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Sassy Little Thing (Iron Fury MC Book 4) by Bella Jewel (26)


“You sure you wanna do this?” Mason asks me as we get checked over at the prison.

It’s the first time I’ve seen Mason without his colors; he always wears them, but some prisons have a thing about letting bikers in. Probably assuming they’ll deliver drugs or something equally as mischievous. In all fairness, they’re the most unlikely ones to be doing it. It’s the other scumbags that come in. The ones they least suspect, like girlfriends, or mothers, or even children.

But let’s point fingers at the scary bikers.

I’m starting to see how hard life must be for Mason sometimes.

And all the members of the club.

Constantly being judged.

“I’m fine,” I say and, honestly, I am.

I feel like the way I feel about Enzo has drastically changed. Maybe the worse he continues to treat me, the easier it is for me to realize I never want a thing to do with him again. Any man that can send people around to threaten you is no man at all. And he’s certainly not someone I want to be spending my life with. After all, he’s been lying to me for god knows how long, which means he’ll do it forever.

I deserve better.

And realizing that makes it so much easier to move on.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes in my chest I still feel these moments where it hurts, like a dull ache. Maybe, mostly, because I gave so much of my life to him and I honestly thought it would be forever, or maybe it’s just purely that I’m ashamed I didn’t see what was right in front of me, clearly, for a long time.

“You don’t have to speak to that fucker if you don’t want. I can do all the talking,” Mason tells me, stepping close.

I like it when he’s protective.

I like everything about the way he makes me feel.

“He doesn’t scare me, Mason,” I tell him. “Not at all. And I have more than one thing I want to say to that ... that ... jerk!”

Mason doesn’t say anything as we finish all the security checks and move into the visitors’ room. We take a seat at a table, Mason sitting closer to me than I ever thought he would, but I totally like. And then we wait. About fifteen minutes later, they bring the prisoners in. I take one look and see Enzo right away. His eyes go to Mason, and his step falters for a split second.

That’s extremely satisfying.

Like, yes.

Hell yes.

He does keep moving to the table; it would have been nicer if he ran out like a little girl, but I know Enzo well enough to know his pride would never allow that. So, he walks over to the table and sits down, those eyes pinning mine.

And for the first time, I feel nothing when I look into them.

Fucking nothing.

Except utter disappointment.

“You couldn’t come without your little guard dog?”

“Oh, Mason?” I say, sweetly. “He’s not my guard dog. More like the man I’m seeing, who is, mind you, a thousand times better than you.” I lean across the desk. “I wish I had known all these years that you were utterly terrible in bed.”

Enzo’s face goes red, and he growls, “Back down, Saskia.”

“Careful how you’re talkin’ to her,” Mason says, his voice monotone and scarily calm. “Don’t appreciate what you’ve been doin’ to her, don’t make me angrier.”

Enzo looks to him. “A biker, classy.”

Saskia shrugs. “He runs rings around you. I mean, at least he knows how to hide his business dealings without getting busted. Hell, you can’t even send people my way outside the prison without us finding them. You need to pick better men.”

Enzo clenches his fists and glares at me. “We have a deal. You’re going to hold your end of the deal up. I need that money.”

“Yeah, no, she ain’t,” Mason says, staring at Enzo with a steely expression.

“None of your fucking business, biker.”

“It is my fuckin’ business when you’re sendin’ men to my house to intimidate my girl.”

His girl.

My heart flutters.

Enzo’s face gets harder.

He doesn’t like that. Well good.

“She and I have a deal.”

“We have no deal,” I say, and he looks back to me. “I don’t owe you shit. You lied to me for god knows how long, and you’ve been delving into the world of drugs for far longer than I’m okay with. So, the fact of the matter is, you got yourself tangled in whatever you got tangled in, and now you’re going to have to live with it.”

“Do you have any fuckin’ idea what you’ve done?” Enzo hisses. “Me bein’ in here has pissed off a lot of fuckin’ people. It has put the heat on operations, because you handed me into the cops. I had a good thing goin’, now I’ve got a fuckin’ army on my back, wantin’ revenge, wantin’ cash, wantin’ to take me out of the picture so I don’t ‘talk’ again.”

“Oopsie.” I shrug, putting my hands up.

“Fuck you, Saskia.”

I smile. “No, thank you.”

“You have no idea what you’re getting into,” he growls. “None, I will get my money, one way or another, and you’ll wish you never crossed me.”

“First thing,” I say, standing. Mason stands beside me, thank god. “You’re in here, and I’m out there. Second, do you see who is standing beside me? No? Take a good look. He has far more contacts than you ever will. If you continue to threaten me, we’ll make sure you don’t see the light of another day.”

Mason leans down, hands flat on the table, face stern. “Take her words seriously, boy. You don’t want to fuck with me, because I promise you, I’ll make you regret the fuckin’ day you were born.”

With that, we both turn and walk out.

I look to Mason as soon as we get outside of the prison. “Well, do you think he listened?”

Mason runs his hand over his face and sighs. “Doesn’t seem like the type to listen. Seems to me his pride is bigger than his fuckin’ brain. I guess time will tell. But, either way, we’ll be waitin’.”

I hope he listened.

For his sake.

Not for mine.

Because I’ve got bikers on my side, baby.