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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) by Krista Lakes (65)

Chapter 19

Logan set me down carefully in the hallway, dodging a well-aimed smack from me. He leaned against the door, his broad shoulders heaving as he caught his breath. I stood on shaky legs, fury pouring from every atom of my being.

“What the hell did you do that for?” I shrieked at him. I would have run back out into the storm, but he was effectively blocking the door.

“What the hell did I do that for?” he repeated, his voice incredulous. His white t-shirt was soaked with rain and clung to him like a second skin. I could see every muscle of his torso outlined in wet gray. There was what looked like grass tangled in his honey curls. He was a hot mess. A hot mess that I needed to avoid. “You were out in a fucking hurricane! Did you not see the tree hurtling down the beach?”

I glared fire at him and crossed my arms. “I was fine! I didn't need you to come rescue me!”

Logan straightened from the door, coming to his full height. Every muscle popped out of his shirt at me, and his eyes held a dangerous darkness I had never seen before. I hadn’t realized just how big he was, how strong and intimidating he could be, until that very moment.

“You ran out into a hurricane,” he enunciated carefully. There was power and danger in his tone that gave me goosebumps. “That's how people die in these storms. What the hell were you doing out there?”

“That doesn't give you the right to pick me up like a child and carry me inside!” My voice shook with uncontrolled rage. He was close enough now that I could feel the heat radiating off his wet skin. My own hair was dripping water down my spine.

He loomed over me. There was something beautiful and dark in his eyes that held me captive and kept me from running. “Damn it, Olivia!” Logan growled. Frustration reverberated off every syllable. “I was worried about you!”

“Why?” I asked with a sneer. “If I got killed out there, you would get my company for a song. No more Olivia problem. You already have most of my employees anyway.”

“I had nothing to do with that!” he shouted, anger making his voice break. “I haven't done jack shit to your company!”

“Liar,” I hissed, narrowing my eyes. He stepped back as if I had struck him. He took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself.

“Everything you hate was done by my father. I don't want your company.” His brown eyes were flames, and my soul was the moth. I couldn't have escaped from his gaze if I had been blinded. He moved close enough that those eyes were all I could see. “I want you.”

I blinked twice. That was not what I was expecting. His words startled and excited me, but before my brain could analyze and process them, his hand was around the back of my neck and his lips were on mine.

His mouth was hot and insistent as he pressed it against mine. I fought for a moment, but his grip was too strong and his kiss too sweet. It was a kiss I had craved for two years and had tried to convince myself I could do without. I wanted to give in to him completely, but I was still too angry to budge even an inch. Instead, I just stood there like a statue as he kissed me. I was furious and turned on beyond anything I could imagine. After a moment, he pulled back and searched my face.

“What was that for?” I surprised myself with the amount of venom in my voice. His kiss had sent want scorching down into the very marrow of my bones, but I needed someone to be angry with, and he was the closest person. He had hurt me. His eyebrows came together above those beautiful eyes. Hope fell as he saw something in my expression that disappointed him.

“Forget it,” he mumbled, releasing me and looking away. His shoulders hunched and he moved to leave, but I wasn't about to let him get away that easily. He couldn't kiss me like that and just run away without an explanation. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him back to face me. He frowned, his brown eyes filling with heartbreak. I looked deeper, trying to understand what was going on. Passion and something sweet burned deep within their coffee and caramel swirls. The black of his pupils threatened to suck me into their depths and made my heart melt and core heat. His kiss had awakened a deep need, and my body was responding without letting my brain get a say in things.

Without thinking, I put my hand on the back of his neck and pressed my mouth into his. He didn't hesitate, kissing me back with a need that matched my own. He pushed me up against the wall. Our tongues interlocked as we found the valve for the sexual tension that had been building between the two of us for the past two years. My body responded to his every touch with a fervor I couldn't contain. Didn't want to contain. I wanted it to consume us both.

Logan's grip tightened around my waist, drawing me in to him. I arched my hips, wanting to press every inch of my body to his. His body was hard, hot, and responding to mine in the most obvious of ways. I was sure steam was coming off both of our wet clothes with the heat we were generating. My fingers tightened into his golden curls, squeezing water out of them as I held him greedily closer to me. He tasted so good, I was sure I would never get enough.

Logan wasn't holding back. One hand threaded into my hair and he tangled my wet tresses around his fingers. The other cupped my breast through my soaked shirt. Everything in my world was lost to necessity. I needed Logan more than anything I could possibly think of.

As if on cue, we both broke apart for a moment, gasping for air like we had both forgotten how to breathe. To be honest, I couldn't remember breathing before our kiss. His lips had stolen all of my brain power, and I was surprised that my heart had managed to beat on its own without my brain supplying the stimulus. I thanked God for autonomic functions.

I stared up into his fathomless brown eyes. Gold swirls and amber highlights pulled me ever deeper into his soul. All that I could see was his warmth and desire. It terrified me because I knew I was reflecting the same things. I wanted him. I had wanted him for the past two years and had almost convinced myself that I didn't.

I thought of bolting. There was too much emotion, too much history, and too much baggage to even be thinking of kissing him again. But I wanted to kiss him again. I wanted to do so much more than just kiss him. Everything about our relationship was wrong. But everything in my body was telling me that this was right. That we were right. That we had always been right, and that I had been doing my damnedest not to see it.

“Logan?” I whispered. The storm and my own heartbeat were the only things I could hear. It felt like the hurricane was still raging around and through me. I loved him and hated him. I wanted this so badly, yet I knew I should run. I was shaking under his hands as I tried desperately to sort out my emotions and come up with a plan. If I had a plan, then I could be rational. I wouldn't get hurt again.

His face was unreadable as he searched mine. I wanted him to push me away and hold me close at the same time. My conflicting emotions and thoughts spun around me like raindrops in the wind. I had hated him for so long. The realization that I actually wanted him instead was still a foreign idea. It wasn't anywhere close to my usually rational self, and that frightened me.

He brushed a strand of wet hair from my cheek. His touch was tender and full of a soft caring that made my heart ache. He had just walked into a hurricane because he cared for me. He wanted me, not just physically, but emotionally too. No one would walk out into a hurricane for just a one-night stand. My throat clenched, afraid of what might come out of his mouth. I tightened my grip on his wet shirt, afraid he would tell me exactly what I wanted to hear.

“Olivia...” It was only one word, but when he said my name, it was the equivalent of a full conversation. It was all the "I'm sorry” that needed to be said. The "it's not your fault," the "I'll fix it," and "I need you." It was everything I wanted to hear him say all wrapped up in my name.

He dipped his head and kissed me again. Pure need overwhelmed the uncertainty and chaos in my mind. I wanted him. I needed to be with him, to have him all for myself. All thoughts of business, history, and reason left and all that remained was my pure desire. I didn't need to be rational. Lust pulsed with a white-hot heat in the middle of my belly. He was the only thing that mattered.

“Yours or mine?” I gasped, pressing my hips up against his. I could feel his need matching mine.

Logan glanced down the hallway, mentally calculating the distances between the closest elevators and each of our rooms. “Mine's closer.”

I nodded, and he grabbed my hand. The two of us sprinted toward the secondary elevator doors that let out by his room. The pleasant ding of the elevator greeted us as we rushed in and hit the button for the third floor.

I was kissing him again the instant the metallic doors slid shut. He tasted like rain, and I couldn't get enough. His hands caressed my body, hot against the cold of my rain-soaked clothes. His every movement was wrought with passion, and I lost myself to his grasping, groping fingers.

My leg wrapped around him of its own accord. I wanted him right then and there in the elevator with our bodies, naked and wet, pressed against the mirrored surface of the elevator's interior. The idea sent heat rushing through me, and I tightened my leg around him. His hands traveled up under my shirt, his palms hot against the damp skin of my ribs.

Someone cleared his throat, startling me out of my reverie. The elevator doors had opened without our knowing it. Two men were staring at us. I recognized them from one of the other travel agencies visiting the resort. The taller of the two cocked an eyebrow at the erotic tableau Logan and I were presenting.

I dropped my leg and scurried out of the elevator, feeling my cheeks reddening in pure embarrassment. Logan was right behind me as we exchanged places with the other guests.

“You two have fun now!” One of the two men called out after us. I didn't have the fortitude to look back and see who it had had been. The heat in my cheeks increased. Logan laughed, though he seemed just as anxious as I was to disappear from their view.

As soon as we were free from their stares, I was back in his arms. The hallway was deserted, which was good, because I couldn't stop kissing him. His kisses grew rougher and more demanding the closer we got to his door. We weaved across the hallway like we were drunk as we made out. He pushed me up against the door to his hotel room, one hand pulling me into him while the other fumbled with his key-card.

I gently tugged on his earlobe with my teeth, arching my hips up and into his groin. Logan missed the slot for his key-card by a mile. He cursed softly, his breath tickling the sensitive skin on my neck. I loved that I had that effect on him.

I heard the lock click as he got the key into the slot, and together we tumbled into the room. Logan pushed me up against the wall as the door slammed shut behind us. His strong hands found my wrists and pinned them above my head while his lips found the hollow of my neck and jaw. I whimpered, completely at his mercy.

His tongue skimmed my jawline and up to my ear. “Say it,” he whispered.

I wanted to resist him, but my mouth couldn't find the words to tell him no. Longing pounded and pulsed through every nerve in my body. I could barely breathe for the pure desire choking me.

“I want you,” I gasped. “So much. Too much.”

This wasn't going to give us a happily-ever-after. This was a mistake and the rational part of me knew it, but I didn't care. I could have him again. He could be mine for a night, just this once more. His touch had haunted my dreams for two years and I was finally going to experience it again. The sensible part of my brain gave up trying to fight. The physical energy and connection between us was too strong. Maybe by giving into him, I could finally forget. Maybe this wouldn't live up to the memory I held close to my heart.

Maybe. But so far, it was even better than I remembered.

I could feel him smile against my skin as he dragged his teeth along my shoulder and kissed his way down the collar of my shirt. Goosebumps popped up all over my skin. He nibbled at my collarbone, making me hum with pleasure.

Leaving one hand to keep my wrists pinned to the wall, he dropped the other and slid it up my shirt. He caressed the soft swell of my breast and I could almost feel his touch through the lacy fabric of my bra. My nipple hardened against the fabric as if it was trying to reach him. An eager moan escaped my lips.

He let go of my wrists, using the freed hand to rip the wet shirt from my body. His pupils dilated as he looked down at the bare skin of my chest peeking through the lace of my exposed bra. He licked his lips and leaned forward to kiss the edges of my bared skin. My brain, and whatever was left of rational thought, melted out of my ears.

I grabbed at his shirt, finally peeling it off his back and over his head. He kissed me, pressing our chests together. Our skin was sticky from the rain. It was cold and hot at the same time. Reaching one clever hand around me, he deftly unclasped my bra and pulled it out from between us.

Heat flooded through me as every inch of my chest pressed into his solid muscles. I could feel his delicious hardness growing against my thigh. My body ached to have him inside of me. I could barely think of anything else. I needed him to join with me and ease the terrible void he had left for two years.

I slid out of my shoes, kicking them to the side as I wiggled out of my pants. Logan stepped back to watch as I stood before him, wearing nothing but a skimpy purple thong. His pupils dilated again as he took in the view and his mouth opened slightly. After a moment, he shook his head as if to clear his thoughts, then kicked off his own shoes.

He towered over me, looking dark, dangerous, and completely sexy. All my doubt, all the fear and reluctance to put myself in his power again, was burned away by the sheer desire covering his face. He craved me like a drug. Had he yearned for me over these past two years? The idea came unbidden and seemed impossible. I shoved it aside for later. With him standing there, looking powerful and hungry as hell, there was no way I was going to say no.

My fingers were on the button to his shorts before I even had to think about it. He groaned slightly as I freed him from the restriction of his clothing. His shorts fell to the floor, and he stepped out of them. His dark blue boxer-briefs strained at the seams to control his manhood.

He dropped slowly to his knees in front of me, and I rested my fingertips on the muscles of his broad shoulders. He looked up at me, dark eyes burning, as he slowly took my breast in his mouth. I gasped as he surrounded the pink nub of my nipple with warmth. He kissed the soft flesh, nipping gently, making me arch my back and moan.

His strong hands slid up my legs. From calf to thigh to hip, no inch of skin was left unexplored by his hands. His fingers danced along the tiny purple triangle of fabric covering my front. Electricity skittered from his touch and flashed up my spine like lightning. I couldn't help but shiver as pure lust surged through my system.

He chuckled at my visceral reaction to his touch, his voice muffled by my chest. He had shaved that morning, so his cheeks were mostly smooth against my skin. I remembered how much I had enjoyed his fresh shave last time, too. He bit down gently on a nipple, just hard enough for me to cry out and rake my fingers through his hair.

Slowly, he pushed the fabric of my panties to the side and ran his thumb along the newly exposed flesh. I whimpered, leaning into the wall as he proceeded to find ways to make my knees go weak. It took him no time at all to find my engorged nub and begin stroking it like an instrument.

He played my body like an expert musician, making me hum and cry out as his fingers deftly explored my pleasure. White heat of ecstatic lightning flashed through me, flooding every sense with pure rapture. My hips bucked against his fingers while his mouth kept pleasuring my breasts. My knees buckled as I gave into the pleasure, my body vibrating as a tidal wave of orgasm flowed through me.

I would have collapsed to the floor if Logan hadn't wrapped his arm around my waist and held me up. He supported me easily until my strength returned. I realized my fingers were still tangled in his honey curls and that I had probably nearly ripped them out of his head with the strength of my orgasm. He grinned up at me, inching the thong down my thighs. I shimmied out of it as he stood to his full height.

He kissed me again, powerful and primal. I pushed my hips into his groin, feeling his hardness yearning to escape its cloth prison. Having him inside of me was all I could think about. I pulled the briefs down and caressed his silky length.

A low, masculine sound of longing tumbled from his lips as I touched him. He was velvet over steel. Our eyes locked and I nodded. He pressed his lips against mine for a brief moment before reaching for his shorts. In no time, he found the condom in his wallet and put it on as I watched with eager appreciation. He was so damn sexy. I couldn't believe how much I wanted him.

Placing his hands on my hips, he lifted me effortlessly, though the muscles in his arms flexed with the motion. My legs wrapped around his waist and slowly-- so slowly I wanted to scream-- he lowered me onto him.

Our twin gasps of pleasure echoed through the room. The sensation of being filled to the brink was the only thing in my world that mattered. At last we were one. He pushed my back against the wall as he palmed my ass. I rocked into him, but he set the beat. Each thrust sent me to new heights. His hips moved back and forth as I rocked into him. I wrapped my hands against the bulge of his biceps. His muscles were rigid and strong. His amazingly sexy grunts weren't from overexertion; they were from sheer pleasure.

“More,” I gasped, yet the word was insufficient for what I needed. I wanted him. I wanted every inch of him in me and on me. An out-of-control storm of desire raged within me that put the hurricane outside to shame.

“Oh, God, Olivia,” he groaned as I arched my hips, coaxing his shaft deeper. He buried his face into my shoulder and thrust up harder. I cried out, begging for more. He pulled away from the wall and walked, with me skewered to him, over to the bed. With an easy lift, he tossed me onto the mattress.

Pillows went flying. I stared up at him, marveling at his delicious length. I spread my legs, offering myself up to him. He growled and jumped on top of me. He found my opening and dove in, thrusting deeper than I thought I could take.

Writhing like a snake, I arched and danced against him. His skin was still damp from the rain, and I reveled in the way we stuck together. He slammed into me, his passion driving me insane. I wanted him harder and faster. I wanted us to crest into oblivion together, but at the same time I was desperate for this never to end. I bent my knees, giving him every angle to drive as deep as possible.

“Olivia,” he gasped, his voice rough and thick. I looked up into his eyes, and my world exploded. Together we dove into oblivion, losing ourselves to one another and the storm raging within us. I felt a cry of ecstasy reverberate through my entire being as we merged and fell together. His body tensed and relaxed against mine. I lost myself to him, reveling in the low, male sound of his gratification.

Slowly, the colors of the room stopped flashing before my eyes, and I could see again. I hadn't felt pleasure like that in a long time. Just over two years, actually. No one had been able to make me feel the way Logan did. It was as if he was the secret key to pleasuring my body.

I stared into Logan's eyes. He smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. The lust still burned bright in him, but with this release, I could see there was more than just desire. He wasn't going to ask me to leave. If anything, he wanted me to stay. He didn't want this to only be a one-time thing. I was surprised to find that I didn't either.

As our breathing slowed from frantic to fast, I wondered what was going to happen next. Was this just something that we needed to get out of our systems, or did we have a chance? I wanted to believe that this wasn't just sexual tension finally breaking free. I wanted to believe the promise in his eyes that he truly cared.

The wind and rain howled at the windows, threatening destruction, but wrapped up in Logan's arms, I felt safe. For the first time in two years, I felt the storm inside of me settling down.