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Broken Ties (The Broken Brother Series Book 2) by C.J. Allison (22)

Chapter Twenty-Three


I’ve been transported to Germany. I still have the bandages on my eyes. They itch so bad. It takes everything in my power not to dig my fist in and rub. I get daily washes and checks. Each time the bandages come off, I can’t see shit. It scares the hell out of me. There’s nothing like not being able to see. It’s one of those senses that you don’t want to lose. It makes you think about what you would do if it won’t come back. I can see both Alyse and K.C. in my head.  At least I had the opportunity to have seen them and embedded them into my brain.


I got news today that they are on their way to see me. I can’t wait. I haven’t been able to talk or communicate with them. I’m at Ramstein Air Force Base, still struggling to not rub my eyes. The doctors tell me it will only get worse. The eye drops help but only for a few hours.


My ribs are still sore but nothing compared to my throat and eyes. I feel like I’m melting away. I only get jello and liquids. One nurse got me some protein drinks that seem to help. The pain is manageable. I just want to see my girl and my boy. Well, hear them. The first time the bandages came off I saw nothing but a fog. At least it wasn’t dark. I’m holding onto the possibility of getting it all back. However, if it doesn’t, I’ll live. I feel like Alyse is my destiny. The fact that she’s coming to Germany just instils the fact that she’s got the best intentions. She wants to be with me.


I hear the door opening and catch my father’s voice. Then the unmistakeable squeal of my boy.


“Dadadadada!” It’s the best sound in the world.


He falls into my arms, and I’m engulfed in his smell. I cringe a little at the pain, but I don’t dwell on it. My boy. My life. I reach out my arm to find Alyse. I immediately feel her and pull her in. Folding my face into her neck, I take her in and sigh. This is it. This is all I want. I feel hands at my ankles and hear both my mom and dad say hi. Family. That’s what it’s all about.




The bandages come fully off today. I’m nervous. Alyse is a rock. She’s been here every day reading to me and just telling me things I need to hear. K.C.’s milestones are the best. His doctors keep saying how he’s off the charts, how he’s so much further than any other baby his age. I’m proud.


As the bandages come off, I have my eyes closed as hard as I can. I’m scared. I’m praying in my head that I will see my girl and my boy. As the nurse unravels the gauze, my eyes are still closed. I feel like I can still feel the sand in there.


I’m hopeful but realistic. I know that nothing is guaranteed. The nurse says to lean my head back as I feel more drops being put into my dry, tired eyes.


“Don’t expect anything. You may not see anything or just blurs, but don’t think that’s it. Are you ready?” the nurse asks.


I feel Alyse rubbing my arm as I nod my head. My voice still isn’t there. But I have my girl, my boy, and my folks here. I just pray that I see something.


I can tell that the lights have been lowered. So, at least I can tell that.


Taking a deep breath, I slowly open my eyes only to small slits. I can see shapes standing at the end of my bed. I can tell they are my mom and dad. I look to my left and can make out Alyse and K.C., but they are not clear. I think I see K.C. waving.


“Sir, I know it’s still difficult to talk, but try to tell me what you see,” the nurse asks.


My voice is weak and raspy. It comes out in a whisper. “Shapes,” I blink and try to focus. I ask, “K.C. waving?”


“That would be correct. That’s good news. You still have a lot of healing to do, but this gets you closer to going home,” he says.


He leaves some eye drops with instructions to keep the lights dim and the curtains closed. I’m just happy I’ll be able to use the restroom without any assistance.


I can feel that I have scabs on my face. I’m curious how bad it is. I stand and make my way to the restroom. There’s a night light in the wall that gives off a little glow. I lean in as far as I can to the mirror, but I really can’t see anything but the shape of my face. My beard is growing back in. I can see that at least. I give up trying to see anything more and go back and crawl into bed.


“Are you alright?” Alyse asks.


I smile and nod my head. I reach out for her hand and place a soft kiss on her knuckles. I mouth the words “I love you.”


“I love you, too, Kaden,” she says, scratching my beard. “I love this, too.”


I let out a little chuckle and lean into her hand. I’ll tell her that was my plan, but it was really because of all the injuries to my face. It was raw and sure as hell didn’t need anyone running a razor blade across it.




I’m going home. I’m healed enough to be discharged and heal at home. I was given these large sunglasses to cover my eyes. They wrap around the sides, and I can only imagine how stupid I must look.


My side is still sore and the bouncing of the plane is grating on my nerves. I’m still seeing only shapes, but I can see K.C.’s smile. He seems to like the beard, too. He fell asleep in my arms with his fingers tangled in it.


I was given my discharge papers since you kind of need to see fully in order to do the job. I feel sort of lost. I thought I was going to do this the rest of my life. Now what? I knew this was coming, but I just didn’t really think about it.


My parents decided to go ahead and head home. My mom said she felt that we needed time together alone as a family. I don’t like the thought of them driving all that way after the lengthy travel, but my dad said he slept on the plane and would be fine. We said our goodbyes in the parking lot of the airport.


As we are driving home, I notice that Alyse isn’t heading in the right direction. I can’t see the street signs, but I can feel we aren’t going the right way.


“Where are we going?” I whisper.


“It’s a surprise. Just sit back and relax, big guy,” she says, squeezing my hand.


We pull onto a gravel road, and I can feel us ascending. The car rolls to a stop, and I can see the shape of a house. I see figures standing on the front porch.


Alyse helps me out of the car, and I hear a shout of “Welcome home!”


Alyse wraps her arms around me and lifts up and says in my ear, “Welcome home, baby. You can’t see them, but Bryce, Rigs, and Gavin are here. Surprise.”


“Really?” I grunt and look up squinting, trying to see everyone.


“Yes, and surprise, son,” I hear my dad say from behind me. “Your mom and I wouldn’t miss a party now.”


Alyse walks me up the steps and I’m still confused. I realize that all my friends are here and are welcoming me home. But I still don’t know where we are. I don’t think we are at Bryce and Emma’s place.


We walk through the door and immediately I recognize the layout. Even though I only see outlines and shapes, I know where I am. I’m truly home.