call about a possible break in?” The first Officer said, as he approached me at the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah, I came by to grab a few things, and found the door unlocked. I took a walk through, it doesn't seem like anything's missing.”

“Can I get your name for the report?”

“Cole Stephens.” I said, immediately seeing the recognition in his eyes.

I glanced over at Harper, who was speaking to the second officer, and gave her a comforting smile. “Like I said officer, nothing was taken.”

“Would you still like to file a report?”

“No. I'm confidant that whoever it was won't be back again. I don't have anything of value, and I'm moving anyway.”

“Mr. Stephens, I would advise making a report. Especially considering your history.”

“Thank you officer, I'll think about it.”

“You have five days Mr. Stephens, after that we can't help you.”

“I understand.”

With a nod of his head, he signaled to his partner, and they got into their cruiser. When I joined Harper, she visibly relaxed. “Why didn't you file a report?” She asked, sitting on the hood of my car.

“Because I already know who it was.” I said, sitting down beside her. “It was Vanessa.”