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Zercy (The Nira Chronicles Book 2) by Kora Knight (11)


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They made it to the breakfast hall in just a few minutes, escorted by Setch, Kellim, and two other members of the king’s guard. The trek hadn’t been too bad, just the four flights of stairs, then a short way down that spacious, central corridor. Not far enough to pass the great hall’s entrance up on the left, or those huge, mysterious doors on the right. It was, however, long enough to pass plenty of nobles, and thus garner plenty of looks.

Surprisingly, despite Alec’s ‘swanky’ new garb, the hike hadn’t been as awkward as last night’s. Maybe because he wasn’t harnessed with his arms bound behind his back. Or barefoot, wearing a freaking kid’s wrap.

Although, in truth, things felt different with those staring at him, too. The looks he’d received from the wandering highborn weren’t nearly as smug and leering. Which wasn’t to say they hadn’t looked just as intrigued, because they had, just in a more respectful way. It was as if his upgrade in attire—and downgrade to just a leash—had somehow boosted his overall status. No longer did they eye him like some morsel the cat dragged in, some lowly creature for Zercy to nibble on in his chambers. Now they seemed to perceive him as the king’s prized pet, worthy of higher regard by mere association. Not that being seen as a pet didn’t still rankle, but at least the fuckers weren’t openly ogling him.

Yeah, so for the most part, Alec hadn’t felt too embarrassed. Well, except for that one instance when a statue snagged his attention; a life-size Kríe at the base of the staircase. Wielding nothing but a sword—one that looked like a scythe—it emanated an air of primal warrior. It was also completely naked. And totally erect. How he’d missed it the night before was hard to fathom. Then again, he’d been coming from a different direction, so the statue had been facing away from him. He definitely hadn’t missed it this time, though. Hell, at first glance, he’d thought its big-ass cock was a club.

So naturally, when he finally got a what the—whoa! look, he’d kind of done a double-take and slowed his step. Which was when the ‘bout of embarrassing’ came into play. Not even breaking stride, Zercy had given his leash a tug, causing Alec to stumble after the guy. Man, did that chafe, being treated like a dog. He’d still been low-key bristling when they arrived. 

Although, the minute he laid eyes on his team, a lot of that irritation vanished. It was just so good to see them safe and unscathed. As expected, they were decked out in similar attire, with some looking less pleased about it than others. ‘Some,’ of course, referring mainly to Chet, going by that scowl on his face.

A grin tugged at Alec’s lips. Finally, someone more aggrieved than himself. 

He headed their way, in step with the king. His men spotted them within just a few seconds. All five pairs of eyes instantly locked on his face, as if trying to discern if he was okay by just his expression. He offered a small smile and an even smaller nod. Their tense shoulders visibly eased.

Zercy came to a stop at the team’s raised table, the thing clearly built for Kríe-size diners. Alec grudgingly fell in beside him. Not because he wanted to stand next to the guy, but because the damn Kríe still had him leashed. Alec fought not to scowl. Nope, no need to play recipient to a power-play demonstration with his subordinates looking on.

Zercy glanced at the Kríe he’d clearly assigned to Alec’s men—four of the six guards who’d escorted them to the bath house. No words were spoken, though, and then his eyes were on Alec’s men.

“Greetings.” He inclined his head. Smiled a little. “Sleep well?”

 Chet glared. “Yeah, that hole in the wall was just fucking great.”

Zaden eyed the king, but said nothing.

The trio just nodded.

Expression cool, Zercy focused entirely on Chet. “Perhaps more furs will make your ‘hole’ more comfortable.”

“The furs weren’t the problem. Try the locked goddamn doors.”

“Ah.” The king’s lips curved. “Well, tah, no wonder. Those ‘locked goddamn doors’ are very hard.”

Chet bristled, then shoved off his lofty stool. But before he could get out a single retort, the huge guard behind him intercepted. Clamping his big hands atop Chet’s shoulders, he yanked him back on his seat, then shoved his head. A clear, wordless warning for Chet to watch himself—which, of course, Chet didn’t appreciate.

Cranking his mug around, he glowered at the Kríe. “Touch me again, bitch, and I’ll break your fucking nose.”

The guard’s eyes flashed, as if Chet’s words weren’t a threat, but a promise for some unruly fun. Alec shook his head. What was it with Kríe and confrontation? One mention of violence and they were up and ready to party.

The guard looked to Zercy, as if requesting permission to engage.

Zercy smirked. “Mah, Mannix. Perhaps after breakfast.”

The male rumbled.

Chet stiffened.

Alec stifled a groan.

It was Chet and Roni all over again.

Fucking awesome.

Zercy’s fingers touched his nape. Started fiddling with his collar. Alec stilled, hope surging. Was he taking off his leash? He looked up at the king.

Zercy smiled a little. “Tah. I must relinquish you for a time. Responsibility calls.”

Oh, thank fuck. Alec exhaled. The king’s presence was overwhelming. He could use the time away from him for a while. But right as a tiny spark of happy ignited, Zercy reached for Alec’s hands. Alec frowned and looked down, then cursed in disappointment. The bastard was binding his freaking wrists.

“Is this really necessary?” he grated.

Zercy clutched his chin. “Tah. When I can trust you not to leave me, this will change.”

Alec ground his teeth. Zercy gestured for him to join his team. Upon doing so, he realized his men were bound, too. Their hands had just been in their laps and out of view.

The trio looked empathetic.

Zaden met his eyes. Clearly, his friend was happy he was back.

Zercy crossed his thick arms and addressed them as a whole. “Once you finish eating, your new life here begins. As you will learn, I do not like ‘idle.’ I like structure. Routines. Minds active, not stagnant. Bodies moving. Therefore, your time shall adhere to these standards. To please me, yes, but just as much so, for your own good.”

Chet’s brows furrowed low as the trio’s eyes brightened. Even Noah looked happy at the prospect of staying busy.

“Every day,” the king went on, “there will be lessons. You will learn. About this planet. About its realms. About my people, and our history. As it stands, you are ignorant of far too much. It makes you vulnerable,” he glanced at Alec, “in ways I will not allow. Ryze will fix this. Will teach you. Make you smarter than a noble.”

He glanced over his shoulder at said nobles milling about. “Not the hardest of feats,” he grunted. “I assure you.”

Jamis and Bailey’s lips quirked. They were already smarter and knew it, but that glint in their eyes said they couldn’t wait to broaden their horizons. Total nerds and proud of it. Pretty geeky about science, too. And to top it all off, they were also good-looking. Talk about winning the lottery.

“When your lessons conclude, you will have another meal, then once your stomachs have settled, you will resume.” Zercy gestured to one of his guards. “Kellim will head your physical activities. Time in the bath house will follow. Then final meal.”

“The remainder of the day’s ours after that?” Zaden confirmed.

Zercy inclined his head, but then paused. “Unless there are festivities planned.”

Bailey’s ears perked. “Festivities?”

“Tah.” The king smiled. “Which you are welcome to enjoy—when, that is, you are not the main event.”

Every team member stilled, quickly swapping wary looks.

Alec frowned. “Okay, yeah. What exactly does that mean?”

“Sometimes you will share in the arranged entertainment. Other times,” he smirked, “you will be it.”

Chet’s mouth fell open, appalled. “Like hell we will.”

Zercy slid him a look—one that said, Human, try me—then gestured to the stream of approaching servants. “Ah. Your meals. Very good. Eat well.” His gaze returned to Alec. His cocky grin ebbed. “I will see you in my chambers after dark.”

Shit. Alec’s stomach flipped. He scowled and squared his shoulders. “I want to stay with my men.”

“Tah. Of course.” Right on cue, his aide arrived. Zercy gave the male a nod, then turned to Kellim and Setch. “Stay and help chaperone. My humans are still adjusting. When the suns go down, return my pet to me.”

Alec fumed, less than thrilled by that last directive. He was sick of being Zercy’s ‘pet,’ didn’t want to go back to his room. What’s more, Zercy’s dismissal pissed him off. Rude bastard. Not that his behavior really surprised Alec much. He was ruler of the Kríe, for shit’s fucking sake. More than likely the most pompous species on the planet.

The king turned to go, but looked one last time at Alec’s team. “Relax. Enjoy your new, carefree lives. No longer are you burdened with the weight of the world. Recognize your good fortune and embrace it.”

Chet glared in dissention.

Alec clenched his jaw.

But before they could voice a single difference of opinion, Zercy pivoted on his heel and strode off with his assistant.

“Can you believe that shit?” Chet grated. “That dude is totally delusional.”

Jamis nodded as servants began loading their table with food. “I overheard Miros say that, as of late, the king’s been ‘erratic.’ Probably safe to say that means ‘crazy’.”

Alec groaned and scrubbed his face. Not what he wanted to hear. But Jamis was right. Miros had said as much about Zercy. Had warned him to tread carefully around the guy.

Pewter plates were set before them, then their goblets were filled. Filled with something that looked like milky lime juice.

“So we stay off his radar.” Bailey reached for one of the serving bowls. The one piled with rolls that smelled like honey. “Lay low and shit, until we find a way outta here.”

“That might be easier said than done for some of us,” Zaden murmured. He looked at Alec. “You’re at the center of his radar.”

Alec shook his head. “Tell me about it. I have no idea what his deal is.”

“Seriously?” Jamis chuckled, snagging an object off one of the platters. A big, red flower blossom, with petals the consistency of plump grapes. “I’d say it’s pretty obvious. He’s smitten with you, Cap. Just like asshole Gesh was with Noah.”

Noah’s jaw ticked—no doubt from the mention of Gesh’s name, or the fact that Jamis had said was instead of is. He looked at Alec. “Yeah, good luck with that. These Kríe are some real stand-up guys.” To his left was a square plate of marbled, yellow globes, each the size of a golf ball and stacked in a pyramid. Noah plucked one off the top and gave the thing a sniff.

“What is it?” Bailey asked.

“Cheese, I think. I dunno. Kinda feels like a waxy banana.”

Chet frowned at Alec. “I feel your pain, Boss. No joke. This big, purple man-whore,” he thumb-pointed over his shoulder, “propositions me for sex every hour.”

Alec’s brows rose as he eyed the guard standing at Chet’s back. The extra-big fucker named Mannix. The male met his stare and slowly smiled.

  Alec glared, then turned his focus back to Chet. “Don’t worry. Zercy promised me that no one’s allowed to touch us. Not without our permission. Not even his guards.”

Chet paused. “No shit?”

Alec nodded. “No shit.”

“Well, what do you know.” Snickering, he turned on his stool. “Ha. You hear that, Mannix? You giant walking boner. No nooky-nooky for you.”


* * *


Mealtime wrapped up just a few minutes later. Escorting them from the dining room, their six big-ass guards led them down that big central hallway. This time, they did pass the great hall to the left, as well as those mammoth doors on the right.

Again, Alec peered at the giant bronze panels, wondering what could possibly be behind them. The king’s court, perhaps? Didn’t look very active, though. In fact, activity seemed discouraged. Because curiously, instead of standing on either side of the doors, the guards on post stood directly in front of them. As if implying that no one should even try to enter.

Alec continued to eye them as their entourage passed.


Soon, they reached the T-junction at the end of the corridor, but instead of going right or left, they strode to a large door straight ahead. Kellim’s biceps bulged as he pulled it open, and suddenly they were entering another lookout tower. One built into the side of the castle, though, and not into one of its corners. Alec eyed the circular stairwell. Take a left and they’d go up, take a right and they’d go down. Setch and Kellim promptly headed right.

Looked like class was in the dungeon.

They made their way down the cool stone steps, but soon a faint clanking met Alec’s ear. Ceaseless and dissonant, echoing up the tower, implying much activity down below. He frowned, peering around when they reached the bottom. Just a whole bunch of big sconce-lit tunnels.

They took another right and walked for a good twenty yards, passing more corridors as they went. Finally, they stopped at a large, wooden door. Setch gave the thing a knock. Heavy footfalls resounded. The thick slab swung open a moment later.

“Ryze,” Setch grunted.

Ryze grunted back. “Greetings.” Then his golden eyes slid to Alec’s team. “These… are my pupils?” He curiously looked them over.

“Tah. They know nothing. Zercy wants you to fix them.”

Alec pursed his lips.

Chet muttered something.

Ryze canted his head, studying them further. “What are they?” he finally asked.

Alec met his gaze. “We’re humans.”

“Humans,” he murmured, testing the name. “I do not know your species.”

“Because we’re—”

“Aliens,” Setch cut in. He grinned wide. “With elevators.”

Alec rolled his eyes.

Ryze’s brows shot high. “Aliens? With… elevators?”


Bailey laughed. “You were talking to them about elevators?”

Alec scowled at his teammate. “Yeah, okay? I was. We’d just finished climbing a mountain of stairs and—Ugh. Just… Nevermind.”

Jamis stifled a chuckle. Even Zaden’s lips twitched.

Ryze grinned and gestured them in. “So much to learn from each other. Nenya.” Come. “Let us begin.”


* * *



Their time with Ryze was interesting, to say the least, and far more enlightening than Alec had expected. After, that is, their big Kríe instructor had finished picking their brains first. Ryze hadn’t seemed able to help it, though, by the look in his eyes—those gold irises churning brighter with each thing learned.

Tons of things had fascinated him, human technology at the forefront, but he’d also been riveted by the dual-gender dynamic. Evidently, there weren’t any females on Nira. The world was made up entirely of male organisms. Something, truth be told, that Alec had started to suspect, since he’d yet to see a single female anywhere. Talk about wild. No wonder Gesh had looked so friggin’ confused whenever there’d been mention of a ‘woman.’

Ultimately, Ryze did get down to business with his lessons, though, and man, did he teach them a ton. In the course of one morning, he’d covered the entire planet’s basics. Its age, its continents, its oceans and seas. The terrain and atmospheric conditions of said regions. He touched on the main classes of indigenous life forms next; creatures of water and sky, land animals, plants.

By the time Ryze concluded their session for the day, Alec’s brain was all but bursting with Niran knowledge. Zaden looked just as maxed out. Chet, however, looked half-asleep. Which wasn’t to say he didn’t appreciate what Ryze was teaching—if anyone could benefit from that intel, it was him. But knowing Chet and how dutifully protective he was of the team, he’d probably slept with one eye open last night. Alec wondered how long it’d been since he’d gotten some decent rest. 

And then there was the science trio who, by the end of Ryze’s lessons, looked straight-up fucking glowing from all they’d learned. Right off the bat, they’d asked for writing tools and parchment, and after one session, their leather-bound notebooks were damn near full.

A smile tugged at Alec’s lips. A silver lining to all their misfortune. After all, that’s why their exploration team had come to Nira; to learn as much as possible in the name of science. And for the past couple hours, that’s exactly what the threesome did—to the point they’d barely been able to jot it all down. No question, his little trio was on cloud nine.

What they’d be doing after lunch, though, would be a much different kind of stimulation; rigorous exercise under the direction of Kríe guard, Kellim.

As they headed back down the tunnel toward the tower’s winding stairwell, Alec again heard those persistent, distant noises. He glanced at Zaden. He looked just as curious, his brows drawn, his dark eyes peering over his shoulder.

Fuck it, Alec thought. He was just going to ask. He looked to one of the Kríe. “Hey, what’s that sound?”

The guard met his eyes. “Prisoners. Serving their sentences.”

Alec tensed a little. “So… you’re saying there’s a dungeon down here, too?”

“Tah.” He returned his focus forward.

Bailey paled. “Holy shit. Like torture chambers?”

The Kríe didn’t answer, just kept on walking. None of the other guards answered, either. Alec frowned, not quite getting why that question was so tough. Or why their chaperones were suddenly throwing such dark vibes. It was like he and Bailey had hit a nerve. Which made no sense. They were guards in a castle. ‘Mighty’ Kríe, for that matter. Dungeons and torture chambers shouldn’t faze them at all.

They made it to the stairwell and climbed back to ground level, then exited the tower and headed back to the meal hall. Right on cue, his stomach rumbled. Alec frowned, surprised. For real? He glanced over his shoulder to one of the arched windows. The suns were high. Damn. They’d been with Ryze longer than he’d realized.

Fortunately, lunch went smoother than breakfast. Guess the servants had taken Chet’s hint—moving meals would not be received well—because everything they fed the team was wholly inert. And, truthfully, it had all tasted pretty freaking good. Not that Alec had had a clue as to what any of it was. Some he could guess at, but just as many had him stumped. He was starting to suspect that Nirans had more than five food groups.

When they finished eating and their stomachs had settled, their escorts led them back out again and down the same corridor. At the end, they turned and ambled past the bath house. Next thing Alec knew, they were exiting a back door and making their way across a rear courtyard. As they approached the castle’s protective wall, Alec eyed its south-side gate. Smaller than the front gate they’d entered through yesterday, but definitely still big by all accounts.

Slowly, the fifteen-foot bronze doors opened, revealing one hell of a view; a giant meadow, easily ten acres wide, with a gorgeous lake and mountains in the distance. Alec regarded the ground cover they walked upon as they left the fortress’s protection. Similar to grass, but different. Like little fern fronds. Condensed, and deep plum, with lime-green tips.

He looked straight ahead to the captivating water. Dark teal, but its surface gleamed bright tangerine, reflecting the sky above like panes of glass. The mountain range behind it looked nearly black, the waterfall dividing its peaks, a misty silver. At its base, on the very far left end of the meadow, stood a dense line of trees the color of raisins. Alec eyed them thoughtfully. So did Zaden and Chet. To them, that stretch of cover screamed ‘potential escape route.’

Kellim drew things to a stop at center field, then helped his fellow guards untie the men’s wrists. Alec frowned. There were suddenly only four Kríe present. He glanced back and found the last two standing by the gate, their eyes still intently locked on the team. Like they were keen for things to start, eagerly awaiting a good show.

Seriously? What was so fascinating about guys working out?

Kellim answered his question a heartbeat later.

“Today you wrestle. Strip down to your loincloths.”




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