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Sassy Little Thing (Iron Fury MC Book 4) by Bella Jewel (37)


“Enzo,” I growl. “Enzo is the one who will know where she is.”

“Yolanda ain’t speakin’,” Maverick mutters. “Bitch thinks it’s funny they’ve got her sister. Not cut from the same cloth those two, don’t care how much they look alike. That is one heartless bitch.”

“Too fuckin’ right,” Koda agrees. “Could easily do away with her.”

Charlie steps closer, grabbing his arm. “Down, tiger.”

He looks to her, eyes lusty. I snort and get back to the task at hand—finding Saskia and killing any motherfucker that dared to touch her.

“I think Enzo is the best choice, too,” Scarlett says. “He’ll know who he owes money to; it’ll be the quickest way to get to her.”

“Might be hard to get into the prison,” Chantelle says.

She refused to leave after she found out Saskia was gone. She wasn’t going to sleep another wink until her friend is found.

Gotta admire that.

She cares a fuck load about her.

“Yeah, might be, but you could go in,” I say, staring at Chantelle. “He’ll see you.”

She nods. “Oh, I’ll go in all right, and I’ll ring his scrawny neck.”

Boston grins at her, and if I wasn’t fucking mistaken, I’d say it was a grin of lust and admiration.

They’re fucking. No doubt.

But, right now, I couldn’t give a fuck about them.

I just want to find Saskia.

“It’s a plan,” I say, “I’ll come with you, see if I can get in. I want to talk to him, too.”

Chantelle nods and stands. “Then let’s go. I don’t want Saskia out there a second longer than she has to be.”

“We’ll keep pressin’ Yolanda,” Koda says, rubbing his hands together and grinning when Charlie thumps him on the arm.

“Remember, she’s still a girl,” she warns him, giving him a stern look.

“Don’t care what she is. She had the nerve to take on everyone when she took on Saskia and tried to turn us against her, so she can suffer in whatever way I decide.”

“If you all gave Saskia a chance to talk, we wouldn’t even be standing here right now,” Chantelle mutters. “But, we can’t change it, as much as I’d like to for her sake.”

She’s right. Even though her words piss me off, she is completely right.

But right now, I don’t need that reminder.

“We hear you,” Maverick murmurs. “We know we fucked up, yeah? Don’t need reminding.”

Chantelle stares at him; she has a fire in her belly that matches Saskia’s. It’s not a wonder they’re friends.

“I’m going to remind you, like it or not. Because it is your fault that girl is out there, because ya'll didn’t give her a chance to even defend herself or tell you Yolanda existed. You cuffed her and gagged her and made up your minds, just like that. She had no chance.”

“Enough now,” I growl. “Don’t have time for petty fuckin’ arguin’. Let’s go.”

Chantelle nods and walks out of the club house.

“Good luck with that one, brother,” Malakai smirks.

I grunt and follow her out.

Neither of us says much on the way to the prison, and when we arrive, we’re informed visiting hours start in half an hour. So, we sit uncomfortably as we wait, wondering what the hell is happening to Saskia right now. Is she being hurt? Are they tormenting her? Torturing her? The worst thought: Is she even alive?

I can’t even fucking think of that. The very thought makes my chest twist and my fists clench.

I’ll never, not fucking ever, get over it if something happens to her.


When the guards come out, we both stand and go through all the checks to get into the visiting room. Obviously, Enzo has no problem seeing us, because he’s allowing us both in. Good, because I have a fucking lot to say to that piece of crap, a fucking lot.

We arrive in the visitors’ room and take a seat. Five minutes later, the prisoners are brought in, and Enzo comes over, sitting down across from us, his eyes going to Chantelle.

“You scumbag,” she hisses before anything can come out of his mouth. “I know you’re a piece of shit, I’ve always hated you, but the fact that you could honestly let her get hurt on your watch makes me fucking sick!”

“What are you on about, Chantelle? Not in the fuckin’ mood for your big mouth.”

“You know exactly what I’m on about. Setting Saskia up to look like she stole from Mason, when all along it was Yolanda getting jewelry for you, to sell and get those angry assholes off your back. It’s a genius plan, really it is.”

Enzo stares at her, and then his eyes move to me. “No idea what you’re talkin’ about. Haven’t seen Yolanda in weeks.”

I’m not actually sure if he’s lying or not, it’s hard to tell. His face is a stony mask, and he hasn’t broken eye contact even once.


He’s good.

“Bullshit,” Chantelle whisper yells. “She set it up, stole what she needed, but we found out and got hold of her before she could give them any cash, and now some asshole men have got Saskia because they think she’s Yolanda.”

Enzo flinches, just a little, and I know in that second he’s lying. He does know what Yolanda is doing, but he did not know that it didn’t go through. I’m guessing he thinks she made the deal and everything is good. He’s just finding out that it isn’t. Not even close.

“What?” he growls.

“Your stupid fucking girlfriend didn’t show up with their cash,” Chantelle goes on. “Because we caught her before she could, but they don’t know that. Now they have Saskia, doing god knows what to her as revenge to you for not delivering.”

Enzo’s fists clench.

“So, we need to know who the hell has her.”

Enzo stares at her for a moment then looks to me. “No idea what you’re talkin’ about.”

“Bullshit,” I growl, stepping in. “We all know you do fuckin’ know what we’re talkin’ about. Quit actin’ fuckin’ stupid. You’ve done enough to that girl, the least you could do is help us find her so she doesn’t end up dead because of you and that bitch of a sister you picked over her, which by the way, your taste is absolutely trash. Yolanda is nothing on Saskia, fuckin’ nothin’.”

Enzo’s face gets red, and he growls, “What the fuck would you know, biker?”

“I know, because I’ve had my cock buried in her sweet pussy more than once. She’s mine now, and I’ll kill any motherfucker who tries to get in my way, including you.”

Enzo jerks, and for a second, he looks like he’s going to bust a top and lose his shit in the middle of the visiting room, but after a glance at the guards, he settles down and snarls, “Don’t fuckin’ know where she is.”

“Listen here.” Chantelle leans over the table a little. “If you ever, even for a second, cared about that girl somewhere in that no good, emotionless heart of yours, then you’ll tell us where she is. She doesn’t deserve any of this. And you know it.”

“I. Don’t. Know. What. You’re. Talking. About.”

Chantelle looks to me, and then she looks back at Enzo. “I’ll give them the money you owe them if you tell me where she is.”

Enzo studies her. “You’re tellin’ me what I want to hear to get the information that you want, not goin’ to work.”

“I have it. I’ll give it to someone you trust, if you don’t trust me. You know how much she means to me, Enzo. Just because you’re a piece of shit doesn’t mean the rest of us are. I’d lay my life on the line for that girl, and you know it.”

“You’re not givin’ him a fuckin’ cent,” I growl.

Chantelle looks to me. “While I appreciate you being here, this is between me and Enzo. I’ll do whatever it takes to get her back, and if you fuckers had taken care of her in the first place, we wouldn’t be here.”

“Be very fuckin’ careful,” I warn.

“Or what? You’ll get me in the shit too? I have the cash; if that’s what they want, that’s what I’ll give to them. Saskia is my best friend, do you understand, my best friend in the whole wide world. That might not mean much to you, but it’s everything to me now.” She looks back to Enzo. “I will pay to get her out. It’s up to you if you trust me or not.”

The two of them lock eyes for what seems like forever, and then he finally mutters, “Give you twelve hours to get the cash to my guy, if I find out you don’t, I will come after you, Chantelle. I know everything about you, and I will make you wish you were never fuckin’ born.”

She stares at him, then nods. “Fair deal. Give me the details of your guy, and I’ll have the cash delivered. Now, where in the hell is Saskia?”

The stupid fuck gives us the details of the men chasing him for cash, and then the details of who he wants the cash delivered to.

When we step out the door of the prison, I fall in step beside Chantelle. “You’re not givin’ him the cash, are you?”

“Oh, hell no,” she says, flicking her hair. “Enzo doesn’t scare me. He’s stupid. I knew he was stupid. It worked. You getting angry at me made it even better because he believed I was serious. Now, let’s go get my girl back. We’ll deal with him later.”


I think I fucking like Saskia’s best friend, too.