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You Forever (Cameron Farms Book 3) by Melanie Jayne (2)

Chapter Two



“Tell Tye about the change to the total bill.” I dictated into my phone’s recorder. “Verify flights for Tuesday. Jesus, pack for California.” I continued emptying my mental list so that tomorrow I could start again.

“Two minutes, babe.” Osi’s low voice rumbled.

I gave him a side-ways look. He appeared relaxed his body was legs were stretched out in front of him in the limo’s spacious backseat. “Try to connect with Bean and Ollie.” I continued my recitation. Now that I’d handled two weddings and a huge party in six weeks, I could finally settle down and concentrate on my business, Kent Apparel.

“Thirty seconds,” his voice cut into my thoughts.

I put my phone done and glared at him. “We have ten more minutes before we get to my place.”

“That gives me plenty of time to warm you up.” He used the arm that was around my shoulders to pull me closer to his body and his lips touched mine.

Jesus, the man could kiss. If I was being honest, there was very little that Osi didn’t do well. I met him the Thanksgiving before last when I’d come into town to check out the man that my best-friend had hooked up with. I was invited to dinner with their friends’ the Fordes and Osi was there also.

I liked what I saw and apparently so did he. As I walked down the hallway to find my coat, Osi followed. I remember clearly giving him a flirty smile as I inquired, “Are you busy later?”

He didn’t try to hide it, as he checked me out.

I’m not ugly. In fact, I work hard at staying hot. I’m five-four with long legs. I do yoga every morning and then hit the gym if I have time. Sure I’ve had some work done, my breasts are a perfect thirty four “B” and I’ve had some injectables in my lips. That day I was wearing a simple cranberry cashmere sweater with black jeans and stiletto heeled black boots. My hair was a golden red that made my naturally bottle green eyes stand out.

I stood still but schooled my features so that I appeared unconcerned.

“Yeah, with you.” Was his answer.

“I’m at the Conrad, call me from the lobby.” I located my soft leather bomber jacket. A great find at a small vintage shop in Seattle. I turned to leave when his hand closed over my upper arm. He turned me so that we were chest to chest.

It happened so fast that I didn’t even realize that I’d moved until I was staring at his chest. His very nice chest. I liked that he wasn’t gigantic like the men seemed to be. He was lithe like a panther. I tipped my chin up so that I could see his expression.

“Let’s get this straight right now. You’re not in charge.”

“Right,” I smirked.

Instantly, he had a handful of my hair and was pulling my head back. Then he kissed me.

No, it was more than a kiss it was a brand. When he finally loosened his grip. I twisted my head and he released me. I fought the impulse to touch my lips. They, no I felt different as if he had somehow change something inside of me. I turned to go not sure if I still wanted him or not.

“Say your good-byes and wait for me at the elevator,” he ordered.

‘I can…”

He cut me off. “You’re ridin’ with me.”

It was now my turn to stare.

“My way.” Was all that he said.

Like an idiot I did and I haven’t been able to stay away from Osiris Browne since. I am lightening and he is the thunder, always there with me.


When the limo came to a stop at the door to Forde’s building where I now lived and worked, I was hot. God, I would have gladly gotten on my knees here in the backseat but he’d stopped me. Kissing only…so far.

The security guard buzzed into the lobby. “Happy New Year, Mr. Browne, Ms. Kent.” I think his name was Gary greeted us as we moved to the elevator. Forde’s building was secure and my two bedroom apartment was spacious. Plus the rent was cheap. I received the “family” discount.

As we rode to my floor, I knew better than to make a move on Osi. The cameras picked up everything in the common areas and Forde made sure that two people were watching the feed at all times. I know it seems like overkill but two of his residents had been kidnapped before moving here and now he had three children, the man was security conscious.

Osi pulled his key from his pocket and unlocked the door. At one time it made me crazy that Osi had a key, not that he needed one. I’d learned that if Osi wants in, locks can’t stop him and neither can an alarm system. The man had skills.

Of course in his line of work, he needed those talents. In the military he had been a sniper and now he did high dollar fugitive apprehension. Yeah, I was fucking a Goddamn bounty hunter. The baddest of the badasses that were affiliated with Forde Limited. He did other work but he’d established the rule early on. Don’t bother asking because he won’t tell. It worked for me. I already felt too much for him so as a stop-gap measure, I made sure that I knew as little as possible about him.

He preceded me into my place. I stood in the doorway as he began his search around the place. I did an internal eye roll at this practice. I don’t know why I followed this rule but I just did. Osi was making sure that I was safe. A part of my belly warmed at the thought. I tamped down that feeling immediately. I could look out for myself. I’d been doing it for years.

He’d taken off his suit coat and walked back toward me. I entered my apartment and took off my mink jacket. Yes, it was real fur but it was an antique, I’d found it at an estate sale in upstate New York. The jacket fit like a dream and had to be at least seventy years old but it looked new. I didn’t feel bad wearing it, those animals had been dead longer than I’d been alive.

Osi took the jacket from me and gently placed it over the back of my huge wing chair.

I had to give it to the man, he paid attention. He handled my clothing with the care and respect that each piece deserved. You see, I make my money selling vintage clothing to women who want to wear something special. I have connections all over the country and in a few other major cities in Europe. My customer list is small, I only take referrals. They have to be able to afford my service. I never really had a home base. I basically lived out of suitcases and trunks. That all had changed recently.

The official story is that I like Indianapolis. It was cheap and easy to travel from, plus my Billie was here. It absolutely has nothing to do with a certain man who was now taking my hand and pulling me into his arms.

Forde offered me a great deal on rent and the use of the vacant apartment upstairs. This way, I could move all of my stock from the three different storage facilities and keep them in a centralized location. Hell, to be honest, I didn’t really know what all I had. So I now have an assistant. I met Edwin Erich while I was in line for a coffee while Tye was hospitalized.

“Oh My Lord,” an effete male’s voice echoed throughout the lobby. “That’s a genuine Birkin.”

I didn’t turn my head but I knew that he was referring to my Hermes bag. To be exact, my 25 Bleu Saint Cyr that I had found in Minneapolis of all places, in pristine condition.

“This is a moment,” the voice was closer now and yet, no quieter. “I’ve just found my unicorn.”

I turned slowly to the speaker. I was worried that he was going to have a seizure. “You are correct.”

“Sweet Jesus, you are divine.” A slender, African American male complimented.

He was dressed in the style of Pharrell Williams, the short sleeve shirt with a sweater vest and a bow tie. On this guy, it worked. His shirt was starched and his tie was perfect.

“Thank you.” I didn’t preen but I did appreciate his interest even though we both preferred penis.

“Wherever did you find that bag?” He didn’t point. I liked that he had manners.

I smiled mysteriously. “I have my sources.”

He gave me a saucy wink, “Would you be willing to share.”

I liked the guy, something about him made me want to giggle. Plus he had to be another fan of fashion to identify my purse across the lobby.

I pulled out a business card that I always have at the ready. I handed it to him solemnly.

“Are you a designer?” He was now examining my clothes. Today I was wearing a Dolce and Gabanna top with very faded classic Levi’s.

“No, I do Fashion Consulting.” I could hear the pride in my voice. I built this business from the ground up. I could have lived off of my trust fund and inheritance from my grandfather but I found that I loved fashion and I was good at matching clothing with hard to fit women. Customers who would pay generously for my service.

“Ms. Kent you are going to be my new best friend.” He told me cheekily. “Don’t let this badge fool you. This is just my day job.” He flicked his work i.d. that was hanging from his belt.

“E-mail me and perhaps we can get together for a coffee.” I could always turn him down.

“I will.” He promised.


“Babe, where’d you go?” Osi’s breath teased at my ear.

I made a noise deep in my throat as I relaxed against him. I was tired and yet I was jazzed and turned on. “I was thinking about our first time.”

“Oh yeah?” His chest rumbled.

I could tell by the way his hands stopped roving over my body that I’d caught him off guard. “Good times.” I smiled as I said the words.

“Wild times.” He agreed. “You too tired?”

My hand travelled to his ass and I squeezed. “For you…never.”  Jesus, I must be braindead! I rarely admitted to having any feelings for him.

“Good.” He stepped away from me smoothly. He ran his finger gently over my collarbone. Then down my sternum to the edge of the bodice of my gown. “Is this museum quality?”

“No, it’s from fall of sixteen,” I told him. Since when did he care?

“Good.” He gripped the material and ripped it from my body.

“Osi,” I shrieked in surprise. It wasn’t the first time that he’d ripped my clothes trying to undress me. We weren’t afraid to be physical in our sexual pursuits. I was more shocked that he could shred the silk taffeta with a one handed jerk. “This dress cost over seven thousand dollars.”

“I’ll write you a check tomorrow.” He bent a little and pushed his shoulder against my midsection and lifted me off of my feet and headed to the bedroom.

I started to struggle but it was only half-heartedly. I knew from prior times that he wouldn’t let me fall.

He secured me with an arm above my calves. We made it to the bedroom. He tossed me on the bed.

I landed with an “Oomph.” I immediately tried to sit up.

“Stay,” he ordered. His warm hand surrounded my right ankle. He pulled one pump from my foot and I heard it hit the floor and then the other followed.

I watched him and I swear I could feel my pussy getting wetter. I would never accept the label of submissive but I liked to sexual games where I was ordered around. Osi, had no problem with this and from the start it was like he instinctually knew me and what I needed to get off. With him, I came hard and often, well that is when he allowed me to come. “Osi,” I panted, unsure of what I intended to say because the look that he gave me made my inner muscles clench in anticipation.

“Silence,” he ordered.

Oh My God, he went tough and hot in one second. I took in a deep breath trying to focus on his words. God, I needed this to be good. I knew it was going to be good.

He ran his hand up my leg slowly stopping when he met the elastic leg opening of my panties. He gently swiped his finger back and forth over that sensitive skin.

I fought the urge to squirm. I knew this was part of the game. The buildup was the first step but I always wanted to rush through it. I wanted him inside of me because Osi knew how to fuck. I stretched my neck, pushing my chin skyward and I closed my eyes tightly. I needed to gain back some control. The man had no problem stopping if I didn’t follow his orders.

The first time he’d done that, I waited until I thought he was asleep and I buried my fingers into my greedy slit. God, it had felt so good. I felt the bed move and in the next moment my wrists were being secured to the top of the bed and Osi was on top of me.

“You think that you can take care of yourself better than me?” He growled in my face.

My head was reeling. “No,” I replied automatically. Where the fuck had this belt come from? “How did…”

He cut me off. “Your pussy belongs to me until we’re done. You got that?”


“Ramsay, do you understand? Your body, it’s mine.” He pushed.

Back then I thought this was just a part of the fun but I soon learned that Osi was serious about me.

I felt him get off of the bed so I opened my eyes and watched him in silence. Well, I know we both could hear my heavy breathing.

He looped his fingers in the sides of my panties and pulled them from my body.

Jeeze, he saves the twenty dollar panties but ruins the expensive dress. I would never be able to figure this man out.

He started to unbutton his shirt. His eyes were locked me as I watched his fingers maneuver the buttons through the thread covered holes.

I swallowed hard as I thought about his hands. They were truly beautiful. Lone and slender, calloused yet they could move so lightly over my skin, like the tiniest of breezes on a summer day. I knew that he’d used them to kill an opponent and God help me, that made me hotter. I loved that this hot, remote badass would lose it with me. When we were together like this, there was nothing else in our world.

I heard his zipper and I almost groaned. A thump and then another, his shoes hit the floor. I drank in his body because Osi in clothes was affecting but naked he was like the oxygen that I needed to survive.

Again, his hands were on my ankles and a whimper escaped my throat.

“Easy babe,” he lightened his grip. “All fours, Ramses.”

I must not have responded quick enough because he barked, “Now.”

I hustled to roll to my belly and push up so that I was in the pose that he’d chosen.

His hot hand rested on the center of my back possessively. “Move backward.”

I crawled backward, not caring if I looked graceful of plodding. I could feel the cool air on inner thighs.


That was the last word that he uttered before I felt his wet tongue paint a stipe over my ass cheek and then he bit me.

I jumped trying to get away from the pain, although it was more in surprise.

His hands locked onto my hips as he pulled me backwards. Next his tongue was on me, in me. Jesus, I wanted to fuck his face. I folded my arms so that I had more power to move my hips backward.

“So wet for me,” he mumbled as his tongue pressed between my sensitive folds.

I was making animal noises but I kept my jaw locked. I was so close to coming. I could feel the buildup deep in my belly.

He didn’t slow down as I came on his tongue. His face moved away from me and even though I’d just come, I knew the best part was coming next.

He filled me with one thrust and he started pumping into me. No starting slow and building up speed this time, Osi went to the root every time.

So good, I crooned in my head.

Suddenly, he pulled out.

I tried to twist my upper body around so that I could see what happened. Why did he stop?

He used my motion to roll over to my back and he was over me, braced on one arm.

“What?” I started to ask as he gathered my wrist and hoisted them above my head.

I swear his already deep voice was two octaves lower. “Want to see you come Ramses. Don’t you dare close your eyes. Need to see you.”

He shifted and suddenly he’d filled me again.

My legs circled his hips like we’d discussed the choreography earlier.

He rode me hard and I loved every second of it. His hold on my wrists tightened when I struggled. I wanted to touch him.

I was trying to hold off my orgasm. This was too good. I heard him laugh and his lips were pulled back in a snarl.

I closed my eyes, fighting off the flames that were traveling through my bloodstream.

“Eyes, give me your eyes baby.”

My eyes met his, darker green irises flecked with gold.

“Now,” he commanded and my body obeyed.

I swear I was floating about my body. It was surreal. I didn’t want to open my eyes in case it was true and that would totally freak me out because I didn’t believe in any of that paranormal shit.

I felt rather than heard Osi laugh at first. I secretly loved to make him laugh. It was so rare and the few times that he did, I felt like I had been given a shopping spree at Carolina Herrera and Gucci, both.

The rumble in his chest got louder before he finally spoke. “Jesus Christ, you almost killed me.” He wrapped his arm around me and rolled us. Now he was on his back and I was resting on him and his cock was still inside of me. It was like he didn’t want to let me go.

I rested my face in his neck. I gently placed a kiss on the viper that curled up behind his ear. I’d memorized every one of his tattoos. I’ve spent hours tracing every inch of him with my fingers and tongue.

“We gotta sleep babe.”

“We will,” I promised but right now, I wanted to enjoy this. I felt like I was complete. No voices in my head telling me that I suck. No worries about the move and how Bean will seem when I talk to her next. Just sweet silence and calm.




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