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The Big D by Brittany Crowley (27)







It isn’t until late into the night that I’m finally able to go in and see Aggie. She had some complications and they thought she might need to go in for emergency surgery, but right now she’s stable. For now.

With Trevor at my back, I enter the room to see her lying helpless in the hospital bed hooked up to everything imaginable. Tubes are coming out of everywhere and beeping sounds fill the room.

Trevor wraps his arms around my waist before I hit the ground.

“You’re okay Grant. Look, see that monitor right there? That’s her heart beat. She’s alive… breathing.”

“I kept thinking…” I choke out.

“I know and I’m here for you. Let’s sit you in the chair next to your girl. I’m sure hearing your voice will take some of her fear away. Knowing someone she loves is here will help her road to recovery.”

“Thanks.” I manage to stand on my own and walk to the chair he places next to the bed. Trevor excuses himself from the room when he tells me our dads calling.

To say that was the hardest call I’ve ever had to make is an understatement. My father ended up having to call in the paramedics because my mom passed out when she couldn’t stop hyperventilating.

Losing a child. Tears stream down my face once again. How are they going to come back from this?

I’ve been sitting vigil at Aggie’s bedside for a half hour talking to her when a police officer enters the room.

“You are?”

“Grant Donovan, Aggies husband.”

“Funny, I don’t remember seeing a spouse when we ran her license. Don’t worry I’ll keep it to myself. Right now, we have more important matters to discuss. I need to know who would be after your girl or your brother.”

“What do you mean?”

“We had the car towed to a mechanic right away because we couldn’t figure out why they ran the red light. Then we had several witnesses saying they were weaving in and out of traffic as if they couldn’t stop. Turns out the brake lines were cut.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Afraid not Mr. Donovan. Now, any known enemies to either of them?”

“Carissa Locke.”

“Care to elaborate? An ex of your brothers?”

“Almost 15 years ago she stalked me pretty bad and kidnapped me. She’s been in jail but got released recently for good behavior. She showed up at my condo when I wasn’t home and sat with Aggie for a short time until I called. We haven’t seen her since she fled our house, but the cops have been trying to track her down. She clearly doesn’t want to be found and she’s the only person I could think of that would want to hurt Aggie. There should be an entire case on her you can read over to get you up to speed.”

“I’ll look into it when I get back to the precinct. Why was Agnes with your brother?”

I go into the whole story from looking at the house to going to the realtor’s office.

“I’ll see if there are any camera’s set up on that block. If it was her we should know it by the visual.” He stands up and shakes my hand as I sit at Aggie's side. I refuse to leave her for anything.

“Mr. Donovan?”

“Yes, sir?”

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

Emotions threaten to overtake me again. “Thank you, sir.”

I grab Aggie's hand as her hospital door opens again a short while later.

“Where is she?” I hear yelled as a teary-eyed Leslie runs through the door.

“Right here. I stand up and usher her to the chair I’ve been sitting in.”

“Oh my… it was bad, wasn’t it?” She sobs. “Is she going to be okay?”

“They need to monitor her and the baby for the next few days, but as long as she stays stable she should make a full recovery.”

“Thank god. Has she woken up yet?” She grabs Aggie's hand and kisses her fingers.

“Not yet.”

And that’s the part that worries me. The accident happened hours ago and she still hasn’t opened her eyes. The doctor says it can be normal with a brain injury. Maybe I’m being selfish after the horrible news about my brother, but all I want is for her to open her gorgeous brown eyes. Is that too much to ask for right now? For her to recite some stupid line from Harry Potter to me or update me with the fruit size our baby is measuring.

“She’s a fighter Grant. Her and the baby will make it through.” She nods her head like she’s trying to convince herself.

“It’s a girl.”


“We’re having a girl. We weren’t supposed to find out until tomorrow, but earlier the doctor said it’s a girl.”

“A baby girl…” She sobs. “A princess just like her mother.”

“A trouble maker like her mother.” I laugh.

“How are you holding up Grant?”

“I’m okay.”

“Don’t lie to me, I talked to your brother in the hall. I’m truly sorry for your loss. I… I don’t know what to say.”

“You’ve already said enough Leslie. Thank you.”

She stands up and walks over to pull me in for a hug. With my head on her shoulder, I let all my pent-up emotions from today go. I cry for the brother I’ve lose and the love of my life fighting her way back to me. It’s like the dams been broken and there’s no end in sight.

I feel a hand on my back and when I look up I see Trevor trying not to lose it. Everything’s been one whirlwind of emotion and we haven’t been able to process. Sure, we know our brothers gone. But the grieving hasn’t started yet.

“I’m so sorry Trev, if I didn’t call him…”

“Don’t. Don’t you dare Grant. None of this is your fault.”

“It was Carissa, she cut the brake lines.” I look at the ground in shame. “She’s my problem and now she’s killed our brother.” I hold onto Trevor even harder, pulling him to me even closer.

“She’s insane, you didn’t make her do it. Don’t place the blame on yourself. You’ll never be able to live, it’ll hold you back.”

I pull back and wipe my eyes. “How’s mom doing?”

“Dad said they just boarded a plane and she’s so doped up she doesn’t even know what day it is. It’s for the best until she gets here.”

“It is. How do I explain this to them?”

“They love you, no one’s going to hold you accountable. We’re gonna do what we do best. Band together as a family and be there for each other.” He wipes the tears from his eyes and excuses himself from the room again. He’s never been an emotional guy. He probably needs to find a quiet corner to process.

I pull another chair up to the bed and take Aggie’s other hand in my own. “Come on baby, you have to wake up. I need you right now. You’re my rock.”

Then I place my head on her bed and sob.