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A Twist of Fate by T Gephart (8)

Chapter 8 – The Twist

“Lexi! Lexi!! What the fuck!?!?! Lexi!!!” Matt urgently shook me from my deep sleep. “Lexi, can you hear me? What happened to you? WAKE UP GOD DAMN IT!” It took all the energy I had to force my eyes open. I felt as though I hadn’t slept in years, the events of the early morning still buzzed around in my mind.

“Hey... What’s up?” I croaked. My throat was so dry I felt like it was on fire.

“Your clothes are on the floor, there is blood all over them. I tried calling you and calling you but you didn’t answer the phone... I got worried so I came home to check on you. Then to find you like this... What the fuck happened? Are you hurt? What the fuck is going on Lexi?” His eyes searched my face for an answer and through my sleep fog I saw how deeply concerned he was. It was actually a rather touching moment, I felt loved, cared for... something I hadn’t expect to be receiving from this new found friendship.

“I’m fine... it’s...” I was not entirely sure how to explain, the truth was far from the realm of possibility.

Yeah, there was this really bad car accident, which narrowly missed collecting me and, well, I pulled the guy to safety and saved his life and he just so happens to be Mike Bowden, James Bowden’s little brother- you know the lead singer of that band that I adore?

“Look, it’s complicated... I don’t really want to talk about it now but I am ok. Maybe we can talk about it later... it’s just not something I can get into right now.” I tried to pacify him.

“Oh Lex... I just saw the blood and thought the worst. I thought maybe you were hurt, I just didn’t know what to think.” I sighed and sat up. Clearly I wasn’t getting back to sleep any time soon.

“I’m sorry you were worried but really, I’m fine... And I’m happy to let you inspect me all over to ease your mind” I mocked wickedly. I saw relief wash over his face as he gently kissed the top of my head. I couldn’t understand why but I felt a pang of guilt. I wanted to tell him, I was just so used to keeping things to myself. This was a better fit... no questions, no explanations. It was for the best all around.

My phone vibrated precariously close to the edge of my bedside table. I caught it before it dropped and noticed it was connected to the charger. I didn’t remember plugging it in when I came home, but I guess some habits are so ingrained they become automatic. I silently thanked my obsessive-compulsive side. Wow! 25 missed calls, the last 5 being Emma, and she was calling me again now.

“Hey Ems” I leveled my voice.

“Lexi... where have you been?” Her voice mixed with anxiety and excitement.

“Ummm, sorry, it seems I’ve been a hard girl to get a hold of. I worked really late last night and I forgot my phone was on silent. What’s up, you sound kind of worried.” Geez I go off the radar for a few hours and everyone freaks out, what had happened while I was sleeping? Armageddon? Zombie Apocalypse? KFC run out of chicken?

“It’s been all over the news.” Emma huffed into the phone “James Bowden’s brother was involved in a near fatal car accident last night, he’s in hospital Lexi. He almost died! The concert tonight has been postponed!!! Can you imagine what he must be going through?! Poor James, he’s such a beautiful man! The weight of this tragic event...!” She barely took a breath before continuing “Of course I’m bummed about the concert tonight, actually I am disappointed beyond words, but it’s only natural he’ll want to be with his family.”

“...That’s terrible news” I managed to mumble not wanting to outright lie to Emma. Matt curiously watched me and tried following the conversation. “Is he ok, did they say?” I didn’t have to fake my concern; I actually really wanted to know.

“No, nothing. He’s in ICU at the Alfred. James hasn’t left his side.” I could hear in her voice the adoration she had for him, this famous man she’d never met. Whom only a few hours ago, I was hugging and reassuring and who had offered me his shirt!

“Is everything okay Lex?” Matt interjected. I held my hand over the phone.

“Yeah its fine, James Bowden’s brother was in an accident and the concert tonight is cancelled. Emma is a little upset. Guess, I won’t need you to bail me out of the slammer after all!” I winked.

“Yeah I heard about that earlier on my way into work. They didn’t say anything about the concert being cancelled but I guess that makes sense. Sorry Lexi, I’m sure you guys must be disappointed” he breathed. I smiled and mouthed “Its okay” as I put the phone back to my ear.

“Look Em, I’ll give you a call later when I’m more awake. I’m sure they’ll reschedule the show and look at the positive side, they will be hanging around in Melbourne a little while longer now.”

“Yeah, I know Lexi... I’ve put James’ picture on my vision board. I’m sending lots of positive energy for him and his family, besides... he’s not bad to look at!” she laughed.

“Good stuff, send some vibes for me too.” I laughed back as we said our goodbyes.

Matt glanced at his watch. “I should probably go.... I need to get back to work.”

“Thanks for checking up on me, I am genuinely touched... not in a physical way, which is what I would have preferred,” I joked “but in an emotional, heartfelt way - which I am learning to appreciate.”

A wicked grin crossed his mouth and he shook his head, “I’m leaving before you corrupt me any further.”

“Any time you want to come over to the dark side, just let me know... Speaking of the dark side, I actually HAVE a Princess Leia costume...I’m just sayin’” I beamed.

Matt’s mouth dropped open and he backed slowly to the door. I wasn’t entirely sure if it was mock horror or actual shock. “See you tonight Lex,” he called out “Stay out of trouble!”

“Always” I called back. I heard the door slam shut.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the missed calls, 10 from Matt (Gee, he really was worried), there was one from Kate, the 5 from Emma, a few other random numbers - possibly clients and a blocked number. Huh. I called my voice mail.

You have 5 saved voice messages to listen to. Please press one.

Message one received at 9:35am today “Hey Lexi, its Matt. You didn’t come home last night and you’re not in at work so I’m just checking to see you’re ok. Give me a call back –.”

I deleted and moved onto the next message

Message two received at 10:30am today “Hey Lex, It’s Emma... OH MY GOD!!! Have you seen the news... so sad... poor James! Not sure what is happening about tonight. Fingers crossed everything works out. Call me back ok. Love ya”

Message three received at 10:42am today “Hey Lexi, it’s Matt again. Hey... a little worried I haven’t heard from you. You ok?? That must have been some booty call last night if you are still asleep. Call me... or text me... smoke sign... email... something girl... I’m losing my shit over here.”

Message four received at 12:01pm today “Alexandra Reed, my name is Dr Richard King. I am a doctor from the Alfred Hospital. I have your preliminary blood screening results. Obviously due to privacy restrictions, I can’t give these to you over the phone but if you can come in and see me today, we can discuss them further. Just waiting on your HIV results which will take a couple of days but we have everything else. Hope to see you soon, please don’t concern yourself... this is just standard procedure. Thank you and have a good day.

Message five received at 12:26pm today “Hi Lexi, its James. I hope you don’t mind but I saved your number to my phone... They brought Mike out of the coma, he doesn’t remember anything. He’d really like to meet you and thank you himself. I’ll leave you clearance at the hospital front desk if you’d like to come by. Ask to see patient Doug Smith. Ummmm... Yeah... hope to see you later.”

I stared at my phone in disbelief. James Bowden had saved my number to his phone and left me a voice message. Could this day get any stranger? I kicked off my matted and damp covers (I was definitely going to have to change my sheets tonight) and walked out of my room. I saw my pile of bloody discarded clothes near the front door and threw them quickly into the trash bag. No wonder Matt had been worried when he arrived home. There was no amount of stain remover that was getting that out!

After another quick shower I sat on the edge of my bed and contemplated what to wear. What does one wear to meet the person whom one has resuscitated? I settled on my favourite Sass and Bide Jeans, ankle boots and my favourite long sleeve, red fitted V neck top. I dried my hair quickly with the hair dryer and swept up the front strands so they were off my face. A little bit of makeup and I was ready to go.

The whole drive over there I felt a twinge in my stomach. I wasn’t sure if it was from the fact I hadn’t eaten or I was nervous about what was going to happen. A mess of thoughts raced through my brain: What am I going to say to this guy? Will James be there? I suppose I should get the blood test results while I’m there, not that I’m worried about that. I hope I don’t get my photo taken.

I finally arrived and turned into the car park. I switched off the ignition and sat for a minute in my car. I pulled down my visor and studied my reflection in the vanity panel carefully. C’mon Lexi... time to go! I stepped out of the car and walked to the main part of the hospital. At the door I was asked by security what the purpose of my visit was and I handed over my ID and told them I was visiting patient “Doug Smith”. After consulting his all important clipboard, I was waved through. I made my way to ICU before being confronted by yet another security guard. The nurses eyed me suspiciously, as I once again handed over my ID, relaying my reason for being there. They were not leaving anything to chance. I wondered if the hospital was footing the bill for this added security or if this was provided by James? I guessed the latter. Guard number 51 radioed something and I was instructed to wait.

“Lexi, I’m so glad you made it.” James walked out; he’d obviously showered and changed and smelt amazing. He reached out and gave me a warm hug.

“Hey, how’s the patient doing?” I asked.

“He’s doing great. They are moving him out of ICU this afternoon. I’m hoping that we can move him back to our hotel with some private nursing staff but only once I get the all clear from his Doc. How are you doing? You look like you got that shower you were desperate for this morning.” He gave me his megawatt smile.

“Yeah... I took two actually. How are you doing? Get any sleep?” I smiled back.

“Yeah, the nurses have been very accommodating” he boasted. HA! I’m sure they had been. “Well he doesn’t remember the accident but we’ve told him everything. Jackson is being released today so he’s in there with him now. Mike is really anxious to meet you,” James took my hand in his. “You ready?”

“Sure, lead the way,” I gulped as we walked through the door.

Jackson immediately leapt to his feet as we entered, “Lexi! It’s so good to see you again!” He had one arm plastered and in a sling but threw his other arm around me as best he could.

“Hey Jackson, you’re looking good. Nice cast! You got quite a collection of signatures on it!” I mused. I couldn’t help but notice Alex Stone’s unmistakable scrawl near Jackson’s wrist.

“You want to sign it?” He exclaimed.

“Sure, no problem” I grabbed the marker he handed to me and wrote Get Better soon, Lexi xx. Jackson examined it carefully.

“Mike’s over here... he’s awake. He wants to meet you.” He put his arm around my waist and walked me over to the edge of the bed. James stood to one side of me and Jackson to the other, his hand still around my waist.

Two confused eyes surveyed me up and down before turning to James and asking “Who is this?”

“Mike, this is Lexi... Remember, Lexi? We spoke about her before.” James reassured his little brother. Mike squinted slightly.

You’re Lexi?” He asked.

“Sure am,” I whispered back.

“Seriously? You’re the one?? Wow, you’re HOT! They didn’t tell me you were so hot!” His face became more animated.

“Well, thank you!” I laughed “Although you have a pretty nasty concussion so you probably don’t have the best judgement right now.”

“Oh no... You’re hot!” Jackson volunteered. James just smiled and shook his head.

“What? You’re not going to weigh in here?” I teased.

“You already told me you weren’t attracted to me despite my best efforts, I’m not sure my wounded pride can sustain any more damage” James chortled. Jackson and Mike were bewildered by our private joke.

The room was so unwelcoming and sterile, white washed walls accentuated the harshness of the metal bed and limited furniture. A large leather La-Z-boy had been placed to the side of the bed where there were no monitors. For James, no doubt. I’m sure it was the nurses “accommodating him”. It seemed so out of place given the rest of the landscape. Two regular chairs had been pushed up against the back wall.

Despite this extraordinary situation, I felt at ease and relaxed. Any reservations I had about coming had dissolved, fate had firmly put me on this path and I was resolved to see it through. My mood softened as I took in the seriousness of Mike’s injuries. I understood why James had been so desperate last night. Seeing his brother in this condition, it’s something no loved one should ever have to endure.

I sensed rather than heard someone entering the room behind me. “Well, Well, it seems I’m missing the party in here! Mike, you’re looking better.” The words slipped off his tongue like honey and I had to turn to take in his magnificence.

“I’m Alex; I don’t believe we’ve met” Alex Stone sauntered over to me and held out his hand. I gazed up at his astonishingly handsome face. His 6’4” frame dwarfed me. He was dressed simply in a pair of dark jeans, a tight black t-shirt and a leather jacket. His sunglasses hung from the collar of his shirt, the reflection of the lenses accentuating his angled jaw and fine chiseled nose. His brilliant blue eyes sparkled as he studied me with curiosity. I felt myself shiver with excitement just from the intonation of his voice. He could make me come just by looking at me; I could already feel my panties getting moist.

“I’m Lexi” was all I could manage.

“Lexi. Well, it is a pleasure.” He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. My insides quivered. Seriously, is it possible to achieve an orgasm just from a kiss? ‘Cause I was pretty close right now. Alex studied me intently as if contemplating a thought. Could he read minds? Was I giving off some weird pheromone?

“Is something wrong?” I asked, slightly perturbed by his glance.

“Hmmmmmm,” he commenced “James told me about what you did for Mike here... how you saved his life.”

“Yes,” I said, not fully comprehending where he was going with this.

“You pulled him from the wreck. Administered CPR. You made a tourniquet out of your shirt to stop the bleeding in his leg.” It was like each word hung in his mouth, caressed by his tongue before it slid out effortlessly. He still had a hint of his Nordic accent. God this man was hot. He unnerved me so I slipped into defence mode.

“Thanks for the re-cap Alex, but I do remember - I was there. Is there something in particular you wanted to ask me about?” I watched the corners of his mouth twitch, he was making me squirm and he was enjoying it!

Damn he was good at this game. It was almost like looking into a mirror; the smooth, level tone, the same self-assurance, each word dripping in open ended possibilities but to the untrained ear seemed nothing more than conversation. The casual smile, the eyes engaging my gaze... a manoeuvre I had perfected over the years, was now being reflected right back at me.

“Well... I was just thinking.” He paused for effect “It’s a pretty extreme measure that was undertaken by Mike here to get your top off... I’m not sure I condone his behaviour but now that I’ve seen you, I understand,” he concluded.

My mouth dropped open and I heard gasps from Jackson and Mike.

“Alex!” James barked “Outside... now!”

“No, No. It’s okay.” I assured James as I put my best game face on. “Why Alex, that is very flattering,” I breathed. “If poor Mike wasn’t still in such a precarious state I’d take my top off right now, seeing as he missed it the first time.” I slid my hand provocatively to the hem of my top. I heard the beeps on Mike’s heart monitor speed up slightly as his face flushed bright red.

Alex dissolved in fits of laughter. “I like this one, we should keep her around.”

“Well if she can handle you, I’m guessing she can handle anyone.” James smiled back, enjoying the fact I had cracked Alex’s steely facade.

“Indeed she can,” he gleamed. “Although at the risk of changing the topic and talking business, we need to decide what we are going to do about the rest of these shows. Chris has been on the phone with me all morning and you know I hate talking on the phone.”

“Well, we need a new opening band, Jacks can’t play and the guys don’t want to do it without him,” James responded. I was surprised they were having this conversation while I was in the room. Jackson looked about nervously; I focused my eyes on him and gave him my best “it will be okay” smile.

“You guys need a band?” I asked. Both men turned toward me as if suddenly remembering I was there. “I can get you a band” I fished into my handbag and pulled out a business card. “Here, call Jamie. He’s an agent here in Melbourne. He has everything from corporate bands to garage bands and everything in between. He owes me a favour because I planned his daughter’s 16th birthday party.”

James inspected the card. “You know any good PR firms? We fired our local representation after they leaked news of Mike’s accident to the press.”

“Are you shitting me?” I almost choked. I reached back into my bag and grabbed my business card out and handed it James.

“Lexi Reed, Cole Public Relations and Events” James read aloud.

“Well, I stand corrected... it seems saving Mike was a rather extreme way for Ms Reed to get a job interview” Alex chuckled.

“Congratulations Lexi Reed of Cole Public Relations and Events. I believe your services have just been retained” James announced.







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