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Sassy Little Thing (Iron Fury MC Book 4) by Bella Jewel (21)


I only spent one day at my apartment this week, and that was purely because I felt guilty not being there. I started just after ten this morning, because technically I don’t have to be here today except to do a couple of basic things. Still, I needed the distraction. After everything that has been happening, I haven’t been able to think clearly, and being alone doesn’t help that.

Chantelle and I are going out with the biker babe girls tonight for drinks.

I can’t wait for that.

Girl time. Just what I need.

Mason told me they questioned the man from the other night and, apparently, he only came after me because he heard I was Enzo’s girlfriend, but it’s hard to know if he’s telling the truth or not. Malakai says he’s not convinced I’m out of danger, and I need to be a hundred percent diligent on making sure I’m careful about where I go and what I’m doing, and most of the time, I have someone with me. Though, right now, I don’t want someone with me all the time. So, I threw down, just a little, and they agreed so long as I keep the door locked when I’m here, I can be here alone.

It’s something, I guess.

I start my usual morning clean. Mason isn’t here, and by the looks, hasn’t been all night. I can’t help that my mind wanders to where he might have gone. I know he spends a lot of time at the club, but is that purely just to party and sleep with those girls they call club whores? Or is it because he just doesn’t like being here alone? I shrug it off, either way, and get to work.

I go straight up to the bedrooms. I’ll wash the sheets today. The weather is fine, so they’ll dry quickly outside. I go to Mason’s room first and open the door. It’s unlocked, so I’m completely shocked and taken back when I step in and see the same girl who was tied up on the bed in there again. Only she’s not tied up. She’s wearing lingerie and is sprawled across his bed, looking so fucking perfect it hurts my eyes to stare at her.

I don’t even know her fucking name.

“What the hell?” she snaps. “He told me today was a free day!”

He told her that?

Something strange clenches my chest, something unfamiliar, something I haven’t felt before. I rub my chest, confused. Why do I care if she’s here for Mason? I’m not even fully over Enzo, so why the hell do I feel like she just slapped me? Am I ... jealous? No. I can’t be. We’re just having fun. That’s all. Nothing more. Nothing less. I don’t care about him. Right?


I pull myself together.

“Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but I’m here every day. And, last time I checked, he’s not here. I guess he didn’t get the memo.”

She scowls at me. “He’s aware I’m coming, it’s just you weren’t meant to be here.”

Did he say that?

God dammit, why is my body tingling and my chest clenching?

Stupid, stupid body.

Snap out of it.

“Well, I am here. And I have work to do.”

“Do it elsewhere,” she spits at me.

Damn. I hate this woman. Really, really dislike her and her perfect ass and tits.

Fuck her.

“I would do it elsewhere, only you’ve planted your plastic ass on the sheets I need to wash.”

“Wash them another day!” she barks.

I shrug. “If you want to be fucked in the same sheets he fucked me in only two nights ago, by all means, I won’t stop you.”

Her mouth drops open. And for a moment, she just stares at me. “He wouldn’t fuck you. Look at you, you’re like a pretty boy.”

Well, I’ve been called worse things in my life.

Pretty boy isn’t so bad.

I cross my arms. “Ask him, I’m sure he’ll tell you. After all, you’re not his girlfriend, you’re just a woman he fucks because you can’t take a hint.”

Her nose scrunches up. “I can guarantee I fuck him a thousand times better than you ever could, little girl.”

“I prefer pretty boy, and I’m sure you do. Didn’t stop him riding me in that bed, over and over ...”

“Get out!” she screeches.

“Gladly, but make sure you keep the comforter on when you have sex with him. We exchanged a lot of bodily fluids.” I scrunch my nose up. “You know what I mean? The man is insatiable.”

Her face goes red, and she shakes a little. It makes me feel a whole lot better about myself. For a second, anyway.

“I don’t believe you. Last time we were together, he told me he couldn’t stand you, that you were, and I quote, ‘annoyin’ as fuck and he wouldn’t have you here if you didn’t do such a good job’. His words, not mine.”


He probably did say that, too.

Hell, he’s probably fucking us both for fun.

Seems like his style. Still, I’m not letting this bitch get to me.

Hell no.

I stare at her, and she grins, like she’s won.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say, “was that supposed to upset me?”

She scowls.

“Enjoy those crusty old sheets ... Wait, what’s your name? He’s never mentioned it.”

She huffs, and I turn and walk out.

I move down to my room and step inside, closing the door for a moment. God damn. That hurt in a really strange way. I’ve never felt that feeling before. I’ve felt outrage, and raw hurt, and anger, especially when I found Enzo in bed with my sister, but I’ve never actually felt jealousy. I’ve never had a reason to be jealous. I was with Enzo for so long, and until he became a giant dick, he never gave me any reason to be jealous.

Before him, I don’t know, I guess I was always just confident and didn’t care.

So, why the fuck do I care now?

I decide fuck Mason, I’ll clean his house tomorrow.

I’m having a day off. He won’t fire me. I do too good of a job, remember?

I pull out a bathing suit, text Chantelle, and tell her we’re going to the lake before going out tonight, and then I gather some sexy as hell clothes to go out in and turn, strutting down the stairs and to the front door.

As I open it, Mason is just pulling his keys out. We come face to face, and his eyes drop to my clothes and he frowns. “Where are you goin’?”

“I’m having a day off. If you fire me, so be it. You’ll regret it, and we both know it. I need a break.”

I go to step past him, but his hand curls around my upper arm. “Not a good idea goin’ out alone.”

“I won’t be alone, I’ll be with Chantelle, at the lake, with a shit load of hot men and this gorgeous red bikini I’ve been dying to wear out.”

Mason’s eyes flash and he leans down. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”


We both turn and see skanky Barbie standing at the top of the stairs, looking so hot even I want to lick her, and I can’t stand the stupid cow. Mason’s eyes widen, and that feeling slams into my chest again. Fuck. Fuck this. “Petra?”

Ugh. Even her name is sexy.

“Oh, I forgot, your little girlfriend is here for you. I wasn’t supposed to be here, so she informed me. So, I’m going to go out and let you enjoy that.”

I snatch my arm out of his and walk out.

Not looking back.

