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Zercy (The Nira Chronicles Book 2) by Kora Knight (29)


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Five disgruntled faces stared back at Alec from their lunch table.

“So,” Chet prompted, his voice laden with irritation, “you gonna tell us why we’ve got cages on our dicks?

Alec exhaled and gave a nod. After Sirus had procured all his samples and had them drink kirah, he’d insisted they put on strange metal devices. Sheaths, worn in place of their typical loinstraps, that enclosed their cock, with only small hole at the end for them to pee through.

At first, and understandably, the guys had been hesitant, staring at the things with looks of dread. Hell, even Alec hadn’t wanted them anywhere near him. The whole fucking concept was unnerving.

“What the hell are those?” he’d asked Sirus warily.

Sirus had answered like the flippant fucker he was. “Protection for your cocks, of course. Little suits of armor.”

“But why?” Chet had bit out. “Why do we need to fucking wear them?”

“Because your cocks bring forth seed, and your seed is very sacred.” His smile had been sly. “It must be kept safe at all times.”

The team had swapped looks, brows pinched in confusion. By the expression on Sirus’ face, and how the guards had quietly stepped forward, Alec knew that to resist would’ve been pointless. They wouldn’t be leaving Sirus’ workshop without their ‘armor.’

Which meant his team could either agree and retain their dignity by giving consent, or they could have the things forced upon them like fucking animals. Something Chet definitely wouldn’t allow without a fight.

Ultimately, with the endgame ever at the forefront of his mind, Alec resolved to not only encourage his men to comply, but also be the first to have one put on. Whatever. So the whack job wanted to keep their dicks protected. Not entirely unfathomable. After all, Alec could see why Sirus would want their cum guarded. It could potentially mean the survival of their race.

Unfortunately, what Alec—and his men, who’d reluctantly followed his lead—hadn’t realized until after the things had been secured, was who Sirus wanted their dicks protected from. That became quite evident though, when mechanisms like mini-padlocks were snapped closed at the small of their backs.

“What the fuck,” Chet had barked. “Why’re you locking these motherfuckers?”

“I told you,” Sirus had replied, most matter-of-factly. “To keep your seed safe at all times.”

“From us,” Alec muttered in understanding. “To keep our fucking cum safe from us.”

The team glanced back and forth between Alec and Sirus, then peered down aghast at their caged dicks.

“But why?” Bailey had rasped. “I don’t understand. Why do you suddenly need our cum so bad?”

At that point, Sirus had slid his golden gaze to Alec. “I will leave that to your captain to explain.”

And here they sat, after all was said and done, in the dining hall at a table loaded with food. Not that any of them had much of an appetite.

Rubbing his brow, Alec endeavored to shed some light. “Last night… the stuff I said Zercy confided in me about? It had to do with his people, or actually, his species, and how they’re in some serious trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?” Chet straightened. “Impending war? Someone attacking?”

“Uh, no. Well, not yet anyway. It isn’t war related. It’s got to do with their race’s… survival.”

“Whoa.” Jamis perked up. “What’s wrong? Is famine coming?”

“No.” Alec shook his head. “Not famine. Sickness. But it’s not coming.” He frowned at them. “It’s here.”

Noah paled a little. “What kind of sickness?”

“The kind that can snuff out a whole species.”

“Fuck…” Noah glanced at their guards. “Is it contagious?”

“No.” Alec rubbed his face. “It’s exclusive to Kríe. But they’re running out of time and can’t stop it.”

For the next several minutes, he explained the sickness as much as he understood it, as well as how it all started with Zercy’s betrothed. Needless to say, his team bombarded him with questions. The last one though, was the most uncomfortable to answer, but one Alec had definitely been bracing for.

Chet cleared his throat. “Shit… That’s… That’s fucking horrible. But… what’s that got to do with our junk?”

Bailey nodded, shifting uncomfortably. “And our ‘super-special’ jizz.”

Alec scratched his cheek. “Right. Um… Well, this morning, a discovery was made. One that might be the break that they’ve been waiting for.”

His team stared at him expectantly.

Alec awkwardly forced a smile. “Human semen. It’s come to their attention that it may hold promising properties.”

Every set of eyebrows raised.

A smile tugged at Jamis. “Get the fuck out.”

Noah blinked. “Cum’s the cure?”

Alec coughed a humorless laugh and dragged a hand through his hair. “I don’t know if it’s a cure, but it seems to at least be helping. It stopped deterioration last night, where it made contact with one of Nira’s roots.”

Zaden stilled. “They put sperm on their sacred tree?”

“Um… Not exactly.”

The team eyed Alec, perplexed.

He held their gazes. They needed to know. Time to fill them in one hundred percent.

Glancing down at the goblet held clutched in his hands, he relayed the truth. “I put it there. It was mine.”

Chet reared back, grimacing. “What the fuck? You rubbed one off all over the Kríe’s holy mother? Jesus, man. God. That’s just wrong.”

Jamis barked out a laugh. “No, you stupid fucking lout. He was with Zercy last night, remember? They were obviously fucking.”

What?” Chet pinned Alec with a look of disbelief. “You’re fucking the enemy?”

“He’s not the enemy.”

“Like hell, he’s not,” Chet bit out. “He’s keeping us here against our will.”

Alec met his glare and held it. “We’re safe here, and you know it. Out in that jungle? We’d be dead.”

“Bullshit,” Chet snapped. “We’re not fucking incompetent. Jesus, Alec. What are you doing? Didn’t we learn our lesson the first time? These fuckers may be a bunch of big lumbering dolts, but they’re still holding us captive. Treating us like property. Just like Gesh and his asshole fucking pack. They sold us. Zercy bought us. How’s that any fucking better? These Kríe are not our friends. And that king,” he spat, “doesn’t care about you. They don’t know what love is. All they care about is themselves. Zercy’s not keeping you to ensure your safety. He’s keeping you ‘cause he wants you for his fucking boy toy. His fun little human novelty. Can’t you see that?”

“No.” Alec shook his head. “You don’t understand. I’ve gotten to know him. He’s not a bad guy. He’s not. He truly believes he’s helping us. When shit calms down, he’ll see clearly and let us go. I’m sure of it. He’s just dealing with a lot of shit right now.”

“Yeah, we know,” Chet sad flatly. “His people got themselves into trouble. But that’s not our fault. And it’s certainly not our problem. So don’t use that shit as an excuse to justify his actions.”

Alec stared at Chet coolly, not appreciating his tone. “It’s complicated. Just like everything on this goddamn trip. So don’t throw that black and white crap in my face. I’m not interested in your outside opinion of my personal affairs. You don’t know Zercy. Not like I do. And if you’re so quick to assume I’d just dive into this blindly, then you obviously don’t know me much, either.”

Chet opened his mouth, but Alec shut him back down. “I’ve told you what’s going on. I’ve chosen not to hide it. But know this, soldier, right here and now. I don’t care what you think about my deal with Zercy, and I’m sure as shit not asking for your approval.”

Chet clenched his jaw and looked away.

Silent moments ticked by.

“What is it exactly?” Zaden finally asked. “This thing… Your deal with Zercy?”

Alec exhaled and rubbed his brow. “I dunno, Z. Honestly, this place we’re at... It’s pretty new.”

“Do you care about him?” Noah asked, his voice soft. “Do you love him?”

Alec looked at him and frowned. “I dunno that, either. But I do know he’s important to me. When he’s stressed, I want to soothe him. When he’s sad, I am, too. And when I make him laugh, it’s like, my whole chest lights up.” He smiled a little, but then frowned again at the severity of the situation. “I want to help him, because if Nira dies, it’s going to destroy him. And I can’t…” He shook his head and looked back at his cup. “I can’t bear the thought of that. I just can’t.”

Jamis whistled low. “Damn. You’ve got it bad.”

Alec’s lips curved tiredly. “Yeah. Not the greatest timing. But it is what it is, and that’s why the discovery was made.”

Bailey rested his chin on his hand and shrugged. “Not really that surprised.”

Alec blinked at him. “You’re not?”

“Nah. You’ve been giving the guy low-key googly eyes for a while now.”

Alec stiffened. Shit. He had?

Bailey grinned and waved it away. “But not just because of that. I mean, think about it, guys.” He looked at the team. “Haven’t you noticed how women, the very concept of females, is barely on our radar anymore? It’s like, the longer we’re here, on this one-gender planet, the more obscure the whole concept of them becomes. Shit, I have a hard time even picturing them these days. And yet I still have a sex drive, so what does that say?”

Jamis nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah… Now that you mention it, you’re right. I know what you mean.”

Zaden’s expression said he felt a similar way as well. He looked at Alec. “Is that how you feel, too?”

Alec contemplated Bailey’s words, but ultimately had to agree. “Yeah. I guess I do. How strange is that.”

Chet scoffed. “I don’t feel that way. You all are off your fucking rockers.” But his tone wasn’t convincing. Way too defensive.

Bailey chuckled. “Whatever, macho man. For the record, I say you’re full of shit.”

Chet shot him a glower. “Just ‘cause you fantasize about fucking a merman doesn’t mean I’m into guys.”

“No,” Noah corrected. “You’re into Roni specifically.”

Jamis snorted. “Wait. Wasn’t it the other way around? Pretty sure it was Roni who was balls-deep into Chet.”

Chet shot up, knocking his stool out from under him. “Shut your ass.” Incensed, he raked everyone at the table with a glare. “He’s a dick just like the rest of them. Tossed us away like used condoms. If I see him again, he’s fucking dead.”

Zaden grunted. “Like you could take him, Chet. Get over it and sit down.”

Chet scowled, then swiped up his stool and took a seat.

Alec sighed and shook his head. “Getting back on track to our current predicament, now you know the problem and how we fit in the equation. I suggest you take some time to look inside yourselves and make a decision.”

“Right,” Chet muttered. “Because our choices are so many. Voluntarily agree to be our asshole captives’ cum cows, or stand our ground until they bend us to their will.” He chuckled sardonically and rubbed his nape. “Either way they’ll get what they want. They always do.”


* * *


Physical activities with Kellim were even less fun than usual. Not to mention, exceptionally awkward.

After all, for each session, they had to strip down to their loinstraps, but their loinstraps had been swapped out for chastity belts. Fucking ridiculous. Ambling around with their dicks decked in ‘armor.’ Alec had felt like a gladiator in some B-rated porn flick. His teammates hadn’t looked any happier.

Their guards, however, had seemed downright entertained.

Thankfully, Sirus had had mercy and instructed Kellim to tailor their activities accordingly, choosing exercises that didn’t require vigorous movement. Clearly, he’d known just how heavy their metal sheaths were, and how the family jewels could get injured should they smack into them.

When their lessons were finally over, they’d hit the bath house for a soak, then hung out for a while before dinner. As soon as the suns went down though, they were herded back up the tower, where Sirus eagerly awaited their arrival.

Alec headed inside with his men, nice and winded from the climb. A climb that’d been unpleasant for another reason, too. Throughout the day, he’d felt his nuts growing heavier. Fuller. More recently, even his prostate had started to swell. He knew this because it’d suddenly gotten super fucking sensitive. He could literally feel its presence with every step. Needless to say, climbing the tower had been grueling when even the slightest movement set it off.

Sirus smiled from ear to ear. Wow. He certainly looked happy. “Beesha, little moyos. Welcome back.”

“Uh huh,” Chet grumbled, trying futilely to adjust his junk. “Would rather be anywhere else.”

Sirus chuffed. “So cheerful.” He gestured to one of his workstations. “Nenya. I have more kirah for you to drink.”

Alec glanced at the table where six vials sat waiting. He frowned at the stuff, knowing exactly what it equated to. More super-engorged nuts and another swollen prostate by the time he woke up in the morning.

The team headed over.

Bailey picked up a vial and studied it. “I’m assuming this is the culprit that’s making my balls feel like grapefruits.”

“Tah,” Sirus chuckled again, handing out the rest. “Amazing, is it not? How very well the nectar works?”

Chet glared at his portion. “Is this shit related to senna`sohnsay? ‘Cause it sure as hell feels awfully similar.”

“Mah.” Sirus shook his head. “Totally different fruit. Although, both do target reproductive organs specifically, enhancing seed production exponentially.”

“Yeah, no shit,” Jamis muttered. “Feels like my junk’s about to pop.”

Noah nodded, looking tentative. He frowned at his vail. “Not sure I wanna drink anymore.”

“Do not worry,” Sirus assured. “Once you spill you will feel fine.”

Chet leveled him with a glower. “We don’t appreciate you forcing our hands like this, you know.” He set down his kirah and mulishly crossed his arms. “Makes me feel like you don’t deserve our fucking cum.”

Sirus’ cheery air faded. “You will not donate your seed?”


The Kríe’s eyes flared angrily. “Fine. That is your choice. But you will get no reprieve. Your protection will remain, and you will only grow fuller.”

Chet bristled.

Sirus turned to the others just the same. “That goes for everyone, just so we are clear. I do not know why spilling seed is such an issue for your kind, but I am a very busy Kríe, with many important things to do. If you do not drink your kirah, nor spill your seed for me, your cages will stay locked, inaccessible. At which point, you will have to wait for the next collection appointment to have another chance at finding release. You will not waste my time. I do not have one moment to spare. So do as I have instructed or leave me be.”

Clearly, the Kríe knew they’d eventually cave. And by the feel of things, probably really soon.

Alec exhaled and downed his shot. He wasn’t interested in games. He just hoped his men would show compassion and follow his lead.

Bailey sighed and drank his, too. “Guess it’s no different to trips to the sperm bank.”

“True.” Jamis nodded and swallowed his, as well.

“And it’s for a good cause.” Noah did the same.

Zaden brushed his black bangs away and downed his, too. “Don’t say we never did anything for you fucks.”

Sirus’ broody front diminished as he watched them comply, a happy glint returning to his eyes. “You did not resist…” He stared at each man. “You will do this voluntarily? For Nira?”

The trio shrugged a little. Zaden nodded reluctantly. But it was Chet’s response that took Alec by surprise.

“If we do,” he grumbled, “can we lose these fucking cages?”

Wow. He was actually considering it.

“Of course,” Sirus vowed. “As long as you agree to drink the kirah and refrain from spilling seed between visits.” Smirking, he handed the last vial to Chet. “I will be able to tell if you do, you know. So do not try, or your cock goes back in its cage.”

Chet scowled. “Relax. Geez, I’m not a total bastard. Just wanna be treated with a little respect.”

“I understand.” Sirus beamed and turned to face the others. “You are gifts from the gods. Every one of you. Gratitude. Nira will not forget your selflessness.”

The team swapped looks. And what do you know, they all—even Chet—looked content. Like they knew what they were doing meant the world to these Kríe. A sacrifice they could feel good about, which made Alec proud as fuck. They’d chosen to look past their differences and ‘be the bigger man,’ despite all the shit these Kríe had put them through.

Sirus smiled and gestured to a door at the back of the room. “Shall we begin then?”

Alec frowned. He knew where that led. To the receptacles in which they deposited their cum. Small private stalls with bizarre erotic murals of Kríe fucking in every imaginable position. And yet, what was even crazier were the life-size Kríe statues, fashioned with an orifice to unload in.

That morning, when Alec had met his ‘personal receptacle’ for the first time, he’d admittedly been taken aback. In fact, he’d opted to jack himself to the brink before even going near that statue’s ass. Eventually, he’d had to, though. It was where the damn catch was. Once he was in, he’d still had to thrust a bit to blow, and fuck, the way it’d constricted around his dick? Yeah, that’d been really fucking weird. So he’d closed his eyes and… envisioned it was Zercy. Then, bam, just like that, he’d fucking detonated.

Hesitating, he looked at Sirus, then gestured toward the partitions. “Don’t you uh… need to get some of the other stuff first?”

Sirus shook his head. “Mah. Only seed from now on. I tested every sample that we collected from you earlier. Neither the blood nor urine had any effect. Only the seed.”

The trio looked surprised. Even Alec had expected different.

Sirus must’ve picked up on their bewilderment, offering up his personal conclusion. “I do know not why for sure, but in a way it does make plausible sense.”

“How so?” Alec asked. He’d been sure blood too, would’ve been helpful.

Sirus led the way. “Nira’s physical form is solely that of a reproductive entity. Likewise, so is your seed. Your blood, however, cannot make that claim. Nor, for that matter, can your urine.”

Interesting, Alec thought as they followed Sirus back.

Sirus stopped at the door and motioned Alec closer, then turned him around and quickly unlocked his junk.

Alec tamped down a moan of pure rapturous relief. His dick had been hard for a good couple of hours, and being crammed into those confines had not been awesome. Reaching under his tunic, he gave his goods a rub, then peered through the door at the first stall.

“Every drop,” Sirus reminded. “Do not try to withdraw prematurely. Kirah works incredibly well, so compared to this morning, your yield should be twenty times as great. And since your receptacles are designed to milk you dry at the end, they will not let go.” He smirked. “So do not hurt yourselves.”

“Jesus,” Jamis muttered. “That’s not scary as fuck.”

Bailey, however, was already doing the math. “Damn. So, if the average guy’s cum dump’s one teaspoon—”

“Shit,” Chet threw in. “I shoot a tablespoon easy.”

“—then that means we’re getting ready to kick out twenty.”

“Holy fuck,” Noah laughed. “That’s a half a fucking cup.”

Alec stilled. Good god. No wonder his nuts felt so heavy.

“Wow.” Jamis chuckled. “Think about last time. We didn’t unload for a whole day after eating that senna`sohnsay. That’s twice as long as this time.” He grinned at Bailey and Noah. “We must’ve fucking orgasmed a whole damn cup’s worth.”

“Yeah,” Bailey snorted. “Right down those pervy twins’ throats.”

The rest of the team, as Alec recalled—although, who knew about Noah—dumped their mega-loads into tankards. Then, as soon as they’d caught their breath and gathered their bearings, they watched their handlers slurp it down like eggnog.

Uttering a curse, Alec headed for his stall as, behind him, Sirus got busy unlocking the others. He couldn’t believe they’d be doing this indefinitely. For a species of arrogant fuckers he barely even liked.

No, he corrected himself as he entered the small enclosure, there was one among the Kríe he liked a lot. Maybe too much, even. But at least he’d finally admitted it. He’d somehow fallen for the king. Who, come to think of it, was still pissed off at him. Because Alec had hurt him, cut him down when they should’ve been celebrating.

God, he was such a tool. Next time he saw Zercy, he’d make it right.

Next time he saw him, he’d make it clear how much he cared.


* * *


After they’d finished doing their thing in Sirus’ workshop, Alec opted to head back to his room. Technically, he could’ve stayed with the guys a few more hours, but he’d wanted some time alone to think. And plan. Strategize a way to get back into Zercy’s good graces, so they could revel together in the good fortune of Sirus’ discovery.

Pacing the length of Zercy’s chambers, he rubbed at his mouth, contemplating the best course of action. He’d apologize first, naturally, but then what? What could he do? A gesture of some sort, actions instead of words, to show Zercy the magnitude of his feelings. That he’d meant what he’d said in the courtyard last night. That he was there for Zercy when he needed him. Wouldn’t go running when problems arose. Yeah, the whole situation with his team had definitely jarred him, but in the scheme of things, it’d be worth it to save an entire species. That his men were willingly cooperating certainly helped.

He pivoted on his heel at the far end of the room, readying to lap it back toward the foyer. But before he could take more than a couple of steps, the double doors pushed open, and there Zercy stood.

Alec stopped in his tracks as their eyes instantly locked.

Zercy’s expression looked intense, but other than that, Alec couldn’t read him.

He cleared his throat. “Hey.”

Zercy didn’t respond at first. When Setch and Kellim closed the doors though, he finally spoke.

“Nenya, Alick,” he rumbled in his sexy-as-sin lilt. A lilt that only strengthened when he was emotional.

Alec’s heart went nuts. Was he pissed? He couldn’t tell.

Nodding, he headed over and stopped in front of the king.

Zercy peered down at him. “I spoke with Sirus. He told me what transpired during your visits.”

Alec quickly wracked his brain for any behavior that could’ve been misconstrued. Besides Chet’s typical, everyday ornery disposition, they’d all ultimately cooperated both times. “Not sure what you’re referring to,” he finally replied. “We did what Sirus asked. We all complied.”

“Mah.” Zercy shook his head. “More happened than that.”

Alec shifted his weight. “What do you mean?”

Something glinted in the king’s eyes. A potent little light. “Sirus told me,” he murmured, “that you always came forward first and gave of your body without question.” A small, tender smile slowly curved his lips. “And that because of this, your men followed your example.”

Alec exhaled, gazing up at him, his heart pounding in relief. Zercy wasn’t mad. He was grateful for Alec’s help.

The king’s smile spread wider. “I just left your team’s quarters. I wanted to thank them personally. To show my gratitude.”

Alec stilled, his brows lifting. He smiled, too. “No shit?”

Zercy chuffed. “Tah. ‘No shit’.” He slid his hands under Alec’s armpits and hoisted him to eye level. “I brought them gifts.”

“What?” Alec laughed, clutching Zercy’s shoulders. “Are you serious?”

“Tah.” Zercy turned and pushed Alec’s back against the door, leaving his feet dangling above the ground. “But I had no idea what your teammates like, so I brought a little of everything I could think of.” He leaned in and happily nuzzled Alec cheek. “Books, trinkets, plants, food, drink… Even pets.”

“Pets?” Alec laughed again, Zercy’s affections straight-up melting him. Drawing his knees up, he braced his feet flat against the door, which instantly had Zercy pushing himself between them.

“Tah. Pets for my pets,” he rumbled, biting Alec’s ear.

A shiver raced up Alec’s spine. He smiled and closed his eyes. “Shit. I can only imagine their reactions.”

Zercy’s soft pumping purr tickled the skin on his neck. “The little ones with dark hair were elated, to say the least. Gesh’s pet, the golden-haired human, just smiled. Your co-pilot stayed stoic…” Zercy pressed closer, nuzzled harder, “but eventually smiled too, and said thank you.”

Alec moaned and squeezed Zercy’s waist with his thighs. “And Chet?”

Zercy leaned back and grinned. “The grumpy one with tiny hairs?”

“Yeah. That’s him,” Alec laughed. “What’d he say?”

“At first he just glared at me,” Zercy slowly rocked his hips, “but was quickly distracted by my gifts’ adamant squeaks.”

Really?” More laughter spilled unchecked from Alec’s mouth.

“Tah.” Zercy chuffed. “He let one crawl up his arm. A moment later, two sat chittering on his shoulder.”

Alec shook his head, grinning. Chet had a soft spot for critters? Seriously, who would’ve thought?

Zercy friskily bit at Alec’s chin, then continued down his jaw. “I offered them nonmaterial things, as well.”

“Oh?” Alec murmured, insides thrumming in bliss.

Zercy smiled against his cheek. “In appreciation of their kindness, from this day forward, I am relieving them, and you, of your escorts.”

Alec stilled, lips parting. “You’re…  giving us free rein?”

“I am.” More purring as Zercy reclaimed Alec’s lobe. “Within reason, of course. Anywhere you desire, you may go. As long as you remain inside the castle’s walls.”

Alec couldn’t believe it. Zercy wasn’t just showing his heartfelt gratitude. He was extending to Alec his utter fucking trust. And not just with anything, but his most precious possession. Alec’s team. AKA his only hope for Nira.

The gesture was enormous. Because in giving this gift, Zercy in turn made Alec’s men a much larger flight risk. Chet wouldn’t ignore that fact. It made escape ten times easier. And yet, Alec sensed that Zercy wasn’t lost to this, but was choosing to trust Alec in spite of it.

Alec’s heart throbbed in his chest. “Wow… That’s... huge. Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” Zercy nuzzled his ear. “But there is more. Something I am certain you will like.”

Alec shifted, snuggly sandwiched between the door and Zercy’s body. “More?”

“Tah, more.” Zercy leaned back and grinned. “I have decided to let your scientists work with Sirus.”

Alec’s eyes shot wide. “Holy shit. That’s fucking awesome!”

Zercy chuffed and rocked his hips again, sending bliss to Alec’s junk. “According to Sirus, your seed is keeping Nira stabilized.”

Alec’s heart pounded. “So… she’s cured?”

“It is too early to say. All we know at the moment is that, thanks to your team, she has been frozen in suspended animation. No longer does she deteriorate. In fact, she already grows stronger. Whether or not human seed can restore her to her original state? We do not know. Only time will tell.”

Alec nodded in understanding. The not knowing was never a fun place to be, but in this case it was far better than the alternative.

Smiling, he slid his hands from Zercy’s shoulders to his cheeks. “She’s going to survive this. My men will make sure of it. With them working alongside Sirus, anything’s possible.”

Zercy nuzzled Alec’s palm. “I pray that you are right.” One by one, he moved his hands to clutch Alec’s ass, then claimed Alec’s lips and pressed against him. “Apologies,” he rumbled, “for being curt with you this morning. I was overwhelmed and emotional and—”

“I know. So was I.” Alec sank his hands into Zercy’s dreads. “I’m sorry for the way I acted, too.”

Zercy eased back and met his gaze. For long moments they didn’t speak. Then a huge, magnificent smile lit his face. “I want to celebrate. Right now. With you, upon the roof.”

“Okay,” Alec chuckled. “I’d say celebration’s definitely in order.”

The king growled happily and set him down, then pulled open the doors and called to his guards. “Send word to the chef to prepare a special meal. I will be dining under the stars tonight with my Alick.”

“Right away, my lord.” Kellim inclined his head and turned on his heel.

Setch remained to stand watch. A smile curved his lips. “It is a very good day, Sire.”

“It is indeed.”