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Zercy (The Nira Chronicles Book 2) by Kora Knight (18)


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By the time Zercy reached his private chambers, his royal guard had fallen into step. Alec scowled behind his mask, no longer fighting to get free, but rather to figure out why the fuck he was in trouble. For shit’s sake, he’d just spent the last ten minutes oil wrestling—with a tail shoved up his ass—for Zercy’s enjoyment.

Setch and Kellim ambled in first to check the place out. A moment later, they waved the king though.

“All clear, my lord,” Setch grunted. His expression looked guarded. Like he was pissed that he’d had to leave in the middle of the show, but knew better than to pout in front of the king.

Zercy rumbled something growly and tramped inside. Alec winced, draped over the guy like a fur. Each terse step Zercy took shoved his shoulder into Alec’s gut—which in turn, jarred that motherfucking tail.

The doors pulled closed behind them.

Zercy stalked over to his tub, then pulled Alec down the front of his body. Setting him on his feet, he tugged off his mask and tossed it aside. Alec wobbled a little. Even now he still felt slightly off kilter. Not nearly as much as before, though. His head was definitely starting to clear. Evidently, now that he wasn’t surrounded by, and rapidly breathing in, all that kulaí, his brain was getting a chance to air out the fumes.

Zercy glared at him accusingly. “You told me you were not gay. That your taste was not in males. And yet tonight, another male has completely aroused you. Brazenly. Right in front of my face.”

Alec frowned and blinked up at him. That black band across his eyes made them look so much bigger. And ten times brighter. Churning like molten-hot lava.

What was he going on about? Alec furrowed his brows. Blinked a couple more times. “Did you say aroused? In that pit? No fucking way.”

“Do not lie!” Zercy exploded.

Alec jerked back and shook his head. “I’m not lying!” he insisted. “Chet didn’t get me hard!”

“Tah, he did!” The king looked like he wanted to throttle something. “I watched your cock rise with my own eyes!”

“Yes! I mean—I know! It’s just—” He cursed and rubbed his brow. “Goddamnit. It’s not what you think, and—” he steeled his shoulders defensively. “You don’t get to be mad at me! I should be pissed at you!”

Zercy balked. “For what?”

“For what? Are you kidding me?” Alec pointed to his backside, exasperated. “I have a fucking root jammed up my ass!

Zercy grunted. “That was Lotis’ idea, not mine.”

Alec bristled and glared at him.

Zercy’s jaw tick-tick-ticked. He opened his mouth, but then closed it. Narrowing his eyes, he scanned Alec’s face. Studied him intently. “You seem different. What is wrong with you?”

Good fucking question.

Alec should be asking him that instead.

He shot Zercy a glower. “You tell me.”

Zercy came back with an ever darker glare of his own. “How would I know?”

Alec studied his expression. In fairness, the king looked genuinely clueless. Alec cursed. “Are you telling me you didn’t notice they were drugging us?”

Zercy stilled, looking surprised. A second later, though, he bristled. “I would never,” he growled out, “condone such a thing.”

Alec scowled in confusion. Now Zercy not only looked pissed but utterly and wholly offended. “But you watched them pour that kulaí shit all over us. You gave the order.”

Zercy’s face pinched angrily. “Kulaí is harmless. What is your point?”

Alec gaped. “Are you kidding me? Its fumes alone made me hallucinate. It was messing with my teammates’ heads, too.” For shit’s fucking sake, Chet had thought Alec was Roni and had been seconds away from exacting some serious payback.

Thank God Zercy had lost it when he had.

Zercy furrowed his brows thoughtfully. Finally, he shook his head. “Mah. Kulaí oil has never had that effect.”

Alec ground his teeth, staring up at him. “Maybe not on Nirans.”

Zercy stiffened at his words, then warily scanned Alec’s body, no doubt noting how he was still covered in the stuff.

“Ságe’s cock,” he hissed irritably, hoisting Alec back off his feet.

Son of a bitch. Not again.

And who the hell was fucking Ságe?

Alec scowled in his hold. “What the frick, Kríe? I can—”

Zercy dropped him into the tub.


Alec plummeted under the surface.

What a dick!

He lurched up with a shout. “What the—”


More water in the face.

Zercy had chucked something into the bath.

Alec coughed and sputtered, furious, then chopped the surface as hard as he could, hoping he’d drench the asshole’s frickin’ legs.

“Wash yourself,” the king grated, easily sidestepping Alec’s efforts. “Your time as koosa is over. I want my pet.”

Alec clenched his teeth. Haughty bastard. Although, truth be fucking told, he was ready to get this shit off his body. Feeling around with his foot, he located the item Zercy had tossed in, then did a quick dip to retrieve it. A hide-skin sack of soap rocks, going by the way it sudsed in his hand. Normally, he used the lotus petals. Maybe this stuff was for paint.

Muttering irritably, he got busy scouring his arms, then moved to his legs, but the motion of lifting his knee shifted that tail. Licks of current zinged through his channel. Alec stilled, stifling a grunt. Time to ditch that fucker pronto. He and his ass had had enough.

Reaching around back, he curled his fingers around its base, then gave the thing a healthy little pull. A moan shot up his throat as his asshole instantly objected. More pressure surged through his rectum. His boner kicked.

Just fucking great. This was going to take some effort.

Alec scowled and glanced at Zercy, hoping like hell he wasn’t watching.

Nope. He was busy cleaning his body paint off too, down on his haunches besides the tub soap-scrubbing his face.

Good. If Alec was lucky, he’d lose the tail with dignity intact. But just as he readied to bear down like a mother, Zercy tensed, tersely splashed his face, and shot him a glare.

“Is he why you always want to be with your men? Because you always want to be with your Chet?”

Alec quickly let go—then proceeded to blanch. “With my Chet? Are you crazy? Not in a million freaking—”

“You do!” the king bellowed, rising fast to his feet. “You fuck him each day while I toil!”

Alec’s jaw dropped. Fuck Chet? Was this Kríe friggin’ nuts?

“And then you come to my bed each night sated!

“No!” Alec shouted, flat-out freaking appalled. “I don’t want Chet like that. He’s my teammate.”

Zercy seethed, then gestured to Alec’s hard-on beneath the water. “Then tell me, why did your cock turn to rock while you wrestled?”

Alec glanced down at his boner. Closed his eyes and inwardly cursed.

Because you were there, Zercy. My dick was hard because of you.

“I told you,” he muttered, “it’s not what you think.”

Zercy glowered incredulously and crossed his bulky arms. “Then what is it?” he grated.

Alec shifted his weight. He really, really didn’t want to say.

Zercy bristled. “It is. It is exactly what I think.” Emitting a growl that sounded pissed, but also distraught, he fell into a dark pensive pace. Back and forth, back and forth, like a brooding caged panther, agitation rolling off him in waves.

Alec exhaled, not quite sure if it was worth it to even argue. The king wasn’t hearing a word he said.

Tense moments ticked by. Alec quickly finished bathing, watching the king from his periphery as he washed. Maybe for now, he’d put the tail extraction on hold.

Zercy seemed to calm a little. Making another lap, he shook his head. “I do not think I want you near that male anymore. You are mine, Alick. Mine.”

Alec tensed. “No, I’m not.”

Zercy stopped, still ruminating, and looked at Alec. “Tah, you are.” He nodded once and resumed pacing. “Only mine.”

Stubborn ass.

“You can’t keep me from my men.”

“Of course I can. I am king. But perhaps I will remove your Chet instead.”

“No!” Alec shouted, getting exasperated all over again. “We’re a team. We stick together. No matter what.”

The king chuckled humorlessly as he stalked back and forth. “Your rules are not mine. You can keep all but Chet. I will not share your affections, Alick. Not with anyone.”

“Ugh!” Alec chucked his sack of rocks. “You’re so frustrating!” Stomping up the steps in just his collar, tail, and jockstrap, he glowered at the king, dripping wet. “You say you have eyes, but do you have freaking ears? I told you, I don’t fucking want Chet like that! I’m not attracted to the guy! Not at all!”

Zercy screeched to a halt. Fresh ire churned in his eyes. “Then explain your erection, Alick! Explain this to me! If your Chet did not arouse you, then who did?”

“You!” Alec shouted. “You did! Not him! I could feel your eyes watching me! Watching my every fucking move! It drove me crazy! I couldn’t concentrate! Then that kulaí shit kicked in! Made me think that I was wrestling you—you in that ring! That it was your hands all over me, not his!”

Zercy stared at him, lips parted. He was clearly in shock. A moment later though, he shook himself out of it. “You are lying again. You do not desire me that way.”

Alec shifted his weight. Cleared his throat. “I don’t want to… But I do.”

A little spark flickered in the king’s auric eyes. Like a tiny flash of tentative hope. “Prove it. Touch me.” He gestured to his chest. “Touch me and I will know if you are truthful.”

Alec froze. He had not anticipated that response. “Uh…” he fidgeted.

Zercy narrowed his eyes.

Fucking hell.

Alec steeled his resolve. “Yeah… Okay.” Stepping close, he eyed the king’s muscular torso, then noncommittally poked Zercy’s sternum.

Zercy frowned down at his finger, an almost sad look on his face, but quickly concealed it and shot Alec a glare. Baring his fangs, he got right up in Alec’s face. “You lie,” he snarled. “The lack of interest in your touch is proof.”

Alec shook his head. “I’m not lying.”

Zercy straightened and threw up his hands. “And why should I believe you? You lie always, Alick. Always. Just this morning you lied to me in this very room. Swore that it was not me in your dream—” Abruptly, Zercy stilled. His big eyes flared wide. “It was not me in your dream! It was Chet!”

Alec cringed. Oh, God. This was getting worse fast.

“No,” he insisted, shaking his head again. “It wasn’t Chet.”

“It was!”

“It wasn’t!”

“Then who was it?” Zercy roared.

You! It was you!”

“So you did lie! You are a liar! And could very well be lying now!

Alec opened his mouth. Shut it. He was starting to get frustrated. And, honestly, a little bit pissed. Clutching his crotch, he gritted through clenched teeth. “This is hard because of you, Kríe. I swear it. I’m not lying.”

Zercy stared at him, nostrils flaring. “I do not believe you.”

“Yes, you do. You know it’s true. I’m always hard when you’re around.”

“Tah. And you always deny me as the cause.”

“Well, yeah. Of course. You think I want you to know?”

Zercy studied his face. “You use logic to deceive me.”

“I’m telling the truth.”

Convince me.” His meaning was clear.

Alec tensed. “I…” He clenched his fists. “You’re just gonna have to take my word for it.”

“Tah,” Zercy muttered. “I suppose I shall. While your bedmate Chet makes do in his new quarters.” Face cold, he turned on his heel to walk away.


Alec grabbed his arm. “Wait.”

Zercy glowered at him over his shoulder.

“I’ll prove it,” he forced out. “I’ll show you I’m not lying.”

Zercy’s eyes narrowed again. He turned back and faced him. “You think to trick me. Deceive me. Make a fool out of your king.”

Alec’s heart hammered. He couldn’t believe he was going to do this. “No. I’m not… And you’ll be able to tell.” His glanced at his hand, the one still gripping Zercy’s arm. Tentatively, he stroked Zercy’s skin with his thumb.

Zercy stilled and looked down at it, watched it stroke him again. Then his blazing golden eyes locked hard with Alec’s. “I want more proof like this, Alick. But not on my arm.”

Alec paused in understanding, but before he could object, Zercy hooked a finger in his collar and started walking.

“You will show me more here,” he stated, heading for his bed.

Alec’s eyes went wide. He dug his heels in, not that it made any difference, and quickly clutched Zercy’s hand to pull it off. “Whoa. Uh… Yeah, not there, okay? How ‘bout we just stay—”

Zercy halted in his tracks and heatedly pinned Alec with suspicious eyes. “If I arouse you, my bed should hardly be a problem.”

Alec’s pulse spiked faster. “It’s not a problem. I just don’t—”

Trust myself with you in there.

“Bellah. If it does not pose a problem, then we go.” And just like that, Zercy resumed his determined march.

Alec’s traitorous dick bucked.

Oh, God. Oh, fuck.

They reached the wall nest and Zercy tossed him in.

Alec landed on his stomach with a bounce, and thank God. Had he landed the other way? On that big ole fucking tail? Yeah, he’d be hurting something ugly.

Zercy climbed in beside him and flopped down on his back. Shoving his hands behind his head, he grunted, “More.”

Alec tensed as he righted himself. His eyes roamed down Zercy’s body. Christ, he was muscular, just his freaking arms alone, with those regal bicep cuffs accentuating each bulge. And then there was his chest, all buff to perfection. Bulky in true Kríe form, but not overwhelmingly. His abs and powerful thighs were fucking flawless, too.

Alec’s dick firmed harder. He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Okay.”

Sitting up, he again couldn’t believe he was doing this. But desperate times and all that. This was for Chet, he told himself. He was doing this shit for his team.

Resolute, he situated himself perpendicular to Zercy’s side. Then he eased down onto his heels, leaving room for his tail. He’d love to reach around and finally yank that fucker out, but no way could he do that with Zercy watching. God knew, the last thing he needed right now was the king demanding to help with its removal.

Alec exhaled and peered down at the king’s muscular torso. Spellbinding, the way it glittered so subtly beneath the firelight, the sconce’s flickering flames making it shimmer. He moved his studious gaze to Zercy’s thick, sculpted pecs, then specifically to their dark little nipples. Jesus fuck. Their piercings. Sexy-as-hell. Making him want to give them feisty tugs.

“Touch me,” Zercy rumbled. “Put your hand on my body.”

Alec swallowed. Nodding a little, he tentatively palmed Zercy’s pec. Oh, God. So hot, and smooth, and firm, beneath his hand. He splayed his fingers wider and brushed its nipple with his thumb. Instantly, it hardened, beading into a tight little pebble. Alec held his breath, afraid he might moan from the sensation. 

Zercy’s lids hooded. “Tah. Touch me there more.”

Alec met his eyes and decided what better time than the present to get what he’d wanted after all. Securing Zercy’s piercing between his fingers, he gave a pull. Just a little one, but not gentle by any means.

Zercy hissed, arching slightly. His mouth curved. His eyes glinted. “Again,” he growled softly. “Both at once.”

Alec’s lips parted at the command. He’d love nothing more. Adding his other hand, he obeyed without question. This time, however, he tugged a bit harder. He also tacked on a little twist.

Zercy growled and rocked his hips. Alec’s groin zinged in reaction, his dick straight-up humming in its sheath.

“My stomach now,” Zercy instructed, his voice like abraded velvet. “Touch my stomach now, Alick. Use your nails.”

Alec all but fucking groaned. Way too hungrily, he eyed Zercy’s abs. The king liked some pain mixed with his pleasure. He cleared his throat, gave another imperceptible nod, then slowly dragged his fingertips down Zercy’s torso.

Zercy’s lids dipped lower. “Harder, Alick. I want to feel you score my flesh.”

Alec stifled another groan. This Kríe was making him need to fuck. Tamping the urge, he complied and added pressure, dragging five blunt nails down Zercy’s abs. Along each dip and clenching swell, until he couldn’t help but pause at Zercy’s navel. Its golden sunburst was just so captivating.

“Feel it,” the king murmured. He slowly rocked his hips. “See what happens.”

Why not. Alec had certainly done worse with the king. Tracing it with his index, he raptly watched it move. Not away or even into a different shape, more like lava coming to life in its confines. Shifting like thick liquid under the pressure of his finger, while retaining its sleek design as if still solid. As solid as it could be, that is, because again, it was his flesh. Flesh that also looked somehow metallic.

“Damn,” Alec breathed. “That is… Wow, that’s so cool.”

Zercy chuffed low in his throat. “You find it pleasing?”

“Uh, yeah. But what exactly is it?”

“The birthmark of my royal bloodline.”

Alec met his gaze. “Seriously? It wasn’t put there by someone?”

Zercy smiled a little. “Mah. Unless by someone you mean Nira.”

“Nira,” Alec repeated.

“Tah. While she formed me in her womb.”

The king’s words raised more questions than answers in Alec’s head, but he decided to wait for a different time to ask.

Zercy slowly rolled his hips. “Do not stop, Alick. Keep touching me.”

Alec’s blood heated at the feel of Zercy moving against his hand. He cleared his throat, “Um… okay,” and resumed tracing Zercy’s mark.

“Lower,” Zercy rumbled. “You have played there long enough.”


Alec’s heart rate spiked faster as he eyed Zercy’s happy trail, warily following its path with his finger. A path that didn’t have hair, incidentally. Just a tantalizing line of darker purple. The king emitted a husky sound. Alec stopped at his belt, grateful that Zercy’s chain skirt was still concealing shit. Didn’t do a damn thing to hide the fact that Zercy was hard, though. But at least the chains were heavy enough to hold things down.

Alec exhaled and eased back. “There. I touched you. Gave you proof.”

A grin tugged at Zercy’s lips. “Your proof thus far is unsubstantial.”

Alec balked incredulously. “I fucking played with your nipples.”

“I play with my nipples, too,” Zercy chuckled, undoing his belt. “But that does not mean I am attracted to myself.”

“Totally different,” Alec protested, starting to panic in realization. Zercy was going to take that damn thing off.

The king lifted his hips and pulled the chainwear out from under him. “Tah, and yet a valid point all the same.” He tossed it through the opening onto the chamber’s hard floor.

Alec froze in horror even as his dick bucked in glee.

He glanced down before he could stop himself. Oh, thank God. The king wasn’t naked. He was wearing one of his loincloths. Not that his cock wasn’t still trying to bust free, straining hard where it was pinned against his hip.

Zercy chuffed low in his throat and slid his thumbs under its waistband. Then, without warning, he sliced a claw through each side. The material fell away as his boner sprang upward, jutting tall and proud for all to see.

“Son of a bitch,” Alec cursed, quickly jerking his eyes away.

The Kríe was absolutely naked now.

Naked and undoubtedly about to tell Alec to—

“Touch my cock.”

Alec clenched his jaw. Totally fucking knew it.

An anxious groan rose up his throat. Because deep down—and honestly, right at the surface, too—he knew that touching the king’s dick would not be wise. Crazy shit would end up happening that probably shouldn’t.

Heart pounding, he shook his head. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”

Zercy smirked, cocking a brow. “We made a deal?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, we didn’t go into fucking specifics, but it was a given, goddamnit. No touching dick.”

Zercy canted his head and eyed him, then grinned. “You are scared. My giant cock frightens you. You are afraid.”

Alec blinked, brows furrowing. “What the f—No, I’m not!

Zercy laughed. “I was jesting.” He grabbed Alec’s wrist. “Are all humans so adorably gullible?”

Alec frowned at the insult, but before he could respond, Zercy curled Alec’s fingers around his shaft. Alec froze. Slid his gaze down and looked at his hand. His heart crashed like cymbals.

Aw, shit.

He swallowed, but finally allowed himself to have a look. A true look at Zercy’s huge, majestic cock. And man, was it that, all regally jutting, easily twelve inches and almost as thick as Alec’s forearm. Meaning, nope, his fingertips did not touch while wrapped around it. Talk about some seriously impressive girth.

It was gorgeously proportioned, too. Alec eyed its generous glans. Definitely larger in ratio to its length than a human’s. Beautifully bulbous, but not fat. Like some perfectly-shaped lure, enticing its bedmates to come a little closer. Closer, so they could wrap their lips around its smooth head, then give the thing a long and lazy suck.

Which, in some inexplicable way, Alec wouldn’t mind trying, but was far too distracted ogling something else. Exotic bands of gold encircling Zercy’s erection, one at its base, one at the top beneath his glans. Holy friggin’ cosmonaut. They looked sexy as hell. Hypnotically contrasting with his midnight purple flesh, gilded rings against a dark imposing shaft.

Alec inwardly smirked, supposing the top band was fitting; a mini-crown for the king’s other head.

“Tah,” Zercy rumbled, interrupting his thoughts. “You like my handsome cock. Want to pet it.”

Alec tensed. He’d been staring.

He quickly averted his gaze. “No. I was just—”

“Wanting a taste?”

Alec cut him a scathing look, opening his mouth to deny it, but then froze when something bumped against his palm.

Shit. He was still holding Zercy’s wood.

The king’s lips curved.

Alec scowled and released his hold, but Zercy held his hand firmly in place.

“Kerra,” the king murmured. Relax. “You are not done.”

“Yeah, I am. I touched your dick like you asked, so now I’m finished.”

“You think merely touching my cock has convinced me of your claim? Even now you do not hold it voluntarily.”

Alec glared. The king could shove his need for proof up his ass. Steeling himself to say as much, Alec absently re-tightened his grip.

Zercy’s eyes slid closed. “Tah …”

Alec froze, distracted instantly. That husky growl was like a shot straight to his groin. There and to his brain, igniting his neurons with lust. Derailing his thoughts until his boner flat-out jumped.

No. He’d been getting ready to do something, but what?

He suddenly couldn’t freaking remember.

Screw it, who cared. He wanted to hear that shit again.

Heart hammering, he looked at Zercy. His eyes were still closed and his mouth was parted, with the tips of his fangs just barely visible. 

Alec licked his lips. Yeah, just one more squeeze and he’d be done. Just one more throaty rumble and he’d be set.

He looked down at his hand—or where he knew it to be—dwarfed inside the clutches of Zercy’s fingers. God, he couldn’t believe this. He was holding a Kríe’s dick. An otherworldly purple alien’s ginormous erection.

Whatever, something hot and hungry argued inside his brain. Truth be told, he fucking loved the way it felt. Like a velvety-smooth rod of thick, hot granite against his hand.

He gave the thing a second, heartier squeeze.

Another heated growl curled in the base of Zercy’s throat. Alec’s dick went wild. This was so frickin’ crazy. A heady thrill washed through him. This small power was exhilarating—and something he suddenly didn’t want to lose.

Zercy’s lashes slowly lifted. He met Alec’s stare, then leisurely dragged their two fists up his shaft. Alec held his gaze, trapped in those smoldering auric eyes. Zercy pulled their fists back down again a moment later. More rumbles in his chest.

Oh, shit. So fucking sexy.

Alec’s happy little reward for not resisting.

It made him feel drunk.

And hungry for more.

Zercy kept their eyes locked and did another up-and-down, sliding their fists from one band to the other. On the second trip, however, when they reached the top ring, Zercy wrapped their tangle of fingers around his crown. Alec squeezed it without prompting, then dragged his thumb across its slit.

A moan pushed past Zercy’s lips. “Tah,” he rasped. “Bellah kai.” Very good. “Do not stop, Alick. Keep going.”