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A Different Game: A Wrong Game Novel by Matthews, Charlie M. (39)


“I can’t believe you knocked him out with a bat.”

“I guess my reflexes aren’t as slow as I once thought,” Bessy said, smirking.

I couldn’t even hide the laughter that bubbled inside of me and eventually slipped past my lips. Poor Jake. He had only gone around there because he knew how worried I was. Not even I envisioned her taking a bat to his skull.

I didn’t see Jake after he’d left me at the store to go and check on Bessy. He texted me late at night to say he had met up with Riley. Apparently, Riley was trying to persuade him to join a Sunday League team that he’d recently joined. I knew it must have been hard for him, considering football was his dream and he wasn’t in the position to play-full time, but I told him he should go for it. If he was absolutely certain about wanting to get back into it then maybe it would be good for him. Okay, so it wasn’t full time at some fancy Premier League club, but it was better than nothing. At least this way he would get to play some of the time until he was back to full fitness. He messaged me again that morning to say he’d agreed to it and that his first match was next Sunday, right here in Winslow. I was happy for him. He needed something to take his mind off not playing next season, and I couldn’t think of anything better.

I had just finished pencilling in the final details on a new design I’d been working on when Bessy placed a hot mug of tea down in front of me. Bessy lifted the sketch pad and examined the drawing in front of her. I was usually comfortable around Bessy, seeing as I’d known her most of my life, but when it came to designing, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nervousness whenever she caught wind of a new design I had drawn up. Bessy was a great designer and an even better seamstress. I knew if anyone was going to point out what was wrong, it was her. But instead of criticising my designs like my darling mother usually did, Bessy gave advice—constructive advice—on what she thought would work and what wouldn’t. It was still daunting hearing her speak about those changes, knowing I was nowhere near as good as she was.

“Want my advice?” Bessy asked, her voice pulling me from my thoughts.

“Sure.” I nodded, smiling nervously.

“Take the hem up half an inch and add full sleeves. The quarter sleeves are great and all, but the extra length will add more structure to the bodice.” Bessy placed the sketch pad in front of me and pointed out the changes. “See right here? Now imagine the lace embroidered sleeves down here,” she said, tapping the pencil just above the wrist line.

Snatching the pencil from her hand, I shook my head and grinned. “I knew there was a reason I loved you.” I went about making the small change Bessy had pointed out. She was right. It was perfect.

I was still smiling down at my latest design when Jake walked through the door. His eyes shot straight to Bessy and he halted his movements. I smirked at Bessy who rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ve confiscated the bat. You should be safe. For now...” I said, flashing him a wink.

Jake raised his brows and made his way over to me, shooting Bessy a nervous wave as he perched on the edge of the table. “Hey, you,” he said, his voice low and sexy. I tried not to squirm as he dipped his head and pressed his lips firmly against my left cheek.

“Hey, yourself.” I smiled up at him.

“I brought you something.” He winked, reaching into the pocket of his hooded top.

“You did?” I said, tilting my head to the side curiously.

“I did.” He tossed a bag of gummies on the table.

My eyes widened and I squeezed his knee. “Ooh, anyone ever tell you how utterly amazing you are?”

“Not lately.”

I glanced up to see where Bessy was, but she had disappeared. I guessed she was making herself scarce so she could give us some alone time. I reached up, threaded my fingers through his soft hair and pulled his mouth down to mine. God, it felt like forever since I’d had his lips against mine. I hadn’t realised how much I’d missed them until now. Jake pressed his hands on either side of me on the chair and slipped his tongue between my lips. I sighed when his tongue met mine and deepened the kiss. I never wanted it to end. His just-showered scent filled my lungs and I struggled to hold it together. “We should stop,” I mumbled against him, although I found my grip on the back of his neck tightening.

“Sorry. Can’t.” Jake nipped at my bottom lip and drew it into his mouth, sucking. He groaned when he let it go, and I used that moment to pull back and gain some form of composure. When our breathing finally returned to a steady rhythm, Jake grinned down at me, flashing those killer dimples in his cheeks, and I suddenly wanted to taste him all over again.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna bend you over this table and fuck you ‘til you can’t stand.”

There was nothing playful in the way he said it. He was deadly serious.

Our eyes stayed locked on each other’s. Hunger, desire, a desperate need flashing beneath his pupils. “Bessy?” we both called out. “You can go home now.”

My breathing turned rapid as I watched him watch me. I didn’t have to look down to know he was just as turned on as I was. I could see the way his chest rose and fell quickly, the way his grip on the edge of the table tightened. I could feel the silent buzz surrounding us, like a magnetic pull that was too strong to resist.

Bessy approached the table cautiously and retrieved her purse before backing away slowly. Then the door shut behind her. Butterflies swarmed inside of me at the thought of what was to come. I didn’t waste another second and neither did Jake. His hands were fisting my hair while I pulled the zipper down on his hoodie, our mouths fighting against the other as I made quick work of his shirt, tugging it up and over his head. I fisted the material in my hand as Jake lowered his mouth to my neck, his hands sliding up my waist to my breasts as he sucked and kissed at my skin.

Dropping the shirt, I ran my hands over his broad shoulders. I groaned when Jake flicked open the front clasp on my bra and palmed my breasts. His quick breaths danced across my exposed neck while his mouth travelled across my jawline and eventually back to mine.

“You drive me crazy,” he breathed out, his fingers circling my nipples before pinching. The sensation sent a tingling feeling all the way down to my groin as he teased the hardened skin beneath his fingers. I needed to feel him everywhere.

Jake shifted off the edge of the table and came up behind me. The chair scraped across the floor as he kicked it away. One hand gripped my waist while the other worked its way into my ponytail as he tugged down hard on it, causing a surprised gasp to fall from my lips. His teeth nipped at my neck and he used the grip on my hair to tilt my head farther back. His mouth eventually found mine again as he released the grip he had on my waist. I felt him tugging at the belt on his jeans before I heard the distinct sound of his zipper lowering. Jake moaned against my mouth as his palm skated under my skirt, skimming my arse. When his thumb hooked inside my underwear, I gasped. The snap against my skin sent fire coursing through me and I clutched the edge of the table for support. I could feel his erection pressing against my arse and I found myself grinding against it. When I felt the head of his cock teasing my entrance, he tore his mouth away from mine, bit down on my neck and slammed into me. I cried out at the fullness and drew in a shaky breath.

Jake cursed behind me and circled my waist. Drawing himself out, he tightened his grip on my hip and thrust inside me again. It wasn’t long before my movements mirrored his and the pressure began to build. With each stroke and pull, the ache intensified. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I came apart, and although the sensation was too much to handle, I never wanted it to end.

“I need to look at you,” Jake groaned and I felt him stiffen against me. Within seconds he had me pinned on the table, his fingers threaded through mine as he held them above my head and drove into me. Tipping my head back, I angled my head towards the ceiling and my back arched off the table while Jake continued to drive back and forth. Each thrust turned harder than the last as his teeth clamped around my hardened nipple and bit down. The painful pleasure caused me to cry out as the first wave of euphoria poured through me. Jake grunted as I tightened around him and after two slow, powerful thrusts, he came, too.

“Wow,” I breathed as Jake collapsed on top of me.

“I’ve been dying to do that since I first came here and saw you sitting behind it,” he said with his forehead pressed to mine.

“I’m glad you did. Although, I don't think I'm ever going to look at this table the same way again.”

Jake chuckled against me. It was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.