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Zercy (The Nira Chronicles Book 2) by Kora Knight (28)


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“I will see you at sundown.”

Alec crossed his arms as they stood in the dining hall entryway. “Will you?” He eyed Zercy dubiously.

The king inclined his head.

“No more dodging me?”

“No more dodging.”

Alec gave a little nod.

Zercy forced a small smile. “Until then.” Turning, he made his way down the corridor with his aide, heading for a meeting he’d mentioned earlier.

Evidently, several scientists from neighboring regions had arrived, bringing with them every remedy in their arsenal. According to Zercy, these visits were common, allies traveling from far and wide to offer help. Unfortunately, every effort so far had fallen short. But Zercy hadn’t given up. Not yet.

Alec frowned from the doorway, watching him go. They hadn’t had much time to talk that morning. They’d slept late unintentionally. But he’d really wanted to discuss things with the king. Like letting his science trio help find a cure. The guys might have their goofy moments, but they were still fucking brilliant. They had to at least try to help save Nira.

Sighing, he turned and ambled into the room where his team sat warily poking at their breakfast.

“S’up, Cap,” Jamis greeted.

Chet lifted his cup. “Boss.”

Alec nodded and grabbed a stool next to Zaden.

His co-pilot looked at him. “What happened to you last night? Thought we were gonna see you at dinner.”

“Yeah,” Bailey chimed in around a mouthful of bread. “You normally hang out with us. What happened?”

Alec shrugged and grabbed a pitcher from the center of their table. “I ran into Zercy. We ended up… um… talking.”

“All night long?” Noah set down the tidbit he’d been sniffing and regarded Alec. “About what?”

Alec poured himself a cupful of what looked a lot like grape juice. In truth, after everything that went down in the courtyard, he and Zercy had retired to their room for the evening. Even had dinner delivered and everything. They’d just been too exhausted, both emotionally and physically, and hadn’t wanted to engage with anyone but each other.

“State of affairs. Problems he’s facing. Shit like that.” It didn’t feel like his place to give specifics.

His teammates stared at him.

“You his confidant now?” Chet asked.

Good question. Alec would like to think he was, but one night of sharing—and crazy-hot fucking—didn’t necessarily guarantee that.

Shrugging again, he grabbed a biscuit thingy and cleared his throat. “I dunno. I think he just really needed to vent.”

“About what?” Jamis asked.

Alec’s stomach turned. “Awful shit… If I told you, you’d lose your appetite.” He dropped the baked ball on his plate and rubbed his brow. If Zercy was cool with it, he’d give a full briefing later. Until then though, he needed to change the subject. He looked at Chet and Zaden. “How’d it go last night, in the mines?”

The two men traded looks.

Chet grinned. “We found some.”

Alec eyed them both. “Really?”

Zaden nodded proudly. “Yeah. At least a dozen inconspicuous tunnels.”

The trio’s eyes widened.

“Are you serious?” Bailey asked.

“Just like medieval castles on Earth.” Noah’s brown eyes gleamed behind a swath of blond bangs. “Everyone knows about the secret passages inside their walls, but they also had hidden tunnels underground. Some were pretty extensive too, leading to undisclosed locations, in case they got invaded and had to flee.”

“Yup.” Chet glanced over his shoulder at the guards, all yapping away by the wall. “We snuck down there, watched those slaves doing their thing for a while, then slipped into a vacant sector and poked around. I’m tellin’ ya, those passageways were so obscured, we nearly missed a couple just inches from our face.” He dunked a piece of bread into a dish of oily stuff. “I’m betting most of the guards don’t even know those puppies are there.”

Alec frowned and clutched his goblet. “So, where’d they lead, these tunnels?”

“Some into town,” Zaden relayed. “Some to the forest, this side of the mountain.”

Chet took a bite and slowly grinned. “But a couple definitely led to the jungle.”

Alec’s insides went tight. There it was. Their path to freedom. All they needed now was to get prepared, and then wait for their window of opportunity.

He cleared his throat. “Good job, guys. That’s excellent news.”

Chet nodded. “I’ve already started stockpiling provisions. I’ve been making some weapons, too.”

“Seriously?” Bailey’s expression looked both wary and surprised. “What the hell kind of weapons did you make?”

“Mostly blades, but also a sweet pair of brass knuckles.”

Noah gawked. “Out of what?

“You know all those times we’ve gone into town?”

Noah nodded.

Chet smirked. “While you’ve all been picking out notebooks and shit, I’ve been stocking up metal bicep cuffs.”

Zaden lifted a brow and eyed Chet’s arms.

Chet chuckled. “Yeah, haven’t seen me wearing them, have you?”

“Damn.” Jamis tucked a chocolate lock behind his ear. “Not once, come to think of it. You sneaky fox.”

Alec frowned all over again. The whole concept made him tense, for all kinds of unsettling reasons. Putting the trio into a predicament where they’d have to scrap with knives was not a prospect he felt comfortable with at all.

Because while fighting predators in the wild was one thing, and most likely unavoidable, there was also a chance they’d have to face off with some Kríe. Possibly even their bodyguards. The males they’d been saddled to every day now for months, some of whom they actually kind of liked. Kríe like Setch and Kellim had never been cruel to Alec’s team, just overbearing in their annoying-yet-harmless way.

They’d protected them, taught them, both intellectually and physically. Had given them advice, answered questions, made them laugh. That his team might inflict fatal injuries on these males? It didn’t sit well with Alec. Not at all.

Inwardly cursing, he dragged a hand down his face. “Great. How ‘bout we focus on food and necessities. Then an escape plan that doesn’t involve bloodshed.”


* * *


Ryze stepped to the table in his underground quarters and set his writing slate in front of Jamis. “Read what I have written, then tell me what it means.”

Alec watched Jamis peer down at the block of Kríe text, his dark blue eyes locked intently on each character. Reading Kríe wasn’t easy. In fact, it was hard as hell. Because unlike with verbal discourse, his brain—now altered by Niran food—couldn’t bridge language barriers via text. There were no sound waves for his brain to decipher, no spoken transmission for it to decrypt. It didn’t help that their writing system was fundamentally different, either. The closest thing Alec could compare it to was hieroglyphics.

“Em…” Jamis murmured, absently chewing on his lip. “T`tegmai bibbéhn… kü tin`turro bibbéhn`tine.”

“Bellah,” Ryze rumbled. “And what does it mean?”

Jamis stared at the symbols, his brain palpably churning. “The tegmai is fast, but his teacher is faster?”

Ryze’s lips curved wide. “Tah. Bellah kai. And very true as well, do you not think?”

Jamis blinked and looked up. Alec shook his head, amused. Ryze was referencing their wrestling match back in Zercy’s throne room. Was teasing Jamis for losing to him in the pits.

Jamis smirked and leaned back, clearly connecting the dots, too. “I dunno…” He crossed his arms. “Theories typically need to be tested more than once. To know for sure, the tegmai and his teacher should compete again.”

Bailey barked out a laugh.

Alec raised a brow, surprised. Did Jamis seriously just challenge Ryze to more wrestling?

Ryze’s auric eyes flashed. “Perhaps you are right. Jumping to rash assumptions is never wise.”

Jamis’ grin morphed into a smile. Something glinted in his gaze. 

Alec glanced between the two of them. What the fuck?

But before he could ask, a robust knock derailed his thoughts.

Ryze looked toward the door as the thing pushed open.

Setch stepped inside. “King Zercy desires to speak with his pet.”

Alec stilled, both irritated—must they still call him that?—and surprised. Zercy never interrupted their sessions.

His team shot him looks.

Ryze merely inclined his head.

Setch grunted and gestured for Alec to get going.

Alec stood from his stool, equally agitated and worried. Was something wrong? What could the king possibly want that couldn’t wait?

Setch stepped back as Alec exited, and there in the tunnel, stood Zercy, looking stoic as ever.

“Greetings, Alick.” He smiled a little. “Apologies for the—”

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

Zercy paused, then shook his head.

“Then why are you here? You never visit me during the day.”

Zercy frowned and stepped close. Cupping Alec’s cheeks, he touched their brows. “I had a moment to spare…”

Bullshit. He was upset. Alec could feel it down to his bones. He gripped the king’s wrists. “How’d the meeting go? Any luck?”

Zercy didn’t reply, just slowly nuzzled their faces. Which was an answer in itself, and not a good one.

“Fuck...” Alec breathed. “Let my guys try to help. Please. They’re scientists, like Sirus.”

Zercy shook his head against Alec’s. “There is not enough time.”

“But Zercy,” Alec pulled back and met his eyes. “They’re smart. Crazy smart. Let them try. What could it hurt?”

Zercy smiled at him sadly, still cupping his cheeks. “It would hurt, Alick. Unfortunately, it would.”


Zercy exhaled. “They would slow my Kríe down. Things are different here. Our world is alien. My team would have to explain everything. But they cannot afford that. Every moment is a race against time.”


Alick,” Zercy stopped him. “Think logically in this. All of my teams’ research, all that they have gleaned, every sentiment has been detailed in complex records. Information, as you know, that your men would need to reference. And yet, amid this whirlwind of vast foreign concepts... your team is only now learning to read.”

Alec’s heart sank. Goddamnit. Zercy made his point well. At the moment, the trio was out of their league. “If only there was more time… I know they could help… Cancel our lessons with Ryze and let him read them the notes.”

Zercy forced another smile. Gave Alec’s face a second nuzzle. “My little pet’s heart… so very big…”

Alec frowned and closed his eyes, but before he could reply, the sound of thundering footsteps stole his focus. He glanced down the tunnel, in the direction of the stairwell. Zercy dropped his hands and looked that way, too.

The noise grew louder. Zercy’s guards moved in front of him, taking up a protective stance. Two seconds later, Sirus tore around the bend, eyes ablaze as he headed straight for them.

“Sire!” He skidded to a stop. “You must come see!” A huge smile spanned his face. “Something has happened!”

Zercy frowned at him. “Tell me.”

Sirus shook his head. “You must see.” His whole body vibrated. “Come to the courtyard.”

Zercy stiffened, then quickly swapped looks with Alec.

Alec’s heart took off racing. “Let’s go.”

Nodding once, Zercy grasped his wrist and turned back to Sirus.

Sirus beamed and led the way. “Tacha!” Hurry!

They made it up the stairwell and into the courtyard in seconds flat, the guards standing post opening the way. Sirus rushed through the entry and bee-lined for the tree, stopping several yards from Nira’s trunk.

Alec glanced around as he and Zercy came to a stop beside him. The place looked different during the day, engulfed in sunlight. Beautiful even, despite the ominous sickness.

“Denza!” Look! Sirus pointed to the ground at his feet. To a thick root and a patch of grass beside it. “Do you see these areas? Unlike everything around them, they did not deteriorate through the night. But even more promising is their color! It is returning!” He looked at Zercy. “It is a sign! A sign of hope!”

Zercy stared at the spot, no doubt thinking the same thing as Alec. That the ground on which they stood was the same ground on which they’d fucked. And the patches Sirus gestured to? Where Alec came. Where his cum hit the ground as he feverishly climaxed, while at the same time, Zercy unloaded inside of him.

The memory had Alec tingling. Had his heart rate spiking higher. He looked at Zercy.

Zercy met his gaze, dumbfounded, his gold eyes full of wonder. Swallowing, he turned to Sirus. “The humans,” he rasped. “The humans… They are the key.”

Sirus stilled and glanced at Alec.

Zercy pointed to the evidence. “Alec spilled on that very spot. Last night when we fucked.”

Alec cringed. Must these Kríe always be so fucking blunt?

Sirus’ eyes shot wide. “Of course! He is not of this world!”

Both males looked at Alec, stares intense, brains visibly churning.

“Gather his team immediately.” Zercy’s voice sounded tight. “I want samples taken of everything. Their blood, their seed, their urine…”

“Of course, Sire.”

“And since we already know their seed is effective, give them kirah nectar, too.”

“Tah. Right away.” Sirus bowed and turned on his heel, but not before shooting Alec a smile.

Alec watched him hustle off, his own emotions a warring jumble. Above all, he was elated by the pivotal breakthrough, and that he, inadvertently, had played a part. But in doing the math, he quickly realized what this discovery would mean for his team. The demands they’d undoubtedly have forced upon them, whether they wanted to have a hand in this or not.

Restless, he turned back and looked at Zercy.

The king met his gaze, his handsome expression vulnerable. “I am afraid to hope.” His whisper wobbled. He grinned and gripped Alec’s shoulders. God, his hands were trembling. “Could you really be the answer that I have prayed for?”

Alec smiled, too. Zercy’s barely tamped joy was infectious. “I dunno. That’d be insane. But we should probably wait for more conclusive evidence.”

“Tah, but your seed… Its effects are undeniable.” Zercy’s grin spread wider. “You are a gift from the gods.” His shaking fingers gripped Alec’s hand and pressed it flat against his chest. “Can you feel my heart racing? Racing for joy?”

God, yes. It was hammering like he’d just sprinted a mile.

“Yeah,” Alec rasped. “I… I can feel it.

Zercy inhaled deeply, smiling, then tenderly fused their mouths. “I feel as though I can finally breathe… for the first time in ages. I have never been so happy in all my life.”

Alec’s insides straight-up liquefied. Didn’t care that the guards were watching. Zercy’s agony had been his, and now his joy was as well. Heart soaring, he smiled against Zercy’s lips and tugged him closer.

Zercy growled, slowly, possessively dominating the whole of Alec’s mouth, but soon pulled back and shook his head. “We must go.”

“Go?” Alec mumbled, half dazed from their kiss.

“Tah. To Sirus’ laboratory. You must give him samples, too.” Zercy rumbled soft and huskily. “And drink your kirah.”

Alec tensed at the mention. Not for himself, though. For his men. “Kirah. Right. Because it speeds up—”

“Seed production.”

Alec stepped back and warily rubbed at his neck. “But we’ll have already given a sample. Why even have us drink it at all?” Not that he didn’t know the answer already, but deep down he hoped he was wrong.

“For the next collection, naturally. Then more kirah after that. A very simple regimen to ensure large donations—of which we will unquestionably need many.”

Alec’s stomach twisted. Fuck. Exactly what he feared. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he cleared his throat. “Exactly how many is ‘many’?”

“As many as it takes. Every morning and night. Our mother is not small.” Zercy gestured to where Alec came. “Your little cock’s gifts, however, are.”

Alec didn’t bother defending the size of his dick. He was stressing too much over their brand new predicament. How would his team react to this? Would they be cool with it? Appalled? Especially if Alec condoned it? Or hell, encouraged it?

Groaning, he scrubbed his face. “Zercy… I don’t know about this.”

Zercy grunted. “What is there to know? That is the logical course of action.”

Alec dropped his hand and looked at him. “Listen, giving a couple ‘donations’ up front is fine. But requiring them indefinitely? A couple times a day? Fuck, Kríe. My guys… They aren’t cattle.”

Zercy stiffened incredulously. “Are you… opposing me in this?”

“No, of course not …” Alec shifted his weight. “But what you’re suggesting… Come on… You wanna milk them like cows.”

Zercy clenched his broad jaw. His expression turned dark. “I cannot believe you are unable to see the larger picture here.”

“I do,” Alec insisted. “I do, Zercy. I swear it. There’s just gotta be another way.”

Zercy’s eyes hooded coolly. His big ears slowly flicked. “Perhaps there is, but until it reveals itself, I will use you and your team as I see fit.”

Alec blinked. “But you can’t just—”

Silence,” Zercy barked. “I can. And I will. Do not forget your place, Alick.” He was teetering. Alec could hear it. “You are neither my counsel nor my consort. You are my pet.”

Fuck. Low blow. Alec fought to keep his cool. Zercy was just upset. Wasn’t getting it. “Look,” Alec rubbed his brow, “I’m all in, okay? I’ll give you whatever you need, but my guys, you need to ask them, not just force them.”

Zercy eyed him, then curtly shook his head. “If I ask, that gives them the option to say no.”

“But Zercy, you can’t just demand that kind of thing.”

The king lifted his chin defiantly. “You are their leader. You give them orders. They must obey you in all things, tah?”

“Well yeah, but—”

“So command them to do this, too.”

Alec bit back a curse. “I’m not that kind of leader.”

Zercy frowned. “I cannot believe you will not do this for me. That you are unable to see that this is bigger than you. So much bigger than your fragile sensitivities.”

Alec shook his head. “I do see it, Zercy. I do. I want to help you more than anything in the world.”

Zercy stared at him, sadness flickering in his big golden eyes. “I cannot choose your wishes over the survival of my race. They will always come before you, Alick. Always.” He gestured half-heartedly for one of his guards to approach. “If you can find a viable alternative, I will gladly consider it. In the meantime, you are my property to use as I wish. And I wish to use you to save us from extinction.”

Alec’s heart sank. Zercy’s words stung, even though he knew they weren’t true. Zercy didn’t think of him as property, Alec knew he didn’t. The king was hurt, and angry, and lashing out. And Alec didn’t blame him one bit. He’d said all the wrong things. Had come across as callous. But before he could open his mouth to apologize, Setch lumbered over and stopped at Zercy side.

Zercy averted his gaze, breaking their eye contact. “We are finished talking,” he muttered. “Take him to Sirus.”


* * *


Alec met up with the others a few minutes later in Sirus’ lab, his men still flushed and breathless from the climb.

Setch walked him through the door, a little winded himself. “You. Tell. Sirus,” he muttered, “about that gods-damned elevator.”

Alec slid him a look, then shook his head as he pulled up beside Zaden and his team. They barely noticed his arrival though; all eyes scrutinizing the huge room. Understandable. They’d never been to Sirus’ workshop before, and the place had a lot of weird shit.

He cleared his throat. “S’up, guys.”

“You tell us.” Chet frowned, still peering around. “What is this fucking place and why are we here?”

“They didn’t say what’s going on?”

Zaden shook his head. “Nope. They wouldn’t tell us shit.”

“Just that class was over early.” Bailey warily eyed the ceiling. Ah. He’d spotted Mina. “Made us leave our journals behind and everything.”

Jamis nodded, regarding the partitions off to their left. “Hustled us out of there like the place was on fire.”

“But it wasn’t.” Noah met Alec’s gaze and frowned. “You look uneasy. You know what’s going on, don’t you?”

Alec rubbed the back of his neck. Nodded a little and sighed. “Yeah… Um… This is Sirus’ workshop and—”

“Sirus?” Bailey cut in. “The king’s creepy scientist?”

“Yeah... Him.”

“Oh, God. Is this where he gave you that exam?”

Alec awkwardly shifted his weight. “Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “That was… here.”

Everyone suddenly looked apprehensive.

Noah frowned and looked around. “How come Sirus isn’t here now?”

“He probably is,” Alec murmured, peering around.

Jamis glanced at the guards. “We’re uh… not here for exams too though, right?”


“Then why are we here?” Chet ground out irritably.

Alec drew in a breath and slowly let it out. “Because this morning they—”

“Bellah!” Sirus emerged from a door at the back of the room. “You are all here, and I am ready. Let us begin.”

The team watched him warily as the Kríe hustled over, then all five pairs of eyes shot to Alec.

“Begin what exactly?” Chet demanded.

Alec exhaled and shook his head. “Nothing extensive. They just want—”

“Samples,” Sirus finished for him, beaming as he arrived. He whipped open five consecutive partitions, one after the other, revealing his aides inside, ready and waiting. “You, in here.” He motioned for Jamis to enter the first, then ushered the rest of Alec’s team into the others.

Chet cut Alec a look as Sirus guided him into the last one. “I assume from your silence that you’re okay with this?”

Alec nodded reluctantly. “Yeah... It’s cool.”

“Tah, tah. All is fine.” Sirus steered him farther inside.

Chet glared at the male. “Get your paws off me, Doc. What d’ya want? My fucking piss?”

“Tah. Your urine. And then some blood.”

“You’re not getting my blood.”

“Moyo ochay.” Funny human. “Then after that, you will give me your seed.”

“Whoa. Wait. What?”

“Your seed. From your little human cock.”

“I know what fucking seed is,” Chet grated through clenched teeth. Shoving his head back out the opening, he shot Alec a look. “I gotta give this freak my cum, Boss? Are you fucking kidding me?”

Alec groaned and dragged a hand down his face. “Just do it. I’ll explain everything after. I promise.”

Chet scowled, jaw ticking, and looked back at Sirus. “I don’t like you.”

Sirus chuffed, beaming wide. “I think you do.”

“No.” Chat stalked back in. “I seriously don’t.”

Alec sighed and looked at the ceiling.

Sirus emerged, still talking to Chet. “Then I will like you enough for the both of us.”

“Oh, Jesus,” Chet muttered, out of view. “Please don’t.”

Sirus flashed his fangs, “Too late,” and shut the curtain.

Alec looked at the Kríe.

Sirus grinned and came over, then stared at Alec thoughtfully. “Zercy’s pet…” he rumbled. “So impossibly special in your own little way…” His big auric eyes roamed the length of Alec’s body. “Will you be able to save Her?” he mused to himself. His gaze rose back to up. “To save us?”

Alec didn’t bother answering. Sirus wasn’t really asking. Besides, Sirus’ guess was better than his.

Sirus’ smile faded a little. He touched Alec’s cheek. “Tah. You will… I believe this to my soul.”

God, Alec hoped so. The last thing he wanted was to get Zercy’s hopes up only to crush them all over again.

Sirus dropped his hand and gestured to the door he’d first emerged from. “You will go in there while your team gives blood and urine.”

Alec eyed the opening dubiously. “Why? What’s in there?”

“The receptacle in which you will leave your seed.”

Alec frowned. “Receptacle? Don’t I just use a little cup?”

Sirus frowned and tilted his head. “Where is the pleasure in that?”

“The pleasure? In giving a sample?” Alec stared at him, confused.

Sirus stared back at him, looking just as perplexed.

“Ugh. Nevermind.” Alec headed for the room. God only knew what he’d find inside those walls.






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