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Tainted Romance by Simone Elise (51)

Chapter Sixty-one


My hand ran down her bare back. She was still asleep, and I hadn’t shut the curtains last night, so the sunlight was beaming through showing me just how fucking perfect she was. Getting to see her naked body in the daylight. She was half covered with a white sheet.

My hand moved over her hip. God her skin was soft. So welcoming. I pulled her back into me. She didn’t wake, but did rest back into me. I liked that. No, I fucking loved it that she felt comfortable with me.

My eyes looked at my mark and I grinned. She couldn’t hide that even if she wanted to.

Allie Winters was mine.

I knew I should keep my hands off her. I knew there was a chance me touching her body with such greed would wake her, but I couldn’t stop myself.

She stirred in my arms when I started kissing across her shoulder.

“Zane?” She didn’t open her eyes and sounded slightly confused.

“I’d be rather pissed off if someone else was doing this to you.” My hand went between her thighs. I knew I had only had her hours ago, but I wanted her again.

She smiled and opened her eyes. God, they were captivating. She could have anyone she wanted. With just one look, you would follow her.

“Morning.” She turned in my arms and laid on her back.

“Fucking perfect one if you ask me.” I kissed her cheek while my arm was under her head, and my other hand pushed her thighs open. I pulled my arm from under her so I could kiss her and, as soon as I got a taste, I couldn’t get enough.

She was sweet, she was inviting, and she was all mine. My hand went over her waxed skin. God, she had me hard already before I even got a finger on her sensitive skin.

“Haven’t you had enough of me?” She pulled her lips from mine and I growled. Wanting her lips back on mine. She ignored my growl, and she didn’t go back to kissing me.

“I will never get enough of you or your body.” I moved over her. I remembered her moaning my name last night as she came and that had caused me to come instantly, and just remembering it caused me to go stiff.

I wanted to hear it again. And again. I went back to kissing her lips. Sex with Allie was the best sex I had ever had. If I knew it was this good, I would have fucked her the minute I met her. No woman even came close to her. No woman ever got my blood pumping like her, or made me go this hard.

Just the sight of her had me aching all over with need.

God, why had I been wasting my time with other women when I could have this? Nothing compared to sex with her.

I was hooked. Completely addicted and I needed another dose.

She opened her thighs willingly for me, and I couldn’t be more pleased. I pulled back from her lips and kissed down her neck until I found her mark. Kissing it at first, she arched her back, and then I started to suck, and her fingers dug into my back.

My hand went between her legs, and I could feel how wet she was for me. I wanted to tease her, to get her begging for me, but not this morning. Not when I needed her so bad.

I thrust into her, and she moaned in pleasure. The sexy noises she made as I took her were so fucking hot.

I kneeled up, gripping her legs and leaning them against my shoulders, taking her deeper. I knew she felt it too because the expression on her face sent a wave of delight through my blood. I wanted to please her. I wanted her to want for nothing.

I wanted to make sure her every need was taken care of.

I didn't just want it, I was going to make sure it was fucking taken care of.

My Allie would want for nothing.

Her grip on me tightened, and I knew what was coming. I was getting her there.

‘You, Zane, are going to kill me.’ Her voice flooded my mind, and I knew she was speaking to me through our link because she couldn’t form words.


I wanted her breathless, panting and moaning my name. I thrust into her deeper.

Her legs started to shake, and I knew she was slowly coming to pieces.



I pulled on a fresh shirt and couldn’t stop myself from checking her out as she got dressed. My eyes running up and down her body as she stood there in her underwear. I wanted nothing more than to take it off her.

But I knew she hadn’t eaten anything yesterday so she needed breakfast.

As much as I needed her, I also needed her to be able to keep up with me, which meant she needed food.

I stood back, dressed and watched her frown as she pulled her tank top on.

“What’s wrong?” I asked from across the room.

She looked up with wide eyes. She hadn’t realized I was watching. Didn’t she know by now, my eyes were always on her.

“Um, it’s just.” She walked towards me, looking down at the ground. “I don’t think I should stay for, um, breakfast.”

My hand went to her chin, and I lifted her face up, making her look me in the eye. Why was she looking so nervous? “Why not?”

“Because of your parents.” She tilted her head slightly. “And this.” She pointed to her mark. “They won’t be jumping for joy.” She sighed. “I should have made you hide it.”

I smiled. That was all she was worried about? “I want everyone to see it.” My hands spread across her hips. “Including my parents.”

She scoffed, “You should be panicking by now. Or throwing me out.” She pulled away from me, like she couldn’t believe that I wasn’t doing either thing. “I was expecting to be thrown out before anyone woke up.”

“Not happening, Allie. I want everyone to know.”

“You won’t be saying that when your parents get a hold of you and give you a firm lecture on how I'm not pack material.” She crossed her arms, looking all sorts of worried. “I should go.”

My hand shot out, stopping her. “No. You’re coming down for breakfast with me.”

Her hand ran up my tattoos. “What’s your plan exactly, because no-one is going to be very welcoming to the idea of there being a you and me?”

“It isn’t an idea, it is happening.” But I felt like I would have to press the message harder to her. “People don’t get a say in my life. I live it how I want to, and I’m choosing to spend it with you. People won’t have the guts to question me on it.”

“What about the Elders? Or your dad? They all don’t like me.”

“Allie, I don’t care.” I linked my hands with hers. “You’re my mate. They don’t get a say. The Elders won’t fight it because you are my mate and, well, dad will want to enroll you in everything possible to get you in the best possible shape to lead, but not one of them is going to pull us apart.”

She exhaled slowly, again looking extremely worried.

“Allie, you aren’t losing me.” I dipped my head, locking my eyes with hers. “I’m yours, and no-one is going to change that.”

The corner of her lips twitched up. “You are really positive this morning.”

“Had one fucking great start to the morning.” I kissed her lips. “Might have something to do with you, and this,” I kissed her mark, “And you being mine.” Finally.

She nodded her head. “Ok.”

“Ok, as in you will come down to breakfast?”

She nodded her head.

I slowly walked backwards, holding her hands. “Have you accepted the fact I’m not changing my mind yet?”

She shook her head. “Nope. The Zane I know will be ignoring me at breakfast.”

“Trust me, the last thing I will be doing is ignoring you. Touching you and feeling you up, yes.” I stopped at the door. “You ready to face the world as mine, now?”

She frowned for a second and then nodded her head. “If one person comments on my mark though, I will take limbs off.”

Now that sounded more like the furious Allie I knew.

Her and that attitude.



We had got breakfast, and I made a point to load up her plate. She seemed more determined on not making eye contact with anyone to notice what I was doing. We had got a table by ourselves, and she went to sit next to me when I pulled her onto my lap.

I hadn’t kept my hands off her. I didn’t care who saw. Allie was mine.

As soon as I sat the plates down, my hands were back on her, and she didn’t seem to mind.

I was kissing her arm, and she was chewing on a bit of toast when I felt him appear.

“Ryder!” Allie jumped off me and hugged him.

Ryder was grinning, hugging her back, his hand dangerously too close to her ass. As if he knew what I was thinking, his hand went down lower.

He had enjoyed the fact he was closer to my mate than I was. Actually, he loved it. How many times did he tell me to let her go, so he could be with her? He had ended his relationship with his mate, and he was hoping mine would end the same way.

But he was hoping to pick Allie up as his.

Well, that didn’t happen.

As soon as she let go of him, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, not feeling any easier about him and her together, even when she was back on my lap.

“So, how are you, Allie?” Ryder sat down next to me. His eyes on her.

“Good. I’ve missed you!”

“From what I’ve heard you’re far from good. I was meaning to come up to the hospital.” Ryder looked guilty for a moment.

She shrugged. “I was out of it anyway, so it would have been a waste of time.”

“See my brother helped you escape though?” He looked at me for a second, scorching me with one look. He wasn’t happy about her and me.

“He did.” She smiled. “How’s Cassie and Jake?”

“Good, we are actually heading up to ski next weekend if you wanted to come?”

The cabin. They wouldn’t be using it, but I sure as hell could with Allie. Dad usually forced it on new mated wolves. My mind started running wild with the things I could do to Allie locked up in a cabin, hopefully, snowed in.

Allie opened her mouth to answer, and I was guessing with a no, but I was quick to speak before her.

“We’ll come,” I said on behalf of her. I would do anything to have her one on one locked up in a cabin, in the snow, with no-one nearby. Maybe I could get that moaning of my name to a screaming.

Ryder looked at me for a second again. “I asked Allie if she wanted to come with me.”

“And Allie doesn’t go anywhere without me.”

“Since fucking when?” he scoffed.

“Since I made her mine.” I pushed her hair behind her back, showing him her mark. Yeah, suck on that, Ryder. She is out of your league.

He narrowed his eyes at it and looked at her with a hardened expression. “Tell me you didn’t mark him?” He was speaking to Allie, clinging to the chance she hadn’t committed to me. He wanted her, but he was never getting her. Even if Allie and I hadn’t worked out, I wouldn’t have let my big brother take my mate.

He could go fucking find Alannah.

Suddenly, I was wishing I was wearing a tank top instead of a t-shirt to show my mark off.

Allie frowned. “Why are you mad?”

‘Because he likes you, Allie,’ I spoke into her mind.

She glanced at me, still frowning.

‘He really likes you,’ I added.

Her expression changed to one of complete confusion. She really had no idea what she did to other males. What she did to Blake. What she did to Ryder. No idea.

Her phone started buzzing on the table, and Ryder hadn’t answered her. Instead, hewas glaring at me.

She picked it up answering, “Hey, Blake.” She glanced at me. “Will you calm down, I’m fine.”

I ran my hand up her thigh.

“How did you know I wasn’t at the hospital?”

I could hear Blake’s rude demands of wanting to know where she was.

“I’m with Zane.” Her eyes narrowed. “No, I didn’t do anything stupid and who are you to give a lecture!” She sighed. “Come get me then.”

What? No way was I letting her leave! I was planning on spending every single second of this weekend with her, in my bedroom, in my bed, and only breaking for food. Hell, that was the only reason she was down here now was for food. Otherwise, she would still be in my bed.

“You aren’t leaving,” I said, and she shushed me.

“Well, you can tell me all about it when you pick me up.” She frowned. “I don’t know if I can spend the night.”


‘Calm down, Zane.’ Her voice floated in my head like she knew I was about to have a full-on rage attack. ‘You’re really gripping my thigh.’ She gave me a pointed look while still on the phone.

I hadn’t even realized I was doing it. I loosened my grip on her thigh, but that didn’t mean I was loosening the grip on her.

“I’m sure Ebony wasn’t thinking, and it was because of me, but come get me anyway and we can talk. I’ll make you see reason, even if you don’t want to, Falcon. I’ll be out the front in five.” She hung up.

“You aren’t going,” I said before she even hung up.

“I have to. Something about Ebony sleeping with some random guy.” She sighed and turned on my lap, smiling. “Stop looking so worried.”

“I don’t trust him near you.” That was an understatement. If Ebony had pissed him off, he would be looking for payback, and now that I had seen Allie naked, I knew what he was after.

Ebony and Blake’s relationship was toxic, and I wanted them far away from Allie and mine’s, especially when it was still new.

Her lips on mine caused me to reconnect to the moment.

“Stop worrying, Zane.” Her hand cupped my face, and she smiled. “I’ll be fine.”

“How long will you be?”

“Can you hear him?” Ryder snapped. “Seriously, Allie, this is what you are going to have to put up with for the rest of your life.”

She snuck a glance at Ryder and rolled her eyes.

“So, how long will you be?” I asked again. Maybe she would be half an hour?

“I’m guessing, but, by the sounds of it, Blake is going to need me for the rest of the weekend.”

I looked at her like she couldn’t be serious. She couldn’t be, could she?

“He has a mate. Tell him to go to her.”

“I think she is the problem. Stop looking so worried. I’ll be spending the weekend handing him beers and maybe helping him pull a girl to square things back up with Ebony, but that’s it.”

“You staying at his house?”

“I guess.”

I shook my head not wanting to believe it. “So that’s how you are going to work it. One night in mine. One night in his.”

“It isn’t like that.” She narrowed her eyes at me, looking hurt I had even said it. “I’m not fucking him.”

“You could be for all I know.”

“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!” She was furious and got off me as if I had burnt her. She looked so hurt as she looked at me. “You didn’t even last twelve hours,” she spat at me with a hurt and a regretful expression. She walked off, and I was quick to follow her.

God, she could move when she wanted to. She was bolting up the stairs.


Fine! If she wanted to run, I knew where she was running to and that was my room to get her stuff. I could easily lock her in there.

My door was open by the time I got up the flight of stairs and reached it, and she was already walking out. I gripped her by the arm.

“Tell him you can’t go.”

“After what you just said, what has you thinking I would want to stay here with you?!” She went to pull her arm from my grasp, but I held on tighter.

“I’m sorry.”

She looked at me shaking her head. “You know what. Next time you apologize, put some effort into it. Now let me go.”

“I’m sorry,” I tried again. This time putting effort into it, as she would say.

“I’ve only slept with two people, you and him, so don’t make me sound like some slut! You have had hundreds of girls.” She looked slightly sick mentioning it. It was when her eyes lit up with tears I felt like a real jerk. “Let go of me.”

“I’m sorry, Allie. I was angry; I didn’t mean it to come out like that.” I watched and hoped those tears didn’t fall.

She blinked and when the tears dripped down her cheeks, my heart clenched.

“I have to go.” She went to pull away from me again.

“I’m not letting you go until we have this sorted. I can’t have you doing what Ebony and Blake do. Sleeping with other people, even though they are marked. I can’t have you sleeping with him.”

Didn’t she see if I let her go now, hurt and angry at me, there was more of a chance she would end up in his bed? I could see it, which was why I wasn’t letting her go.

Her expression turned to one of hurt immediately. “And here I was thinking you thought more of me.” She wiped her tears off her cheek. “If you really think I would be like that, then you don’t know me. Not at all.” And this time she successfully pulled her arm from my grasp and took off. “Bye, Zane.”

I went to grab her again, but she took off, and I went after her like a fucking lovesick puppy following its master. I would kick my own ass if I weren't so pissed off with myself for causing the situation.

“Allie, don’t leave upset.” I got to her just as she opened the door.

Blake’s car was pulled up out front.

“If you didn’t want me to leave upset, maybe you should have kept your mouth shut.” She looked over her shoulder at me. “Thanks for telling me what you really think of me. It’s made what I do next a hell of a lot easier.”

What the hell did she mean by that! She was down the footpath and opening his car door before I could even say a word.

It’s made what I do next a hell of a lot easier. Her words repeating in my head as I watched the car pull away.

How the fuck did I screw that up so quickly!