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What He Hides: Desires Book 3 by E.M. Denning (7)




Chapter Seven



Everett never imagined his goodbye message would generate so much activity. His online tribe seemed to be distraught. Thousands of notes were nestled under the original post. Thousands of reblogs. Thousands of people who begged him not to quit. His inbox had been crammed full of messages. Everett read through them for an hour before he stopped. Many were from sad submissives who begged him to stay. Others were from Doms and wannabe Doms. The tone of their messages ranged from sad goodbyes to lame orders to stay that made Everett roll his eyes.

His heart did twist a bit at some messages from the other submissives. They begged him to keep going. Everett rubbed his eyes and clicked the shortcut that took him to his cooking vlog. Everett spent all day Monday editing the footage he’d shot with Xavier. He’d posted the shopping trip video as a teaser on Sunday morning and by the time he uploaded the finished Hangover Food special, people had chomped at the bit to see Xavier. The prospect of a guest star had excited his fan base in a way Everett hadn’t anticipated.

With a sharp gasp, he leaned closer to his computer screen. He squinted at the number of subscribers, rubbed his eyes, then had a second look. Two hundred and thirty-five thousand. His subscribers had shared his video more than seventy-five thousand times, earning him nearly twenty-thousand new subscribers.

Everett giggled and ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn’t wait to tell Xavier about this. And he couldn’t wait to shoot another video with him. Maybe they should make it a regular thing. Everett’s mind whirled with the possibilities. Everett needed this. The high of his cooking vlog taking off helped soothe the ache of shutting down his submissive blog.

Everett already missed it, but he knew continuing to seek out empty connections with faceless entities would only cause him more pain in the long run. Still, it was hard. Everett put his laptop on the coffee table, then flopped back on the couch.

Then he let his mind drift to Puck1730. Had he seen the video? Was he pleased? Did Everett want to know these things? Why did Everett care so much? It wasn’t unusual for a Dom to contact him after Everett had completed a scene. Most of the time they offered praise and Everett couldn’t stop wondering if he’d pleased his master.

That had been another thing that puzzled Everett. He’d been the recipient of many letters signed your master and he’d raised his eyebrow at every single one of them. If they’d said it to his face, they’d have seen the disbelief and the scepticism. For reasons Everett couldn’t fathom, he didn’t roll his eyes and think yeah, right, the way he usually did. His breathing quickened. His stomach fluttered. His cock thickened. Puck’s words were forceful and domineering. He didn’t waste a single word prattling on forever about how amazing Everett was. He gave his command. Succinct. Direct. Precise. And Everett found himself in the strange position of wanting to kneel for someone.

Everett thought back to when Rory helped him construct the murphy dungeon and had used the time to convince him to come to the club. Rory promised to watch out for him while Everett eyed up the Doms who hung out there. Rory swore up and down that he’d look out for him and make sure he didn’t go with a Dom who wouldn’t be a good match for him.

Rory kept his word. Largely because Everett didn’t see a single Dom he wanted. It wasn’t that he’d been picky, not exactly, but even with Rory vouching for them, Everett couldn’t bring himself to trust any of them. Not even for a scene. Not even with Rory right there standing guard.

He recalled Rory offered to stay when he’d dropped Everett off at home that night, but Everett insisted he go home. Everett had locked his door and curled up in a bubble bath with a glass of wine. Devastation settled in the pit of his stomach. He feared he’d never find anyone.

A week later he started his blog.

And now it was gone.

He sighed out a shaky breath, then went back to looking through his messages.

Everett scanned the inbox and though he only half hoped to see a message from Puck, that didn’t stop him from smiling when he did, in fact, see Puck’s username in his inbox. Everett took a breath and opened the message.


Pet. That was new. Last time he’d been Boy. Everett swallowed and shoved aside an unfamiliar emotion in favor of reading the rest of the letter.


Your submission was exquisite. Thank you, Pet. I’m very pleased with my good boy.

I’m pleased you took the initiative and shut your blog down. You’re mine, Pet, and I have every intention of being the only one who gets to play with you.

For the next three days I want you to edge yourself, three times a day. Use whatever means you like. Each session must be filmed. You may not come until Day 3 Round 3.

Send me the video as soon as you’re finished.

You may edit out your face, but know this, Pet.

We will meet.





It became difficult to breathe. Before he could stop himself, he sent a response. Typing those nine letters with quaking hands proved difficult, but he managed to hit send before he talked himself out of it.

Yes, Master.

Everett exhaled. He searched his mind for a scrap of regret and thankfully came up empty.




Andrew opened the door and Everett followed him into the pub, The Red Door, which stood around the corner from his building. Despite his aching nuts, Everett slid himself into a tight pair of skinny jeans and a loose tank top with rainbow-colored letters that said Smells Like Queen Spirit. Andrew had bought the shirt for Everett for his last birthday and it had become his favorite.

Everett slid into the booth, hiding a wince when his pants squished his tender package. The past three days had been a beautiful sort of hell. Three times a day he’d edged himself to the point of orgasm before backing off. He had the footage ready to go for when he shot the final scene later that night.

“Did Xavier say what was keeping him?” Everett asked and tried not to let guilt creep in because he lusted after Xavier even though his nuts were tender from his Master’s orders. It wasn’t as if he had a real shot with either man and it made Everett feel foolish that he felt guilty at all.

Andrew shrugged. “I think he had an interview or something.”

Xavier appeared out of nowhere and plopped down in the seat next to Everett.

“He did have an interview, and he aced it.” Xavier sat straighter and Everett’s dick thickened. Xavier looked radiant when he was happy.

“Hey, that’s great. Congratulations.” Everett grinned and moved to give Xavier a playful pat on the back. Instead, he found himself squeezing Xavier’s shoulder. Everett’s insides lit up when Xavier looked at him with his big, beaming smile.

“Thanks, E.”

“Perfect. Now you can start paying rent.” Andrew smiled, and Everett thought his comment was meant to be a joke, but then he felt Xavier stiffen.

“I know. I owe you, okay. Can we be happy for me for five minutes?”

Tension crackled between the brothers. Everett shifted, hiding a wince when his pants pressed uncomfortably tight against his package. He admitted to himself the skinny jeans were a mistake.

Xavier glanced his way and shot him an indecipherable look.

“More good news.” Everett needed to break the tension. “Our video earned my channel an additional twenty-five thousand subscribers. The shopping video was a hit.”

Xavier’s eyes twinkled, and a slash of pink kissed his cheekbones. “Really?” He almost vibrated with excitement. “That’s huge.”

“They want you back.”

Andrew grunted. “So my brother and my best friend being naked together is going to be a regular thing now? Great.” He rolled his eyes.

A waitress appeared, and Andrew ordered three drafts and a plate of nachos for everyone to share.

Everett would have to needle him later to see if he could get Andrew to tell him what had been bothering him. Whatever it was, it involved Xavier. Andrew had been snippy and surly ever since his kid brother arrived. Not having any siblings of his own, Everett couldn’t sympathize, but he thought it was pretty shitty of Andrew not to be excited about Xavier’s new job.

“Any news on your promotion, yet?” Everett asked Andrew. Andrew had worked at the same construction company for years and had applied for a supervisor position. He’d survived the first round of interviews already, but if Everett remembered correctly, there was at least one more round before they made a decision.

Andrew shook his head. “Not yet. Second round of interviews don’t start until next week.” Andrew took a long drink of his beer. He schooled his expression and tried to look nonchalant, but Everett saw right through his friend. Andrew wanted that position more than anything. “It’ll probably go to Bannon.”

Everett huffed. “Bannon is a kiss-ass.”

Andrew nodded. “He is, and that’s the reason he’ll get it.” Andrew shoved his glass of draft away. “I have to piss. I’ll be right back.”

When Andrew was out of earshot, Everett turned and looked at Xavier. “Are you two okay?”

Xavier shrugged a shoulder, then waved Everett’s comment off. “Yeah. He’s not used to living with anyone. I think I’m getting on his nerves. I’m moving out of there as soon as I can and we’ll both be happier for it.”

“Are you sure? Drew was excited about you coming to live with him.”

Xavier scoffed. “Yeah. Okay.”

Everett frowned. The night out with Xavier and Andrew was supposed to help smooth the tension that had built from Everett going out with Xavier last weekend, but so far, the opposite had happened. Instead of the tension easing, Andrew seemed more uptight than ever. Everett made a mental note to get Andrew alone soon and hang out with him. He wondered if his friend felt neglected. Andrew wasn’t used to Everett having any kind of social life other than him.

When Andrew returned, the conversation thankfully shifted to safer topics, but the tension never completely eased. Everett shifted. Sitting next to Xavier was an exercise in torture after three days of edging. Xavier smelled clean, like soap and sandalwood. Everett couldn’t keep his eyes off the energetic man. When he talked, he gestured with his hands, and Everett found himself torn between staring at Xavier’s mouth, or his hands, or not staring at all.

Tight jeans had definitely been a terrible idea. Everett’s orgasm deprived cock thickened and he now sported a very impressive, and slightly embarrassing, VPL. He couldn’t get up from the table in this state, but the standard think un-sexy thoughts trick had failed. He simply couldn’t think with Xavier around.

The waitress came around again. While she busied herself clearing the glasses and flirting with Andrew, Xavier twisted in the booth. He angled his body toward Everett, then glanced down. Everett’s cheeks heated, and he’d wished he’d had the presence of mind to sit next to Andrew instead, but it would’ve made sitting next to him awkward without Xavier there to balance out the other side of the booth. And then he’d have to stare right at Xavier. Everett raked a hand through his hair and hoped his cheeks weren’t too red.

With a wink for Everett, Xavier slid out of the booth. He pulled a couple of bills out of his front pocket and dropped them on the table.

“Are you taking off?” Everett asked.

Xavier nodded. “I start tomorrow so I want to get a decent sleep.”

“Good luck on your first day.”

“Yeah.” Andrew said, not sounding the least bit sorry that Xavier had to take off. “Good luck.”

“Thanks. See you around, Everett. I’ll text you with my schedule and we can set up our next video soon.” Xavier winked again and sauntered off.

Andrew visibly relaxed the minute Xavier left. He leaned back against the back of his booth and sighed.

Everett couldn’t resist. He’d been friends with Andrew too long to ignore his recent bad moods. “Dude. What’s up with you?”

Andrew gave him a non-committal shrug. “Not sure what you mean.”

“Don’t make me pry it out of you." Everett raised an eyebrow. "What’s up? I thought you were happy Xavier moved here. You always used to complain that you barely knew him. You were excited about this, about getting to know him better. So what’s the deal?”

Andrew took a long drink. Everett didn’t push, he waited quietly for Andrew to gather his thoughts. Andrew did tend to go off half-cocked, but he’d tried hard over the years to curb his temper. “Look, Ev. Living with someone in reality is a lot different from living with someone hypothetically. The idea of Xavier moving in had only been hypothetical until it happened. It’s weird, okay. I’m not used to sharing my bathroom. I’m not used to him running around cleaning up after me. It’s weird. And it’s not like I didn’t try, dude, but Xavier doesn’t talk to me. He’ll exchange pleasantries and he’ll talk about empty shit, but it’s as if he’s decided he doesn’t want to know me.” Andrew shrugged. “So it’s whatever.”

“It’s not whatever. He’s your brother. I’m sure he’d love to talk to you more or hang out with you. It's possible he’s not sure how to approach it with you.”

Andrew laughed. “But he can approach it with you just fine.” Andrew changed his voice to a slightly higher pitch. “Oh, Ev. Take me dancing, Ev. Let me cook with you, Ev. I want your body, Ev.”

“What the fuck, dude?”

Andrew rolled his eyes. “I may not be gay, but I know what thirst looks like and Xavier wanted to climb onto your lap and eat your face, dude.”

To his mortification, Everett’s cock leaked, and he prayed that it wasn’t enough to soak through his underwear or his pants. Everett suppressed the urge to shift in his seat. “He does not thirst after me, Drew.”

“He asked to be on your naked cooking show.”

“Because he’s a chef. We both love cooking.”

“You don’t see it do you?” Andrew narrowed his gaze and Everett shifted in his seat. Thankfully, Andrew’s intense scrutiny helped kill Everett’s erection.

“I don’t see it.” Even if he did, he’d never admit it to Andrew. For some reason, this had quickly become a sticky subject for Andrew.

Andrew drained half his beer, then shrugged. “Whatever.” He motioned toward the back of the pub. “You up for a game of pool?”

“Sure.” Everett smiled. Kicking Everett’s ass in pool always put Andrew in a good mood. It wasn’t that Everett tried to lose, he truly sucked at the game. Andrew had given up on helping him a long time ago, but they still had fun playing together. Well, Andrew had fun kicking Everett’s ass and Everett had fun watching how happy it made Andrew.

After two games of humiliating defeat, Everett agreed to a third, and final round. Andrew’s mood had improved over the past hour.

Everett lined up to break and botched it. A few balls separated from their position. Everett groaned, " How pathetic! I can’t believe I’m so bad at this. You’d think by sheer practice alone I’d improve over the years. At least marginally.” Everett frowned when Andrew lined up and took his shot. The balls scattered across the table and a solid dropped down into a corner pocket.

Andrew moved to the other side of the table and lined up his next shot. “Maybe you’d be better if you took the bondage cuffs off.”

Everett squeaked. He took a breath and tried to play it cool. Sex wasn’t something Andrew and Everett discussed. Everett never wanted to make Andrew uncomfortable by talking about gay sex or bondage and submission. Foolishly he’d assumed Andrew had no idea what the cuffs were.

Everett rolled his shoulders back. “What if I like them?”

“You take them off to cook.”

He removed them for his vlog for an entirely different reason. Everett knew the chances were slim. The odds of someone connecting his Crock Cock persona with his ConcealedandCuffed persona were slim. But removing the cuffs for his cooking vlog made Everett feel safe.

“I don’t want to give my cooking vlog viewers the wrong idea.”

Andrew snorted. “Says the guy who cooks naked.”

Everett laughed. “I wear an apron.”

Everett fidgeted with the cuff on his left wrist and wondered if he should stop wearing them out in public. He chewed on his lower lip and watched Andrew take a shot. Did his cuffs make other people uncomfortable? Everett frowned. He didn’t like the idea that he’d been making Andrew uncomfortable.

“You don’t…you’re not…weirded out by them, are you?”

Andrew straightened and looked at Everett. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, E. I honestly thought they might get in your way and that’s what made you hopeless at pool.”

He forced a smile. “Nope. Sucking comes naturally, I guess.”

Andrew groaned. “I hate it when you make dick jokes.”

Everett flipped Andrew the bird. “That wasn’t a dick joke, pervert.” Braced against the wall, he watched Andrew clear the table and tried not to think about Xavier, But, it wasn't possible. Xavier had been happy earlier, so happy he’d practically glowed. Everett wondered what it would feel like to be able to make someone smile like that. Xavier, when happy, looked radiant. Everett shifted and tried to relieve the pressure in his pants, but he knew he’d stay on edge and uncomfortable until later. Everett wanted to drag it out for as long as possible. The constant edging and the denial, time and time again had kept Everett in this funny headspace.

Recently, loneliness crushed him. Nights were long. Days dragged. Everett had friends, sure, but they were busy with their lives and their loved ones. Everett had no one. It hadn’t bothered him before, but as time wore on, Everett found a need for someone. At first, he didn’t want to need anyone, but then he saw Craig and how desperately in love with Alan he was. They were sweet together. And that’s when Everett’s resolve crumbled, and he admitted to himself for the first time that his life felt empty. His submission was all he had and even that had grown stale and lacking. Until Puck. Until his Master. Now, even though nothing else in his life had changed, Everett didn’t feel so completely alone.

Everett blinked and realized Andrew had ran the table, again. Not in the mood for a fourth round of humiliation, Everett put his cue away.

“Are you okay, Ev?”

“Yeah, fine, why?” Everett wasn’t sure if he’d lied or not. He was okay right now, but he hadn’t been okay lately, not in general, and he didn’t know if he’d be okay later.

“You’re quiet, that’s all.”

Everett snorted. “Dude. I’m always quiet.”

Andrew arched an eyebrow but accepted the dodge. “If you’re tired, we could go back to your place and play Halo.”

Everett tried not to let the depth of his relief show. He wanted nothing more than to be home where he could change into a pair of soft pajama pants. “You want to see if I have any good leftovers.”

“Do you?”

“For you, always.” Everett clapped his friend on the back and followed him out of the pub.

Later, after watching Andrew dominate at another first-person shooter Everett couldn’t remember the name of, and after Andrew had eaten Everett out of house and home, his friend left. Adrenaline rushed through his veins and made his skin sing in anticipation. Everett barely suppressed the urge to run to his spare bedroom. He didn’t bother setting up anything elaborate. He didn’t bother pulling out any toys. Everett got his camera set up, hit record and yanked his pants down.

His cock was harder than he could ever remember it being. Everett reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube which sat next to the camera. Everett wasted no time. He slicked his cock. His hips thrust and the fucked his hand. Everett’s legs quaked, and he braced his free hand against the wall.

He didn’t know what Puck looked like, or he’d picture him. Instead he thought of Xavier and imagined there had been heat in his gaze when he’d spied the bulge in Everett’s pants earlier.

He pictured Xavier’s lips and imagined dropping to his knees. He’d stare up at Xavier and maybe Xavier would slide his fingers through Everett’s hair before he commanded him to suck his cock. The mental image of Everett, lips wrapped around Xavier’s thick cock, brought him to the edge. But the imagined look on Xavier’s face and the whispered words took him over.

Good boy.

Everett came so hard his legs nearly gave out. His cum shot out and coated the front of the dresser. Some landed on the floor. Everett didn’t care. Bliss flooded him. Bliss, then pride. He’d completed his task, exactly to the letter. He hoped Puck would be proud of him.

He thanked his Master, then stopped the recording. He quickly cleaned up the mess he’d made—it had been worth it—then patched the last of the footage onto the end of the video and sent it.

Everett completed the task. The email had been sent and he should feel better. There should be something more. He wrapped his arms around himself and shuddered. Arms should be around him, holding him. Someone’s hot breath should tease the back of his neck and warm lips touch his skin as their words settled in his soul. Instead he felt exactly as he did before. Empty and alone.

Everett sighed and went to bed. Tomorrow he’d tell Puck it was over. He couldn’t submit to faceless entities anymore.

It hurt too much.