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Zercy (The Nira Chronicles Book 2) by Kora Knight (25)


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“It will only take a moment. I am certain it will be fine.”

“No.” Alec shook his head in the doorway of Zercy’s chambers. “I don’t wanna go see Sirus. He’s fucking crazy.”

Setch exhaled in frustration, swapping quick looks with Kellim. “But the elevator. You need to instruct him how to build it. My brother and I, we are getting old. And those stairs—they are going to kill us.”

Alec folded his arms. “Yeah, whatever. You’re both in better shape than anyone I know.”

The brothers preened visibly.

Alec tamped down a smile. “And old, my fucking ass. What are you, forty?”

“Fifty-six,” Kellim offered. “Nine years older than our king.”

Zercy was forty-seven? Alec lifted a brow. Damn. The Kríe barely looked thirty-five.

The pair eyed him expectantly. “So you will come with us? To Sirus?”

“Sorry, I don’t think so.” Alec shifted his weight. “Last time you took me to him I wound up naked, strapped to a table.”

The guards stifled chuffs.

Setch outstretched his hands. “That was not our fault. We were only following orders. Obeying the king to keep our heads. You understand.”

Alec stared at him irritably. That’d been one seriously fucked-up visit. “Yeah, well, the king has ordered that I be here. Every night, remember? When he retires.”

“We will send word to let him know. I am sure he will not mind. Besides, he does not come back early anymore anyway.”

Kellim shot Setch a look that said, Bro, you’re a moron.

Setch cleared his throat and smiled. “He has been busy.”

Alec’s stomach twisted anxiously. Even the guards knew something was up. Frowning, he shook his head again. “Some other time.”


He shut the door, then turned and eyed the empty room. For the past week it’d just been him and the fucking furniture. It was like the king had dropped off the map—at least until after Alec hit the sack. Every night, Alec dozed off on his side of the nest, only to wake with Zercy’s side all rumpled and messy.

He was returning after Alec fell asleep—no doubt to purposely avoid him.

Alec bit his cheek. It’d all started after their argument regarding the slaves. But Alec had thought he’d made things right again later that night. When Zercy had watched Alec bust his nut, then cleaned up Alec’s mess with his tongue. It’d been kind and attentive. And after, Alec had apologized sincerely. Yeah, the king had seemed quiet, but Alec assumed he’d just been stressing.

That’s what Zercy did. Day and night.

Alec had obviously been wrong though, because every morning since, Zercy was gone before Alec woke up, and pretty much stayed that way. Had Alec messed up worse than he thought? Done more damage than he realized?

Restless and agitated, he strode to the bar. But as he eyed the different decanters, none looked appealing. Maybe because he didn’t really feel like drinking. Strange, considering he had plenty to numb his brain over. The most prominent: Zercy’s friggin’ MIA act.

Alec exhaled and scanned the bottles again, then eyed the dishes sitting in front of them. Finger foods of some sort. Balls of this. Cubes of that. There was even a jar of what looked like long, thin jerky sticks.

His dad used to love those things. Alec smiled in remembrance. They used to smuggle pocketfuls into baseball games.

Snagging one up, he tried to take a bite. Didn’t work. The center was too solid with just a slightly softer exterior. Evidently, the things were meant to be gnawed on. Like a toothpick or something. Alec pulled it out and looked at it. Didn’t taste like beef jerky. Its flavor reminded him more of black licorice.

Eh. Whatever. He liked black licorice. Shoving it back between his molars, he started to wander. Not long after, he pulled to a stop at Zercy’s writing desk.

Alec studied the thing. Made of some sort of rich purple wood, it appeared to have been fashioned to mimic a tree. Two large pedestal legs carved like trunks, forked like roots at the bottom, and branches up top. Engraved leaves circled the desk’s thick ledge, and at the center, a giant sunburst was artfully branded. A sunburst that looked a lot like Zercy’s birthmark.


Alec sat on its tree-stump stool and skimmed the several items lying about. A huge, leather-bound notebook. Some charcoal-type pencils. Tools akin to T-squares and compasses. To the right though, was something he’d checked out before. A big, black stone globe with the likeness of Nira, impaled upon its own wrought-iron pedestal.

Alec reached for the thing as he chewed on his stick, its taste slowly growing a little sweeter.  He didn’t bother spinning the orb. He’d long since discovered it didn’t turn. It did, however, come off its sturdy little stand. He palmed the globe and carefully slid it up and off, then held the volley-ball sized planet in his hands.

Etched in gold, each continent was skillfully outlined, then labeled with Kríe symbols, as were the oceans. He studied the markings as he’d done before, absently working that stick between his teeth. It made his jaw feel funny, made him want to bite down harder, so he did, as he continued to eye the symbols.

Slowly, he rotated the heavy onyx sphere until he found a spot he’d located previously; what looked like the etchings of a circular mountain range with the inference of a rainforest to its right. Zercy’s kingdom. He was sure of it. With the jungle they crashed in beside it.

Intrigued by a planet so similar to Earth, yet so different, he reexamined every land mass and body of water. A good distraction, incidentally, to what he’d otherwise be thinking about. The moody fucking king who dropped off the grid.

A lick of irritation at the thought had him scowling. Which in turn, had his molars grinding harder. Don’t think about the bastard, he told himself. Focus instead on the ocean just west of Zercy’s realm.

He turned it counterclockwise and eyed a cluster of islands. But now that feeling in his jaw was creeping lower. A little crawling tickle down his neck. He scratched under his chin, then beneath his ear, then finally set the globe down and pulled out his stick.

Frowning, he scrutinized it. Maybe he’d chewed that end too long. He turned it around and shoved it back between his teeth. On the other side of his mouth though, just to be safe. He resumed pouring over every inch of the planet. Couldn’t help it. It was just so fucking cool.

Zercy’s world in his hands. How ‘bout them apples?

Thing was, before long that sensation moved lower, sinking into the muscles of his shoulders. He rolled them with a growl. Felt like a feather under his skin, incessantly teasing his sensitive flesh. The curious tickle spread farther, down his spine, then into his tailbone, lighting up every nerve ending in his pelvis.

Grumbling, Alec set the orb back on its mount and promptly started rubbing his back and pecs. The feeling had inundated his torso. Even his abs and groin were experiencing it.

“What the fuck,” Alec groaned, pulling the stick from his mouth.

Was that stupid thing seriously the culprit? He scowled while rubbing his cheek with his shoulder, then chucked his suspect licorice out the window.

It was moving to his limbs now. Even his palms felt kind of tickly.

Breathing a curse, he rubbed his arms, then his thighs, and man, that felt good. He hit his chest again. Shit, his nipples were rock hard. He rolled his head on his shoulders and loosed a moan. What the hell was freaking happening? He needed friction everywhere. Like a cat or some shit, strung-out on catnip.

Behind him, the door opened.

Alec tensed, then turned on the stool.

Zercy, in the doorway, looking grumpy.


Alec met his gaze. Rubbed his neck, then his shoulder, then forced his restless hands to stand down.

Zercy held his stare and stepped inside. Kellim shut the door behind him.

Alec stood and cleared his throat. “Hey. Wasn’t expecting you.”

“Why is that?” Zercy muttered. He strode to the bar and poured a drink. “Is this not my private quarters where I come to sleep?”

“Well, yeah, but you haven’t retired this early all week.”

Zercy slid him a look. “Would you like me to leave?”

Alec crossed his arms, discreetly rubbing the sides of his pecs. “No. It’s cool. I wanted to talk.”

“Hm,” the king grunted. Turning with drink in hand, he made for his nest. “I do not think I am of a mind to talk tonight.”

Alec frowned, watching him go. “Yeah, well, too fucking bad. I haven’t seen you in six fucking days.”

“Ah. Did you miss me?” Zercy’s smirk was sardonic.

What the fuck was his deal? “No.” Alec glared. “Just want some answers.”

“Of course you do.” Zercy climbed into the opening of his bed. “Ever wanting answers. That is my Alick.”

Grrr. Alec scowled and awkwardly shuffled his way over, giving himself a quick rub while out of view.

He stopped in front of the wall nest. Zercy was propped against the headboard, peering out the window, arms resting on his knees. His expression, as always, was pensive. But he also looked tired. Even his typically strong features seemed notably drawn.

Zercy didn’t look his way, though Alec knew he was in his periphery. Nor did he speak a single word as Alec stood there. God, the vibe he was throwing. It made Alec wary. Unsettled. But his own need to know what was happening was definitely stronger.

“You’ve been avoiding me. Why?”

“I have not been—”

“Yes, you have.” Inconspicuously, Alec ground his shoulder against the opening.

Zercy stared straight ahead, not replying right away. “Things are coming to a head… over which I have no control… Believe me when I say that you would not want me around… As of late, I…” He dropped his gaze, “would make very poor company.”

Alec watched him, brows furrowed. He rubbed his shoulder again. “You couldn’t have touched base, though? Sent a message? Just fucking once?”

Shit. His body was humming. He needed some serious friction now. Dropping his arms, he clutched his hips, then rubbed his thighs, then fisted his hands.

Zercy muttered, “I felt it best to stay away.”

“Yeah, well, that’s bullshit. Not to mention rude as fuck. I was stressing out, goddamnit. And none of your guards would tell me shit. For all I knew, you caught that sickness and bit the dust.”

Zercy stilled and slid him a look. “Bit the dust?”

“It’s an expression.” Alec scrubbed his face, then attacked his neck. “It means you died.”

Zercy grunted, eyes diverting again. “The sickness does not work that way.”

“And I would know this how?” Alec grated, kneading the length of his shoulder.

Zercy swigged his blood-red beverage, but then stilled and looked at Alec. His smile was barely discernible. “You were worried.”

Alec glanced away. “Was not.”

“And you missed me.”

“I didn’t say that.” Wrapping his arms around his sides, he briskly squeezed.

“Ah, but you did. Just with different words.” Zercy canted his head and watched him.

Alec fought not to squirm.

Zercy’s brows dipped. He frowned. “What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing,” Alec bit out. But then a whimper escaped, too. He broke down and rubbed at everything. “I just need friction.”

Zercy narrowed his eyes, openly studying him as Alec shifted and writhed. A second later, something glinted in his gaze. His lips curved infinitesimally. A soft chuff rose up his throat. “Truthfully, Alick? You ate the zenki?”

“The what?”

“Spice canes. The slender sticks on my bar.”

Alec tensed. Oh, no. “Why? What’s wrong with them? Are they poisonous?”

“Mah,” Zercy chuckled. “But they are not meant to be eaten.”

Alec groaned and twisted his back, then rolled his shoulders again. “Then what’re they for?”

“As a complement.” Zercy’s eyes hooded as he watched Alec fidget. “A brief stir in one’s drink to add some fun.”

Alec clenched his jaw. Rubbed his chest up and down the side of the opening. “What kind of fun?”

“A little strum just for the flesh.”

“Son of a bitch,” Alec groaned, doing the math. “Just one stir? I am so fucking screwed. Just shoot me now.”

Zercy stifled another chuff. “Come to me. I will help.”

Alec knew his face looked pitiful. “How?” he ground out, clutching his hamstrings.

Zercy crooked his finger. “I will show you. Nenya.” Come.

Whatever. Alec was desperate. He clambered through the opening.

Zercy set aside his drink and eased down onto his back. Hooking his finger in Alec’s collar, he tugged him over.

Alec grunted as he landed, sprawled on his stomach atop Zercy’s chest. “Really, Kríe?” he grated. Was this just another of Zercy’s antics? “How in the hell is this supposed to help with friggin’ anything?”

The king’s dark lips quirked, his sullen mood visibly ebbing. Palming Alec’s back with his huge hands, he started to knead.

Alec’s moan was instantaneous. “Oh fuck, Kríe. That’s… Yeaaahhh.”

The shot of pure relief sent him grinding against the king, rubbing from hips to pecs all over Zercy’s torso. His dick swelled rock hard in the torrent of sensation. It needed friction, too, like everything else. Something big and firm to scrub against.

Fortunately for him, Zercy hardened just as fast, providing what Alec needed. The perfect grinding post.

“Shit,” Alec breathed, rocking his hips, rubbing their chests.

Zercy rumbled, kneading the muscles flanking Alec’s spine. “Tah, tend to your front, Alick. I will work where you cannot reach.”

“Yes.” Alec nodded, shifting eagerly. “God, yes—Thank you.”

And yet, inwardly, he knew this was all just weird as shit. Not that he cared at the moment. The physical contact felt incredible. Drunk on the friction, he wedged his face against Zercy’s neck. Even his stupid flushed cheeks needed attention. Twisting his pelvis, he rubbed their legs, then eagerly tangled their arms.  

Zercy purred.

Alec groaned.

The sensation was exquisite. Every nerve ending in his body was rejoicing.

Was this how all cats felt on catnip?

His mind spun euphorically.

How did he get himself in these predicaments?

Zercy’s hands moved lower and squeezed his ass, then slid lower still, to work his hamstrings. He kneaded them roughly. Alec moaned in sweet bliss, gripping Zercy’s biceps, then his shoulders. Zercy’s muscles flexed in time, bunching and rolling beneath his hands.

Alec’s heart pounded. His breath quickened. Though his mind was fully sober, every cell within his skin felt wholly intoxicated.

Zercy clutched behind Alec’s knees and pulled them down to his sides, causing Alec to straddle him, but who cared. The contact to his inner thighs felt fantastic, too. He scrubbed their torsos tighter and fisted Zercy’s hair, the long, velvety ropes teasing his palms. Alec released them and tunneled deeper, then gripped two more handfuls.

Zercy growled and vigorously kneaded Alec’s ass.

Jesus. The need for contact was overwhelming.

Alec groaned. “Shit, Kríe. When will it stop? It’s too much.”

“Soon.” Zercy’s timbre sounded gravelly as hell. 

Alec cursed and rubbed their faces. “I’m losing my mind.”

Zercy’s hands worked up his back, leaving tingles in their wake. Alec shuddered and absently shifted up Zercy’s torso.

Goddamn. So good.

His eyes rolled back, his jaw went slack, his parted lips pressed to Zercy’s cheekbone as he panted. Zercy purred husky-low and palmed the back of Alec’s head. Sharp claws lightly grazed his sensitized scalp.

Fuuuck,” Alec moaned, riding another wave of shivers. But as he braced, his knuckles brushed something hard. Zercy’s horns. All warm and smooth. His fingers suddenly itched to grip them. Without thinking, he let go of those velvety dreads and tightly clutched the two horns instead.

Zercy instantly stiffened. Even his busy hands froze.

But Alec was way too far gone to grasp the whys. Up and down Zercy’s torso, he rubbed his body, using the horns for leverage and better friction.

Zercy growled and shifted beneath him. Then shifted again and clutched Alec’s hips. “Alick,” he grated. His jaw was clenched, his muscles taut. “Your hands. You must not—”

“Shit” Alec cut him off, brows pinched as he writhed. “Your fingers. They fucking stopped. Please. Keep going.” To hammer home his need, he tightened his grip on those horns and urgently ground his hips against Zercy’s stomach.

A snarl filled Zercy’s throat, but to Alec’s relief, the king recommenced with his task. Feverishly squeezing every muscle on Alec’s body. His own frame, however, never relaxed.

Unfortunate, but hey, welcome to Alec’s fucking world. He was currently wound up tighter than a cable. His heart pumped faster, his blood pulsing in his ears. And fuck, now that he’d shifted farther up Zercy’s body, he could feel the king’s cock prodding his ass. His own dick reeled. He rocked against Zercy’s sternum, squeezing those sleek black horns with each hard grind.

Alick,” Zercy growled again, his voice exuding warning. He grasped Alec’s arms. “You must not—”

“Fuck! Quit stopping!” Alec squirmed in frustration. His restless grip shifted closer to Zercy’s skull.

Once more, the king stiffened, then his whole body shook, a feral snarl tearing heatedly up his throat. Next thing Alec knew, he’d been thrown onto his stomach.

“What the hell, Kríe. I—”


Alec stilled at Zercy’s snarl, then—“UH!”

Zercy struck, sinking his sharp fat fangs deep, like a knife through warm butter.

Alec’s body went taut. Raw pain streaked through his neck. He clutched the bed’s thick furs. “Shit, Kríe—Fuck!—”

Zercy growled against his skin, caging him in with his big body. Instantly, that searing ache in Alec’s neck morphed to a throb, pulsing down his torso with each firm pull.

Alec’s hips started grinding, syncing instantly with Zercy’s draws, the king’s mouth like some super-charged puppet string. Yanking Alec’s ass up with each inward pull, loosening the slack as he swallowed, to let Alec thrust.

Raw need ripped through Alec’s pelvis, and in his frenzy, he understood—why Chet had looked so crazed when Roni bit him. Because he had been crazed, with the frantic urge to fuck. And to be fucked. To plow and be plowed. To furiously come.

He started to feverishly writhe.


Zercy’s mouth. It felt tethered, tethered wickedly to Alec’s crotch, every draw he took feeling like a stroke to Alec’s dick. But not just there. He felt that tether everywhere. In his balls. Inside his ass. Along his G.

Alec’s brows pinched. He started to pant.

His heart hammered anxiously.

Oh, God. That felt incredible!

Overwhelming as fuck, but incredible.

Zercy quickened his pulls—then gave an exceptionally hard suck.

Alec arched with a shout—“Shit!”—gripping the furs harder, a furious need to come suddenly nailing him. His hips bucked urgently, his ass reeling, his nuts like rocks. “Zercy—” he gasped. “Oh, my—Oh my fucking—ungh!— God—”

The huge Kríe atop him just growled and kept going, then slowly began grinding against Alec’s ass. Alec’s brain went on lockdown. All rationale flew out the window.

He needed to fuck—He need to fuck so fucking bad—

Mindless, he shoved a fumbling hand under his hips and grabbed his junk. Maybe if he could just—

Zercy delved his big hand under Alec’s writhing hips too, grabbed Alec’s wrist and pulled it out from under them.

Mine,” he snarled again, the sound muffled against Alec’s neck. Pinning Alec’s hand out of commission, he shoved Alec’s legs apart with his knees.

Oh, God. He wanted to fuck.

Alec’s hips rocked anxiously faster.

Those fangs, those heady draws, stroking his dick, making him crazy, making his asshole repeatedly clench in urgent need.

Goddamnit. He wanted to fuck, too. Wanted to fuck something fierce. Be taken hard and fast by this Kríe.

“Yes!—” he panted, not thinking, not rationalizing, just needing.

Zercy growled and gripped Alec’s hips, then yanked them up.

Next thing Alec knew, as he undulated like mad, something hot, firm and broad wedged against his hole.

Warning sirens roared to life. Alec tensed in realization. As much as he wanted to get down and fucking dirty, he couldn’t take Zercy’s cock. It was too big. It’d wreck him. His ass would rip in two.

“Zercy—Zercy, wait—”

But the king wasn’t hearing. Sounded too far gone himself. Snarling against Alec’s neck, he tried to enter.

Alec cursed, heart hammering. “Oh, Shit—Zercy—Wait—”

“Mah. I take you now,” Zercy growled. He took another exceptionally powerful draw.

White-hot pleasure tore through Alec’s body, exploding his reeling crotch.

Ugh! Uh, yeah!” he cried out in ecstasy.

Zercy pushed against his door again.

Pain. Raw and searing.

Alec stiffened. “Uh! Shit! No!”

Fuck, but he wanted this! Wanted to feel the whole package. This exquisite pleasure from Zercy’s fangs while getting drilled. He wanted to find out. To know this kind of rapture.

Just not at the expense of his ass.

Brain haze clearing fast, Alec squirmed. “Please, Kríe—Wait—”

A heartbeat later, Zercy froze. Like a statue.

Then, just as abruptly, lurched back off of Alec’s body. “Apologies—I—” he croaked, breathing hard. “I lost control… I did not mean to attack you… Are you hurt?”

Alec just flopped back down and groaned. “No,” he rasped, rattled. “Stopped in time.”

Zercy exhaled raggedly.

Alec rolled over, still panting, and eyed him. “What just happened?”

“I lost control.”

“Yeah, you said that… But why?”

Zercy scowled, as if angry at himself, and gripped his horns.

Alec stilled. “Because I touched your horns?”

The vibrating king nod.

Alec frowned and sat up. Rubbing his brow. “What made you stop?”

Zercy averted his gaze. His voice dipped. “I heard your fear.”

Alec thought about that, then thought about Miros, and the things he’d said when Alec had gripped his horns, too.

You touch me in a way you do not understand. Your hands make me need to mark you.

Alec looked at Zercy. “Is that the only reason?”

Zercy glanced down at his cock. Chuffing darkly, he scrubbed his face. “Had we continued, your status would have elevated drastically. No longer just my pet. We would be—” He stopped.

Alec blinked. Blinked again. “What, goddamnit. We would be what?

Zercy met his gaze. “Bonded.”

Alec’s eyebrows hiked. “Whoa, what?”

“We would be bonded,” he repeated. “Able to bear young with only each other.”

Alec shook his head, confused. “Just from touching your horns?”

“Mah. That is merely the catalyst to it all, what ignites the powerful urge to bite and fuck. If those things had happened though, our essences would have fused.”

Alec stared at him, lost.

Zercy forced a small smile. “The simultaneous transference of seed and blood. It triggers a kind of coding within both parties. Once this happens, they are irrevocably bonded—at least where procreation is concerned.”

So, marking meant biting one’s partner while fucking. Ergo, Chet’s bite from Roni was different since they’d just been wrestling.

Alec digested Zercy’s words. Niran biology was insane. “So their bodies, their junks’ chemistry, it literally changes?”

“Tah. Forever. It is Nira’s way.”

Silence lingered.

Alec glanced away, then looked back. “Before… If there was a way… If it was possible… I would’ve let you.” I would’ve let you fuck me into oblivion.

“I know… I tasted your need… In your blood… On your flesh… But I am glad that I did not… I would have hurt you.”

That wasn’t the only reason he was glad. Wasn’t the only reason and Alec knew it. “You would’ve hurt me, but also because of that bond.”

Zercy frowned and looked at the ceiling. “Tah. Because that, too.”

Alec watched him for a minute, his own dick still rock hard. “You want kids, then? An heir?”

“Of course.”

His tone gave Alec pause. As if the subject of kids made him sad.

“Do you have siblings?” Alec asked.


“Where are your parents?”

“With Nira.”

Nira? Alec frowned, but understanding came fast. His insides went heavy. “Shit… I’m sorry.”

Zercy smiled a little. “As am I. They were noble kings.”

“So are you.”

No reply.

Maybe it was time to change the subject.

Alec sighed and glanced around, his focus settling on Zercy’s chalice. He’d been in quite the mood when he took that drink to bed. Alec’s brain got to thinking. He looked at the king.

“Earlier, you said the reason you’d stayed away all week was to spare me from your poor company. Did something change?”

Zercy turned his head and looked at him. “Change?”

“Yeah. For the better.”

“Ah… Regrettably, no.”

“Then why did you come back early tonight? Why not spare me your company yet again?”

The king’s lids lowered. Then he kind of sort of smiled. “Do you truly not know?”

“No. I truly do not.”

“Because I missed you, Alick,” he murmured.

Alec stilled. “You… did?”

Zercy sighed and laid on his side. Slid Alec a look through his lashes. “I could not stay away a moment longer.”

Alec floundered, trapped in his gaze, then laid down and faced him. “Oh…”

Zercy smirked and shifted closer so he could nuzzle Alec’s face. “You missed me, too.”

Alec sighed but didn’t deny it—Zercy’s claim, or his nuzzle. Briefly, he closed his eyes. “It’s been quiet.”

“Hmm,” Zercy rumbled. He took Alec’s hand.

Alec watched him turn it over, watched his fingers start to roam, their gold and gem-strewn rings all burnished and gleaming.

He traced Alec’s lifeline with the tip of his claw. His touch was nice, his fingers warm. It made other parts of Alec warm, too. Like that place inside his chest, behind his ribs.

God, he felt so content now that Zercy was back. Guess he had missed the guy. Might as well admit it. Ugh. It was just so frustrating though, because he shouldn’t feel that way. It was wrong. They were wrong. Thing was, aside from his parents, he couldn’t remember a single person whose absence had ever made him so unhappy.

Hell, even the girl in his last relationship paled in comparison.

Which, Jesus, had been ages ago.

As the king leisurely traced every line on Alec’s palm, Alec couldn’t help wondering about Zercy’s love life.

He lifted his gaze. “Do Nirans ever… date?”

Zercy met his eyes. “Date?”

“Yeah, like… have relationships. Exclusively and shit. With one person.”

Zercy nodded and looked back down. “Those that Nira gifts with a mate.”

“A mate?”

“Tah.” Zercy absently thumbed Alec’s fingertips. “Those whose souls align just as perfectly as their cocks. Who bond through seed and blood, and raise young. They are rare though, true mates,” he mused as if to himself. “So, mah, not much ‘dating.’ Most just fuck.”

Alec pondered that as Zercy toyed, inwardly liking the contact. “What about you? You said you wanted an heir.”

Zercy’s next nod came slower. “Tah. I do.”

“Would you have to get married? And have your kid with a noble?”


“Yeah, you know, to unite kingdoms… or whatever.”

“Tah.” Zercy muttered. “I would.”

Alec’s ribcage tightened. Why’d he ask that question? Zercy’s answer made him restless. He stared at their hands. “Do you see that happening soon?”

“Mah. I see that happening never.”

Alec looked at him. “Never? But… what about an heir?”

“I will not sire one.”

What? But you have to. You’re the king.”

Zercy’s fingers stilled. He set Alec’s hand down and shook his head. “Mah. My royal bloodline ends with me.”

Alec frowned again. Heirs were important. And Zercy wanted one. So what was his deal? It was like he had some aversion to getting hitched.

Alec stilled. Maybe he did.

“Do you have history or something? A pairing in the past that went bad?”

He felt the king bristle.

“Tah. I was betrothed.”

Alec’s brows shot high. “Seriously? You never mentioned it. When?”

Zercy clenched his jaw. “Nearly four moons ago.”

“That recently?” Alec gaped. “What happened? Where’s he now?”

Dead,” Zercy snarled. His hands balled into fists. Turning away, he said no more.

Alec stared at his back. Shit. So that was it. Zercy was jaded by loss, and didn’t want to chance it again. Which Alec could understand. Death was brutal. And cruel. Even now, his parents’ death made him ache. Badly. And they had died five fucking years ago.

He frowned. Zercy’s loss was still fresh and new, his mood swings no doubt a form of morning.

Oh, God. What if that mystery sickness in the courtyard killed the guy? It’d certainly explain why the subject made Zercy so mental.

Heart heavy, Alec reached out and touched his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”

“Never speak of it again.”

Alec opened his mouth—

“In fact, do not speak at all. Go to sleep.”

Sigh. Alec rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He was glad that Zercy showed up, but their encounters were exhausting. Which wasn’t exactly new. They’d always been that way. All up and down, and hot and cold, like a rollercoaster off its tracks.

The only difference?

He no longer wanted to get off.