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Zercy (The Nira Chronicles Book 2) by Kora Knight (31)


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Alec’s body lit up like a furnace, his mindset instantly shifting gears. The king wanted kinky. Wanted Alec to get freaky. “I’ll keep that in mind…” His voice sounded husky.

Zercy eyed him through heavy lashes, then looked forward again, resting his arms on the cushion’s ledge, chin on his hands.

Alec gazed down his body. So big and packed with muscle. He wanted to touch every inch. Where should he start? His eyes roamed back up and settled on Zercy’s shoulders. All dark and broad and beefy. Yeah, he’d start there.

Moving with purpose—and a teeny tiny smile—he straddled the king’s waist and palmed his massive shoulder blades. Good freaking lord. Even with his fingers fully splayed, his hands still didn’t span the powerful slabs. He slid his palms upward and began to knead, something he’d wanted to do for some time. Massage Zercy’s shoulders whenever he looked exceptionally stressed. Which, for the most part, was pretty much always.

Zercy’s muscles eased. “Krye…” he rumbled. “You have the hands of a god.”

“Hmm.” Alec ground slow, deep circles with his thumbs. “I take it Krye’s a god… along with Ságe.”

Another soft rumble. “You have been listening to your king.” He was smiling, Alec could hear it. “Paying attention.”

“Don’t you mean my pet?

“Tah,” Zercy chuffed. “My mistake.”

Alec smiled as he continued. “You’ll have to tell me their story sometime.”

“I would love that,” he murmured. “And you can tell me of your Sol.”

Alec chuckled. “Sol’s not a god. He’s just my star system’s sun.”

“But every sun is a god. Do those on Earth not acknowledge this?”

“Em…” Alec slowly kneaded down Zercy’s back. “Not really, no. I mean, ages ago, they did. Helios, who healed Orion’s eyes? He was the sun god. Hell, back then, they even considered the planets gods. Although, they thought they were stars too, ‘wandering stars,’ so yeah.”

Zercy scoffed. “Planets are merely the byproduct of two sun gods’ love.”

Two sun gods’ love? What, like some kind of cosmic offspring?”

“In a way.”

“But what if there’s only one sun? What are the planets in that star system? They can’t be ‘offspring’.”

Zercy thought about that as Alec made his way lower, kneading the thick muscles along his spine. “I do not know,” he finally admitted. “Perhaps the byproduct of your god’s loneliness.”

Alec frowned. “Well, that’s depressing.”

Zercy chuffed in amusement. “Have you truly not noticed? Life is tragic...”

Alec smirked at his tone and worked the small of Zercy’s back.

“Except for moments such as this,” the king rumbled.

Alec grinned. Evidently someone was enjoying his massage. But while those husky noises emerging were undeniably hot, he’d love to somehow get the king to moan.

An idea quickly came to him. Something he knew the Kríe liked. Returning to Zercy’s shoulders, he added his blunt nails and, applying pressure, dragged them slowly downward.

Zercy hissed, muscles tightening as he sensuously arched. A devious smile tugged at Alec’s lips. He did it again, watching dark magenta lines form in his wake.

Then, hell fucking yeah, Zercy moaned.

Alick… You excite me far too quickly that way. But your faithful pet relishes it. Do not stop.”

Alec chuckled low in his throat. Zercy loved that bite of pain.

Another idea came to him. And then another.

Tunneling his hand into the king’s velvet dreads, he fisted tight, then leaned his head down nice and close. “I’m sensing you like it rough,” he murmured, lips grazing Zercy’s shoulder.

He remembered Gesh and Roni’s rowdy fuck in the jungle. The way they’d clawed and bit and snarled the whole damn time.

Zercy growled. “I am Kríe.”

Yup, enough fucking said.

And all Alec needed to proceed.

Picking a nice meaty target on Zercy’s shoulder, he opened his mouth—and took a bite.

Zercy’s whole frame went rigid. “Tah,” he snarled. “Wicked moyo.” His hips ground into the padding—once, then twice.   

Alec grinned, but didn’t let go, merely fisted his fingers tighter and cranked Zercy’s head back, baring his throat.

Zercy’s next growl sounded menacing—but in a purely sexual way, launching Alec’s dick to rock-hard status. He released Zercy’s shoulder and bit the side of his neck instead, neither time hard enough to draw blood.

Zercy shifted beneath him, clutching the top of the cushion’s ledge. “Your little teeth…” Restless snarl. “So exquisitely sharp…” Again, he rocked his junk into the chaise.

Alec’s body thrummed. Zercy’s reactions were intoxicating as hell. But Alec wasn’t done. Wanted to try something else.

With teeth still clamped tight, he relinquished Zercy’s dreads and curled his fingers around the king’s horn.

Zercy’s huge body shuddered like an earthquake under Alec’s ass. His short black claws dug into the cushion. “Alick…” His voice had gone noticeably deeper.

Alec grinned against his neck and slowly started to stroke, pumping the king’s horn like a cock.

Zercy moaned, harsh and ragged, and again, arched his spine, his ass at Alec’s back tangibly rising.

Fuck. Yeah.

Alec gripped harder. Stroked faster. Teeth still locked.

A low, harsh growl crawled up Zercy’s throat. “Alick,” he grated in dark, drunken bliss. “If you continue—to do that—I cannot be blamed—for my actions—”

Alec chuckled against his neck, but relented nevertheless. After all, he didn’t want this playtime to end. He was having fun and wanted the king to stay put. Letting go of his horn, then his tasty flesh too, Alec sat back up and rubbed his back to calm him. His chest was heaving, every muscle taut, and his claws, damn, they’d all but shredded the padding.

Alec shook his head, amused, and eyed the king’s body, watching as he gradually relaxed. God, his reaction had been so charged. Like his horns were just as sensitive as his cock.

Alec slid his hands downward, reveling in their appearance—or rather, how they contrasted with Zercy’s skin. Long tan fingers against deep midnight purple. He didn’t know why, couldn’t explain it at all, but the stark difference turned him on so bad.

Short moments later, said fingers ran out of space, Alec’s straddling thighs preventing them from going farther. Not for long. Alec rose unto his knees and shifted backward, then settled atop Zercy’s long strong legs instead.

Lips curving, he palmed the king’s muscular glutes and gave the things a tentative squeeze. Zercy peered over his shoulder, his eyes like glowing embers.

Alec met his gaze. Smiled boyishly. “Nice ass.”

Zercy loosed a husky chuff. “Truly? How would you know? You are only just now touching it for the first time.”

Alec blinked, lips parting. Hadn’t seen that coming. He eased his grip. “Just going by observation.”

The king’s lashes lowered. “Go by more.” He canted his hips. “Taste me. Feel inside me. Use your cock.”

Alec’s dick kicked hard. Cheeks heating, he glanced down, his gaze heatedly locking on Zercy’s ass. Absently, he squeezed again, then next thing he knew, he’d pulled those glutes apart to have a look.

Ah, fuck…

Zercy’s entrance. So dark and tight.

His heart kicked up a notch. His dick growled.

How? How was it possible? To find a backdoor so appealing. So enticing. So out-and-out irresistible? He wanted to touch it. To tease it. Play with the thing. Taste it. Fuck it. Freaking hell. Was he nuts? What was wrong with him?

Swallowing, eyes locked on that hot little star, he dragged the pad of his finger down it slowly. It clenched on contact. God, it felt so soft and tender, all tightening and bunching under his touch.

Zercy purred, still watching him intently over his shoulder. “Bellah, Alick. Tah. Explore me more.”

But he didn’t say how. He was letting Alec drive. Encouraging him to dive headlong into his fantasies. To throw all inhibitions to the fucking wind and get down and dirty with his pet.

Alec’s dick eagerly throbbed as his fingers itched to play. Hell, even his mouth had started to water. Heart all but racing, he stroked the hole some more, then leaned in and gave his tongue what it was begging for.

A brief light lick.

Ah, shit…. Son of a bitch

He tasted like he smelled. Well-done marshmallows over a fire.

Zercy muffled a snarl as Alec moaned and licked him again.

“Fuck,” Alec mumbled, sitting up.

Zercy’s eyes blazed hot. He arched and raised his ass. “You have only just begun. Do not stop.”

Alec bit his lip and grinned. The king wanted more. Holding Zercy’s gaze, he returned and lapped in earnest. A part of Alec still couldn’t believe he was doing this. But God, was he ever.

And fuck, did he love it.

Reaching around, he blindly unfasted Zercy’s loinstrap. The king’s heavy cock thumped to the cushion. Alec paused at the sound, unable to resist stealing a peek.

Good god almighty. With Zercy’s ass propped up and his knees partly spread, he could see the Kríe’s everything on full display. What’s more, the way his boner easily touched the chaise just emphasized that much more how fucking big it was.

Alec took another second to admire the thing, all big and long and thick with gorgeous veins. And those gold bands, all snug beneath his crown and hugging his base? They made his dick look downright exotic.

He eyed Zercy’s sac, so smooth and round, hanging with just the perfect weight from his body. Like a carrot dangling, luring Alec closer, to come and taste. Its firm balls, the taint above, that tantalizing star. Zercy’s cock, looking savory as hell…

Alec had lost his fucking mind.

And didn’t care.

Zercy chuffed, low and rich. “Your expression hides nothing. So captivated by my body. You make me eager.”

Alec met his gaze. An impish grin tugged at his lips. “Hope you’re okay with sticky, too.”

Dipping two fingers into what was left of his wine, he leisurely rubbed them up and down Zercy’s crack. Along its tempting ravine, slowing to dip into his hole. Only fleetingly, though. Each and every time.

Zercy rumbled deep in his chest. “Stop tormenting. Give me more.”

Alec’s boner went wild. He stopped with the teasing and focused on obliging. Things still slippery, he gently pushed his index through.

Zercy clamped down, lips curving. “Such a tiny little finger.”

Alec coughed a laugh. Shook his head. The king was fucking goading him.

He sank it deeper. Fuck, so warm. Then he pulled it free and added another.

Zercy squeezed them, eyes hooding. “Bellah, tah… A little better.”

Alec smirked and slowly pumped, then sank in a third, the king’s ring firm and yet captivatingly pliant.

Zercy rocked his hips and spread his knees, forcing Alec to sit between his legs. “Tah, Alick. More.”

Alec eyed his buried fingers. The king wanted four?

Good god, wouldn’t that hurt? But then a long-lost memory surfaced in his brain. Of that night at Gesh’s compound, way back when, in the jungle, when Roni had been getting extra freaky. He’d mounted Chet’s cock, and when it wasn’t enough to satisfy him, he’d let a pack mate add his fucking fist.

Another memory hit him. Again, of shameless Roni, when he’d buried his own fist deep inside of Chet. Granted, Chet had been loosened up with tachi, but the action was the same. Evidently, at least where Kríe were concerned, shoving hands up asses was completely acceptable behavior.

Alec’s dick twitched at the thought as he regarded his fingers. Was that what Zercy wanted? Would that turn him on? Drive him wild? He supposed there was only one way to find out.

Heart pounding as he sat on his heels, he removed his wrist cuff, then slowly fed his four fingers through. When his thumb made contact, he added it as well. Zercy rumbled and clutched the cushion, but didn’t tell him to stop. Alec delved even farther, up to his knuckles. To his surprise, he didn’t need lube. By the look of things, Kríe not only produced precum in their dicks, but a similar substance in their channel as well. Same consistency and everything, all clear and glistening, making his task at hand—pardon the pun—delectably easy.

Still holding Zercy’s left cheek aside, he pushed deeper. Zercy shifted against his invasion. Alec breathed an intoxicated curse. A heartbeat later, his hand sank completely out of sight.

Zercy grunted as his sphincter cinched closed around Alec’s wrist.

Alec paused. “You okay?”

“Gods, tah,” the king rasped. “You feel incredible inside my body. Go deeper until you reach my channel’s end.”

Alec’s dick reeled. Nope, he couldn’t fucking believe he was doing this.

He eased farther in, slowly burying his forearm, wearing Zercy’s passage like a slick, snug, heated glove. Deeper… deeper… until his elbow sank through, too. Finally, he bottomed out at his bicep.

Zercy groaned and canted his ass as if attempting to adjust.

“Still okay?”

“Tah…” The king’s voice sounded gravelly and thick. “Now make a fist and fuck me, Alick. Hard.”

Oh, God…

Alec’s junk went bat shit crazy at the thought, his blood spiking to infernal fucking temps.

“Um… okay,” he all but whispered.

He seriously, seriously couldn’t believe he was doing this.

Balling his fingers, he pulled back to his wrist, then started a deep downward jab. Not jarring, though. Just a smooth, steady rhythm.

Tahhh,” Zercy growled, pressing his forehead to the cushion. Soon his hips got rocking to Alec’s pace.

“Fuck,” Alec breathed. “This is insane. But I love it. Love your hot silky insides hugging my arm.”

A restless snarl curled in the base of Zercy’s throat. “Nira… Your little knuckles… They tease my jewel…” His sharp claws gripped the padding. “Go faster.”

His jewel? His prostate? Alec was riling up his G?

A grin curved Alec’s lips. He wanted to find it. Withdrawing to Zercy’s entrance, he made a couple of shallow pumps, using the heel of his palm to locate a bulge. Sure enough, he found one that must’ve recently grown in size because it sure as shit hadn’t been that big a minute ago. Canting his fist so he’d hit it with his knuckles, he delved into a heady, faster pump.

Zercy sucked in a breath, body tensing, shoulders flexing. “Tah—Ságe and Krye—Do not stop—”

Alec’s dick fucking howled. He felt drunk on the rush. The rush of filling this mighty Kríe with raw pleasure. Within a matter of thirty seconds, he had his Kríe wound so tight that it looked like Zercy’s muscles might start snapping.

“Tah—Alick—Tah—” His choppy snarls were intoxicating. As was the way the guy was writhing.

Alec’s own dick went wild. It wanted action, too. To shove hard and fast inside its king. Thing was, at the moment, Alec was having too much fun. His boner’s needs would have to fucking wait.

Pulse racing, Alec relinquished his growling pet’s ass cheek and reached between the king’s thighs instead. His fingers met instantly with a huge rock-hard cock. He grabbed on and pumped nice and fast.

Zercy arched his ass higher with a ragged oath, then shoved his knees even wider apart. Clearly, he approved of the added stimulation. Two seconds later though, his whole frame started quaking. “Alick—” His dark husky timbre dipped low. “You are going to—going to make me— make me spill—”

Fuck that. Not yet.

Alec stopped and looked down. Sure enough, Zercy’s balls were up hugging his cock. Alec frowned, not wanting the fun to end so soon, and again, glanced around for a solution.


No, wait.

He eyed his discarded wrist cuff. Yup, that would definitely work.

Gently retracting his arm from Zercy’s ass, he gently eased the king’s balls back down. God, they felt good in his hands. He paused to fondle them, then swiped up his wrist cuff and bound their base.

No one’s dick would be fucking spilling now.

Zercy peered over his shoulder, eyes drunk. “You tie my sac?”

Alec chuckled, cheeks warming. “Don’t want you to come.”

“Before you fuck me with your cock?”

“Yeah… Before that.”

Thing was, once Alec buried his dick in Zercy’s ass, it wouldn’t be long before his own orgasm slammed home. He’d be too fucking excited. Too insanely turned on to last more than a couple of minutes.

So, he’d have to hold off if he wanted this to last.

With a smack to Zercy’s ass, he prompted the king to turn back around, then clutched Zercy’s dick and pushed back in again.

Pump—pump—pump—both hands getting freaky.

Moving faster—knuckles working that swollen G.

In less than sixty seconds, the king was back to hard-core writhing. His claws tore at the cushion, his powerful hips thrust, every muscle in his seven-foot frame bunching tightly. God, the sight was intoxicating as hell. Just witnessing it might make Alec come.

His dick howled impatiently. He gave it a squeeze, then got back to working Zercy over. Before too long though, Zercy’s balls tried to climb again. “Must spill!—”

His ragged bark was like a drug to Alec’s brain. The king’s hips bucked as his thick taint contracted, his G spot pulsing hard against Alec’s hand. He was absolutely climaxing, Alec could hear it in his gasps, but not a single trace of cum shot from his dick. Alec watched, enraptured, as his mighty Kríe shook. As Zercy sank his fangs into the cushion and orgasmed hard. Deep in his ass, forcing snarls up his throat.

Exquisite. The Kríe was fucking exquisite.

Alec’s dick all but roared to finally have its turn.

Next thing he knew, as Zercy’s climax started to ebb, Alec pulled free, ripped off his clothes, and grabbed his boner. It throbbed in his hand. He groaned and gave it a stroke, rasped a curse and rose to his knees. His heart hammered. Hungrily, he eyed Zercy’s star, then nestled his cock into position.

Breath left him in fast bursts. He was readying to fuck a male. An alien male. Not to mention, a fucking king.

“Zercy,” he rasped, grasping the Kríe’s hip. “I can’t wait.” The only warning he gave before shoving to the hilt.

Zercy shuddered and clutched the chaise, his massive shoulder blades twitching. No doubt, his post-blown G was still throbbing.

Alec moaned, brows pinching, and started to move, hands gripping the king’s sides as he thrust. Shit, so hot in there, and juicy and slick and—Was that Zercy’s prostate pulsing against his dick?

The king growled, sounding breathless yet hungry as ever, and reached back to palm Alec’s hamstring. “Tah… I feel you,” his voice sounded abraded, “giving me your body. Your cock.”

Alec clenched his teeth and moved faster, burying his dick again and again, as far as it would go inside his Kríe. Pleasure swelled in his balls, streaked like lightening up his shaft. Already, he could feel his climax approaching.

And yet, as his groans came more steadily, his muscles tightening, he realized something disheartening about his partner. Zercy wasn’t blissing out like he’d been just moments earlier. His grip had eased, his ragged breaths were stabilizing. Even his low heady rumbles were less intense.

Alec frowned and thrust faster. Zercy clenched around his cock, clearly trying to grip as hard as he could. And still, his bodily reactions stayed unchanging, controlled.

Like Alec’s dick wasn’t doing it for him.

Oh, God.

The memory of Roni quickly looped back around. Back at the compound, when he’d mounted Chet’s cock. Its size had only frustrated him. Teased him, but not in a good way. Making him anxious to be filled to satisfaction. Which Chet’s dick couldn’t do, hence why that other Kríe stepped up. It was he who’d ultimately given Roni pleasure.

Stomach feeling sick, Alec slowed in realization. Tachi was one thing, allowing their bodies to physically fit, but Alec’s dick could never satisfy a Kríe. Could never bring this amazing male before him to rapture. Could never make his Zercy mindlessly moan.

His hips drew to a stop.

Zercy peered over his shoulder, met his gaze, and there it was. That look in the king’s eyes that said it all. He’d been thinking the same thing. Honestly, how could he not have? It was painfully obvious. Utterly mortifying. But truth be told, it was also fucking heartbreaking. They truly weren’t compatible in one of the ways that mattered most. Not that Alec foresaw them being life mates or anything, but just knowing that wasn’t even an option was strangely… crushing.

Alick…” Zercy murmured.

Alec shook his head and pulled out. Cleared his throat and looked away. “Whatever. It’s okay.” He reluctantly made a fist. “I’ll just go back to this and—”

“Mah.” The king’s voice cut through the silence like an axe. “I am done with your hand. I want you.”

Alec groaned. “But Zercy, I—”

“Do not say it. You are wrong.” Zercy turned around to face him, laying down on his back. “You are plenty. More than plenty.”

Alec sat back on his heels. “Bullshit. We both know that’s not true.”

Zercy’s gaze was rock solid. “Do not limit your worth. You are more than just the size of your cock.”

Alec scowled and looked away. That did not make him feel better.

“Listen to me, Alick. No other soul on this planet has ever filled me with even half of what you do. The pleasure you give me transcends the mere physical. Touches me deeper than any mighty cock ever could.”

Okay, that was kind of a nice sentiment.

Alec’s heavy heart thudded, but still, the situation sucked.

Face downcast, he looked back and Zercy and muttered, “You asked me to fuck you hard.”

Zercy grinned. “And you did.”

“With my hand,” Alec grated.

The king’s eyes glittered. His smirk subtly warmed. “You want to fuck me hard with your cock.”

“Yes!” Alec all but threw his hands in the air.

“Then we will make it so you can.”

Alec stilled. “Wait, what?”

Zercy chuffed. “If it is so very important to you, we shall make it so you can. Hand me my belt.”

Confused, Alec gave him what he asked for. “I don’t follow.”

The king’s grin quirked as he located a pouch sewn discreetly into the strap’s inner lining. The very pouch in which he’d kept that vial of tachi. Sure enough, another small container emerged.

Zercy pulled out its stopper and dumped its contents into his hand. Or rather, its one singular item. Alec eyed what resembled an extra-long paper clip, but with more loops and made of something thin and green.

Zercy picked it up and unwound it into a nice, long straight line. Must be malleable because it held its new shape. Alec studied it. Now it looked like an eight-inch stretch of soldering wire.

Zercy held it up and smiled. “Do you remember the tachi?

Alec shifted warily. “Of course.” No way that was going in his dick.

“This is ruka. It does the opposite.”

“The opposite?”

“Tah.” Zercy handed the thin vine to Alec. “Rather than make lax what it touches, it constricts. Sirus uses it often for medical purposes.”

Alec frowned, still not sure he completely understood. “Uh huh. And you’re giving this to me, why?”

“I want you to insert it into my body.”

Alec’s jaw went slack, finally grasping. “Into…”

“My ass.”

His junk went nuts all over again. “Holy shit,” he murmured. “Are you serious?”

“I am.” Zercy smiled. “My Sirus is brilliant. Within moments, I should absorb the vine completely.”

Which meant, Alec deduced, that once infused into his walls, it’d shrink the king’s channel to super-snug.

“Damn.” Alec rubbed his mouth and glanced down Zercy’s body. “Remind me to give that creepy scientist a kiss.”

Zercy stilled, his smile fading. “I do not like that idea.”

Alec coughed out a laugh. “Figure of speech.”

The king eased.

Alec’s grin ebbed. “You think it’ll work?”

“Tah,” Zercy rumbled. “I truly do… But Sirus gave us another option if it fails.”

“He… did?” Alec eyed him. “And what option’s that?”

Zercy’s grin reemerged as he picked his belt back up. From another pouch he pulled another vial. That one was fatter though, with a wider top. Zercy opened it, shoved his index in and slid something out. Alec gaped as it unfolded to its natural shape. No way. It looked like a black, rolled-up condom.

“Sirus fashioned this to fit human erections.”

“What… What is it?” Never safe to assume.

“A sheath for your cock, made of enyid skin.” Alec remembered that stuff well. Lotis had used it the night of the tournament. A skintight wrap to cover his art pieces’ dicks. “This skin, however, is much thinner than usual… and lined with a special night flower oil.”

Alec regarded it. “What does special night flower oil do?”

“It makes things swell. Engorges tissue with blood. Sirus uses this substance for medical practices, too.”

Alec grinned, unable to help it. What an insanely awesome concept. That is, as long as it didn’t have side effects.

His brain churned curiously. “When the tissue expands… does it hurt?”

“Mah. No pain. But one’s skin does grow taut. And naturally, sensitive too, from all the swelling.” Zercy folded it and brought it to its vial to put it away, but Alec gripped his wrist and stopped him.

“Let’s use both.”

Zercy lifted a brow. “Both?” His big ears twitched.

Alec fought back a smile. “Yeah, why not?” After all, twice the options meant twice the effects. And he wanted to rock Zercy’s world.

The king’s dark lips curved, revealing fat little fangs. “Alright. We use both.” He drew his knees up to his chest. “Insert the ruka, and then I shall sheath your cock.”

Heart kicking, Alec nodded. Cowabunga. He reached for Zercy’s ass. Pulling one cheek to the side, he slid in the vine, intentionally leaving the very tip exposed. Not so he could extract it—in minutes, it’d be dissolved—but to ensure Zercy’s star was cinched-tight, too.

Zercy growled, then sat up with knees still bent and gripped Alec’s dick.

Alec sucked in a breath, current surging through his junk.

Zercy chuffed and rolled the condom down his boner. A subtle, but noticeable, tingle instantly engulfed it. In seconds, the tingle morphed into a burn. Fortunately, not a painful one, but it definitely got his attention—and raised his heart rate up a couple notches.

Shifting on his heels, he warily gripped his dick.

Zercy grinned, leaned in, and kissed Alec’s mouth. “Kerra... Móonday... Reesha et,” he murmured against his lips. Relax… Do not fear... It will not harm you.

Alec exhaled and nodded, then clutched Zercy’s dreads and crushed their mouths closer to distract himself.

The king growled heatedly. A moment later though, he pulled back. Alec opened his eyes. Zercy grinned and met his gaze, then eased back onto the chaise and clutched his huge cock. Alec peered down at the thing, watching Zercy slowly, seductively stroking it.

“Distract yourself with this, Alick, while your body adjusts. I want to feel your tongue. Your tender lips.”

Oh, fuuuck…

Alec licked said lips, eyes locked on Zercy’s shaft. All thick and long and rigid with those veins. And God, that broad crown, so round and perfectly sculpted. Zercy’s cock may be too big to wedge down Alec’s throat, but that mouthwatering head should definitely fit.

Absently clutching his own ramped-up dick, Alec chewed his lip and grinned. “Another first.”

Zercy rumbled, gaze hooding. In invitation, he spread his knees.

Alec’s pulse raced. Tentatively, he curled his fingers around Zercy’s shaft, then leaned down and licked its warm crown. Shit, so smooth and firm. He licked again.

Zercy growled low in his throat. Alec peered up through his lashes. Wow, those auric eyes were fucking blazing.

“Draw me into your warmth,” Zercy purred.

Alec did. And sure enough, it filled his whole freaking mouth. Zercy’s cockhead, that is, and nothing more. Alec laughed before he could stop himself and pulled back. “Jesus, Kríe. Honest to God, you’re ridiculously huge.”

The king beamed. “Tah.”

Alec shook his head and resumed, attempting to actually suck. Wasn’t easy, but he managed. A nice steady rhythm. Not too slow, not too fast, just the right pace to tantalize, while stroking that notch on its underside with his tongue.

Another growl emerged from Zercy’s chest. Claw-tipped fingers sank into Alec’s hair.

“Tah, bellah kai,” the king praised through clenched teeth. “Such a sweet little mouth worshipping my cock.”

Alec’s whole body thrummed. He could feel his dick swelling, its skin stretching impossibly taut. Raw sensation engorged his junk, from his balls to his crown. Without thinking, he gave it a stroke—and sucked in sharply. Oh, God. So sensitive. Just one rub had damn near ignited him. He groaned around Zercy’s glans and pulled back.

“Gotta take this thing off,” he rasped. “It’s making my dick mental. Barely touching it almost made me come.”

Zercy chuffed. “Very well. It is probably ready now anyway.”

Straightening, Alec looked down at his dick—and froze. Whoa. It was bigger. Like a lot fucking bigger. Not Kríe size by any means, but holy shit. Damn near two inches longer, and definitely thicker.

Grinning in disbelief, he peeled the enyid off, the simple action sending his whole package reeling. Shit, how in the hell was he going to last while fucking when the simplest freaking graze nearly undid him?

“Beautiful,” Zercy rumbled. “Rise to your knees. I want to taste.”

Alec’s heart pounded anxiously. Zercy’s mouth on his dick? When it was feeling like this? What if he climaxed? But before he could voice a single word of concern, Zercy tugged him up and gripped his turgid shaft.

Alec gasped.

Zercy peered into his eyes, then parted his lips and slid his tapered tongue out to play. From the base of Alec’s dick, up its underbelly, to his glans. A glans that, incidentally, had started leaking.

Alec shuddered, breathing a curse. “Aw, God. Too fucking sensitive.”

Zercy laved his seeping hole and growled, “Del’ahtchay.”

Current tore down Alec’s length. He inhaled sharply, body tensing as he clutched Zercy’s dreads. Too roughly though, it seemed, because the king abruptly snarled and took him fully into his mouth. Right to Alec’s base, Zercy’s lips wrapped around him tight.

Alec fought not to buck as pleasure bombarded his crotch. He clenched his fists, inciting the king to suck. Hot suction engulfed his dick. Pleasure mushroomed hard and fast.

“Sh-Shit—” Alec hitched, fingers squeezing even tighter, quickly creating a wicked snowball effect. The fiercer he gripped Zercy’s dreads, the faster the king worked his cock.

Pressure spiked to critical. His nuts balled like rocks.

“Fuck—” he gasped. “Gonna come!” Abs starting to dance, he tried to push Zercy off. But instead of relenting, Zercy wrapped him in his arms, holding him nice and steady as he sucked.

Alec’s orgasm was nearly on him. He could feel it barreling down.

“Zercy—Damn it—” He grappled to get free. “No—Ungh fuck—Don’t make me come!”

Zercy chuffed around his mouthful and yielded at the last second, sliding his wet lips off Alec’s cock.

Alec dropped onto his heels, body twitching, face flushed. “Fucker,” he panted, grinning. “You can’t be trusted.”

Zercy reclined back on the cushions. “Tah.” He smirked. “I cannot.”

Alec stifled a laugh and shook his head. “You’re such a brat.”

The king’s next chuckle sent a shiver up his spine.

Alec moaned and squeezed his dick. “Fine. So be it.”

Once again, he glanced around searching for a solution. Something, anything, to guarantee his security. He scanned the small tables. Drink and food were no use, nor was the telescope or standing torches. But then his gaze paused on their lounge’s corner pillars, the ones that resembled a four-poster bed.


He peered down at his unwound, discarded loinstrap, then shifted his focus to Zercy’s wrist. His lips curved slowly. He met the king’s eyes. “Looks like I’m gonna have to tie you up.”

Zercy’s surprise was almost comical. The way he stilled, brows rising high. “You wish to restrain me?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.” Alec moved to the corner post. “Give me your hand.”

Zercy regarded him for a moment, but eventually smirked. “Wicked king,” he rumbled, extending his arm.

Alec’s over-sized dick bumped excitedly against his thigh. He bound Zercy’s wrist, then grabbed the king’s loinstrap and made quick work of binding his other wrist, too.

Once he was finished, Alec returned to his spot, settling back on his heels between Zercy’s knees. Gazing at the king’s gloriously-naked, restrained body, Alec met Zercy’s gaze and smiled. “Hot.”

The king’s eyes hooded. “Hot?” he murmured. His big ears twitched.

“Yeah.” Alec leaned forward and braced his hands by Zercy’s hips. “Means you’re making me fucking crazy to get back in you.” He dipped his head and dragged his tongue up Zercy’s cock.

Zercy growled, abs clenching. “Then do not wait.”

“You think you’re ready?”

Zercy nodded once. “My ass feels very tight.”

Alec choked on a laugh. “Maybe I should check.”

Drawing some spit, he lubed two fingers, then gently pressed their tips to Zercy’s star. Zercy rumbled and bore down, but the second Alec entered him, a small grunt pushed up and past his lips.

Zercy’s eyes flared in surprise. “Ságe and Krye,” he muttered softly.

Alec sank his fingers deeper. That stuff had definitely worked. Zercy’s ass felt more than twice as narrow now. Slowly, he pumped his digits, relishing the snugness, then pulled out and added a third. Another grunt graced him, making his eager dick sing.

Zercy rocked his hips. “Your fingers feel as big as a Kríe’s.”

Alec chuckled. “Funny you say that, ‘cause so does my dick.”

Zercy cuffed. “Moyo ochay. As if that were possible.”

“Hey.” Alec coughed out a laugh. “You know what? Bite me.”

“Come closer, little king, and I shall.”

Alec narrowed his eyes, lips twitching, and reached for Zercy’s shaft. Tightly, he gripped its base and pulled up. Zercy growled as a glistening bead of precum emerged. Alec swiped it up, slicked his own dick, then Zercy’s star.

The king’s lashes lowered.

Alec met his heated gaze. Palming the crooks of Zercy’s knees, he pushed them forward. When they touched Zercy’s chest, Alec grabbed his jacked-up boner and pressed its swollen head to Zercy’s hole. God, how he wanted to just slam that fucker home. But the king wasn’t pliant like he’d been just moments before, and Alec absolutely didn’t want to hurt him.

“You ready?” he rasped. “’Cause, fuck, I need back in bad.”

Zercy rumbled, lips parting, and nodded once.

Alec’s pounding pulse spiked. He pushed his hips forward—slowly, steadily—until his cockhead breached the king’s constricted ring.

Zercy hissed and bared his fangs.

Alec’s eyes all but crossed. “Oh, Jesus. You’re so tight now. Oh, my God…”

Zercy canted his ass. “Do not stop, Alick. Keep going.”

Alec did, but fuck, those super-snug confines—they were going to set his dick off like a time bomb. If he came now, he’d hate himself forever.

Zercy growled. Alec panted.

When he’d buried himself to the hilt, his dick was all but roaring for release. Goddamnit. No way could he fuck like this. He’d last for maybe eight point six five seconds. Groaning in cruel bliss, he gave some shallow thrusts, then paused with a shudder. “I need a sec.”

Zercy grinned. “Your cock likes my tight ass too much.”

Alec chuckled and nodded. “Waaay too much.”

The king’s smile faltered, as if something just occurred. “Spill too soon,” he muttered darkly, “and I will whip you.”

“Wow.” Alec laughed. “Your pillow talk is seriously lacking.”

“My what?”

“Nevermind.” Alec had something more important to focus on—like how he was going to keep himself from coming. His eyes dropped to Zercy’s package, or more specifically, to his balls. The ones Alec had bound just moments earlier. Looks like their nuts’ fates were one and the same. Removing his second wrist cuff, he shifted awkwardly, and cinched his sac.

Zercy rumbled in amusement.

Alec smirked in response. “Quiet, pet,” he murmured, then dipped down and snagged Zercy’s nipple with his teeth. He gave it a playful tug.

Zercy snarled, muscles tensing. “Tah, Alick. Reeka moonsah.” Give me more of that. He rocked his hips.

Alec groaned. That simple movement just slayed his dick. Nuts firming, he squeezed his eyes closed and bit down harder.

Zercy barked a heated oath. Balled his tightly-bound fists.

Alec tugged again, but this time with more oomph.

Zercy arched on a shout.

Alec’s dick howled from the jarring. “Shit, yeah—” he gasped, eagerly moving to nip the other.

Tug—twist—tug— as he pinned Zercy’s knees.

Zercy growled for each one, shifting restlessly.

So hot.

Alec couldn’t resist and dealt a salvo of short fast thrusts.

Zercy writhed beneath him, huge chest heaving, nipples swollen. Which only spurred Alec on to keep it going. More wicked yanks, more vigorous hip action, effectively getting his ‘pet’ all riled up.

Clipped, strangled roars rent the night like a drug. Like heroin bullets straight to Alec’s brain. Amping his lust levels. Making him mindless. Crazy to delve even harder, faster, deeper.

Soon though, his junk howled so fiercely for mercy, he had no choice but to slow his restless thrusts. Panting, he migrated his teeth and lips northward, leaving a trail of sharp nips up Zercy’s pec.

Zercy bared his fangs, lungs sawing. “Move too close and you are mine.”

Alec grinned and bit Zercy’s shoulder. At the same time, he surged his hips. Their bodies smacked together. Zercy’s nuts hit Alec’s abs. Alec loved that fucking feeling, instantly addicted.

His balls firmed fast again, ever on the verge. Grabbing Zercy’s cock, he pumped his huge shaft and bit down harder.

Zercy loosed another roar. Yeah, he loved that rowdy shit. And damn if his reactions didn’t drive Alec flippin’ wild. He’d never been so turned on. He could fuck like this forever. But only with Zercy. No one else.

Faster, he pumped Zercy’s massive, straining cock, drunk on his scent, his heated growls. More, Alec needed more. Stretching, he reached for Zercy’s lobe, inadvertently snagging its piercings with his teeth. Zercy snarled, jerking his head, and made a go for Alec’s neck. He missed, but not by much, his fat fangs glistening, as he feverishly tugged on his bonds.

God, he was magnificent.

Alec’s whole body vibrated, the sight heating his blood to fucking lava. Panting, he grinned and bit down harder on Zercy’s ear. “You’re so helpless. I love it.”

Zercy’s giant frame quaked. “You like me—” he rasped, “at your whim.”

Shit. His timbre, all breathless and ragged, the sound was intoxicating as hell. Alec tightened his grip on Zercy’s cock as he pumped, then tugged hard on Zercy’s ear. “Do I ever.”

The mighty king bucked on a stifled roar.

Alec groaned and fell back to fucking, unable to resist. With one hand propped and the other jacking, he rose up and thrust his hips like a piston. A crazy-train piston. Barreling off the fucking tracks. As his hungry gaze stayed rapt on the king.

He could watch him for hours, all lost in the pleasure. Back arched, fists clenched, eyes blazing, cheeks flushed. Lips parted, chest heaving as he snarled.

Alec’s mind started to tailspin. Inebriated. Overwhelmed. His nuts just as rock hard as his dick. And still, he needed more, as his package fought to ignite, like a junkie losing his ever-loving mind. 

Pulling back, he slammed home extra hard with a shout, then let go of Zercy’s cock and grabbed his horns. It happened before he realized it, but as soon as his fingers made contact, the king’s gigantic body went ramrod stiff.

Alick,” he gritted roughly, eyes urgent. “You play with fire—You must let go—When I am like this—I could hurt you—”

Thing was, at the moment Alec’s logic was nonexistent, and his dick in full control of the reigns. Meaning no letting go and absolutely no backing down. Besides, the king was fucking tied. How much could he do?

With all the strength he could muster not to come right then and there, Alec tugged Zercy’s head forward and fused their lips. Zercy’s growls filled his mouth as he returned Alec’s kiss, their fiery exchange raw, aggressive.

Alec launched back into thrusting. Zercy flat-out fucking snarled. No surprise. Alec was using his horns for leverage. Restlessly squeezing and gripping them as he fucked. Couldn’t help it, though. He was struggling not to blow.

Soon, their kiss morphed into what felt more like a battle. Swollen lips, lashing tongues, feverish teeth.

“Need to bite you—” Zercy ground out, abruptly diving for Alec’s neck. “Need to mark you— Sink my fangs into your flesh—” His voice had turned guttural. He pulled at his binds. But just as Alec suspected, he couldn’t get free.

Nevertheless, Alec pulled back out of reach just in case, putting a nice safe distance between them as he thrust. The king wasn’t having it though, and lurched for his throat. Alec tightened his grip, barely holding him back by his horns.

“Release me!” Zercy bellowed. His massive frame quaked.

Fuck. That carnal shout. Like a stroke to Alec’s crotch. Like a heady fucking lick right up his cock. Straight-up high on the rush, Alec moaned and pumped his horns.

Zercy roared and lunged again.

Again, Alec barely dodged. “Fuck,” he laughed breathlessly. “You’re hot when you get wild.”

Zercy shuddered, chest heaving. “Come closer,” he snarled.

Alec laughed again, heart pounding. “No way. You’re gonna bite me.” His nerve endings sang at the thought.

“You will like it.”

Alec’s dick bucked, buried deep in Zercy’s ass. Because truth be told, no, he’d probably love it. But that’d mean conceding. Giving in. Relenting. Which he wasn’t going to do. He wasn’t wired that way. “Maybe,” he panted, “but I’m not done making you crazy.”

Zercy grinned and bared his fangs. Gave his bindings another yank. “You think you are in control?”

Alec stifled a moan and thrust. “I’m not the one tied—so yeah, I do—” He stroked Zercy’s horns with his thumbs, then gave a squeeze.

Zercy quaked again. “You are not—” Breath heaved from his lungs. “Now come closer, or I will make you.”

Alec grinned and kept fucking. His nuts were going to pop.  “Make me?” he rasped. “Uh-huh, whatever you say—whoa!

Zercy snapped his legs around him in the blink of an eye, and yanked him fast and furious against his body.

Alec grunted, crashing into him, but before he could scramble free, the king’s sharp fangs pierced the crook of his shoulder.

“Shit!” Alec belted, every muscle going taut.

Oh, God. He could feel Zercy’s knees against his shoulder blades, his heels against Alec’s glutes, pinning him down.

Zercy snarled and started sucking. Current shot through Alec’s torso, instantly lighting him up like fucking fireworks. His hips shot into crazy mode, his dick pistoning in a frenzy. White hot pleasure flared fast, then exploded through his groin.

Holy shit. He needed to come. If he didn’t, something would rupture. Pitching and thrusting out of control in Zercy’s hold, Alec restlessly braced a hand, then shoved his other between their bodies and blindly fumbled to unbind his fucking nuts. The second he did, blood punched through his crotch in a hurry, ripping an urgent shout from his lungs.

Lungs sawing, he scrambled to free Zercy’s, too.

Another snarl met his ear, as if the king was wholly grateful. But Zercy’s sucking never slowed, not one bit. His mouth was swiftly stealing Alec’s sanity.

Alec’s hips thrust wildly, his climax barreling closer, every inch of him shuddering like an earthquake. Pleasure surged, hot and fast, then that telltale pressure spiked.

Bracing, Alec restlessly clutched Zercy’s shoulders, then arched with a ragged shout. “ZERCY!!FFFUUUCK!!

His nut sac unloaded with a fiery vengeance, punching hot cum deep inside the king. A heartbeat later, as if triggered by Alec’s deluge, Zercy roared against Alec’s neck and slammed home, too. Bucking and shuddering and squeezing Alec’s body, his huge frame like a massive quaking cage.

Alec struggled to breathe as thick heat pelted his torso, but his climax just kept coming, wouldn’t stop. Like Zercy’s fangs, those powerful draws, were somehow fueling it on. His release, and curiously, Zercy’s too. Because just as Alec could feel his asshole feverishly clenching, he could feel Zercy’s ring doing the same. Gripping Alec’s dick like a merciless fist, determined to wring free every fucking drop.

Alec shuddered, gasping and twitching.

Zercy groaned and went limp, his rigid body deflating under Alec’s weight.

He slid his fangs free, then languidly lapped at the wounds. “I told you,” his breathless pants kissed Alec’s skin, “But you did not believe me. When will you learn?”

Alec chuckled, feeling drunk. “You totally cheated.”

“Hardly. I even warned you in advance.”

Alec’s grin spread wider. Sliding his arms around Zercy’s ribs, he hugged him close and nuzzled his big strong neck.

Zercy’s rumble sounded happy. And really fucking sated. “Untie me, Alick. I wish to hold you just as closely.”

Alec’s heart thumped at his words. He wanted a post-fuck cuddle. And if he was honest, Alec wanted that shit, too. Fucking hell. He was falling way too fast for this guy. A male he was eventually going to have to leave.

Pushing the thought from his brain, Alec reached for Zercy’s wrist, his dick still fully buried as he stretched. One hand freed. He quickly untied the other. Then just like that, Zercy’s strong arms were holding him.

Alec melted atop his chest, cheek pressed to his shoulder, eyelids closed. “Just for the record?” he mumbled. “Sirus rocks.”

Zercy chuffed. “Tah. I told you, he is brilliant.”

“Fuck yeah, he is. He needs a statue or some shit. My dick has never been so frickin’ happy.”

Zercy’s next laugh was hardier. “Nor has my ass. I shall bring him a gift.”

“Bring him twenty.”

The king’s big chest shook. “I am glad you enjoyed this. I enjoyed it, too. This has been the best of days.”

Alec smiled at his tone. It was honest. Sincere. And Alec had played a prominent role. Hell, it hadn’t been too shabby a day for Alec, either. He’d gotten to fuck the mighty king of the Kríe while scoring another mind-blowing bite.

Alec froze as something occurred to him. He lifted his head. “Zercy. Fuck.” He met the king’s eyes. “You bit me while we were fucking… The bond.”

Zercy shook his head. “Mah. It was only one-sided.”

“One-sided? How? You bit me. I came in you.”

“Tah, but there needs to be an exchange of essence, where both members receive a part of the other. That was not the case with us. I received both blood and seed.” He frowned a little. “You only gave tonight. You did not take.”

“Oh.” Alec exhaled. “Yeah, okay. That makes sense.” Not that the idea of being bonded was so terrible. He’d just never want it to happen with them unwittingly. From the impression he’d gotten, it wasn’t something Zercy wanted. Clearly a stance that Alec should take as well.

Rising up onto his arms, he gazed down at the king, but then frowned and warily glanced at their bodies. “Holy shit, Kríe. We’re covered. Looks like you haven’t come in years. Have you been dipping into that kirah nectar, too?”

Zercy chuckled, beaming proudly. “A Kríe’s yield is always abundant.” His lids hooded. “It is also always delicious.”

Alec met his gaze, then peered at Zercy’s cum-spattered chest. Was Zercy challenging him to taste? Alec absently licked his lips, then heard himself murmur, “Kinda feels like something I should decide for myself.”

Fuck it. He’d gone this far. What was one little lick? Besides, with as often as Kríe claimed to love ‘sacred seed,’ he was starting to get kind of curious.

Bending his elbows, he lowered himself back down to tentatively taste one of Zercy’s glistening nipples. But right as his tongue came just millimeters from its target, Zercy growled and quickly palmed his head to stop him.

“Mah, Alick. As much as I yearn for you to do this, you cannot take my seed into your body.” Alec frowned and looked at him. Zercy frowned just as deeply. “The bond,” he reiterated. “It does not matter how essence is transferred—orally, through sex. Just so long as there is an exchange.”

Well, shit. That sucked.

Alec nodded. “Shit. That’s right. God, I’m such an idiot. You just explained that shit two fucking seconds ago.”

Another rumble emitted. Zercy’s golden eyes flashed. “I, however, can indulge as much as I like.”

Alec stilled. Zercy grinned. Then the next thing he knew, they’d disengaged and Alec was flat on his back. Flat on his back with Zercy’s head between his thighs. Evidently, the king was starting with Alec’s dick. And man, was he methodical, licking clean every crevice, before moving on to see to the rest of him.

He paused though, when he finally worked his way to Alec’s throat, and slowly, tenderly laved his wounds again. “I was not lying before,” he murmured. “I could have hurt you. Injured you gravely. You had me mindless, Alick, and that is very dangerous.”

Alec sighed, straight-up blissing from the feel of Zercy’s tongue. From the soothing velvety timbre of his voice. “I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me,” he mumbled, his body a puddle.

“You are missing my point.” A restless growl resounded. “You are so fragile compared to Kríe. I could have killed you.”

Alec frowned and opened his eyes. Met the king’s troubled stare. “Okay,” he whispered. “I won’t do that again.”

Zercy exhaled and forced a smile, “Gratitude,” then nuzzled the shit out of Alec’s cheek and got back to finishing his task.

When Alec was thoroughly cleaned, and Zercy wiped off, they wound up lying together again on the chaise. Staring at the stars, bodies sated, minds calm, their steady, thumping heartbeats nearly synced.

“This is strange,” Zercy finally murmured.

Alec looked at him. “What’s strange?”

“To just lie here and gaze at the sky.”

Alec frowned. “You never stargaze?”

“Mah. Never.”

“But why? You’ve got this amazing private rooftop all to yourself.”

Zercy kept his eyes cast upward. Quietly, he exhaled. “Because lying alone like this would allow me time to think. But for so long, there has been nothing pleasant to think about. The death of my fathers. The betrothal to a stranger. Then the poisoning of Nira. The death of our youth…” He shook his head. “Mah. To have an idle mind is to think. So I stay ever busy until I drop from pure exhaustion. It is the only way to keep what is left of my sanity.”

Alec’s chest squeezed. “But how is tonight any different?”

Zercy turned his head and smiled a little. “Because you are here, distracting me, allowing me to enjoy a bit of peace. Tonight, when I gaze at the stars in the sky, I think not of my troubles, but of you.”

Alec’s insides warmed like sunshine. Didn’t matter that it was night.

Zercy eased onto his side and cupped the back of Alec’s head, then pressed his lips to Alec’s and murmured softly, “You have always been this to me. My shelter inside the storm. That quiet melodic music that soothes my beast.”

Alec exhaled and shook his head. “I don’t understand why, but… for whatever the reason, I’m glad.” He rested his hand on Zercy’s hip and inched closer. Gave the king a second kiss and nudged their noses. “’Cause though you haven’t exactly calmed any inner beast of mine, you’ve somehow managed to fill some pretty big holes.”

Zercy met his gaze, eyes thoughtful, but didn’t say a word. Just smiled a little and rejoined their mouths. A slow, wordless exchange between two star-crossed souls who couldn’t be more different, but fit perfectly.

Unhurried moments later, they returned their focus to the sky. Alec stared up at the night, the lingering quiet between them serene. Without all the light pollution so common on Earth, the stars above were nothing short of breathtaking. Like a black-velvet tapestry pulled taught across the sky, dotted with a million glittering diamonds.

It was beautiful. Surreal even.

Alec pretended he was among them. Finally back in the heavens, where he belonged. Thing was, in that moment, it didn’t feel the way it used to. A black-abyss embrace amidst the cosmos. Yeah, he still felt that quiet comfort deep inside, but now it seemed to come from somewhere else. Not high above, but rather firmly on the ground.

Alec’s chest tightened. He turned his head and gazed at the king. Studied every nuance of his face. His heart sank in realization. When he finally left this planet, he wouldn’t be going home. He’d be leaving it.