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Undo Me (The Good Ol' Boys #3) by M. Robinson (7)


My phone pinged with a new message. Swiping the screen, I didn't recognize the number.

Tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at eight.

Aubrey: Who is this?

Your Prince Charming.

I laughed, I couldn’t help it. This could only be the one asshole I knew.

Aubrey: I’m not having sex with you, McGraw.

Dylan: Good, no one else has either.

My entire body shook with laughter as I typed.

Aubrey: You’re funny tonight.

Dylan: I’m also charming.

I rolled my eyes.

Aubrey: I didn’t say yes to a date.

Dylan: I didn’t ask. I’ll pick you up at eight.

I started to type no.

Dylan: Please.

Of course he knew what I was thinking.

Aubrey: Wow. Dylan McGraw said please. I’m glad I have proof.

Dylan: Wear something yellow. You look pretty in yellow.

I grinned at his subtle change in subject.

Dylan: I’ll see you tomorrow.

I took a deep breath.

Aubrey: Don’t make me regret this, Dylan.

Dylan: Duly noted, suga’.

Aubrey: Night.

I threw my phone on the nightstand and fell back onto my bed, peering up at the ceiling.

What the hell did I just get myself into?

I tossed and turned all night, not getting much sleep. My mind raced with all the what-ifs. I woke up early letting my mind win the battle. Needing to clear my head, I decided to go for a run. I use to run all the time in California. It was one of my favorite things to do. I hadn't run once since we moved to Oak Island. My running shoes were still packed at the bottom of a box, along with a few wedding photos of my parents.

They looked so happy and in love.

I woke up one night after my dad had moved out to the sound of crying. I found my mom on the kitchen floor sobbing. She was hugging a book of some sort tight against her chest; the green spine of the book was the perfect background to her white knuckles. I didn’t interrupt her private break down; all I did was watch with tears that threatened to spill like hers. Every one of them was because of the pain my father inflicted on her, on us. His decisions not only shattered their marriage.

They destroyed our home.

Our family.

She finally lifted herself off the floor to go into her bedroom, throwing the book in the trash as she walked by. I waited till she was gone before I went to look at what she threw away. It was their wedding album. I looked at every last picture, for some reason touching their faces in each one. When I heard a noise coming from the direction of her room, I impulsively ripped out a few photos and scurried back to my bedroom before she caught me.

I ran faster.


And with more determination.

My feet burned through the pavement with each stride and each memory, sweat dripping from every inch of my body. My heart pounded against my chest, echoing through my body and making me feel alive. My head started getting fuzzy with little specs of dots clouding my vision. My vigorous breathing escalated higher and louder. My ears started to ring. I needed to slow down before I passed out, but I couldn’t. The adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream had already taken over.  

Finally my legs gave out on me, causing me to fall over onto some grass, hyperventilating deeply and profusely. I closed my eyes, riding the wave of euphoria that only running could ever bring me.

Why did I stop doing this?

I breathed in and out, my breaths per minute leveling out with each second that passed. I got up on my hands and knees to stretch my neck and back.

“Couldn't wait to see me, huh?”

Oh no…

“You didn't have to run all the way here, darlin’. Our date’s at 8pm not 8am.”

I reluctantly opened my eyes. Dylan was sitting on the steps of his patio, hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees.

“Don’t flatter yourself, McGraw.”

He grinned, devouring me with his eyes. “You cold, suga’?”

I lowered my eyebrows. “What?”

He nodded toward my chest, and I peered down.


My yellow sports bra was soaked with sweat, making my nipples stand at attention.

“I do love that color on you, baby.”

“Shut up. You know if you were a real gentleman you wouldn’t have pointed that out. Let’s add pig to the list of insults, Dylan.”

“I can’t help it, sweetheart, they’re pointing right at me.”

I instantly crossed my arms over my exposed chest, blushing.

“Now that red is my second favorite color on you,” he rasped, standing up.

I stood up too, looking everywhere but at him, trying to avoid his stare. A bottle of water appeared in front of my face. I mistakenly gazed up, locking eyes with him. I reached out to take the water he was offering. Our fingers lightly brushed longer than I wanted to, but he wouldn’t let go of the water.

I scowled, pulling it harder in my direction. His face didn’t waver along with his grip.

“Thank you,” I appeased, and he immediately let go.


He grinned, tugging on the ends of my hair.

“What’s with you and the hair pulling?”

He stepped back, engulfing me with his stare again. He turned to walk back up the stairs, completely ignoring me.

“You didn’t answer my question!” I shouted

“I’ll see you tonight,” was all he said.

I walked the entire way home.

Not needing to run away from anything that time.

I knocked on Aubrey’s door at five minutes till eight. Alex said I needed to arrive early to show that I was serious about this date.

“You must be Dylan,” an older lady greeted me, opening the door. I assumed it was Aubrey’s mom since she looked like an older version of her. They say daughters turned into their mothers and if that’s the case, I fucking approved.

I smiled. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Ow— Ma’am.”


Her parents were divorced, and I had no idea what her mom’s maiden name was. She must have noticed my not-so-subtle pause because she instinctively narrowed her eyes at me, tilting her head to the side.

“Aubrey told you—” it was her turn to hesitate. She casually smiled, recovering quickly and shaking her head. “You can call me Jane.”

What was that?

She stepped aside for me to come into the foyer.

“These are for you.” I handed her flowers.

“For me?” She smiled for real that time. I instantly felt at ease.

“Of course, mama’s deserve flowers, too. These are for Aubrey.” I winked.

“Why thank you so much, Dylan. This is very sweet of you.”

“Not a problem, ma’am.”

“Ma’am? I told you to call me Jane.”

“With all due respect, ma’am, I appreciate that, but that’s not how I was raised. I’m justa good ol’ country boy. Here in Oak Island, we respect our elders.”

I could tell she was impressed with me. Honestly, I wasn’t blowing smoke up her ass. I may be an asshole, but I still had manners. My mama did raise me right. She would have my balls if she ever saw me disrespecting an adult.  

“Aubrey is almost ready, she should be down any minute. We can wait for her in the living room.”

I nodded and followed her lead. I could hear some music playing, but couldn’t make out what it was. It had to be coming from Aubrey’s room.

Works of art scattered on the pale yellow walls here and there. A flat screen TV was sitting in the middle of the room on top of a modern entertainment center. The couch in front of it looked like one of those sofas that you could sink into and not want to leave. The room was bright and open with a bay window that looked out to their front yard.

Their house had a cozy and inviting feel, similar to mine.

“Would you like something to drink?” she kindly asked.

“No thanks, ma’am, I’m good.”

I walked toward their fireplace by their dining room, there were pictures of Aubrey displayed on the mantle and I wanted a peek into her childhood. I found it odd that there weren’t any pictures of her and her mom, but there were a ton of her and another lady who looked like she could be related to her mom. I assumed it was the aunt she mentioned the other day. There was only one picture of her and her dad. They were on the beach building a sand castle, looking as happy as could be. I saw the love and devotion in her father’s eyes from that picture alone.

If I thought she resembled her mom that was quickly shot to shit seeing what her dad looked like. She was the spitting image of him, which reminded me of what she shared that night on the beach when she told me she thought her mom worked so much because it hurt to look at her.   

Baby girl might be right about that one.

“She was a very beautiful little girl,” she spoke in past tense, pulling me from the memories of that night.

“She still is,” I honestly spoke, turning to face her.

She affectionately nodded, glancing at the picture of them that was prominently placed behind me, with a sense of longing in her eyes. It was quick but I saw it.

“Why don’t you make yourself at home, have a seat.”

I walked over to the loveseat positioned in front of the window and sat down.

“How are you liking Oak Island? Seems like you’ve settled in well,” I stated, looking around the furnished room.

“I wish I could take the credit, but I’m afraid Aubrey is responsible for all this.” She gestured with her hand towards the open space.

I nodded in understanding. Aubrey was the one that put the picture of her dad on the mantle, along with all the pictures of a woman that wasn’t her mother.

“I’m happy to finally meet one of Aubrey’s friends,” she breathed out. “She said you guys share a homeroom. You’re a sophomore, right?”

“That’s right.”

“She didn’t tell me how you guys met, though. I’m assuming at school?”

I nodded in response.

“Aubrey says track season doesn’t start until spring. Do you run track as well?”

“No. I surf.”

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. Her face frowned. Something I said resonated deeply inside her. It pained me to see such hurt in her eyes. I couldn’t help but want to make her feel better. I felt connected to her in a way I couldn’t explain or even understand for that matter. Maybe it was because she was Aubrey’s mom.

“I can’t wait to watch Aubrey run track in the spring. I got a glimpse of her this morning. She’s fast. I’m sure she will win all sorts of awards. Our track team actually went to nationals last year,” I rambled, changing the subject.

She nodded, knowing what I was doing but appreciating it nonetheless. “Aubrey must love that you surf. She used to go with her dad back home. She’s actually pretty good at it. Her dad had her on a board by the time she was five. He had her in the water before she could even crawl, she loves the beach.”

It was plain as day to see. This woman was still very much in love with her ex-husband. The mere mention of surfing had shaken her to the core.

“Good to know. I’ll have to take her surfing sometime. Maybe you’d like to come and watch?”

“That would be great,” she stirred with her face lighting up.

“Have you been able to head out to the beach? Oak Island is known for its beaches. We get tons of tourists during the summer, it’s the only time of year that you will see the beach packed with people from all over the world. The rest of the time it’s just us locals. Maybe I could show you and Aubrey around town sometime? I bet she’d love that… to get to spend time with you and all,” I pressed.

There was no way in hell that her mama didn’t want to spend time with her. I could tell by the way her face lit up every time she talked about her. But there was also remorse on her face and traces of guilt in her voice. If there was anything I could do to make it better, I would.

Sometimes people needed to see the light before they could get out of the darkness.

“That would be lovely, Dylan. I might have to take you up on that offer.”

“Not a problem, ma’am. I’d be honored, two pretty girls on my arm… can’t ask for a better day.”

She smiled. “I’m glad Aubrey has a friend like you here. Are you sure I can’t get you something to drink? I need to get ready for work, but I’m so glad I got to meet you,” she repeated with the same enthusiasm as the first time.


“Hey,” Aubrey announced, stepping into the room, surprised. “Mom! I didn’t think you were still here. I thought you had to go to work?”

“I do.” She looked down at her watch. “I’m actually going to be late. I just wanted to meet one of your friends.”

Aubrey nervously looked over at me, and I arched an eyebrow. “You look beautiful, friend.” I grinned, taking in her yellow dress that I knew she wore for me.

They both smiled at me, but when they turned back to face each other I could sense the tension between them, and it killed me to see Aubrey struggling with her emotions.

Especially since she never did that with me.

Although, I was sad for them, I was happy that I got to see the vulnerability between them. I got a deeper look into Aubrey’s life, learning something new.

“Well, you kids have fun. Aubrey, please try to be home by eleven, okay? I’ll be home early in the morning to make you some breakfast,” she said with a strain in her voice.

She nodded as her mom leaned into her ear to whisper, “I like him,” I overheard her say as Aubrey locked eyes with me.

“It was nice to meet you, Dylan. Maybe next time we could plan that day?”

“You can count on it,” I declared, my stare still fixated with Aubrey’s.

Her mom excused herself to go get ready for her shift, leaving Aubrey and me alone in the living room.

“Are you ready to head out?” I asked, cocking my head towards the front door. She nodded in response, a little taken back with what her mom said to me before she left the room.

“Lead the way, suga’.”

A smile spread across her pretty face when she realized there were flowers in my lap.

“Are those for me?”

“No, I don’t buy my friends flowers,” I replied with a smart-ass grin.

She took the flowers out of my hands and said, “Thank you.” Not bothering to acknowledge my retort.

After she put the flowers in water I grabbed her hand, helping her down the stairway as we left the house.

“Hey, I’m really sorry about my mom, I didn’t think she would be here. What was she talking about back there? What day?”

My fingers brushed hers when I reached to open her door, purposely trying to be a gentleman. Another one of Alex’s quirky little tips. The smirk on her lips told me she knew what I was up to. She didn’t comment on it, but I was hoping my efforts were going to be appreciated. I closed her door with the same affectionate smile she’d given me.

I jumped in the driver’s seat and cranked the engine, thinking about what she had asked. She flinched when I swiftly moved my arm over to her and grabbed her chin. I watched her lips part and her tongue moisten them, expecting a kiss that she didn’t get. She got a delayed reaction to the question she’d made with great conviction.

“Your mama loves you.”

Her eyes widened, she wasn’t expecting me to say that.  

“But just so we are clear, darlin’, this is a date and we are not friends.”

She also wasn’t expecting me to say that.



“Why are we at the marina?” I asked, shutting my door.

He waited for me by the hitch of his Jeep, extending out his hand when I got close to him. I cocked my head to the side, raising an eyebrow not budging until he answered my question.

“To find a fucking mermaid, let’s go,” he snapped with a straight face.

I tried to keep my amused expression to myself as he tugged me toward him. We walked hand-in-hand down the dock, strolling past one boat after another. When we reached the end of the boat slip he stepped over the railing onto a sailboat that had a blanket spread out on the bow. I was careful to step over the riggings as he led us to the front.

“Wow,” was all I could manage to say as I slowly turned in a circle, taking in my surroundings.

The sun had just set and every star shined bright above the water. I took in the blanket and picnic basket that were perfectly placed in the center of the bow.

“Do you bring every girl here? No wonder you get laid as much as you do,” I chuckled to no avail, taking in his stern expression.

“Let’s get one thing straight.”

He placed his finger under my chin to get me to look up at him. I peeked through my lashes, anxiously waiting for what he was going to say next.

“I’ve never brought a girl here before.”

I shyly smiled, his words warming my heart. Making me feel like shit for what I said before.  

“Now, that boat right over there.” He jerked his neck behind me, and I turned to see.

“I usually use that one,” he added with a neutral tone.

I gasped with my mouth wide open. “You asshole!”

He laughed, big and throaty.

“Oh my God! You actually had me going! You’re such a dick, McGraw!"

He laughed harder, his head falling back. It shook the entire boat. “I never smile unless I mean it,” he confessed out of nowhere.

I lowered my eyebrows, confused by the turn of events. I instinctively peered down at the makeshift picnic he had made for us…

For me.

“As a matter of fact, I don’t do anything unless I fucking want to. I don’t care who you are,” he said with a thick Southern accent, running his hand through his long hair. I noticed his twang came out more when he really meant something. When he was passionate or determined to get out what he needed to say.

I licked my lips, carefully listening to everything he was sharing. My heart fluttering faster with each word that left his mouth.

“Since I met you, I smile a lot, and I find myself doing all sorts of shit I never have before.”

“How do you do that?”

He knowingly arched an eyebrow.

“How can you make me so mad, and then make it go away as if it was never there in the first place?”

“It’s a curse, darlin’, I have that effect on girls.”

I shook my head, smiling.

“What’s your favorite color?”

“Pink,” I replied, confused. He seemed to be full of surprises.


“Chicken wings and pizza. Where is this going?”

“Movie?” he followed, ignoring my question.

“Boondock Saints.”

He grinned, surprised with my answer.

“I love an asshole hero,” I sincerely stated. 

He smiled big and wide, knowing I meant that in more ways than one.

“Best childhood memory?”

I frowned but quickly recovered, simply stating, “Surfing.”

“Last question, what’s your biggest weakness? What do you hate?”

“That’s easy. I hate being tickled. I cannot freaking stand it.”

“You mean like this?”

It all happened so fast I never saw it coming. His arms wrapped around me before I got the last word out, locking me in place against his hard, firm chest.

I gasped. “Dylan…” I warned. “Let go! I don’t want to play with you anymore,” I argued, pathetically fighting his hold.

The boat wobbled more, adding to my weak attempts of breaking away from his tight grasp. The water smacking hard against the sea wall, mimicking what I wanted to do to him at that second.

“Oh really, where are you the most ticklish? Here?”

I started squealing, struggling, and hysterically laughing. My body violently shook as he tickled me everywhere. Finding my sweet spot almost immediately, right under my ribs. I shuddered, falling to the ground with him pretty much on top of me. Except he didn’t stop, if anything it gave him more leverage to do what he wanted…

To torture me.

“Stop!” I screeched out, squirming and kicking every which way.

“Darlin’, now’s not the time to pretend like you don’t like my hands on you.”

“McGraw! I mean—”

“You mean what, suga’?” he taunted, stopping his assault with his face mere inches from mine.

“Tell me, what do you mean?” he baited, inching his face closer.

I have never wanted someone to kiss me more than I did right then and there.

I watched the way his lips moved.

I watched the way his hair blew in the wind, framing my face.  

I watched the way his chest heaved up and down, mirroring mine as if they were in sync with one another.

I especially watched the way he looked at me. No one had ever looked at me like that. I wanted to engrain it in my memory. To take a piece of him home with me. 

When he brushed the hair away from my face he didn't say a word. His eyes spoke for him.

The way he affected my mind and my heart was petrifying, but it was so real.

The emotion…

I could touch it.

I could feel it.

I could taste it.

It surrounded me. It undid me.

“You’re trouble, McGraw. You’re so much fucking trouble,” I murmured, loud enough for him to hear.

“Baby,” he huskily groaned, placing his forehead on mine. “You have no fucking idea.”

He wanted to kiss me.

By the look on his face, he knew I wanted it, too. But what he did next surprised me more than anything.

He sat up.

Breaking the strong connection that held both of us captive for just a few minutes. I cleared my throat, sitting up with him. Pretending like I wasn’t hurt by his rejection.

“You hungry?” he asked, walking over to the picnic basket, breaking the thick air between us.

I nodded, not being able to find my voice. He handed me a sandwich before he headed over to the edge of the boat, sitting with his feet dangling in the water.

I watched him from afar without him noticing, which was odd because he seemed to notice everything.

An old blues beat unexpectedly filled the silence. The first few lyrics described a man that was running, hiding, and then running and hiding again, not knowing what the girl wanted him to do. I couldn’t help but laugh and smile.

I smiled so wide that it hurt my face.

He was trying to tell me something again. Letting the music express what he couldn’t say himself.

I paid attention to every word as the enticing beat rocked through me, and I felt the need to be close to him. Closer than I already was, and I meant that in more ways than one. I took off my sandals and scooted to the edge of the boat where Dylan sat, letting my feet sway to the music in the warm ocean water.

His fingers strummed to the beat of the music on the side of the boat, and I placed my hand close to his.

“You like blues, huh?” I questioned, pulling him away from his thoughts.

He nodded, glancing at the side of my face. It didn’t take long for his hand to find mine, and he lazily drew circles to the rhythm of the music. Shivers coursed through me even though there wasn’t a chill in the air.

“Who is this?” I asked out of curiosity. I really liked the man’s voice. It did something to me.

“Jimmy Reed. Do you like it?”

“Very much so. What’s the name of the song?”

He looked back out at the water, hesitating to answer my question, like he was contemplating if he was going to tell me or not.

When all of a sudden he turned and leaned forward close to my ear, whispering,

“’Baby, What You Want Me to Do.’”

She grinned and it lit up her entire face.

It lit up the entire boat.

I sat back up, gazing out over the water once again. “I love blues music. I have ever since I was a kid. I guess you could blame it on my dad who was constantly playing it as I was growing up. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked in on my parents slow dancing to it. It’s the only music you can feel in your blood, it vibrates and bleeds into your body. You can appreciate the pain in every lyric like they’re telling you a story about a significant time in their lives. Whether it was good or bad, it didn’t matter. It happened.”

Her toes skimmed mine in the water.

“Your parents are still married then?”


I took her hand and placed it on my lap.

“Is your dad an asshole like you?” She smiled, nudging my shoulder.

“I’m one of a kind, darlin’.”

Leaning forward, she swished her feet back and forth with the current.

“Ain’t that right,” she giggled, and it was the sweetest sound I ever heard.

“Are you close to your parents?”

“As much as any son can be close to their parents at sixteen,” I chuckled, tangling my foot with hers.

“Do they know about all your extra-curricular activities?”  She peered over to me with laughter in her eyes.

“What is this, twenty questions?” I teased.

“Oh, McGraw, you can get your questions in, but I can’t?”

“I wasn’t after the questions, suga. Back to your question though, who do you think handed me my first condom?”

She raised her eyebrows, surprised. Her cheeks turned a soft red.

“I also love classic rock. Throw in a little country, too,” I said to change the subject. I didn’t want to talk about myself anymore. I already knew about this fucker, I wanted to know about her.

Just her.

She scoffed. “You’re just a good ol’ boy, aren’t you, Dylan McGraw?” she baited.

“You are a pretty thing, aren’t you?” I tugged on the ends of her hair, ignoring her question.

She blushed again.

“That red is surely becoming one of my favorite colors, baby girl’.”

“You can be quite charming when you want to.”

“Nah, you just caught me on a good night.”

She snuggled into my shoulder, inching closer to me. We sat in comfortable silence with our feet rubbing together every few seconds in the water. I could have stayed in that moment with her forever.

It was perfect.

With the music, the boat rocking softly, and the moon shining bright above us, something came over me. I stood, pulling her up with me. I took one of her hands and placed it on my shoulder then intertwined the other in mine, placing it near my heart. I grabbed her waist with my free hand and hugged her close. Her face conveyed so many emotions in a matter of seconds, and I paid attention to every last one.

We swayed to the music as I hummed the melody. She placed the side of her face on my chest and I knew what she was trying to do, but it didn’t matter because I already felt everything she was trying to hide.

“You want to know something, McGraw?” she whispered in my ear.

“I want to know everything, baby.”

She wasn’t caught off guard with my statement, and quite frankly, neither was I.

“I’m not so lonely when you’re around,” she chuckled.

There was nothing funny about her statement. Not even a little bit. I looked down at her, and she stared up at me. She had this pained look on her face, and I wondered if I wore the same expression as we continued to move.

“My mom likes you. Don’t let it go to your head or anything though. She’s hardly met any of my friends. Even back home in California. She’s my mom and I love her, but my aunt Celeste filled her shoes for most of my life.”

That explained the mystery woman in the pictures, I thought to myself.

“She’s my mom’s sister, she couldn’t have kids. I don’t know if it was intentional or not, but she kinda raised me as her own. Doing the things my mom should have done. I miss her as much as I miss my dad,” she muttered.

I unexpectedly spun her around, dipping her, catching her off guard with my nose practically skimming hers. I wanted to ease her sadness so I said,

“Life is simple, darlin’, it’s just not easy.”




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