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Silent Song by Jaci Wheeler (16)



I wake up to the smell of…eggs? Why is Randy still home, and since when does he make breakfast? I look over and see a plate covered in in foil sitting on my nightstand. I unwrap it and find an omelet. Not Randy, Presley. She even cut it up in small pieces because she probably realized how hard it is for me to even feed myself.

Presley. What the hell am I supposed to think about her? She was supposed to just be some odd girl who randomly showed up in my life and then out of it just as quickly. Yet, here she is playing nursemaid to me at my lowest. What’s wrong with her? She should have high tailed it as far away from me as she could last night, not stick around to make me breakfast.

As much as it pains me to think about Codi, I think back to the last conversation we ever had. He liked her. She reminded him of my mom. He said they had the same soul, that’s what it was. I thought he was full of crap, but that kid was never wrong. Was. I can’t believe I’m already referring to him in past tense. My mom was the sweetest woman I’ve ever known. She died way too soon, which tends to be what happens to all the best people. She never turned away anyone in need. We lived in a god forsaken trailer that should have been condemned because it’s all we could afford, yet she was always feeding or clothing someone new.

I disrespected Presley last night. I feel ashamed and angry just thinking about how I threw the food she made me. But she didn’t get angry, or cry, she just made me something else, shamed and humbled me by hand feeding it to me, just like my mom would have. It was my mom’s voice in my head that I heard telling me I should be ashamed of myself. What was I doing having her stay all night with me? I’ve never had to ask a girl to my bed, and I sure as hell have never had one make me breakfast the morning after. What am I going to do now, is the question? How am I going to explain to her that nothing will happen?

I decide I better get dressed and haul myself down to the shop. It’s about time I start pulling my weight. Presley was right about one thing, I’m hurting Randy. He’s the last person who needs anymore pain. He’s been the only constant in my life and I’m not going to repay him like this. I eat the breakfast she made and I’m surprised with how fast my appetite comes back. I fumble through giving myself a freaking bath since I can’t shower with my cast on just yet. It’s a pain to wrap it in bags and then I have to remove my finger braces on my left arm. I scream a few times when I accidentally hit the fingers on something, but I’m finally bathed and dressed and out the door for the first time in weeks.

I pull up to the shop and stop dead in my tracks when I see Presley in the front office with Chris. She’s sitting at the desk laughing at something he’s saying to her. He’s leaning so far over her chair he might as well be sitting in her lap. My gut burns and I curse myself for the feelings I refuse to name that are overtaking me. What is wrong with me? Chris is a great guy, one of my closest friends at the shop, in fact, and yet I’m what? Jealous of him? No way. She’s nothing to me, so why should I care if they’re flirting?

But I do care. Even if I don’t want to admit it to myself, last night meant something. We connected on a level I didn’t even think was possible and now she’s hanging out at my uncle’s shop like it never happened? What the hell? I’m furious and I don’t hide my anger as I throw open the front door, causing Presley to jump and Chris to straighten up. He smiles when he sees it’s me, but it quickly slips off his face when he senses my mood. Presley, however, never loses that spark of hers. She smiles at me cheerfully.

“Good morning. Happy see awake and out.”

“Why here you?” That catches her off guard, but instead of getting offended, she squares her shoulders and gives me a look of challenge.

“Helping your uncle. R A N D Y need help. O V E R W H E L M E D.” I feel the guilt hit me right in the gut. Of course he’s overwhelmed, I left him understaffed and overloaded, but that doesn’t explain why she’s here.

“Why here you?” I sign awkwardly with only two fingers.

“Why here me? Because I here. Help need R. Here me. Help me. Why mad you?”

That’s a very good question and the answer is standing back taking us both in. I turn my gaze on him now.

“Why not work?” I ask, pointing to the shop. Chris doesn’t really sign much, but we’ve been working together long enough that he can understand me for the most part, and we have worked out our own type of home sign for things which mostly boils down to charades.

“Randy called Gene in. I’ve been pulling extra hours to help get some of the paperwork done and supplies ordered. Presley has been helping me out,” he says with a challenge on his face. I doubt Presley noticed it but I sure do. I turn to her, putting my back to Chris and type on my phone painfully slowly. I show it to her when I’m done.

Barrett: Tell uncle here please?

“Sure,” she signs, but looks from Chris to myself like she can’t figure out what she’s missing. As soon as she leaves the room, I turn back to Chris.

Barrett: What’s up you two? He looks to where she just left, then down at the phone and back at me.

Chris: Am I missing something? Are you two together? I didn’t mean to step on your toes, man. She’s cool but nothing happened with us. He quickly types it out and then hands it to me. He puts his hands up in the air to bring his point home and I try not to let the relief I feel play out on my face.

I shake my head at his question then feel exhausted all of a sudden and take a seat. I toss my hands in the air like I don’t freaking know what’s going on and he laughs.

Chris: The good ones always throw you, man. Look, dude, would I ask her out? In a heartbeat.This earns him a glare from me and he laughs.But if you don’t want me to, bro, I won’t. Got me?

He puts his fist up and I bump it lightly, giving him a small smile. At least I won’t have to worry about that right now too.

Randy and Presley walk back in and Randy smiles wide.

“Look what the cat drug in. How are you feeling, son?” I shrug in response and he embraces me, holding me tighter than usual. “Glad to have you back. Presley here has been a LIFE S A V E R.” I turn to the girl in question.

“Why not school you?”

“No school today me. Saturday and Sunday off.” I hate to admit that I had no clue what day it even was. “Want me leave?” she asks without attitude or expectation. How often does that happen? Do I want her to leave? That’s a deep resounding no. But that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t. She senses my hesitation.

“I go now Jodi house. Stay close me. Text me if need me.” Before I can say anything, she picks up her purse and waves good-bye to everyone and is then out the door. I stand there staring after her, wondering what just happened.

“What did you say to her to make her leave?” Randy asks disapprovingly. I just shrug again but don’t say anything. “She’s been here for you, Barrett, when nobody else has.”

“You have.” I point out.

“You know what I mean. She’s a very sweet girl and I’d hate to see her get hurt.

“You think I hurt her?” I voice out of surprise.

“I know you wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose…but she’s different.” So everyone keeps pointing out. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered getting out of bed today after all.