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Sassy Little Thing (Iron Fury MC Book 4) by Bella Jewel (14)



“Mason, I’m sorry, but we can’t keep letting you have time off. We no longer have a job for you.”

I squeeze the phone in my hand, heart racing. “I can’t help that my mother is unwell ...”

“You could have hired a carer,” my boss tells me.

“I have,” I growl. “Nobody wants to help her because she’s too difficult. I’m the only one she trusts.”

“There are other options, like a home.”

My chest clenches, and I want to reach through the phone and punch the fucker in the mouth.

“She’s my god damned mother.”

“I’m sorry, honestly, but we need someone dedicated to the job.”


Fuck me.

He hangs up, and I slam the phone down, shattering the screen. Without a job, I don’t know what I’m going to do. My mother has no idea how to operate her finances, none whatsoever. I know she did a will up before she started getting too bad, but now, she wouldn’t even know passwords, or what bank she is with. I know I’m the one who makes the decisions in regard to her will and money if she ever got this bad, but I didn’t want to have to resort to that.

It means lawyers.

It means family arguments.

It means something I don’t want to have to face.

But I’m going to have to, because she is no longer able to.

“Mason?” she calls from the living room.

I move through the massive house and stare at her, huddled in the corner, eyes wide, staring at the front door. “They’re out there.”

I walk over, crouching down. “They’re not out there, Mom. Nobody is out there. It’s just me.”

“I heard them discussing how they’re going to get me. I heard them.”

I exhale and squeeze her shoulder. “I’ll go and take care of it.”

“Thank you. Thank you, my son. My strong son.”

I walk out the front door and yet again deal with the people who don’t exist.

What the fuck am I going to do now?

I snap myself out of the memories that seem to keep making an appearance more and more in the last few weeks. Probably because Theresa is determined to make me suffer and take things that simply do not fucking belong to her. Lawyers. Money. Family. All of it, all over again. It was fucking hard enough to sort out when Mom was alive, let alone now that she isn’t here to even try and defend herself and her wishes.

I know what she wanted.

And I will fight for it.

I walk through my front door around early evening and hear giggling. The sound travels through the house and hits me right in the chest. It’s been a very, very long fucking time since I’ve heard happiness radiate out of this cold, unfeeling house. I glance in the direction of the sound and figure it’s coming from the back deck. I toss my keys down and walk out to see Saskia and her friend Chantelle sitting on the porch, drinks in hand, sun setting.

Her friend turns when she hears me, and her eyes light up. Pretty thing she is. Big, blonde, and bouncy. Be a good fuck. Not sure if I could deal with her further than that, though. She’s loud. Fucking loud. My eyes move to Saskia, who is now watching me, too. Her cheeks are rosy from alcohol and laughter, and her hair is curling down past her shoulders. She looks fucking incredible.

My dick twitches.

“Girl,” Chantelle says, openly letting her eyes run over my body, “you get to live with this every day?”

I grunt and look to Saskia again, and she’s staring at me from below those thick lashes. Fuck. Why is she looking at me like that? It’s hard enough to not rip her clothes off and bury my dick in her when she’s walking around in those little panties, let alone when she’s giving me that look.

“Care to join us, friend?” she murmurs. “You look like you could use a beer, and I have something to tell you.”

That doesn’t sound like anything I want to hear about right now.

“Good or bad?” I murmur.

“Bad, honey.”


Fuck me.

I turn and walk back inside and get a beer, then I pull up a chair and sit down, cracking it open. I already had six with the guys before I came home. Things are quiet at the club right now, too fucking quiet. Feels like soon everything is just going to explode in our faces. We caused a big fucking war and took out some big people; if they find out, get wind of it, our time will come.

It’s almost like we’re just sitting back to see if that’ll happen.

“Hit me with it while I’m in a semi-good mood.”

Saskia crosses her legs on the chair. “Your sister paid the house a visit today.”

My chest clenches, and my fists go tight. “What the fuck did she want?”

“She claimed to want to see you when she knew you weren’t here. She tried to get in, but I wouldn’t let her. I told her I knew who she was and if she tried to get in, I’d drop her. She got angry then, going on about how she is entitled to some of it, blah blah blah. She left, but I thought you should know.”

I stare at her, and say, “You told her you’d drop her if she tried to get in?”

“More or less.” Saskia shrugs. “I might be little, but she wasn’t getting past me, and I made sure she knew it.”

I keep staring at her, and then I burst out laughing.

Fuck me.

I’ve met some people in my time, but never anyone like the girl sitting across from me. She’s got a strength and sass that I simply haven’t experienced before, and I fucking like it.

“Mason,” Saskia says when I’ve stopped laughing. “Did you just ... laugh?”

I grunt, still grinning.

“Oh, my lord, he laughed!” she cries. “I’ve finally done it. I’ve finally cracked him.”

Chantelle giggles. “That’s my girl.”

I grunt and sip my beer. “Don’t get too excited. I do still laugh, I am a human.”

“You are?” Saskia gasps. “I wouldn’t have guessed it.”

“Smart ass,” I mutter.

She smiles at me, and it hits me right in the dick. “You’re welcome, friend.”

Fuck me.

She’s growing on me.

She really fucking is.
