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What He Hides: Desires Book 3 by E.M. Denning (9)




Chapter Nine



Everett smoothed down the front of his shirt for the tenth time. He grabbed the cuff on his left wrist and spun it and eyed himself in the mirror. Had he lost his mind? Was he so fucking desperate he was willing to risk life and limb to meet some online Dom? Sure, the guy got his motor running over an email, but that didn’t mean their chemistry would translate into real world attraction.

He hoped it would. He almost said no. The words had been on the tip of his tongue, or fingers, whatever. He almost told Puck there was someone else. But there wasn’t. He had a crush on someone he had no business crushing on. A stupid crush that would go exactly nowhere. It didn’t matter that his heart raced whenever Xavier was near. It didn’t matter that when Xavier was in a room Everett had to work to not stare at him. Xavier was dazzling, and hot, and his sexiness was off the charts. He had the sexy-geek vibe going for him. His dark frames highlighted his vibrant eyes that were mostly green, but sometimes looked grey.

Everett shook his head. His attraction to Xavier would go nowhere. Everett owed it to himself to give this Puck guy a fair chance. With one last look in the mirror to ensure his hair was still perfect, Everett took a deep breath left his apartment.

The walk to the pub was thankfully short. The other day, before Craig’s engagement party, Craig introduced him to his friend Matt. Both offered to be nearby when he met ‘the guy’ but in the end Everett decided against employing a babysitter. Instead, he chose to meet at the pub he frequented. It was a comfortable place with great food and the staff knew him by name. He felt safe there.

Everett arrived a few minutes earlier than the agreed upon time of five o’clock. The pub was already half full of people who’d just got off work, but Everett found an empty booth at the back of the bar away from the bulk of the crowd. He faced the door, hoping to get a glimpse of Puck when he came in. Everett asked Puck if he should wear a specific color or have a specific accessory or book with him, so Puck would know it was him. Puck told him not to worry that he would know Everett when he saw him. It perplexed Everett, but he thought of the cuffs and wondered if that’s what Puck meant.

He’d finished half his draft beer when the door opened, and someone started toward Everett’s booth. Not someone. Xavier.

Xavier looked hot. Black Chucks. Black skinny jeans. A silver belt that wasn’t too flashy. A tight black shirt and a black leather jacket over top. Xavier slid into the seat across from him.

Everett swallowed. “I’m, ah, meeting someone.” He looked around the pub, but the door hadn’t opened again and no one else seemed to be paying any attention to him. Xavier pinned him in place with his fierce stare. One side of Xavier’s mouth twitched up. Then he extended his hand across the table. Something that might have been fear flashed in Xavier’s eyes before he cleared his throat.


Everett took Xavier’s hand and shook it. His mind went blank. The pieces started to slide into place. Puck was Xavier. Xavier was Puck. Everett yanked his hand away. The contact felt good, too good, and he missed Xavier’s soft skin and his warmth the moment it was gone.

“How long did you know it was me? You did know, right? You had to know.”

He watched Xavier take a deep breath. “I knew, but not for a long time. I didn’t know it was you when I sent you the first email.” Xavier’s cheeks flushed a delicious pink that made his eyes stand out. “I ah…I put two and two together when you sent me the first video.”

Everett leaned back. His heart pounded in his chest. “Why did you send the second request if you knew it was me?”

A passing waitress took Xavier’s order. They waited in silence for his drink to arrive. Xavier took a sip of the draft beer, grimaced, and set it down. “I’ve been into the scene for a long time, Ev, but because I’m young, no one takes me seriously. The subs who do are greener than I need them to be. I’ve had trouble finding someone who checks all my boxes.”

Everett nodded. He could sympathize with that. The idea that Everett possibly checked all of Xavier’s boxes sent an odd thrill through him. He wanted to please Xavier. He wanted to be what Xavier needed.

The sip of beer wasn't what Everett wanted, but his mouth had suddenly gone dry. “And I check all your boxes?”

Xavier looked at Everett with unfiltered lust. His eyes were hooded, his lips parted, his cheeks were still flushed. “You’re perfect. You’ve always been perfect, Ev.”


Xavier looked down at the table. He’d rested his arms on the wood and entwined his fingers. He stared at them as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. Then, with renewed confidence, he met Everett’s gaze.

“I was fourteen when you stayed at my house and, fuck, Ev, I spent so much time that summer with my hand. It was hard to keep my dick under control around you.” Xavier grimaced and reached down, obviously adjusting his package. “Some things never change.”

Everett didn’t know what to say. It was both a dream come true and a nightmare waiting to unfold. Nothing good ever came from fucking your best friend’s little brother.

“I want you, Everett. I want us to explore this. You…the way you submit, it’s…God, Everett, you’re so good. You’re so perfect.”

Everett heard nothing else. He was good. He was perfect. Hearing the words come out of Xavier’s mouth was different from reading them on a screen. His heart swelled, and so did his cock. He wanted this. More than anything, he needed this. Everett yearned to be wanted. He ached to be good for someone. And it was Xavier. His secret fantasy. The dazzling man who he’d thought was out of his league.

“What do you want, Everett? If you want me to walk out of here and pretend this never happened, I can.”

“No.” The word flew out of Everett’s mouth and he did nothing to stop it. “That’s the last thing I want.”

“What do you want, Everett? It’s your decision. Nothing happens that you’re not comfortable with. I promise.”

Everett’s mind went blissfully blank. There was only one way he could think to answer that question.

“I want what you want, ” after a brief hesitation, Everett glanced down and added, “Master.”

Just saying the word in person had an immediate effect on Everett. He licked his lips and flicked his gaze up to look at Xavier. He watched a slow smile spread across Xavier’s face. He looked as if he wanted to devour Everett. God. Everett wanted Xavier to consume him.

Xavier stood up and tossed a couple of bills on the table and held out his hand. “Take my hand, Ev. We need to move this conversation somewhere private.”

Everett took Xavier’s hand. Xavier entwined their fingers and shot him a dazzling smile. “I didn’t want to do this here, but I don’t think I can wait another second.” Xavier’s free hand reached out, and he grabbed Everett by the hip and pulled him closer. “Kiss me, Ev.”

Everett leaned in, unable to ignore the command. He kept his eyes open for as long as possible. He closed them at the same moment his lips brushed against Xavier’s. Xavier’s tongue slid out and Everett shivered when it tickled the seam of his lips. Everett parted his lips to let Xavier inside. Xavier’s head tilted a little, and he leaned in. His tongue briefly licked at the inside of Everett’s mouth before he pulled away. Xavier’s lips moved against the shell of his ear. His breath tickled as it washed over Everett’s skin.

“We can’t do this here. I need you alone.” Xavier stepped closer and pressed his erection into Everett. It was all Everett could do not to grip onto Xavier and rock into him. His own dick was hard and desperate from days of denial.

Xavier stepped away, and Everett groaned as Xavier lead him to the door. “That was evil, you know, making me not come for days. Do you have any idea how hard I am?” Everett said once the hit the street.

Xavier laughed and glanced at Everett. He had a strange expression on his face. “I have some idea, yeah. Come on, let’s hurry.”

They were silent on their frantic walk back to Everett’s apartment. They stole a million looks. Everett’s cheeks already hurt from smiling. They took the stairs, as usual, because the elevator honestly freaked the hell out of Everett, though being trapped there with Xavier might not be so bad.

They barely made it in the door before Xavier grabbed Everett by the cuffs and pinned him against the wall. He thrust his leg between Everett’s and leaned in. Everett thought Xavier would kiss him, but he stopped short.

He rolled his hips and rubbed his erection against Everett’s. “Feel that? I haven’t come in days.” Xavier leaned in and licked Everett’s neck. When he spoke, his breath hit the damp trail and Everett shivered. “That’s all for you. I’m this hard, because of you. You make me so fucking crazy, E.”

Xavier kissed him. He plunged his tongue into Everett’s mouth. Xavier rolled his hips and rubbed their cocks together. The friction was almost painful. Everett whimpered and felt Xavier smile. Then Xavier pulled away a little, but his grip on Everett’s cuffs tightened.

“Tell me you want this, E. Tell me you really, really, want this.”

“I want this. Need this. Please. Need you.” Everett would drop to his knees for Xavier in an instant. All Xavier had to do was say the word.

“Good.” Xavier released Everett’s cuffs and took a step back.

Everett stayed plastered to the wall where Xavier left him. Panting. Hard. Desperate. Everett felt as if he would lose his mind if Xavier didn’t fuck him soon.

“Strip, Pet.” Xavier reached out and pushed a hand through Everett’s hair. “I want to see all of you.”

Everett was thrilled that he hadn’t bothered with a button up shirt. He yanked the sparkly t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside as he toed out of his sneakers. He yanked his pants open and shoved them and his underwear down to his ankles. If Xavier had told him to strip slowly, he’d have dropped dead. He stood there, naked, unable to look away from Xavier’s glassy-eyed gaze.

“You’re so beautiful, Pet.” Xavier’s gaze lowered, and Everett could feel himself tremble as Xavier drank him in. Xavier reached for Everett. He grabbed one of his cuffs and held it lightly, almost reverently. When he lifted his gaze, the blissful expression ignited and transformed into lust.

Xavier toed out of his black Chucks, and still holding onto Everett’s cuff, he led him through Everett’s apartment. Xavier bypassed the second bedroom and went straight for Everett’s room.

Once inside, Xavier stopped, then let go of Everett’s cuffs. “Take my clothes off.”

Everett took a hesitant step forward. He placed both hands on Xavier’s chest, then slid them up and grabbed the shoulders of Xavier’s jacket. He slid it off Xavier’s shoulders before tossing it to the chair in the corner.

His breath wavered, and his fingers trembled when he took hold of the bottom of Xavier’s shirt. Dutifully, Xavier raised his arms and Everett carefully removed his shirt. Only pausing to admire Xavier’s long, lean lines for a moment. He bit his lip and reached for Xavier’s belt.

Everett’s trembling hand fumbled with the buckle. Xavier covered Everett’s hand with his. “Are you okay?” Xavier whispered in the dimly lit room. “We can stop if you want to.”

Everett huffed and chuckled softly. “Fuck no. I’m not scared. I’m so fucking horny I can’t see straight.”

Xavier laughed as Everett tore Xavier’s belt open. “Oh, thank fuck. I’d stop if you needed me to, but I might cry if I don’t get to come soon.”

Everett yanked Xavier’s zipper down, then dropped to his knees.

“Fuck, yes.” Xavier said as Everett slowly pulled Xavier’s pants and briefs down his lean legs.

Everett licked his lip. Xavier was gorgeous. He was lean and had long slender limbs. He wasn’t a muscle bunny, but he was toned. Where a lot of guys had abs, Xavier had a nice smooth flat stomach with a skinny treasure trail. Everett watched Xavier as he kicked his jeans off to the side. Everett grabbed Xavier’s hips and leaned in. Everett closed his eyes.

“Please.” He said with a strained voice. God, he needed this so bad he was about to lose his mind.

He felt Xavier’s fingers in his hair. “Look at me, Pet.”

Everett forced his eyes open before tilting his head back and looking up at Xavier. “Suck me, Pet.”

“Yes, Master.”

Everett closed his eyes briefly, before breathing deep. He relaxed his grip on Xavier’s hips and kissed the top of the dark treasure trail he’d just admired. He smiled at the sound of Xavier’s breathy laugh, and did it again, eliciting the same reaction.

Xavier tugged at Everett’s hair. “Okay. You know my secret. I’m ticklish there.”

Everett smiled and kissed his way down to the base of Xavier’s thick cock. Everett flattened his tongue against the underside of Xavier’s cock and licked a long, slow, path all the way up to the head of his cock. Xavier’s fingers twitched against Everett’s scalp and Everett looked up at Xavier.

Xavier’s mouth hung part way open. His eyes were wide and wild, and he looked as if he wanted to fling Everett down and fuck him senseless. Everett held his gaze while he swirled his tongue around the head of Xavier’s cock. Without warning. Everett opened wide. He flattened his tongue against the underside of Xavier’s cock. He reached around and grabbed Xavier’s ass, and swallowed him to the root.

Xavier’s hand tightened in Everett’s hair. His scalp burned and tingled and made his cock leak pre-cum. Xavier tossed his head back, then promptly brought it forward and looked down at Everett as he pulled off Xavier’s cock.

“Fuck, me.” Xavier panted. “Holy shit.” His chest heaved. He grinned. “Do it again.”

Everett winked at Xavier before he obeyed. Everett hummed around Xavier’s cock. Everett felt Xavier’s legs quake as he laughed and pulled out of Everett’s mouth. Still laughing, Xavier dropped to his knees and threw his arms around Everett. He laughed until their mouths met.

Xavier kissed him hard. Relentless. His hands never stopped moving over Everett’s body. He grabbed him. Petted him. Stroked him. A couple times Xavier pulled Everett closer and their dicks brushed against each other, but, knowing too much of that would get them off, Xavier would pull back.

Breathless, Everett pulled out of the kiss. Xavier kissed his way down Everett’s jaw. He kissed his neck as his arms wrapped around Everett’s waist. “Let me fuck you. Please Ev.”

Everett laughed and buried his face in Xavier’s neck. He nipped Xavier.

“That better be a yes.” Xavier moaned as he fell back, taking Everett with him. “There’s a condom in my back pocket. And lube.”

Everett reached out and grabbed Xavier’s pants.

“The next time we do this, I’m going to take my time. I’m going to tie you up and edge you until you beg. Afterward, I’m going to make you come until you beg me to let you stop, but right now, I need you to prep yourself. Then you’re going to ride me.”

Everett groaned and slicked his fingers with lube. One finger usually slid in without difficulty, but it had been a couple weeks since he’d had anything in his ass. He grinned down at Xavier when he remembered why it had been a couple weeks. Xavier rolled the condom down his shaft, then opened a second packet of lube and slicked it up. His eyebrows pinched together and his hissed out a curse.

“Fuck. Now. Do it now.”

Everett quickly slid a second finger inside his ass and scissored his fingers. He planted his free hand on Xavier’s chest to hold himself steady as he worked his muscle until it loosened.

Everett pulled his fingers free, then shuffled up Xavier’s body. Everett caged Xavier’s lean form between his thighs. Everett reached behind himself. Xavier’s cock throbbed in Everett’s grip as he guided it to his hole. Everett sat back. Xavier’s hands flew to Everett’s legs. His fingers bit into his thighs as he slid down. Everett put his other hand on Xavier’s chest and stared down at him as he slid all the way down.

Finally, Xavier’s cock slid all the way inside. Everett rolled his hips. Xavier reached up and grabbed Everett by the back of the neck and yanked him down into a brutal kiss. Everett moaned into Xavier’s mouth. Everett’s hips swivelled and snapped. Each movement was pure ecstasy. Everett’s cock was pinned between their bodies and the friction drove him nearly insane with the need to come.

Everett pulled out of Xavier’s kiss. He stopped moving and exhaled against Xavier’s shoulder. Xavier ran his hands down Everett’s back and up again. One hand searched until it found Everett’s wrist. Everett felt Xavier lift his hand, then warm lips pressed a kiss to his palm. Everett didn’t have time to focus on the sweetness of the gesture or the potential meaning because Xavier wrapped his other arm around Everett’s waist before rolling over.

Everett blinked up at Xavier. Xavier pinned his wrist above his head, then found the other and did the same.

Face taut Xavier pulled back so only the head of his cock stayed inside. With a snap of his hips, he drove in. Hard and deep. Everett fought the urge to close his eyes. Xavier looked beautiful with his wild eyes and blissed out expression.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Ev.” Xavier panted, mirroring Everett’s thoughts and giving them voice. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

Xavier leaned down and kissed Everett. Everett’s arms were pinned above his head. Xavier pinned Everett as he fucked him fast and deep. Everett gave into the white-hot want and wrapped his legs around Xavier.

Xavier’s thrusts sped up and Everett moaned into Xavier’s mouth. He used his heels to pull Xavier closer. Xavier let go of Everett’s wrist and wrapped his hand around Everett’s cock.

“Come for me, Ev.” Xavier breathed in Everett’s ear as he pumped his shaft, not quite matching the rhythm of his frantic thrusts. “Need to feel you. Need to see you.”

Everett’s back arched as Xavier slammed deep. “Oh fuck.” Everett’s heels dug into Xavier’s ass. Every muscle in Everett’s body screamed as his release rocketed through him. Everett’s name exploded out of Xavier’s mouth and his thrusts lost all rhythm as he came, hard and fast.

Xavier collapsed on top of Everett, not seeming to care that Everett’s cum smeared all over his chest and stomach. Xavier reached down and held the condom as he gently eased out of Everett. Once he tied the condom and tossed it aside, he wrapped his arms around Everett. Everett unwrapped his legs from around Xavier’s waist as Xavier rolled onto his side. He pulled Everett with him. Everett used Xavier’s arm for a pillow and didn’t contain his grin when Xavier started playing footsies with him.

Everett closed his eyes and let Xavier hold him. Xavier’s fingers slid through Everett’s hair now and then, when they weren’t running up and down his spine. Xavier continued to play footsies and Everett laughed.

Xavier poked Everett in the ribs. “What’s so funny?”

Everett lifted his head and looked at Xavier. Even in the dim light Everett could see Xavier’s cheeks were still flushed. His hair stuck out in a bunch of different directions. He looked, and smelled, freshly fucked. “We need a shower.”

Xavier waggled his eyebrows. “Why get clean when we can get even dirtier?”

Everett leaned in and kissed Xavier sweetly on the lips. “We can get dirty while we get clean and later, if you’re lucky, we’ll get dirty again.”

Xavier’s hand slid down Everett’s back and he grabbed a handful of ass. “I like the way you think.”

Everett shoved away from Xavier. “Shower.” He looked down at Xavier’s come covered torso, before he glanced down at his own. “Before we stick together.”

“I wouldn’t mind being stuck with you.”

Everett didn’t admit it out loud, but he wouldn’t mind that either.




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